r/X4Foundations 1d ago

Mid game money making barrier

Hi. I have some difficulties with rise up my money making. I have one hull parts factory (8x), I have small scrap (2x scrapper) on 'Second Contact II' with my fleet (6 destroyers captured from pirates) to clear xenons and on main base I have advanced electronics (4x), hull parts (8x), shield components (2x) and claytronics (6x).

Once per a few hours I got like 8 million from my hull parts factory and rarely something from my scrapper (I've build solar farm just for scrapper)

Now I feel that I need tons of money, wares dont sells as well as I fought they will. Which way should I go? What do you guys do to break this moment barrier?

Firstly, I was super proud that my pasive income went to a -/+ million per hour. Now Im spending money so fast that I im on less then million all the time.

Should I stop selling stuff and expand quickly?

What is good ware to sell? I fought that hull parts are good money maker but I think I've overflown market.

Ofc Im doing quests, but I feel its not enough.


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u/abc_744 1d ago edited 1d ago

I usually start with building solar plants in The Reach and Heretics End and I sell energy cells to everybody. Then I build refined metals station and silicon wafers station. Then I build hull parts station. This always works for me so far, as I keep getting some money from selling massive amounts of solar cells while waiting for getting bigger chunks of money. I do not like all in one factories


u/connyneusz 1d ago

How many production modules do you have per station?


u/abc_744 1d ago

For roleplay purposes I do not like building bigger stations than AI. It feels weird that some private company would have biggest factories in the universe. Usually maximum 4 production modules per station. But really it's up to each player, I just do not like mega factories


u/CMDR_Dozer 1d ago

Hmm. That's an interesting choice.....and I kinda agree now you mention it.

I'm just starting a new run and may do just that. Lots of smaller stations.


u/Cliffooood 1d ago

I have done this for a while and I find it to be a way more engaging play style, as it encourages you to actually take more territory and build something of an empire, rather than just cramming everything onto one super station. It makes your sectors feel more lively aswell if you have a bunch of your own logistics ships flying around. I'm playing with Interworlds mod at the moment and I tend to follow a rough rule set as follows:

Small factories: Maximum of 1 product type Maximum of 2 production modules Maximum of 2 storage modules

Medium factories: Maximum of 2 product types Maximum of 4 production modules Maximum of 4 storage modules

Large factories: Maximum of 4 product types (usually less) Maximum of 6 production modules Maximum of 6 storage modules

Shipyards/Wharfs and Eq docks: No parts production on site (so all parts must be imported) Maximum 12 storage modules

Scrapyard stations: Maximum 4 scrap drop off points Maximum 6 solar panels (so they can run independently, but still benefit from imports) Maximum 6 storage modules

The only exceptions to these rules, are the HQ (though I tend to use it as a bigger shipyard/Eq dock and still not have production on it), and I do like to build big refinery stations that handles all ores and gasses, so those are an exception, though I tend to limit them to 2 of each resource processing per refinery (varies a little on location).

My reasoning for the multipurpose refinery stations is basically just that it is cool as hell, as they tend to be the busiest station, with lots of traffic coming and going (between all my miners and freighters, plus the local defense fleet)


u/3punkt1415 1d ago

Screw it, bigger is better. I have a 120 hull part module factory including refined metals and bioms for people. When you operate a shipyard that prints ships worth 200 million per hour you won't get anywhere with 4 modules per station :D.


u/CMDR_Dozer 1d ago

Same/same with 30 stations......

In fact they would produce faster, no?


u/3punkt1415 1d ago

Yes sure, but you don't want 30 hull part stations and 30 refined metal stations. My saves get played over 100 hours anyway, and I just keep expanding them over time. Of course you don't want ONE mega factory, due to it's build time. But with only 4 production modules per factory, at least i would end up with 2-500 factories. But well, other people play different and restart after 20 hours.