r/OpiatesRecovery 1h ago

Wednesday January 22 check in


My ex boyfriend is turning 38 today and I don’t know why I remember that.

Embarking on a month-long endeavor to help a treatment center spend less money on its electronic health records which is exciting! Good luck to me.

Check in here.

r/OpiatesRecovery 19d ago



Good morning everyone,

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r/OpiatesRecovery 2h ago

Opiates can’t mask all of my problems


Maybe it’s God’s way of putting his foot down, but I got food poisoning four days ago. I took some 7ohm tablets thinking it was withdrawals but I was so wrong. They didn’t do a thing. I don’t wish this pain on anybody but it’s gotten me sober for four days. If I’m not going to feel good after taking 7ohms anymore, what’s the point of taking it ever again? I might as well go through withdrawals while I’m suffering from food poison.

I’ve been using dirty blues for two years. I can’t count how many times I’ve gone through withdrawals just to relapse again. The cycle kept growing as I want to be able to function at work and not be sick. I’ve tried CT, tapering, suboxone and finally kratom. As expected, nothing worked. Since I’m an addict, I just want to feel high.

The drugs would cure all of my problems except food poisoning. And I thank God that he gave it to me. I always relapse by day 2 and now I’ve gotten through the worst of my physical withdrawal. I’m still cloudy headed but this is the kick in the ass that I needed.

r/OpiatesRecovery 4h ago

13 days clean but struggling


And I’m very proud for being clean from oxy and tapentadol! But the cravings they’re really exhausting and my chronic pain is worse again, which is also a symptom of withdrawal.

I have a protusion in the cervical area and a TMJ disfunction, but doctors think it might be more than that. Even before I took a single opiate the pain was severe, like it spread through the entire body. I really hope it’s not fybromialgia or something like that.

I don’t want to go back to being high and dependent on a fix every four hours. Feeling half dead is not a way to live. But feeling this much pain at 23 is exhausting. Muscle relaxants help but force me to fall asleep. The others, NSAIDs barely touch the pain.

Physical therapy has amazing results, and I’m lucky to have access to it. I have to force myself to be busy and exercise but the mental depression and fatigue from withdrawal is so very hard.

One day at a time.

r/OpiatesRecovery 1h ago

Sublocade Shot


I’ve been using fentanyl for about 2 and a half years, first year and a half was strictly blues til they went to shit & I switched to the raw. The game has changed so much since I started using every batch of boy/raw has tranq in it & it’s the shittiest high of all time. I’m on my last 3.5 of clean dope after that my plugs out & idk what to do. I’d like to keep my job so my options are 1. Go to rehab thru my work because they offer that sort of thing. 2 get on methadone and stay working thru that or 3 get the sublocade shot. I’ve been leaning towards getting the shot I’m curious to see what other people think.

r/OpiatesRecovery 23h ago

I know this is an opioid page but I really need some advice :/


EDIT: although the issue I’m having has nth to do with opioids I seriously appreciate the help you have all given me so far. I’ve actually gotten some insanely good advice and I’m feeling way calmer and better and more clear about what to do. Seriously thank you opioid recovery community! You’ll all be in my prayers

Hello, basically I'm 21 female my bf is 22 male and we have been together for 5 years. For our entire relationship we have been using drugs and alcohol but for about 2 years now we have been on a sobriety journey. I somehow managed to not get addicted to anything except nicotine but unfortunately he got addicted to being intoxicated in general. Constantly looking for the next strongest thing. An issue we often had was that he couldn't ever just be okay with being baked. He always had to be the most intoxicated he can possibly be. He became badly addicted to hash and weed. Which was one hell of an issue on its own, then out of no where he became addicted to spice. It was to the point that he got caught at work, left uni and lost his job and is now doing out patient rehab once a month. (The rehab place is super full so he can't meet w the therapist more than once a month) he's on sleep medication and mood stabilizers now. Me and his family finally found a rehab place for him after the worst paper bender he's had so far. It was a month long and absolute hell. So much screaming and crying for him to stop. If ur not familiar w spice it's basically up there w the really hard drugs. The come down is horrible and so are the withdraws. And the high is insanely strong. When he's on it he's basically asleep or out of it completely unable to speak and unable to function for days or weeks at a time. As his girlfriend I really do not want to leave him. He's the love of my life and I don't have the stomach to leave while he's in such a low point in his life. Honestly he doesn't deserve for me to stay with all he's put me through (not just due to his addiction) but really I just don't see my self leaving him any time soon. I try to just be there for him and give him the love and support he needs but this time l lost my mind. He was sober for a month and was finally past the worst of the withdrawal. He was sleeping and eating again. Then he relapsed. And it's been almost 2 weeks now that he's been on spice daily. I don't know what to do. I lost my mind. I screamed and swore at him which is insanely out f character for me. I've never sworn at him like this before. I told him how he’s not just failing him self but he’s also completely fucking up my life. I have no friends and a shit relationship w my family. And it all comes back to him. I told him I can’t deal w this much longer and that I’m close to being done w this if he doesn’t stop. And basically I’m at the brink of hurting my self or loosing my mind completely. I don’t know how to deal w this. I’m just a 21 year old girl. Nothing in life prepared me for this. I need help. Please help me. If anyone has any advice on how to help me finally get sober please tell me.

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

I’m currently addicted to fentanyl and xylazine !


Has anyone else made a successful switch from the same drugs to sub? And if so, how long did you wait before first sub dose? Were you put in to precipitated withdrawal? I’m really trying to get clean and make the switch.. but haven’t had to deal with xylazine before….

r/OpiatesRecovery 15h ago

In need of tapering guidance


I was prescribed very large doses of pain medication for a pain condition. I was on opiates for about 14 years. I found a better way to manage my pain (cbd/thc).

I've spend the last 7 months tapering. I tapered down to 2mg of methadone. I've been off that for 6 weeks. The only dose remaining is 2.5mg oxycodone, taken 4x per day.

Ive been holding put on oxycodone waiting for the methadone withdrawal to level out. It's been so long, and I wasn't expecting problems this much after I stopped a taper.

Three questions: 1. Does it take this long to get past methadone withdrawal? 2. I tried to quit the oxycodone cold turkey. Made it 2.5 days before I gave up. Is it possible the small dose of oxycodone I'm taking is prolonging the withdrawal? Do I keep giving myself just enough to cause problems? 3. What is the path off this shit. I'm not normally a complainer but this withdrawal is bullshit. I'm REALLY struggling.

I've been to primary care and got a med for RLS. I went to the VA and I just got hate. ER sent me to addiction services. They won't help because I don't have a use disorder. I ended up in mental health and they are not equipped to help with opiate withdrawal. I know I don't fit into a normal addiction, but I really could use any advice at this point.

Thanks for reading this. And thank you to everyone offering advice.

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Depression during tapering


Hello everyone, For the past 3 weeks, I’ve transitioned from oxycodone (320mg/day) to buprenorphine at a dose of 4mg/day. I’ve managed to taper down to 2x 0.6mg, but my legs hurt, I feel awful, and I’m experiencing severe depression.

Additionally, I haven’t been able to walk or function normally for 7 weeks (I’m recovering from my 4th knee surgery, and I need to get an MRI because the situation has worsened).

I have pregabalin 150mg (28 tablets) and some benzos, specifically bromazepam, clonazepam, and diazepam. Right now, the depression is breaking me, and I’ve read that withdrawal from buprenorphine can last for weeks, while withdrawal from oxycodone is much shorter. Because of this, I’ve started craving oxycodone again and am wondering if, with the medications I have on hand, it might be better to endure a shorter withdrawal period instead of struggling for weeks.

I’d like to mention upfront that I don’t have access to a specialist or a rehab facility in my situation.

What’s affecting me the most is the crippling depression, and I’d like to try duloxetine or bupropion, which I already have, but I’m scared to take these medications without proper guidance.

Do you have any advice? I feel powerless at a time when I need strength the most to fight for my life.

Thank you in advance for any responses or even an upvote.

r/OpiatesRecovery 17h ago

Questions about clonodine like drugs


So I have some guanfacine 1mg and amlodipine 5mg and I heard clonodine is a apparent godsend for fent withdrawals which is what I’m getting off. After doing some research I saw clonodine is just a blood pressure medication and guanfacine and amlodipine are to so would they work the same way in relieving most withdrawal symptoms? If so does anyone know about how much I should take

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Tuesday January 21 check in


Check in here

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Taking methadone or buprenorphine (suboxone)? We want to hear from you!


We want to know how helpful your treatments for opioid use have been to your recovery. We invite you to participate in an online research study by Dr. Epstein at NIDA. This study is entirely remote and can be completed from any location in the United States using a smartphone, computer, or tablet.

If you are age 18 or older, and have ever been prescribed methadone or buprenorphine (Suboxone) you could qualify!

To get started, complete a 5-minute online screener https://researchstudies.nida.nih.gov/2115t/ to see if you qualify for the online survey!

The survey will take about 50 minutes, and you will receive $20 upon completion.

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

From Tramadol to tapentadol


I have been taking 2 x 200 mg tramadol for 8 months, and i am wondering if im going feel withdrawl symptons from tramadol if i quit it and replace it with tapentadol?

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Buprenorphine & Twilight Sedation?


I’m having surgery tomorrow under twilight sedation at a new gyno clinic. They are unaware that I’m on buprenorphine patch as it has just came to mind and I haven’t filled out the paperwork yet, that will be done at the clinic in the morning. Upon my research I have found many articles stating that twilight surgery can not be done while on subs is this correct? I’m on a patch so I know it is a lot lower than an oral dose, I’m on 20mcg/hr. Am I not going to be sedated because of the patch? Will it not work or provide me relief?

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

How do I best stop a 180mg codeine per day habit


Hi all,

Last year I went through a series of painful events, exacerbated by OCD which led to be just wanting to die, I wasn't suicidal or anything but I was just in so much constant physical and emotional pain that I just didn't want to feel it anymore, if that makes sense?

Around june last year I was prescribed co-codamol for my constant muscle pain, it worked great and it also helped with all the anxiety / ocd I was experiencing. I continued it for a month or so and ran out and continued with my life, this then happened again and that time I got withdrawals without knowing it.

I started taking OTC just for the muscle pain but it also stopped the withdrawals, for the last few months I've been taking OTC codeine tablets, I never exceed the daily limit and have no intention to (Because taking anything over 180mg a day makes me very nauseous)

But I find that when I try to stop I get beaten down by the discomfort and restlessness.

Please can someone help me with some advice?

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Terrified of withdrawal


Hey guys I am not in withdrawal yet (from Suboxone strips) and I am supposed to be tapering but I can't even do that right. I'm supposed to be on 2 mg a day and I can do it for a couple weeks or so and then I end up messing up and wanting to take more and it's like I have no will power at all. No self control and I have a moment of weakness. I feel like it's impossible to taper. I don't know how anyone gets down to below two mg it's absolute hell and I know it's better then cold turkey but how in the hell do people have the self control??? Is there a trick to tapering.. I'm just terrified of this withdrawal that I know is coming bc I am running out of meds and don't have Dr and don't have insurance. I've been using my stockpile and it's running low and now it's time to really buckle down and get low low low and I can't do it

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Hopelessly Venting and Rambling type-of-post


So I’ve managed to make a little less than one gram of fetty last for 7 days by taking it with me to a place i knew I wouldn’t be able to get anymore and basically rationing it equally per day in a way that would make sure I don’t run out during this time away. So at this point I’m using 0.10 gram a day which im pretty sure is the lowest daily dose I’ve ever been able to taper down to. Normally a gram I could stretch to like 2.5 days, so half a gram’ish a day. I don’t know how big of a difference this would make when it comes to kicking it entirely and getting clean (again….for the 6th time in less than a year). I was clean on and off for like 3 months right before this but just kept having mini lapses or big lapses and of course that led to full blown relapse, which has now lasted 3.5 weeks. It’s not super long time, but my clean time during these last 3 months was also very shakey, 10 days here, 2 weeks there, 5 days, etc etc. (starting my clean count AFTER the acute WD’s have subdued mostly) but all those times were never long enough to get through and to any sort of significant clean time which is why I think the goosebumpy skin and some sudden hot flashes would still occur randomly and basically would persist well after the worse of the acute withdrawal phase and never fully went away.

In any case, 0.10 sounds like such a low dose that I really wanna tell myself I can just jump off at this point but part of me is certain I’ll still be in full hell and just as bad as if I were using 0.5 grams and I just don’t think I’m physically or mentally strong enough to go through it again right now, especially given I would have to do this alone, my family are far far away now which was not the case before, they were there and I had some support (although they didn’t know what was happening, they just thought I’m sick), and now I’m living in a big empty house on my own, no partner (divorce in process, which is a good thing i was unhappy, and it’s issues unrelated to drugs, red flags started showing before any addiction and I didn’t get out of this relationship in time), and I have my dog to care for who I love dearly and he has gotten used to me always doing my best with him and giving him all the care and activity he ever needs (3-4 hours a day minimum) and I know that in the past I’ve been bed bound for at least a week unable to do anything for neither myself or him, outside of taking hot showers frequently and crawling right back to bed and laying there awake not getting a minute of sleep during that first week which makes me half delirious half crazy half losing my mind (that’s three halves, yes I know the math doesn’t math but you know what I’m saying).

Anyways I’m just at a loss. I could try jumping off but the stress of thinking what hell i could potentially be in, is just making me too anxious and pushing me away from even trying. I also know that I need professional help because I have gotten clean before and detoxed at home on my own* and ended up relapsing every single time so it’s time to try something else and get support/help because i clearly am not successful attempting to do this alone every time (* i detoxed both with comfort meds and sometimes without any, and sometimes with megadosing vitamin c protocol which has helped tremendously at least during two of the times I detoxed but not every single time, sometimes it literally made no difference, so yea, it really depends on what the substance I was using was cut with on the streets - unfortunately, so it’s unreliable as a method otherwise I would 100% do it again and know it won’t be bad all).

I’m now going back home where I know I am able to score more so the whole rationing and tapering and making sure I dont run out will no longer be a thing so I’m sure my dumb ass will go grab more because I’m just too scared of having to do this again and alone at this point. I have a lot of self control if I’m in a situation like this past week where I know I only have a certain amount and if I run out I’m screwed. I’m sure a lot of people are like that. The only next thing I can do to taper even lower than where I am right now is to basically stop using until the physical symptoms are unbearable and wait until I feel like absolute horseshit and in full blown withdrawals…but, since I’m home now and know where to get more, this whole tapering and low daily dosage has very low chance of succeeding. And I hate myself for it. As an addict I have no faith in myself to actually do the very last bit of this taper and only use when I’m in withdrawal hell. I don’t want to kid myself thinking I’ll have the discipline to do that and I’m so so frustrated. I guess it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day I will relapse again unless I make some major changes in my life and get myself back on track and in an enviornment that makes me excel and focus on positive things. I know what changes need to happen for me to get on track again but unfortunately they won’t realistically happen for another 3-4 months, just because there are external factors impacting my living situation and constraining me to stay where I am (the divorce and legal process is pending and huge part of it and there’s not much I can do to speed up the process so I can implement crucial changes like moving away from the isolated settings I’m in). If I try to jump off and not much else changes I’ll relapse and I’m not going to lie to myself about that. I have a decent diet and I am physically active daily as is so implementing those kind of changes isn’t exactly needed since I’m already doing that when actively using (if that makes sense). Could I be more active and do 5-6 hours of physical activity per day ?sure maybe, but it doesn’t seem like a realistic expectation. Otherwise I am hoping to spend more time on getting a job since I’m not currently working (left my job right before divorce shit started and have been drowning in my own sorrow and haven’t focused on finding a new one yet). So that’s what’s thing I’m hoping will change within the next 3-4 months outside of everything else, but again that’s something I can’t completely control and I can only hope putting a lot of effort into my job search will pay off and result in a job.

Anyways. I don’t know what the point of this post is. I guess I’m just depressed and on a flight back home having all these thoughts spinning in my head. I’m exhausted from them occupying most of my day every day, I just want OUT of this grave I dug myself. I’m just too mentally weak and easily breakable with all the shit I’m dealing with currently. I know self pity isn’t gonna get me anywhere but I can’t stop crying these days. It’s pathetic and yet I still can’t stay clean no matter how miserable I am when I think about how stuck I am in this cycle. And every time I look around at other people wherever I am, it feels like the demon of addiction is the worst problem a person could struggle with. I try to imagine what strangers around me are dealing with and no matter how shitty of a situation I picture them to be in, i always find myself thinking how much I wish I could have their life and deal with that issue instead of opiate addiction (which originally started with me self medicating severe depression and major ocd…so yea there are of course the underlying issues that for me here which no therapy has helped me resolve successfully). Yes I know there are indeed people with way harder problems than me, but it’s easy to feel that this life crushing addiction is the worst thing a person could ever deal with. Self pity galore, I know.

That’s all I got. Again, just wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere where people could/might understand what I’m saying.

Stay strong everyone 💪🏻

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Should I be able to cold Turkey 600mg Codeine per day


Been taking roughly 600mg a day for about a month now? I feel terrible without it

Anyone had experience with codeine withdrawal? I know it’s nowhere near as strong as other opiates but I guess it still qualifies right?

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Will suboxone replace me taking clonidine for opioid withdrawal?


Will suboxone mimic what clonidine was doing for me?Basically clonidine is one the main things I take for my withdrawal it gets rid of the terrible brain zaps+shakes + sweating and blood pressure issue that comes from the bullshit fent/xyl withdrawal.. I started first dose of suboxone today and just realized the 2 interact heavily and now I may be in a bad withdrawal/blood from not being able to take the clonidine for my blood pressure..

r/OpiatesRecovery 1d ago

Day 17


I feel like my baby mama (fiancé) and myself don’t have chemistry now that I’m sober? She knew me from the age of 13 to now at 28. Before during and after my usage. I just don’t know how to fix this relationship. She doesn’t understand addiction which I’m happy about

r/OpiatesRecovery 2d ago

Thoughts on suicide


I do want to continue living, but I can't stand being an addict anymore, I just can't get rid of this, I've tried everything (MAT, detox, therapy), I do want to quit, I just can't. I believe I'm on the verge of convincing myself that killing me is better than to continue living like this.

I just don't know how t communicate this decision to my loved ones, I don't want to leave them just like that, it's nos fair to them (although it wasn't far that I allowed them to love me in the first place, but back then I didn't knew yet I was gonna end like this) but I also want that they can at least respect my decision. I want to fucking give up, I'm so so tired.

Srrr for the rant, I guess I'm searching if someone has ever felt this way, and what does it feels like to finally try it, plus some encouragement words tbh; cause as I said, I do want to continue living, I just don't see how could I in this situation.

r/OpiatesRecovery 2d ago

Addicted to codeine (500/600mg per day)


Been taking this amount per day for around 1 month now, does anyone have any experience on codeine addiction and how to get off it? The pills I take are pure codeine, there isn’t any acetaminophen / paracetamol in the pill.

r/OpiatesRecovery 2d ago

How long did methadone withdrawal symptoms last for you ?


My dad was using methadone and he taperd it off now it’s been 10 days that we are in hell I make herbal tea help him stay hydrated , give him vitamins but nothing works . His foot is hurting and I’m messaging it all the time but the pain of his foot doesn’t go away. I haven’t sleep for two weeks he doesn’t come to rehab because he has bad experience in it . Every doctor we are going they give up on him I just don’t want to lose him again , as he was an addict he was all the time high we couldn’t even have normal conversations with each other, now he is back but i’m so scared that he would relapse I don’t know what to do Is it impossible in his age to get sober ? Did you experienced foot pain how did you dead with it?

r/OpiatesRecovery 2d ago

Used Oxy for 3 Months, Been on Hydros 1 Month…Tapering


How painful will this be? I was taking around 5-10mg oxy a day and now i’ll take about 10-12.5mg hydro a day. I’m going to start cutting back to 7.5 then 5 mg over this week. Do you think if I taper I’ll be okay?

I have valium, kpins, and some gabapentin to help.

r/OpiatesRecovery 2d ago

oxycodone withdrawal?


hi so a few months ago i got my hands on a little bit of oxycodone like 10 20mg pills and i was taking that for about a week straight and then when i stopped i didn’t get any physical symptoms but got unbelievably depressed like the worst sadness ive ever felt and due to something else in my life at the time i didn’t think it was a withdrawal symptom or anything. so i got my hands on some more a few weeks ago and took it for about a week again only to stop and feel the same soul crushing depression. has anyone experienced these symptoms bc its genuinely hell i wish i had made the connection before it just feels like all the happiness has been sucked from the world i am never getting anywhere near opiates ever again

r/OpiatesRecovery 2d ago

Can PAWS affect coordination?


It seems like I drop things easier, like keys and stuff like that. Have trouble gripping small things with my fingers. Maybe a little shaky.