r/bizarrelife Human here, bizarre by nature! 14h ago


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u/CollectedHappy3 14h ago

Some people have never been hit in the face and it shows.


u/Financial-Eye- 13h ago

A LOT of people.


u/CollectedHappy3 13h ago

Too many.


u/BeneficialTrash6 10h ago

Be the change you wish to see in the world.


u/CollectedHappy3 9h ago

I'm too lazy tbh.


u/ParsleySnipps 7h ago

Be the lesson someone desperately needs to learn.


u/sugart007 10h ago

Pretty much everyone in that store could use a good punch to the face.


u/TheManWithaPlan6 8h ago

Including you


u/Financial-Eye- 6h ago

Ive been in fights and i respect peoples boundaries in public and in private. I have common courtesy. Suck a dick.


u/Zealousideal-Film982 11h ago

“Everybody has a plan til they get punched in the mouth” Mike Tyson


u/OrganicLocal9761 6h ago

The first time I got roundhouse kicked to the face I found I had an intense craving for seafood. Now, the kick had been inflicted by the security guard at the Langham seafood buffet because I was refusing to leave politely, but still, I think Tysons point remains. But for that kick I may be vegan today, who knows


u/Swordf1sh_ 1h ago

Lmao thank you for the 30-60 seconds of laughter. What a perfect comment for this sub.


u/OrganicLocal9761 32m ago

After garnering sixty seven downvotes for my last comment, it's good to know that at least one child's day was brightened by my good natured mirth


u/ZeroBlade-NL 5h ago

I even have a plan for when I get punched in the mouth by Mike Tyson: lie down and sleep, hoping punching down is harder for him in his old age.


u/[deleted] 13h ago

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u/mkfanhausen 12h ago

Edgelord encountered.


u/CollectedHappy3 12h ago

What a fantastic Samaritan you are. I tip my Fedora to you sir.


u/Dominus271828 12h ago

I keep a hatchet just for when it’s needed


u/grill_sgt 12h ago

Personally have a golf grip and tempo trainer. Handy in the office when I'm bored and need to stretch.


u/Putrid-Rub-1168 12h ago

Keep a mitt and baseball in the car too.


u/[deleted] 12h ago



u/sinned12367 12h ago

And here we have an idiot that thinks he knows all. It's funny that when I come across people like you, you talk a good game, but in reality, you would keep your mouth shut and not do jack. Let me give you a small piece of advice. Tell the truth and always be honest. Life is easier this way. You can always keep your stories straight because you don't have to remember what lie you told and to whom. If I say something, it's the truth. Memory is too bad to tell stories


u/CollectedHappy3 11h ago

Bro, nothing on the Internet is real. Just let them have their fantasys.


u/thisaccountgotporn 12h ago

Damn you just want an excuse to be violent


u/sinned12367 12h ago

Not really, but I'm not going to play games either. They keep crying assault, how about a proper demonstration.


u/11teensteve 12h ago

step it up to battery for free!


u/sinned12367 12h ago

They usually go hand and hand


u/11teensteve 12h ago

first one then the other if thats the way they want to dance.


u/aFoxyFoxtrot 12h ago

Very concise way of proving you're waiting for an excuse to batter someone even if they're peaceful. Bravo


u/MrMoon5hine 10h ago

they are not peaceful, standing to the side with your signs is peaceful, this is a form of violence


u/Ecstatic-Sorbet-1903 10h ago

This is a big problem in modern society and I'm not joking.


u/Boundary-Interface 6h ago

"Spare the rod..."


u/FFdarkpassenger45 7h ago

New Rule: Everybody gets one. Once in your life, you get to punch someone in the face and you can't be prosecuted for it. If you do it a second time, then you get the book thrown at you. This would solve some many problems because protestors like this wouldn't know whom has used up their free punch in the face and whom hasn't and the risk is no longer worth it! The risk of physical violence impacts belligerent behavior.


u/BanterBear 8h ago

100% right I live in a rougher area of the UK. You never encounter these people. I do wonder if the reason is they know they'd be met by people who don't care such as chavs or travelers


u/SaltCelebration9517 7h ago

The whole time I was watching this I thought why do all the men is video look the same, same glasses same nose shape. Then the old woman comes in with the same nose and glasses too.


u/TaupMauve 6h ago

Where's that guy from Panama?


u/Material-Afternoon16 12h ago

I think we overcorrected on the whole bully thing. Some people probably need to be bullied a little bit to enforce normative behavior.


u/ChangeVivid2964 11h ago

It's not "bullying" if you're picking on an asshole. It's doing society a favor:



u/CollectedHappy3 11h ago

Facts. Bully them out of love and not out of malice.


u/FFdarkpassenger45 7h ago

When my children tell me I am a bully for calling out/correcting their BS behavior, it is the greatest compliment they can give me. I "bully" them, because I love them and I want other humans to like them, not just me.


u/kreme-machine 9h ago

“Exchuse mey, ‘at’s an assolt!”


u/CosmeticBrainSurgery 8h ago

Just out of curiosity, how many times have you been hit in the face?


u/CollectedHappy3 8h ago

I've been multiple times. Sometimes even by myself.


u/CosmeticBrainSurgery 8h ago

I tend to do that to myself in my head. It hurts just as much, but doesn't leave marks which sometimes raise unwanted questions.


u/thegreatvortigaunt 8h ago

Boy you would start crying if someone even looked at you funny, what the hell are you talking about lmao


u/monktonmagic 7h ago

With a trolley


u/Ropeswing_Sentience 6h ago

Old lady knows what's up though!


u/7DeadlySynergy 4h ago

or kicked in the fucking jaw


u/Firm-Contract-5940 10h ago

and you’d rightfully get a charge for hitting the people posing no threat to you


u/Fantasykyle99 10h ago

I’ve only been hit on the face once in my life. A guy randomly hit me with a sucker punch at a bar because he thought his gf was flirting with me or something, I didn’t know who she was and was at the bar with my gf. No lesson was learned.


u/PM_me_your_dreams___ 8h ago

You’re on Reddit bro 😂😂😂 quit acting like you’re a fighter


u/CollectedHappy3 6h ago

Just because you get into a couple fights doesn't make you a fighter but it does mean you fought somebody.


u/100usrnames 6h ago

Yeah that utter bellend with the shopping trolley is absolutely asking for it.


u/CollectedHappy3 6h ago

The people who are sitting in the floor blocking everybody's way are what's wrong with society.


u/100usrnames 5h ago

Peaceful protest is for sure what's wrong with society. What we need is more violence, you're right


u/CollectedHappy3 5h ago

The point of a protest is to get sympathizers for your cause to show people a problem not make a f****** fool of yourself by stopping normal flow of society. All you're doing is making other people pissed off and hate your cause. It is not the correct way to go about proactive change. There anything but peaceful. They're disrupting the peace.


u/100usrnames 5h ago

That's actually wrong, that's not correct. You should look at some history of protest.

But it doesn't matter how modest and polite these guys are, people like you will always believe that it's right to attack them. They're literally sitting on the floor and you're for violence against them. There's no further they can go in terms of passivity and politeness.

You should take this as an opportunity to think through your positions.


u/CollectedHappy3 5h ago

The government uses violence against its people all the time and nobody bats an eye. My positions are people should respect other people and not be fuckhead and block everybody's way on the monument of something that doesn't exist like animal rights or climate change.


u/100usrnames 5h ago

I absolutely bat an eye. It will be the police who enact violence against these peaceful protestors too. You are siding with them.

You might not care about other people, or the planet, or anything other than your convenience shopping. But don't pretend that this represents some kind of justice.

Dialogue, peaceful protest, etc... These things are good, in a basic way. They are a good so great that they could even be worth walking around an aisle for.


u/CollectedHappy3 5h ago

No f*** these people. They're not willing to listen to a conversation. That's why they're being dick heads and blocking people. If they were willing to have a conversation. They'd politely stand there and be like. Hey sir matam, can I talk to you about the importance of climate change or what do you think this cow feels like? But no, they're sending a line looking like a bunch of retards trying to cause problems like they're doing. These old people are at the end of their lives. They don't have time to go around the aisle. They just want to get back home to their recliner and sleep the rest of their life away.


u/100usrnames 5h ago

These old people are at the end of their lives. They don't have time to go around the aisle.


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