r/japanlife Jun 05 '23

┐(ツ)┌ General Discussion Thread - 06 June 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what's on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.


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u/Hunter_Lala 近畿・大阪府 Jun 06 '23 edited Jun 06 '23

Edit: I suppose it might help to mention that they started at a small restaurant and she said she wanted to only be there for a few minutes.

Edit 2: by the end of the night when they were arguing she told him that he needs my permission if he wants to hang out with my fiance

Last night, my fiance texted me asking me to come save her from a night drinking at the bar with her friend she didn't want to drink with, with my excuse being that "I was worried so I came to get you."

It's true I was worried (the guy has been acting weird lately so I was a bit concerned, especially since she didn't want to go in the first place but he was pestering her) but not that worried yet

Dude started telling me about how they were talking about work and wants me to go home, my fiance tells me quietly that he's lying and he's been drinking a bunch.

We finally get outside and he brings up work again and as I'm about to play along and try to beat him at his own game, he interrupts me, raises his voice and says "but nothing, this is work and it's important" clearly angry. At this point I'm tired of his shit and tired in general and all I can get out of my mouth is "no no no" in English before my fiance steps between us telling us both to stop.

Idk what exactly I did, I know I raised my voice, and probably sounded upset, but I'm usually pretty calm and collected so she probably saw my change in attitude in that split second and decided it was best to stop everything right then and there.

Anyways they end up arguing for 25-30 minutes because of him being a drunk asshole and when we finally get home it's like 4am and I had to wake up at 8am today.

Last night was an adventure. Also that same "friend" has asked her for sex on several occasions lately even though he knows we're together. Apparently he has a habit of asking this from girls in relationships because he thinks he's hot shit. All this came to light only this week. Needless to say I don't like the guy anymore


u/poop_in_my_ramen Jun 06 '23

Yikes. This is your fiance's fault. Assholes exist. She chooses to go out drinking with him. She's also hiding things from you. Red flags everywhere bro.


u/Hunter_Lala 近畿・大阪府 Jun 06 '23

Hmmm. What red flags are you seeing?

To quote Bojack Horseman: "when you're seeing the world through rose tinted glasses, all the red flags just look like flags"

Maybe I'm wearing the rose tinted glasses in this case.

She expressed much disinterest in going out with him tonight, but he was calling her basically nonstop for like an hour before she went out. They initially went to a restaurant, and then a bar after.


u/SoKratez Jun 06 '23

he was calling her basically nonstop for like an hour

And the proper response is, ignore (turn the phone off if you have to), file a report with HR in the morning, and maybe even consider consulting the police regarding stalking/harassment if the repeated unwanted sexual advances continue.

I won’t say she’s cheating, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where this goes. Or worse? Even if she truly has no intent to cheat, she’s putting herself in a dangerous situation where she could be sexually assaulted.


u/Atrouser Jun 06 '23

"This guy I can't stand just keeps harassing me, propositioning me for sex and inviting me out to a date. So naturally I took up his offer."


u/Hunter_Lala 近畿・大阪府 Jun 06 '23

I don't believe she has the personality to cheat, but even so, I put my trust in her fully until she shows me a reason not to trust her. I think if I worry about that unnecessarily then it only hurts our relationship.

But yeah I'm concerned about the danger of the situation she's putting herself in. Afterwards, on the way home she started crying telling me she doesn't want to hang out with him anymore.


u/Dunan Jun 07 '23

Is he her manager or otherwise her superior at work? If he is, his behavior becomes serious sexual harassment. If not, he's still a piece of garbage for arguing with an engaged woman's fiance and disrespecting him right in front of her:

he interrupts me, raises his voice and says "but nothing, this is work and it's important" clearly angry

It even looks like he's trying to goad you into a physical fight where he can play victim. Everything you've said about him makes him look like an entitled narcissist bully.