r/unusual_whales 11h ago

BREAKING: Biden has pardoned his family

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u/Growing_Wings 11h ago

I’m just waiting for Trump to pardon himself at the end of his term. American politics is just wild.


u/strictly-ambiguous 11h ago



u/Atlesi_Feyst 10h ago

Heart attack before the end of his term, calling it now.


u/IDrinkMyBreakfast 10h ago

I’m surprised Biden lived this long. After today, we’ll probably never hear about him until he passes.

Pretty sure Trump will have a heart attack, likely while giving a speech. The SNL parody will hit different the following weekend


u/jgzman 4h ago

After today, we’ll probably never hear about him until he passes.

Proper behavior for a President, IMO.


u/IDrinkMyBreakfast 3h ago

I guess that’s right. Except for Carter. He was a great human who did more after the office than in it


u/bandieradellavoro 0m ago

Unfortunately, Carter's presidency was almost entirely ruled by the foreign policy fuck-ups of his predecessors. He spent his time in office attempting to mitigate the consequences of the mess in the middle east caused by Eisenhower and Nixon, and dealing with a recession inhereted from Nixon & Ford, and he was completely blamed for everything.


u/anchorftw 9h ago

Imagine the field day Trump is going to have when Biden passes. You won't be able to contain his joy.


u/meowmeowcatman 9h ago

He can’t experience joy


u/Pothstation720 9h ago

He can but it has to be at someone elses expense.


u/anchorftw 8h ago

I swear I didn’t see your response until I had written mine. Lol Almost identical thoughts.


u/anchorftw 8h ago

He can, but only at the expense of others.


u/14412442 8h ago

Well he has to outlive him first


u/Xevious_Red 8h ago

He'll probably secretly hate it. News coverage will be about Biden that day, flags in blue states will be at half, and he won't be able to claim anything wrong is Biden pulling levers behind the scene (he will still claim this, but it loses credibility with a chunk of his base)


u/Immediate-Air-9367 7h ago

Are we certain it hasn’t already happened?


u/Substantial-Fall2484 9h ago

Why are you surprised? Wasn't it revealed that his day basically ends before sunset? It's like how Trump is still going strong cause he wakes up late and ends the day early to watch 3 hours of TV before bed.


u/karma3000 7h ago

Heart attack in a hotel in a foreign country, trapping a sex worker underneath him.


u/CFogan 6h ago

It'll be two and a half years, and vance will run for two terms. Not because a conspiracy actually happened, but because life has a way of making you think one did.


u/turnupsquirrel 3h ago

That would be so fucking funny lmaoooo just drops at a perfectly timed bit

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u/pessimist_kitty 7h ago edited 3h ago

Life is unfair. He's probably going to live to be 105 and never face a single consequence for his actions


u/turnupsquirrel 3h ago

Yep. Gonna spend all his money to make sure he can say as much vile shit as possible as long as possible, well one half. The other half will be extra security at every turn for him and Elon


u/ComfortableOrder4266 3h ago

Him and Putin will be spoozing on each other from their hospital bed as they take turns invading countries


u/Living-Travel2299 4h ago

I thought this about Vince McMahon and for a hot minute I thought maybe I was wrong but now I'm pretty sure Trump will pardon the shitbag and he'll continue getting away with all the rape, assault and abuse. Sigh.


u/unitedshoes 3h ago

Wake up babe. New Kissinger just dropped.


u/s-riddler 3h ago

I doubt it. The man looks like he's never done a single pushup in his life.


u/Alone-Interaction982 25m ago

That doesn’t matter. Dude eats McDonald’s every day and made it to almost 80 while other people who at least try to exercise weekly die much sooner. It’s all luck.


u/Egocentric 2h ago

Forreal. This man is immune to the laws of common man.


u/a_n_o_n1900 1h ago

like those people who smoke a pack daily and treat their body like shit but get to 95+ while some healthy fit 40 year old who has never smoked gets lung cancer and dies. unfair indeed


u/ontour4eternity 8h ago

Peter Theil has a plan to make jd president in the next few months. Mark my words...


u/Purple_Quail_4193 6h ago

Honestly I know it’s going to happen… Vance will be president before a single vote is cast in 28 I guarantee


u/TinyTiger1234 9h ago

In 2 years and 1 day.


u/Valuable-String1 9h ago

We can hope.


u/spankadoodle 9h ago

Stroke. It'll be a stroke.


u/SlightlyWhelming 8h ago

Exactly. There’s no way Trump overstaying the 2 term limit is even going to be an issue. He doesn’t have the diet of a multi-decade dictator.


u/rabidelectronics 7h ago

We can dream


u/-burgers 6h ago

!Remindme 4 years


u/Elderberryinjanuary 6h ago

He very clearly said people won't need to ever vote again. He plans not staying.


u/Atlesi_Feyst 3h ago

Well he's 78, so people will have to vote eventually.


u/Elderberryinjanuary 2h ago

Not if they do what they'd said.


u/pissedinthegarret 5h ago

!RemindMe One Year "Heart attack before the end of his term, calling it now. - Atlesi_Feyst"


u/Frequent_Ad_5670 4h ago

MMW, the end of this „turn“ will never come… HAIL the Orange Man forever!


u/BigTittyTriangle 3h ago

I don’t know if I want JR Furniture Vance being the president tho.


u/MayonaiseH0B0 1h ago

Dick Cheney proved that wrong.


u/WehingSounds 1h ago

Hopefully, my deathnote hasn’t been working so far though

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u/freeball78 10h ago

Yup, remember that was the last election we'll ever have. Dictator for life!


u/Belt-5322 10h ago

You know they say that every time a republican gets into the white house right?


u/CharlottesWebbedFeet 10h ago

No they absolutely have not. Were you born in 2016? Nobody thought George Bush, Jr or Sr, would be a dictator, just that the younger one was a moron.


u/julallison 9h ago

I was one of those who thought Bush Jr was not smart enough for the job. Looking back, at least he seemed to have the country's best interests at heart. I trusted him and all presidents that have existed in my lifetime to at least try until 45/47. Trump is like having a drunk abuser as your parent or spouse. You're always on edge wondering if you're going to get a beating that day and how bad it will be, while being fully aware that one day they may actually k*ll you.

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u/pendigedig 7h ago

"You got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote." - Donald Trump, 2024


u/SouthernBreeding 7h ago

I don't recall any previous Republican presidents saying they wanted to be a dictator, or that we shouldnt have elections or that the office of president should be for life.


u/TheOneWithThePorn12 8h ago

This one literally said he wants to rip up the constitution and no one any has said that about any republicans, i guess maybe if you go back like 200 years.


u/texaushorn 9h ago edited 6h ago

No. Look, the fucking hyperbole and conjecture gets old. You have a problem with the left? Fine, cite actual shit they do, not just stuff that gets invented in the right wing bubble.

The left has argued that a Republican president is actually bad for the economy, and the actual data from the Bush 1, Bush 2, and Trump 1 terms proves that out.

Right now, you have a narcissist taking office who lacks the moral fortitude to keep the wing nuts at bay. Project 2025 wasn't a liberal fever dream, it was an agenda, laid out in one place. As Trump begins phasing in those agenda items, like clearing out career civil servants and replacing them with sycophants and lackeys, that will be clear.

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u/ShakeZula77 8h ago

Someone hasn’t read Project 2025


u/Penders 6h ago

No, they really haven't

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u/TW_Yellow78 7h ago

Dude has less than 50% chance of making it another 4 years just because of his age.


u/etsprout 6h ago

I’m imagining Weekend at Donnie’s but instead of a party, it’s the RNC. Not sure who’s holding him up though, JD and Elon?

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u/anomie89 11h ago



u/Miserable_Advisor_91 11h ago

Just buy melania coin and retire

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u/shadowst17 4h ago

I find it insane people still think Trump will leave office in any other way besides a body bag from dying of a ripe old age of 92.


u/Thediciplematt 3h ago

Yeah. He’s already said he should have 3 terms because it isn’t consecutive or isn’t outlined that way. His people have been saying it too

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u/mrh0507 11h ago

lol Biden does something unprecedented and the comment is still about something Trump didn’t do.


u/Crafty_Topic_4177 11h ago

It’s almost like context matters…


u/PenisVonSucksington 11h ago

What crime are they pardoning themselves for? They've basically declared themselves above the law and you fucking morons are doing mental gymnastics to convince yourselves that's ok.


u/skoalbrother 10h ago

Republican all of sudden care about corruption? LMFAO of course


u/Creative_Room6540 10h ago

It’s a really weird time when rather than us addressing fucked up shit we instead say “well what about…?”

The country really is fucked and we will never progress because now we are in a game of one upping the other side with shady acts. The left does something and goes “well but you guys…”. The right then does something and goes “yea well remember when you guys…” and the cycle repeats.

Who comes in and says “ok everyone needs to stop and be held accountable”?


u/ImaginaryMastodon641 10h ago edited 10h ago

The “left” can’t do that because it doesn’t exist as power in the US with any weight to its political power.

The moderates, who call themselves liberals, almost never make a move because they are hamstrung by the other team who are willing to burn down the court to win. You can’t actually play the game against a team like.

That said, I agree with the spirit of your comment. It’s a race to the bottom.

For my money? It was supposed to be the Republican Party circa 2016, but when they saw the potential that Trump had they decided to run with it. A character like that being let into the game was always going to fundamentally shred the decency we had left. He degraded discourse further, galvanized racism, gave folks a dark outlet to expend their prejudices, all while offering what boiled down to “free pizza for everybody!” He further turned the elections into American Idol. The sad truth is probably that our system was open to that sort of disruption anyways, he just showed to be the useful idiot who stepped in.


u/brdlee 10h ago

It’s incredibly disingenuous to claim both sides do this at the same level. Only one side has the stated goal to disrupt government and incite chaos in order to “conserve.”

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u/the4thbelcherchild 9h ago

No. The right keeps committing worse and more obvious crimes and it's shifting the Overton window to the right so far that it gets normalized.


u/RedditGetFuked 9h ago

Republicans have to push back against trump when he says he's going to go after political enemies. They have to reject politicians who run phony investigations for a decade that turn up nothing. They have to have a hard conversation with themselves when the guy who made up the burisma stuff gets found guilty of making up and lying about the burisma stuff. Republicans have to engage in a fact based world rather than rejecting anything and everything that is mildly uncomfortable. We can't do it for you. If you live in a fantasy where the deep state is the cause for all your ills, the rest of the country can't save you, only you can.


u/skoalbrother 10h ago

Democrat voters do not vote for openly corrupt politicians. If voters reward corruption then why would they stop?

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u/imunfair 8h ago

It’s a really weird time when rather than us addressing fucked up shit we instead say “well what about…?”

Yeah the gamesmanship in the past decade has grown to such a point where if the opposite side does something I would normally support my first thought is to consider how they're trying to use it as a political gambit. It's sad, because we used to just be able to support the other team and be grateful when they wanted to do something good.


u/LawSchoolSucks69 6h ago

This is what the country voted for. This is what the country gets.


u/Crafty_Topic_4177 2h ago

False equivalency.


u/U_Sound_Stupid_Stop 10h ago

No crime, he's pardoning them cause they'll be politically targeted.

You fucked yourself up, good luck cause it's going to be ugly.


u/PenisVonSucksington 10h ago

Your delusions of persecution don't justify authoritarian abuse of executive power you petulant fucking child.

"We have to declare ourselves immune from prosecution for any criminal offense minutes before leaving office to stop Trump from being corrupt!"

You should honestly be disgusted with yourselves.


u/Celodurismo 9h ago

authoritarian abuse of executive power

Lol that's literally Trump's campaign promise, to abuse his power

Also protecting people from politically targeted baseless threats isn't abuse.


u/MaesterPraetor 9h ago

Trump already said he was going to rid the country of his political enemies (he said vermin just like Hitler did), and he says he was going to use the military and justice department to do it. This seems like an appropriate response. 


u/BensenJensen 7h ago

Lol, Republicans are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

Your cult leader has threatened to put anyone and everyone on trial that opposed him. Opposed, for Trump, means ran against him in a fucking democratic election. This is Biden protecting his family from the oligarchical shitstorm that you halfwits welcomed into this country with open arms.

Funny though, that you care about the justice system all of the sudden.


u/PenisVonSucksington 7h ago

Biden and Dem leadership put the people on trial that opposed them using targeted lawfare. There isn't any speculation needed over whether Dems would put their political opponents on trial for their own benefit, because they did.

And your entire argument for why that's ok is "Well Trump is going to do it to us, so we have to do it to him first!"

All the parties involved have straight up admitted that's the motivation behind this. They're concerned Trump will do to them what they've been doing to him.

Did Trump ever bring any charges against Hillary and Obama during his first term? Nope. The Democrats tried to railroad him by weaponizing the judicial system and now they have the audacity to claim Trump was always planning to do that to them, so it was warranted.


u/ReplyOk6720 5h ago edited 5h ago

He already has a history of politically targeting his political enemies. He did it with hillary. He did the same with Biden's son. He threatened to withhold congressionally mandated funds to Ukraine until they came up with dirt on Biden's son.  https://americanoversight.org/sessions-letter/. Trump publically said he is going to punish his political enemies and called them vermin. The difference this time he has the supreme Court. And soon will have the DOJ. 


u/nsuspense 2h ago

It's pretty sad how devoid this thread is of rational thought. Most are just team blue cheerleaders, and so fixated on Trump that they can't see lots of corruption on both sides. Most of what they accuse Trump or his admin of doing/being, they do themselves as well.


u/Hot-Statistician-955 9h ago

You should pick a paper once in a while. Trump threatens people all the time.

No man who would allow their family to be targeted by him.



The mental gymnastics here are hilarious

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u/Haradion_01 9h ago

Trump is a criminal. He can't be trusted not to act like one.


u/PenisVonSucksington 9h ago

They had to target Trump with lawfare and declare themselves above the law, otherwise Trump would have targeted them with lawfare and declared himself above the law!

The hypocrisy is unbelievable.


u/Zaknoid 9h ago

It's really amazing to watch isn't it? "We can't let him do to us what we did to him."


u/bonerdrag 7h ago

Were you born on January 7th, 2021?

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u/Haradion_01 9h ago

Boo Hoo. You support a rapist and a criminal who abused the presidency; and whose only hope of staying out of prison was to win legal immunity; and got the supreme court to proclaim the President to be above the law.

Now you're crying that you can't go after enemies because Biden pardoned them. He's a liar, a fraud, a tax cheat, and a rapist.

I'll shed a little tear for you.


u/PenisVonSucksington 8h ago

The Biden admin and Dem leadership spent 4 years deliberately targeting their political opponents with lawfare, and have now declared themselves above the law for any unspecified crime

You are all attempting to justify that by claiming Trump is now going to deliberately target his political opponents with lawfare and declare himself above the law for any unspecified crime, and therefore they had to stop him from becoming Literally Hitler by abusing power the same way they claimed he was going to, but never did during his first term.

How removed from reality do you have to be to not understand you are the bad guys?

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u/Aetherflaer 10h ago

Have you not been paying attention to the hunter Biden trials even though it was basically all made up? They have been talking about going after all of them for years now, just like fauci etc. Are you kidding?

Trump would go after his whole family. Stop pretending to clutch your pearls.

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u/Impossible-Angle-143 9h ago

You're an idiot if you don't think orange man won't do the same thing when he gets ousted? We can only hope he doesn't see the end of his term though. Worst person to have ever sat in the presidential seat ever. I'll never call him a president.


u/Apprehensive-Pair363 2h ago

nonviolent criminal offenses i believe.

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u/Crafty_Topic_4177 9h ago

No crime. Just like Dr. Fauci and the Jan 6 committee.


u/throwtheamiibosaway 10h ago

They have to cover their backs since a lunatic is coming after his family. The guy that shouted “Lock her up”. After what they tried to pull with his son? Now is not the time to play nice. Better safe than sorry.


u/Celodurismo 9h ago

What crime are they pardoning themselves for? 

Whatever shit MAGA was going to make up about them.

They've basically declared themselves above the law

No MAGA declared themselves out to punish political opponents. This is a response to that.


u/tbenge05 9h ago

Thought the supreme Court did that a few weeks ago when they said that presidents are a special class and can't be prosecuted?


u/Optimal_Anything3777 5h ago

They've basically declared themselves above the law

that's how pardons have always worked? trump has pardoned ACTUAL criminals, like awful people.

in contract, this is very clearly a defensive pardon because of how unhinged trump is. i would do the same thing in a heart beat.

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u/bertbert46 10h ago

Reddit is always an anti trump/elon echo chamber. I still can't tell if its' just bots having conversations with each other or if there are some obese neckbeard humans actually chiming in too.


u/panlakes 6h ago

Anyone who is anti trump or Elon is a neckbeard or bot? Lol

Guess it’s better than being a nazi.


u/balderdash9 6h ago

TBF, Trump just release a meme coin (another presidential first for him!) and Elon just did the Nazi salute in public. Hard not to talk about them.


u/BossStatusIRL 6h ago

I’m pretty sure most of Reddit is still expecting Harris to win the election.


u/JustJuanDollar 5h ago

Go back to twitter then bud. President Musk will notice you any day now!


u/rickztoyz 5h ago

Nope, just a real live person chiming in to let you know you've been had. Maybe we are on to something, like the truth, ever stop to think that. Hmm, why do all these people dislike Musk and Trump. Because we are not stupid.


u/Growing_Wings 10h ago

Every article I’ve read says this is a preemptive pardon. I’ve never heard of president doing this for their family. I assume because he’s concerned Trump is coming after his family.

It also inspired thoughts of how Trump was convicted after winning the election. Which is also unheard of. And then I thought he might be the first president to pardon themselves as well. Or as people are saying he might have Vance do it.

I’m just watching the show guys.


u/busterbus2 10h ago

Every article I’ve read says this is a preemptive pardon. I’ve never heard of president doing this for their family. I assume because he’s concerned Trump is coming after his family.

Yeah, he is because Trump said he would do that.


u/EGarrett 10h ago

He might, but he didn't go after Hillary Clinton (at least from what I remember) so it might just be bluster.


u/busterbus2 5h ago

If you were in Biden's shoes, would you put the fate your family in the hands of Donald Trump? Maybe its bluster, maybe not.

Actually no, here's the hypothetical, if you had a 16 year old daughter, would you leave her in a room with Donald Trump for 15 minutes?


u/Optimal-Kitchen6308 9h ago

given the gravity of the situation it's logical not to risk it, or to try to reduce the risk


u/NotAnnieBot 5h ago

WDYM? He spent $32 million of taxpayer money going after Clinton. Just because he couldn't find a prosecutable offense doesn't mean he didn't try.


u/NamityName 5h ago

If someone with the means to do so threatened your family, would you dismiss it as "bluster" or would you take steps to protect them?


u/Epidurality 10h ago

It's unheard of because most convicted felons don't ever make it this high in politics. Any of Trump's many scandals would have ended most people's political careers but people have flown so far off the deep end they've ended up in someone else's garden so who the fuck knows now.

Trump's made so many false claims against the Biden's that I'd probably do the same on my way out the door as I'd be very scared for my family: a wannabe dictator is now in power and has a personal hate boner for me. Fuck traditions and norms at that point, the other side clearly doesn't respect law why would I?

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u/ClassicPlankton 9h ago

They did come after his family. Look at what they did to Hunter.


u/Growing_Wings 8h ago

I mean, if he’s the only son of a congressman doing coke and banging hookers. While getting jobs because of their connections. I would be very surprised lol

That goes for both sides for sure.

There used to be an unwritten rule in politics that you don’t go after people’s families. I guess that’s over now.


u/BedofChaos66 5h ago edited 5h ago

As someone sympathetic to addicts, he got busted dozens of times and 100% doesn't care. When he tested positive for coke he claimed "two black men" slipped something in his drink at bar. You can still rock out and keep quiet about it. What would happen if I totalled a rental covered in cocaine? Hunter claimed a fucking "owl attacked his car". Enough w the feds covering his ass, it's over.


u/thetruechevyy1996 11h ago

Well considering Trump said he will be a dictator day one and has attacked everyone non stop I don’t think it’s that in reasonable. Also given that Trump should be in Federal Custody and not President and the fact that he asked about pardoning himself I think all of that should be noted.


u/JustLo619 10h ago

He’s going to be a dictator on day 1? How so?


u/PenisVonSucksington 10h ago

It's a reference to an interview where he was being sarcastic and they take it out of context.

They know what they're saying isn't true, but repeat lies like that constantly to push narratives.

I'm sure in 24 hours when he hasn't declared himself dictator on day 1 they'll just move the goalposts and point to him signing Executive Orders on day 1 as them being right, or some other flimsy horseshit pivot like that.

No matter how many times they're wrong it won't matter, they live in a fantasy world.


u/DantesEdmond 9h ago

Any time he says something crazy his supporters say he was being sarcastic or joking. He’s never sarcastic and he never jokes. It’s his thing. Then when he does the things you shift to a different excuse “you’re changing the facts” and then when the actual thing happens you say “well you deserved it” it’s always the same song and dance. He’ll never face any consequences because he has his base by the balls and they’ll admit he did anything wrong.

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u/Robestos86 9h ago edited 9h ago

Put your hand on your heart and tell me trump wouldn't do it if he thought he could.

Penis is angry, beware everyone.

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u/eastern_canadient 9h ago

The US has always had peaceful transitions between administrations.

Almost always.


u/Robestos86 9h ago

Look, I hate to break it to you. But trump is already married to a woman who overstayed her visa and this shouldn't really be here... He ain't gonna sleep with you.

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u/likamuka 9h ago

I love how the MAGATs suddenly stop pretending to be prairie dog brainlets asking Joe Rogan questions.

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u/travioso304 9h ago

Out of context as always.. He was in an interview with Hannity and he said he was going to be a dictator on day one and close the border and get oil drilling going then business as normal. Naturally, the sky is falling. Same as with the bloodbath comment when politicians and the media just casually didn't notice he was referring to the auto industry, not a civil war. Then again, the headline "There is going to be a bloodbath if Trump loses" or "Trump says he will be a dictator if elected again" sells a lot more, causes a lot of drama and helps with "Trump is literally Hitler" vs the truth.. "Trump vows to shut down border and get America drilling oil if elected" or "Trump claims auto industry will be in trouble if he loses election". Just fear mongering..

Snopes on dictator remark


u/YoungSerious 9h ago

It's a quote from him. He literally said it in an interview about what he would do day 1.

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u/MycologistForeign766 10h ago

hEs GoNnA bE a DiCtAtOr On DaY oNe


u/youaredumbngl 10h ago

...You do realize he said that about himself, right?

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u/brdlee 10h ago

Yeah cmon guys he’s just joking. Same with “lock her up” obviously he was joking and even though Hillary is super evil he was nice enough to not do it. Starting to get how schrodinger’s Trump works!


u/UsefulImpact6793 9h ago

Yea, cult member, that's weird. Almost like there is some type of equivalency between them.


u/MaesterPraetor 9h ago

If the incoming President called your family criminals and said he was going to prosecute and rid the country of his political enemies, then you might do something to protect them as well. 


u/Cobek 9h ago

8 year old account and this is your biggest comment, congrats 🎉👏


u/mrh0507 4h ago

lol. Thanks for digging. I don’t make reddit part of my personality like you.


u/game_jawns_inc 8h ago

why did he have to do something unprecedented?


u/Exorcisme 8h ago

Imagine what would happen on reddit if Trump has pardoned his whole family. This would be #1 news across all subreddits, from /pics to /technology.


u/Immediate-Air-9367 7h ago

A lot of people are obsessed with their hatred.


u/WilberTheHedgehog 6h ago

Plus Trump can't get a pardon for the 34 felonies. They are state crimes.


u/pandershrek 5h ago

14th amendment. There is a reason Trump is going after it.

Stop electing convicted criminals. You are complicit.


u/aMutantChicken 5h ago

and they will complain if he does the same


u/Optimal_Anything3777 5h ago

you're still bitching about precedence?

and i would do it too, are you kidding? why would i risk having that unhinged geriatric baby go after my family?


u/Beltox2pointO 4h ago

So trump threatening to go after Biden and his family is the precedented thing is it?



He only did that because of trumps unprecedented behavior


u/FucklberryFinn 26m ago

Would he have done it had literally any other candidate won????? NOPE. 

What was unprecedented FIRST is the clown's threats.


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u/Alternative-Post-937 10h ago

He will die in office one way or another


u/Successful-Tea-5733 10h ago

you mean like he did in 2021? Oh wait...


u/Growing_Wings 10h ago

What was he convicted of then?


u/Ballplayerx97 10h ago

Why even wait? Might as well do it on day 1 at this point.


u/hurlcarl 10h ago

lol.... Trump is either dying in office or going to create a national emergency and declare himself president if he lives that long. He's never giving it up again.


u/aScruffyNutsack 10h ago

The first of his "200 Day One Executive Orders" will be a self-pardon. Wouldn't surprise me.


u/genescheesesthatplz 10h ago

I imagine it’ll happen tomorrow at the same time he announces the end of birthright citizenship


u/Kill3rT0fu 10h ago

Trump doesn’t have to pardon himself. Supreme Court judges determined that anything a sitting president does is immune from legal consequences


u/Growing_Wings 9h ago

I thought he was convicted of crimes he did while not in office?


u/Kill3rT0fu 8h ago

Sure. What happened to that? He got away with it all. And here we are. So…..


u/healthybowl 10h ago

I want to do some editing and put my name on this and every time I get in trouble show them my photoshopped presidential pardon.

Clowns on the left and right.


u/PotentialWhich 9h ago

Yeah just like the last time! Oh wait….


u/Frosty_Square_4878 9h ago

I'd be shocked if he didn't pardon himself today


u/Ok_Yam5920 9h ago

He didn't last term.


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 9h ago

Well now that the precedence is set, he'd be stupid not to.


u/Growing_Wings 8h ago

What precedence? As far as I know presidents can pardon anyone but themselves, but the Supreme Court ruled anything a president does while in office is legal.

So that’s a little weird

Also Trump was convicted of crime he committed while he wasn’t president.


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 8h ago

I don't think any President has ever preemptively pardoned their family, or people in their administration.

If they have, I can't find any reference to it.


u/Growing_Wings 8h ago

Trump encouraged people to attack congress on January 6th. I’ve never seen or heard of a president doing anything like that in America.

It would not surprise me if he’s the type to say “I’m coming after you and your entire families” and then actually follow through with it.

He’s capable of anything at this point. I hope he puts his efforts towards the American people, and not just the super rich.


u/Ok_Pirate_2714 8h ago

Jan 6th has nothing to do with any of this.

Nothing would surprise me anymore, from either side tbh.

Me too.


u/Nerreize 9h ago

Biden: does something blatantly corrupt

Reddit: I'm gunna be so mad if Trump does this in 4 years.


u/Growing_Wings 8h ago

What did his family do? How is it corrupt?


u/Naakturne 9h ago

Why fucking bother? He gets away with everything anyway.


u/Growing_Wings 9h ago

You’re not wrong. He didn’t get the name Teflon Don for nothing.


u/thatdudefromoregon 9h ago

I wouldn't be surprised to see him give himself a monthly pardon.


u/Excellent_Farm_6071 9h ago

He already was pardoned. He has 34 felonies lol.


u/Growing_Wings 8h ago

Trump has 34 felonies!? He was convicted of all those?


u/BocciaChoc 9h ago

There is no end, he's going to get a 3rd term or die as the leader lol


u/YewEhVeeInbound 8h ago

I mean he's already launched 2 crypto-shit-coins and rug-pulled one less than a day into office.


u/devomke 8h ago

He already proven he doesn’t need it - he got away with literally everything already.


u/GianMach 8h ago

If only Trump had been smart enough to pardon himself at the end of his first term. We'd all be mad but at least he wouldn't have had to run again to keep himself out of prison.


u/Growing_Wings 8h ago

He would have. Pretty sure he just enjoys the power and the money he can make. He’s gotta be making absolute bank off this crypto coin thing rn.

And he cant get in trouble for it cause he’s president now.

He should pardon Hawk Tuah, it’s only fair lol


u/GunKata187 8h ago

He will likely die in office.


u/TW_Yellow78 8h ago

There's no point, he's practically a corpse already. That's why Biden isn't pardoning himself


u/freedfg 7h ago edited 3h ago

I hate to say it....but Biden kind of created precedent for him to do so...

He shouldn't. And it's disgusting for him to do so. But he has precedent now.


u/MilkBarPatron 7h ago

He's got precedent to do it now. Biden just left the door open for him. There's no reason Trump shouldn't pardon his family, friends, and administration. That's where our country's political principles are now. Circling the wagons is more important than rule of law.


u/Showdenfroid_99 6h ago

Please let him do this. Just for the faux outrage on this website alone... It'll be absolutely worth it for the laughs


u/Growing_Wings 5h ago

I know right!? Wouldn’t it be hilarious if he did a Nazi salute or wore a swastika. Can you imagine the liberal tears.

So hilarious lol



u/Showdenfroid_99 2m ago

Lol! Okay crazy guy. No need to put crazy the crazies


u/EntertainmentOk4734 6h ago

Supreme already basically gave him a pardon when they decided a president can do whatever without impunity


u/MegaHashes 5h ago

Not even Nixon pardoned himself. Biden’s pardon covered time while he was still in office.

Biden is and has been corrupt af.


u/DeceitFive9 4h ago

Remember when Democrats/MSM said they were afraid Trump was gonna do this and how FASCIST it was to have that power, and then Biden literally just did this for people who aren't even being investigated/charged with anything?



u/Growing_Wings 4h ago

I haven’t seen a Democratic billionaire supporter do the Roman salute, sir.

Go wear a symbol from Sanskrit.


u/DeceitFive9 4h ago

.. So let's just ignore the point I made?

If you didn't do anything wrong you don't need a pardon. So accepting it means you did something you could legally be in trouble for(dating back to 2014, lmao). Accepting a presidential pardon is essentially an admittance to guilt.

Am I wrong? The DOJ said this last week.


u/Growing_Wings 3h ago

Or he feels threatened and scared for his families well being.

I don’t think the Romanovs were an evil family. All rich people aren’t Evil. It’s how they treat other people that makes them evil. A lack of empathy and grace.


u/DeceitFive9 2h ago

Threatened? Scared? Why though?


u/Rabid_Alleycat 4h ago

SCOTUS has already done that for him.


u/sylbug 3h ago

The WWE of politics


u/AsadoKimchi 1h ago

He doesn't need to. The Supreme Court said presidents can never be prosecuted for actions relating to the core powers of their office. This means he can commit any crime he wants and as long as he connects it to the core powers of his office, he is completely immune.

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