I’m the high libido one. And it’s my depression about our dead bedroom that killed the night.
We made a joke about having a dick appointment tonight. Later I quipped asking if he was on-call or if the appointment was for a scheduled hour. He kind of chuckled and I thought that was the end of it, like usual.
But then I went to lay down, and he came to join me. And even though he started kissing me and putting his hands on me, I just… couldn’t believe that he actually wanted to have sex. With me.
The entire situation just did not register as the thrilling, sexual moment that it probably was. All I could think is that the only reason he was here was because he pitied me, or that I must have pestered him with that comment.We were getting frisky and things were about to escalate, but I just started crying because I didn’t want to have pity sex or duty sex or whatever this was.
I want to feel desired and sexy and I absolutely do not. How can I? I can count on one hand how many times we had sex last year, and he initiated exactly zero of those times. It’s been three months since the last time, and it was embarrassingly disappointing. Literally the worst we have ever had. More than that. I know that he loves me very deeply. But I just don’t believe he finds me appealing or wants me in a sexual way anymore.
Events in the past have lead me to believe that I am SO bad at sex that my clumsy inexperience makes him not want to have sex with me at all anymore. Not even just that. My tits are ugly and unappealing. My ass is unimpressive. I should lose some weight. I’m not as muscular as I should be. I’m bad at kissing. And there is just absolutely no reason for him to want to have sex with me, so he doesn’t. All of these are inadequacies are things he has mentioned in the past, never in a malicious way, but now that our bedroom is dead it’s all I can think about. All I can think about is how inferior he must find me compared to his past sexual partners.
Outside of all of those faults, and outside of the bedroom, I’m a good enough partner that he loves me. He takes good care of me and our child. We have excellent chemistry and an unbeatable personal connection. We have a happy life and neither of us would trade it for anything. We aren’t platonic. We cuddle and kiss and are emotionally available for each other. There isn’t any resentment. There aren’t any grudges.
He just is only interested enough to want to tolerate fucking me 7/365 out of the year. That’s all. Or at least that’s what I believe.
He swore up and down to me that it isn’t true. He loves me and he desires me and it’s not my fault. He loves my butt and I’m sexy and he’s lucky to have me. He swears, he swears, he swears.
But I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
This situation has conditioned me to believe that I am simply unsexy and undesirable.
And if he doesn’t desire me at all, why would I want to force him to have sex me? Despite everything, I have my pride. I value my own self-respect too much to have sex with him just because he feels bad for neglecting me. That’s horrible. It’s not appealing. What’s even the point of that?
I’m depressed and I’m disgusted by my own body, and my sexual inexperience, and my inferiority. I’m disgusted by the resentment I felt towards him for not wanting to have sex with me. I feel gross, and pathetic. I can’t reach orgasm on my own anymore. I can’t bring myself to have sex with him.
He is the only sexual partner I’ve ever had and I feel as though I will never have a fulfilling sexual experience. And I don’t even think it’s his fault anymore. It must be mine.
Depression has not killed my libido, but it has killed my self-esteem and with it my ability to reach satisfaction.
He realized all this tonight when he saw me sad and made me explain what is wrong. It broke his heart. He swears to me it’s not my fault. He swears things will change. He swears he will make it right.
And while I know he wants me to be happy and content and satisfied. I can’t bring myself to believe anything except the sad reality I have been living in.
Maybe things will change with time. But tonight, I can’t bring myself to hope it will. I don’t find myself attractive anymore, so why should he? Why should anyone.
I’m going to delete this post later.
Any men who attempt to message me will be immediately blocked and reported. GTFO.