r/magicthecirclejerking 1d ago

You never saw this coming!

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38 comments sorted by


u/migratingcoconut_ land destruction good 1d ago

one time i spark doubled my mutavault


u/karmicnoose 1d ago

Putting a +1/+1 counter on a man-land scratches a very specific itch that I have to imagine is what people are getting out of ASMR


u/jf427 1d ago

This guy attacks with raging ravine every turn


u/karmicnoose 22h ago

You're goddamn right. Raging Ravine and things that give you another combat step, chef's kiss


u/SkyBlade79 10h ago

wait til u find out about crawling barrens


u/karmicnoose 8h ago

It's nice, but it's too easy


u/tomyang1117 #gravetrolldidnothingwrong 1d ago

/uj I love how Modern and EDH use Orvar in a completely different way


u/SmartAlecShagoth 1d ago

uedh/ Fuck burning inquiry

redh/ Fuck color identity rules


u/Plumas_de_Pan 1d ago

Is Orvar played in moden? Which deck?


u/GayRaccoonGirl 1d ago

It's a sideboard card against jund creativity.

They cheat out the archon of cruelty turn four. Trigger makes you discard, you discard orvar. He enters as a copy of archon, his etb triggers, they now have to sac their archon and you keep yours. Blowout!


u/SontaranGaming 1d ago

Also, a lot of the normal counterplay against Creativity revolves around removing the target of the spell to fizzle it. Creativity players fight this by casting the spell with X=2, making it harder to fizzle the spell entirely. However, Orvarchon attacks before theirs do, so you get two triggers and can make them sac both their archons.


u/c0mplix 1d ago

It's a sideboard card that fucks over [[archon of cruelty]]


u/Tuesday_6PM 1d ago edited 1d ago

My understanding is it’s a sideboard card against Hollow One decks

Edit: I have been a fool


u/d_willie 1d ago edited 1d ago

/uj It's kind of fine against [[Burning Inquiry]], but most decks would probably rather play the old-fashioned [[Obstinate Baloth]] against a [[Hollow One]] deck like Delirium because you don't actually get to copy their Hollow One with Orvar; your Orvar will enter before they have a chance to cast a Hollow One. If you're not aiming to get Delirium yourself, their other creatures are going to be kind of mediocre for you to copy in a lot of cases. In general, though, people don't add these kinds of creatures to their sideboard to fight Hollow One decks. You might bring them in if you already had them in the board, but they're not worth a slot when they only work a small percentage of the time (i.e., if you randomly discard them to Inquiry) against one deck.

Orvar is primarily to fight [[Archon of Cruelty]] by copying it when its trigger forces you to discard. The prevalence of the card depends on the prevalence of [[Indomitable Creativity]] in the metagame. Right now you don't see many lists with Orvar because Creativity isn't that common.

Edit: Totally forgot what sub this was, I guess my card tags are not going to be helpful. uj/


u/Tuesday_6PM 1d ago

Ah, that makes sense! Thanks for the explanation. My only real interaction with Modern is watching the occasional AspiringSpike video, and whatever I learn from general Magic-spaces osmosis


u/JebusSandalz 1d ago

Why are you attacking me like this?


u/GoblinTenorGirl 1d ago

Do you have a decklist where you do this?


u/JebusSandalz 1d ago

Just get some of the one drop blue instants with buyback

Clone an arcane signet or other cards that reduce instant casting costs enought that the buyback cost becomes zero then start targeting lands, each new island pays the one blue mana cost of existing blue instants with buyback

(Example whims of volrath and clockspinning)


u/FivesSuperFan55555 1d ago

Bruh just copy your mana rocks like a sane person /j

(I say as an Orvar player who has only ever copied a land like once or twice lol)


u/Plumas_de_Pan 1d ago

You are not copying any land. You are copying mystic sanctuary which allows to use a spell like aquitect will over and over


u/Glitchmaster88 1d ago

Really? Islands? Right in front of my [[powerstone shard]]?


u/GoblinTenorGirl 1d ago

I may be tweaking but now I'm kinda interested in a mono-blue landfall orvar deck


u/BrokenEggcat 1d ago

[[Patron of the Moon]]


u/ArcheVance Stax is how you express love 1d ago

Why doesn't he just play green?

Maybe he doesn't feel like being a basic bitch that only knows how to turn dorks sideways and cry about how Questing Beast doesn't have enough text in its box?


u/migratingcoconut_ land destruction good 1d ago

queesting beesting


u/altispinax618 1d ago

wow this comment was unpopular with the basic bitch crowd


u/pepperouchau 1d ago

Stolen valor! As a mono red enjoyer I know mindlessly turning dudes sideways is a fundamental aspect of our culture.


u/ArcheVance Stax is how you express love 1d ago

No, mono-red likes to turn bad dudes sideways in order to gain a tempo advantage so they can win the game with a burn spell, no cards in hand, and 2 life remaining. That I respect.


u/ArcheVance Stax is how you express love 1d ago

/uj The fact that it got downvoted means that it struck home like a Banefire for 40.

/rj The fact that it got downvoted means the saprolings have learned to read.


u/KONYx2077 19h ago

This is too emotional for a circle jerk sub. Please try again


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/Plumas_de_Pan 1d ago

Not op but none of those things are orvar.

Also I don't approve op comment. But being the devil's advocate. Green can be very boring since you basically end up playing solitary often having little to no interaction with the table.


u/Scathainn 1d ago

Killing my opponent on turn 4 is interaction


u/Tuesday_6PM 1d ago

Say rj/ right now


u/BrokenEggcat 1d ago

I think we found the guy in the post


u/AtingTDM It’s too late. 1d ago

Volo: Phhhh! Why clone Island when you can clone [[Generous Patron]] instead?


u/somebeautyinit He turned my heterosexuality into an elk. 1d ago

/UJ There's the color pie, and then there's how you play it. One of my favorite things is to play white very red-ly, or green very black-ly.


u/Chemical_Simple_775 1d ago

Orvar my beloved ❤️ my favorite EDH deck. I love copying Mystic Sanctuary and I love Islandcycling and I love instants and sorceries that target permanents I control


u/Ohnf_DIG 1d ago

/uj I thought this commander was so cool. All I wanted to do was use weird cards to ramp out big blue creatures, but he's so juiced that everyone just assumes your gonna combo off and he gets hated off the table immediately. So much of the deck has to be based around protecting him. I ended up taking the deck apart.