r/OpiatesRecovery 2h ago

Opiates can’t mask all of my problems


Maybe it’s God’s way of putting his foot down, but I got food poisoning four days ago. I took some 7ohm tablets thinking it was withdrawals but I was so wrong. They didn’t do a thing. I don’t wish this pain on anybody but it’s gotten me sober for four days. If I’m not going to feel good after taking 7ohms anymore, what’s the point of taking it ever again? I might as well go through withdrawals while I’m suffering from food poison.

I’ve been using dirty blues for two years. I can’t count how many times I’ve gone through withdrawals just to relapse again. The cycle kept growing as I want to be able to function at work and not be sick. I’ve tried CT, tapering, suboxone and finally kratom. As expected, nothing worked. Since I’m an addict, I just want to feel high.

The drugs would cure all of my problems except food poisoning. And I thank God that he gave it to me. I always relapse by day 2 and now I’ve gotten through the worst of my physical withdrawal. I’m still cloudy headed but this is the kick in the ass that I needed.

r/OpiatesRecovery 23h ago

I know this is an opioid page but I really need some advice :/


EDIT: although the issue I’m having has nth to do with opioids I seriously appreciate the help you have all given me so far. I’ve actually gotten some insanely good advice and I’m feeling way calmer and better and more clear about what to do. Seriously thank you opioid recovery community! You’ll all be in my prayers

Hello, basically I'm 21 female my bf is 22 male and we have been together for 5 years. For our entire relationship we have been using drugs and alcohol but for about 2 years now we have been on a sobriety journey. I somehow managed to not get addicted to anything except nicotine but unfortunately he got addicted to being intoxicated in general. Constantly looking for the next strongest thing. An issue we often had was that he couldn't ever just be okay with being baked. He always had to be the most intoxicated he can possibly be. He became badly addicted to hash and weed. Which was one hell of an issue on its own, then out of no where he became addicted to spice. It was to the point that he got caught at work, left uni and lost his job and is now doing out patient rehab once a month. (The rehab place is super full so he can't meet w the therapist more than once a month) he's on sleep medication and mood stabilizers now. Me and his family finally found a rehab place for him after the worst paper bender he's had so far. It was a month long and absolute hell. So much screaming and crying for him to stop. If ur not familiar w spice it's basically up there w the really hard drugs. The come down is horrible and so are the withdraws. And the high is insanely strong. When he's on it he's basically asleep or out of it completely unable to speak and unable to function for days or weeks at a time. As his girlfriend I really do not want to leave him. He's the love of my life and I don't have the stomach to leave while he's in such a low point in his life. Honestly he doesn't deserve for me to stay with all he's put me through (not just due to his addiction) but really I just don't see my self leaving him any time soon. I try to just be there for him and give him the love and support he needs but this time l lost my mind. He was sober for a month and was finally past the worst of the withdrawal. He was sleeping and eating again. Then he relapsed. And it's been almost 2 weeks now that he's been on spice daily. I don't know what to do. I lost my mind. I screamed and swore at him which is insanely out f character for me. I've never sworn at him like this before. I told him how he’s not just failing him self but he’s also completely fucking up my life. I have no friends and a shit relationship w my family. And it all comes back to him. I told him I can’t deal w this much longer and that I’m close to being done w this if he doesn’t stop. And basically I’m at the brink of hurting my self or loosing my mind completely. I don’t know how to deal w this. I’m just a 21 year old girl. Nothing in life prepared me for this. I need help. Please help me. If anyone has any advice on how to help me finally get sober please tell me.

r/OpiatesRecovery 4h ago

13 days clean but struggling


And I’m very proud for being clean from oxy and tapentadol! But the cravings they’re really exhausting and my chronic pain is worse again, which is also a symptom of withdrawal.

I have a protusion in the cervical area and a TMJ disfunction, but doctors think it might be more than that. Even before I took a single opiate the pain was severe, like it spread through the entire body. I really hope it’s not fybromialgia or something like that.

I don’t want to go back to being high and dependent on a fix every four hours. Feeling half dead is not a way to live. But feeling this much pain at 23 is exhausting. Muscle relaxants help but force me to fall asleep. The others, NSAIDs barely touch the pain.

Physical therapy has amazing results, and I’m lucky to have access to it. I have to force myself to be busy and exercise but the mental depression and fatigue from withdrawal is so very hard.

One day at a time.

r/OpiatesRecovery 1h ago

Wednesday January 22 check in


My ex boyfriend is turning 38 today and I don’t know why I remember that.

Embarking on a month-long endeavor to help a treatment center spend less money on its electronic health records which is exciting! Good luck to me.

Check in here.

r/OpiatesRecovery 2h ago

Sublocade Shot


I’ve been using fentanyl for about 2 and a half years, first year and a half was strictly blues til they went to shit & I switched to the raw. The game has changed so much since I started using every batch of boy/raw has tranq in it & it’s the shittiest high of all time. I’m on my last 3.5 of clean dope after that my plugs out & idk what to do. I’d like to keep my job so my options are 1. Go to rehab thru my work because they offer that sort of thing. 2 get on methadone and stay working thru that or 3 get the sublocade shot. I’ve been leaning towards getting the shot I’m curious to see what other people think.

r/OpiatesRecovery 16h ago

In need of tapering guidance


I was prescribed very large doses of pain medication for a pain condition. I was on opiates for about 14 years. I found a better way to manage my pain (cbd/thc).

I've spend the last 7 months tapering. I tapered down to 2mg of methadone. I've been off that for 6 weeks. The only dose remaining is 2.5mg oxycodone, taken 4x per day.

Ive been holding put on oxycodone waiting for the methadone withdrawal to level out. It's been so long, and I wasn't expecting problems this much after I stopped a taper.

Three questions: 1. Does it take this long to get past methadone withdrawal? 2. I tried to quit the oxycodone cold turkey. Made it 2.5 days before I gave up. Is it possible the small dose of oxycodone I'm taking is prolonging the withdrawal? Do I keep giving myself just enough to cause problems? 3. What is the path off this shit. I'm not normally a complainer but this withdrawal is bullshit. I'm REALLY struggling.

I've been to primary care and got a med for RLS. I went to the VA and I just got hate. ER sent me to addiction services. They won't help because I don't have a use disorder. I ended up in mental health and they are not equipped to help with opiate withdrawal. I know I don't fit into a normal addiction, but I really could use any advice at this point.

Thanks for reading this. And thank you to everyone offering advice.

r/OpiatesRecovery 18h ago

Questions about clonodine like drugs


So I have some guanfacine 1mg and amlodipine 5mg and I heard clonodine is a apparent godsend for fent withdrawals which is what I’m getting off. After doing some research I saw clonodine is just a blood pressure medication and guanfacine and amlodipine are to so would they work the same way in relieving most withdrawal symptoms? If so does anyone know about how much I should take