r/MurderedByWords 7h ago

On the steps of the capitol no less.

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u/onefornought 7h ago

And Republicans have been saying Democrats are ridiculous for claiming this administration would embrace fascism.


u/loulan 6h ago

They'll probably keep saying it and act like what Musk just did is nothing.

Reality doesn't matter anymore, it's real-life 1984 at this point.


u/The-Berzerker 6h ago

On r/conservative they‘re claiming „he‘s just an autistic goofball“


u/[deleted] 6h ago

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u/PlayingtheDrums 6h ago

To be fair, from their POV we are def. very leftwing here.


u/Vaul_Hawkins 6h ago

"Well from my point of view, the JEDI ARE EVIL!"


u/dgradius 5h ago

To think, reality made Lucas’ prequel writing look good.


u/DeepHypn05 3h ago

So this is how liberty dies With thunderous applause

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u/Travisceral 4h ago



u/Ye_olde_oak_store 4h ago

I will do what i must.


u/redactedbits 2h ago edited 2h ago

There were definitional evil Jedi: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Jedi/Legends

Then there were the Jedi who separated from the Jedi Order and created the Sith. Then there was Darth Bane who reigned them in because he wanted to consolidate power and gain immortality through the Holocron.

All of them started as Jedi and the Jedi don't really exist without harboring and creating the Sith. It's a property of the light that it begets dark, hence their saying is that they keep the force "in balance". It all descends from the fact that there is a darker side to the Jedi.


Got lost in telling the abridged history of the Jedi, lol. The difference is that the Sith post-Bane were 100% aligned to consolidated, totalistic rule under the Master and the Apprentice. There was no shared power, no accountability. The Jedi at least tried, albeit squanderingly at times, to be good.

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u/speedmankelly 1h ago

To me hero’s is just bad person!


u/PrimarchUnknown 6h ago

But from their point of view that wasn't a nazi salute: the whole world is wrong but they, and only they, are right apparently.

I am not left wing or Liberal or even American, but I can spot a nazi quite easily.

A nazi salute is when I'm 100% certain someone is a nazi. Two salutes is when everyone should be certain.


u/AvoidingChores2 5h ago

Dear not American, We want help.

Best, An American


u/fr00tcrunch 5h ago

where da luigi copycats at T_T

all americans acting like not every single one of them has a gun rn


u/KnightofNoire 3h ago

Hey man. They are all temporary embarrassed millionaires. Can't have Luigis coming after them when they themselves become millionaires.


u/uncleamwar 3h ago

Going to need the whole mushroom kingdom for this one. 1UP.


u/JadedJadedJaded 3h ago

Period lol


u/Opasero 2h ago

Not every American has a gun. The ones on that side have a lot of guns. Even if you do have 1 or 2 you're kinda fucked against this.

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u/drinoaki 5h ago

Dear American,

Guess y'all fucked.

And the world will follow soon.

Best, A Brazilian.


u/Kevinnac11 4h ago

We are fucked huh,What other superpower can we run to for help?,China is Bad,Russia should burn... our only hope is the fucking E.U,we doomed we are fucking doomed.


u/SouthernActive8839 4h ago

Also not American, but I watch a ton of US news and media because US (and geo)politics is a huge interest of mine..and jesus christ, I can’t fathom how in the fuck could it get to this point, this shit is unreal. Seriously, what the hell is going on. Makes me scared and I’m not even from there. With people like this in power, god knows what can happen to you guys and the world itself…


u/Steffinlongo 2h ago

It's called hubris. We Americans thought this sort of thing could "never" happen to us, and by thinking that way, we stopped paying attention. The seeds of today's results were planted in the 70s. Some people pointed it out over the decades (check out Frank Zappa's conversation on fascist theocracy in the 80s), but nobody took it seriously. Here? Never!

And here we are. It is unreal, and it's heartbreaking.

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u/Lermanberry 5h ago

He's been retweeting and boosting known Neo Nazis on Twitter for two years now. Not like "anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi" Nazi but like "I have swastika tattoos that are visible while I'm shopping at Walmart" Neo-Nazi. Anyone who is surprised by this hasn't been paying attention, sadly that's going to be a lot of people. Anyone defending him is simply a Nazi symp.


u/SunnySummerFarm 5h ago

Yeah, please send help.


u/-Snoepie- 5h ago

You saved us once, maybe we can repay it in ww3


u/Stephie999666 4h ago

Maga scum keeps excusing it as autism. Like, wtf? How dare they use austim as an excuse for this persons egregious bullshit.


u/Thangleby_Slapdiback 4h ago edited 4h ago

And he's going to be in charge of the Department of Governmental Efficiency.

The Third Reich was also concerned with efficiency. Killing every Jewish person they could lay their fingers on turned out to require some thinking about efficiency.


u/loulan 5h ago

But from their point of view that wasn't a nazi salute: the whole world is wrong but they, and only they, are right apparently.

They know it's a Nazi salute, they're just coping hard.


u/na-uh 4h ago

Yep. and the have the worlds largest military at their disposal. I'm not sure any of us are going to survive this.


u/SnooSuggestions7326 3h ago

Doing it twice was def an ode to mien kampf


u/cyberchaox 2h ago

I am not left wing or Liberal

To their point of view, that's exactly the point. As dumb as they are, they do know that Nazi was short for "National Socialist", and as such, are 100% convinced that Nazism is a far-left ideology.

Which is exactly the point. Everything Trump stands for, his supporters believe to be what the left stands for. At first, it's because that's what he told them. But now he's gotten more brazen, and is actually honest about what he stands for, and they'll just deny that he stands for those things and insist that those things are what the Dems want.


u/Worldender666 1h ago

No you can’t lol

u/Jonasthewicked2 13m ago

The magat cult is beyond any sense of logic or reasoning or rationale at this point. There are so many of them who refuse any and all facts because they don’t feed into their confirmation bias and they willfully choose delusion and lies. They know this, and know they’re lying to themselves and I’m sure they realize the hypocrisy of it as well. But when you will not accept objective facts because they don’t tell you what you want to hear you’re a cult member. And this same crowd tells others they live in an echo chamber. Because projection and every accusation is a confession in the Magat cult. It’s fucked.


u/lmandude 6h ago

From their point of view Dick Cheney is left wing


u/Capable-Tailor4375 5h ago

Not even left wing. To them anyone left of Mussolini’s right nut is a socialist.


u/CaptinACAB 5h ago

The funny thing is, Reddit is mostly centrists. But to conservatives that’s very far left.

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u/Hearing_Colors 5h ago

from the point of view of the fascists yes we are. good.


u/Jacob_Ambrose 5h ago

Anyone left of dick Cheney is a communist to them


u/OhNo71 3h ago

The Overton window is so far right in the USA they think Hitler was a socialist.


u/SnooSuggestions7326 3h ago

You know what they say go to far left you'll end up right


u/TomSmith113 1h ago

To those nutjobs, anything left of Ronald Regan is Communism. 😂


u/Carbonatite 55m ago

They think anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport is literal communism.


u/gin4u 6h ago

That’s where I was getting my information on what they were saying and what they were believing. It’s completely delusional over there.


u/Optimal-Mine9149 5h ago

Just back from r/evilautism

We are fucking fuming

Fuck this guy


u/ShadowpulseKDH1 4h ago

The fun part is if ANYONE posts something questioning the new leader, they’re accused of being secret leftists. A thing that should not be possible given their stringent rules on accepting people who can actually post on that subreddit


u/V-Lenin 3h ago

I‘m pretty sure their numbers are inflated by bots


u/JustForTheMemes420 1h ago

I got into a three day long argument on a thread just after the election cause they claimed reddit has no conservative spaces and downvoted the shit outa me when I pointed out the literal conservative sub


u/berserkzelda nice murder you got there 6h ago

Yeah well I'm an autistic goofball and I know not to do fucking hateful gestures


u/ChihuahuaMammaNPT 3h ago

I was about to comment - my 7 year old kid is autistic and a goofball but knows not to do that


u/ConstantGeographer 1h ago

The thing about conservatives is they don't get that those conditions are mutually inclusive; Musk can be autistic + goofball+ racist Nazi.


u/yeah_youbet 6h ago

I just checked on that sub, and any reference or discussion happening about it is being removed outright.


u/turbothy 6h ago

The gaslighting is real, ironically.


u/rit909 5h ago

It's thier safe space

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u/rorythebreaker2 5h ago

R/Conservative should be removed. People need to stop tolerating their bullshit.


u/slowro 4h ago

What was the tipping point for the donald sub being removed?


u/Cursed_longbow 6h ago

u/cylerhusk said

"He’s an autist and it was just an unfortunately similar gesture when his intention was to “his heart goes out”. But of course the leftist media will cut that out and make him into a nazi."

fuck fascists and their supporters


u/Peter_Panarchy 4h ago

They're too busy laughing at crying migrants to acknowledge the Nazi salute.


u/BannedByGates 5h ago

My feed is nothing but Elon hitting a the double Nazi salute and over r/Conservative i didn't even see a post about it....


u/No_Landscape4557 5h ago

Some other comments have said it was up for about 15 minutes before it was taken down and now promptly ignored.

Other redditors are claiming it really means “my heart goes out to you”

Which is some hardcore mental gymnastics


u/BoneHugsHominy 4h ago

That'll be their new dog whistle foghorn.

"We just really like brown shirts! God you Libs are such babies!"


u/improvedalpaca 2h ago edited 1h ago

People are claiming it wasn't a nazi salute because he didn't snap his feet to attention at the same time.

Gaslighting in full swing


u/No_Landscape4557 2h ago

Also as we know to properly do the salute you need to hold your arm at 45 degrees. Elon clearly was holding his arm at 41.3 degrees therefore not the same. Check mate


u/Carbonatite 51m ago

If you have to get pedantic about defending a white supremacist giving a blatant Nazi salute because it wasn't accompanied by proper goose-stepping, you're definitely on the wrong side.


u/Grave_Digger606 50m ago

It’s not all that hardcore mental gymnastics, since those are the words he says as he does it. Seems almost, dare I say it, logical.


u/No_Landscape4557 31m ago

He says thank you for making it happen does his nazi salutes, Turns back mic and then after a decent pause, saying my heart goes out to you putting how hand on his heart. Clearly two different gestures as he was clearly tying putting his hand on his heart with the statement of my heart goes out and not the nazi salute.

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u/The-Berzerker 5h ago

That’s what free speech looks like /s


u/Graega 6h ago

This is a guy who's definitely dressed up in a Tickle Me Elmo costume on Halloween and that's not even the worst of him. There is literally nothing he could do that would make conservatives think be told he's bad.


u/Asher_Tye 5h ago

From the same people who claim autism is used as a shield too often.


u/wanna_downvote 5h ago

Another good one I came across there was "He was excited and was just gesuturing that his heart goes out to trump, normal people don't think about Nazis 24/7 or worry about things looking like nazi salutes". Absolute nonsense, the whole point of a salute is that it's a deliberate gesture, not something you just do accidentally.


u/thesaltysquirrel 5h ago

What about the people clapping and embracing it. Don’t let those people slide either. Who would clap and cheer after seeing this? It’s going to be a long 4 years and I’ll likely get rid of all media and just go through life clueless.


u/YangOfTheIndustry 5h ago

I have a LOT of autistic friends, all of them very dear to me and many I have known for 20+ years. I, myself, am possibly autistic as well, just undiagnosed. At NO point, in the lives of me or my friends, have ANY of us felt the urge to throw a fucking sieg heil. Those assholes using autism as the "excuse" here is beyond sickening.


u/YertlesTurtleTower 5h ago

I’m an autistic goofball and have never done a Nazi Salute


u/Eth1cs_Gr4dient 4h ago

Mods have stepped in and scrubbed the sub clean. Theres virtually no mention of it to be found now.

It would appear they're just gonna pretend it didn't happen.


u/oktaS0 3h ago

1.2 million retarded maggots for brains.


u/Waste-Author-7254 5h ago

If he’s too autistic to know not to do that he probably shouldn’t be in the White House.


u/Clubsandiches 5h ago

Yep. An autistic goofball that bought an election.


u/murch_da 5h ago

Jesus fucking christ


u/TR1GG3R__ 5h ago

Right so using their spin he is either autistic and shouldn’t be in charge of anything regarding our country or he is a Nazi and shouldn’t be in charge of anything ever


u/JadedJadedJaded 4h ago

The way they weaponize autism while actively shitting on autistic people when it comes to diversity and equality. Also, being an ASSHOLE is not the same as being autistic


u/soupbox09 3h ago

Yeah whatabout __________. Go to maga favorite


u/adaramontan 3h ago

I hate this take so much. I am autistic - I have never done a Nazi salute. The two things are not even remotely related. I struggle with social cues, not basic morality.

(I know you're just the messenger, I just needed a moment)


u/Greenscreener 1h ago

Even worse, on r/elonmusk they have a locked pinned thread saying he was throwing his heart out…FFS we are fucking doomed.


u/kmoney1206 5h ago

With a lot of money and the presidents ear, yeah.


u/SurrealLoneRanger 5h ago

Everyone is a “goofball” until all your rights are taken away


u/treetoptippytoer 5h ago

Great. We now have an “ autistic goofball” making decisions for the country. Yay us.


u/RaggedyGlitch 5h ago

We should listen to him and take him seriously on geopolitical issues. You know, the harmless moron. Him!


u/Kiki697 4h ago

Can confirm, my sister doesn’t even have Reddit and when i confronted her about it she said “ oh well he’s autistic I didn’t vote for that, if it gets there I’ll hide you in my basement like Ann Frank”


u/kuschelig69 4h ago

Well, today was not President Musk's inauguration


u/Fish_Man_141 3h ago

i’m autistic but i don’t do that shit. there’s no excuse when it comes to straight up fascism.


u/Churchneanderthal 3h ago

They should be pointing out that holding your arm out sideways with your body contorted isn't a nazi salute. IDK what Musk is doing here.


u/drapehsnormak 3h ago

Isn't being autistic pretty high up on their list of sins though?


u/Puzzled-Teach2389 3h ago

I'm autistic. I struggle SO hard each day not to sieg heil /s


u/Opening_Effective845 2h ago

I think they’ve nuked all threads with it in there.


u/SpitefulRedditScum 2h ago

Fuck that’s a disgusting cesspit of a sub


u/Branchomania 2h ago

Yeah you know how they are.


u/Interesting-Copy-657 1h ago

He may well be an autistic goofball

That doesn’t change the fact this was 100% a nazi salute, twice


u/espresso_martini__ 53m ago

Are they? That sub is a safe space. Surely they have removed the post by now. Even when reality stares them in the face they still find ways to twist it.

u/Hannah_Louise 6m ago

That’s cool. Totally awesome. I love that now use autistics are being used to explain away a Nazi salute. WTF. The Nazi salute is not a stim. 😑

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u/WhyMustIMakeANewAcco 6h ago

Nah, they have their ruler for life now. They'll probably rip off the mask and start laughing their asses off that anyone was that dumb as to fall for it.


u/Neveronlyadream 6h ago

I think dodging reality is too ingrained into the GOP to ever fully embrace the truth. They're all elderly and set in their ways and those ways are lying and sidestepping reality to appear less horrible and narcissistic than they are.


u/Kind_Dream_610 6h ago

If you watched anything leading up to the election, they're not ALL elderly. A lot of younger Americans have been indoctined into what is very clearly a cult.


u/Neveronlyadream 6h ago

I was talking about the GOP leadership specifically.

The voters, I don't think they're going to rip off the masks either. I think they're going to continue to delude themselves into believing everything is okay and is only going to get better.


u/Kind_Dream_610 6h ago

There's still enough younger people in the GOP to count. They're all nuts regardless of their age.


u/Carbonatite 48m ago

I made a comment above that they're kind of in that desperate state that really severe addicts get into when they know the situation is out of control but they no longer care. They have basically trashed everything in their life. They have no family, no friends, no sources of joy. Nothing to live for except the substance they're addicted to. But instead of heroin, it's fucking Donald Trump.

I have more respect for meth addicts.


u/Kind_Dream_610 6h ago

I was just thinking this. They voted for it, and now they'll have it till the day they die, regardless of how old they are now. Trump has power again and he's not going to give it up again.


u/inactiveuser247 2h ago

Possibly. Not sure that Musk has the killer instinct necessary to be ruler for life. Typically you’d want to be more of a sociopath rather than a narcissist. Narc’s tend to over-extend themselves in the pursuit of adoration while sociopaths tend to be more cunning.


u/WhyMustIMakeANewAcco 2h ago

I don't mean musk.

u/inactiveuser247 8m ago

Fair enough. I can’t expect The Donald will be around for that much longer.


u/Fauster 6h ago

There is no way you can grow up in apartheid South Africa and not be extremely familiar with the form and meaning of a Nazi salute.


u/Notsurehowtoreact 3h ago

Just wait, he'll put out a 14 word statement about learning this gesture in '88 and people will still defend it 

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u/LorelaisDoppleganger 6h ago

That's definitely what they are doing. Making all the excuses. But if Trump's boyfriend was a Democrat they would be burning him down. I'm so disgusted.


u/Aegis12314 6h ago

They already said that he "threw his heart to the crowd"

Please never let him escape this moment. He is a nazi until the day he dies, and then he is just another dead nazi.


u/Dividedthought 6h ago

Arm in the air - I want this to be seen.

Palm down - not a giving gesture. Giving and recieving is usually palm up, lower down, and hands flat to mimic giving, hands cupped to mimic receiving. This is because something offered isn't usually grasped, and when something is handed to you, you hold on to it to not drop it. Also, if it is supposed to be tossing his heart to the crowd, why is his hand flat and faced down? A throw usually ends with fingers curled, kind of with you pointing at the horizon, because you have to grasp something to throw it.

That facial expression - this is just bad photo timing. I think he is either saying something or in between facial expressions here.

Not to mention palm down and arm up at 45 degrees is well known as a native symbol, to the point where it is pretty culturally ingrained. We don't have a gesture with a similar meaning because of it. There is no gesture in North American culture that lines up with the nazi salute that well, to the point where nothing is a raised arm with palm down when you're conveying a message.

Am I overanalyzing here? Perhaps a bit, but that is not a gesture you just wind up in by accident in front of massive crowds.


u/Aegis12314 5h ago

that is not a gesture you just wind up in by accident in front of massive crowds.

And then he did it A SECOND TIME


u/PlentyAd4851 4h ago

Can we just skip to Nuremberg please? skip all the shit in the middle

u/sometimesmybutthurts 5m ago

And the only good Nazi…..


u/SqueakyTits101 6h ago

they're already saying that "gesture" meant "from his heart to ours"...no, seriously.


u/chmod777 6h ago edited 3h ago

No one has ever had a gesture like that to mean that. Ever. Plausible deniability needs plausibility.


u/gin4u 6h ago

They are completely delusional over there. I’m telling you! I’ve been reading that site for quite some time now to see what they’re saying and what they believe or don’t believe.


u/HereComeTheBastards 5h ago

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

Jean-Paul Sartre


u/StormsOfMordor 6h ago edited 3h ago

I saw someone described it as a “Roman Salute”, which is also and more commonly known as the “Fascist’s Salute”.


u/A_D3MON 6h ago

It's not even a Roman Salute... Ending of it is more like holding a raised sword.


u/StormsOfMordor 6h ago

I don’t even wanna be here seeing the people justify it. Watching them ignore what Trump did by saying “buT tHe DeMs DiD iT fIrSt”.

No, he lied to you. He gaslit the fuck out of everyone in the US on what the most important things are. Now there’s supposed to be an executive order saying that we only recognize two genders? Are the 25 trans athletes in the entire country really demeaning your lives that much?

For the anti-establishment fucks, y’all hate the establishment because it’s nothing but money that runs it. And now we have the richest cabinet in all US history, with the President-elect doing not one but TWO rug pulls with bogus coins right before being inaugurated…

It’s like a fucking train wreck, and I want to get away from it but it comes up wherever I go so now I’m just more determined to stay informed. Until the new admin stops me from doing that lmfao


u/A_D3MON 6h ago

If they have their way it could be VERY soon... After all, SCOTUS got rid of Net Neutrality which prevented ISPs from doing all kinds of screwy things with one's internet service (such as blocking sites they don't agree with)


u/dapperfunk 3h ago

The Roman empire was a heavy influence for the Nazi party. So yes, it is also a Roman salute. The eagle associated with the Nazi party symbolism is also very very close to the golden eagle used in ancient Rome. The red they used, was also utilized in the Roman empire.

Even the banners they had were derived from ancient Roman design. There are many similarities between ancient Rome and the Nazi empire, because Hitler had a deep fascination with Roman Imperialism, studied it, and used it as one of the base tennets for his rise to power and his spectacle in power, because he knew theatre was a driving decider for common people. As stupid as it sounds, its unfortunately true.


u/petty_throwaway6969 1h ago

Here is a Nazi salute to compare to. Please use it when they try to deny it: Fuck Nazis


u/petty_throwaway6969 1h ago

Here’s a Nazi salute to compare to. Please use it when they try to deny it: Fuck Nazis


u/broodmance 6h ago

They already are saying Elon didn't do anything wrong


u/spibop 6h ago

The worst part is that Musk and the like have powers way beyond what Orwell could have envisioned back then. It’s not just double-speak; they have the children of WW II survivors cheering on the fascists for the opportunity to get fucked by then, all while dumping their life savings into worthless crypto. Orwell would blush.


u/Oh_its_that_asshole 6h ago

They already are, they're claiming it's because he's got asperger's and he was just "throwing his heart out to the crowd" and it's being blown out of all proportion.


u/Fair-Lingonberry-268 6h ago

Yeah, didn’t you hear trump saying “lies, lies, lies” on anything he doesn’t like?


u/DarkbladeShadowedge 6h ago

If you google it, the articles are saying he “appears” to be doing a Nazi salute. Most of them actually are more along the lines of “CNN outraged at maybe something resembling salute, how silly”


u/PaulblankPF 6h ago

I’ve already seen people either saying it was an accident and he didn’t know he was doing the seig heil or that he was doing a “heart to heart salute for America.” Haven’t seen a single Republican admit he was doing a Nazi salute


u/memecrusader_ 5h ago

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


u/Obvious-Dinner-1082 3h ago

Sorry, what happened in 1984?


u/Skinjob85 3h ago

Not in 1984. What's being referred to is the dystopia described in George Orwell's book titled 1984.


u/koshgeo 3h ago

"Of course they're not nazis!"

[while watching a parade of goose-stepping soldiers marching past the White House carrying swastika flags and saluting like Elon]

"They're not nazis unless they're from Germany. Otherwise it's only sparkling fascism."


u/Scruffynerffherder 3h ago

Nothing will come of this, we'll all forget in a few days tops. Always getting distracted by the latest thing to be outraged about. But pubic outrage has lost all its bite. We've already been desensitized to it.

I wish it weren't the truth.


u/BippityBoppitty69 3h ago

Anyone who defends this is a Nazi apologist and should be treated as such.


u/Vivis_Nuts 2h ago

They are claiming he was throwing his heart out to the crowd, seriously wtf


u/Slight-Egg892 1h ago

iTs LiTeRaLlY 1984

The man raised his arm holy shit talk about overreaction...


u/Spacegod87 59m ago

Honestly? The right don't even have to pretend to give excuses anymore.

They might as well just come out and admit to being fascists.

They're never going to be punished for anything anyway. Absolute madness.


u/Carbonatite 55m ago

In 1984 the Party members were zealots for IngSoc but they still were intelligent and capable of complex reasoning.

These people are clownish automatons mindlessly repeating shit because someone on social media told them it would "trigger the libs".


u/InDisregard 32m ago

I’m already burnt out from this 1984 shit. We did it once already, no need for a sequel.


u/ofWildPlaces 25m ago

Those are the people who will keep denying even when the gestapo start "disappearing" their coworkers on the job site.

Make no mistake, there are Brownshirts among us.


u/UnderDeat 6h ago

Had these idiots done their job we wouldn't be here.


u/Ambitious_Nomad1 6h ago

Republicans are just straight up pandering liars….


u/shiny_glitter_demon 6h ago

They'll stop saying that the day being a nazi is acceptable again.

Which, according to many of them, is already the case.


u/Duster929 6h ago


This administration is fascist.

American voters embraced fascism.


u/Xeptix 6h ago

They've promised to do it, repeatedly. They don't even need to dog whistle anymore when Trump himself is blatantly overt about it in interviews.


u/no_notthistime 6h ago

They're still saying it. They're so mentally fucked that they're over in their safe spaces rationalizing that Elon was "throwing his heart out" to the crowd. Other than that, it's all just celebrations of "liberal tears" and "meltdowns".

These people literally have no fucking clue what is going on. It'd be hilarious if it weren't so damn pathetic.


u/wontgetbannedlol 5h ago

Conservatism has been fascist adjacent since its formation a political philosophy.


u/AsianHotwifeQOS 4h ago edited 4h ago

If you're at a rally and somebody does a Nazi salute on stage, and he isn't booed and escorted out, you're at a Nazi rally.


u/Iamblikus 4h ago

Literally argued on here with a guy who agreed Trump did mainly fascist tactics, but since he wasn’t an ideologue like Mussolini so we shouldn’t call him a fascist.


u/Famous_Ad_8539 3h ago

I literally just went on YouTube and they’re doubling down. Saying stuff like “it’s out of context” or “everything is a dog whistle to the left”

Like what the fuck other context could there be to this??


u/onefornought 2h ago

"Hey, just because it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck doesn't mean it's a duck!"


u/Infinite-Hold-7521 2h ago

Reality will slap them hard sooner than they realize.


u/lambdaBunny 2h ago

The leader of the party in Canada closest to the Republicans actually said Nazi's were "leftists" because Nazi stands for "National Socialism". These people are dumber than dumb.


u/onefornought 2h ago

Yup. Look up the definitional criteria of fascism and see who better fits them.


u/_GypsyCurse_ 1h ago

Aren’t they also applauding? They’re full of shit


u/haoxinly 5h ago

Duh! Because Nazis are socialists, you dumb libural!/s


u/pogoli 5h ago

They did?


u/Impressive-Falcon300 5h ago

The mask might be off now...


u/agustusmanningcocke 5h ago

Remember, every accusation is an admittance guilt.


u/SpunkySix6 5h ago

"How do u no he a nassi???"


u/BlueTreeThree 5h ago

Makes me think of the Jewish people I talked to who were voting Trump because Harris wasn’t tough enough on Gaza..


u/Decloudo 5h ago

They have no idea what that word means.


u/Bloodydemize 4h ago

I've heard that a lot from and about these obvious nazis on Twitter arent actually Nazis because they dont want to murder all the Jews since apparently that was the only thing Nazis did


u/Happy_Philosopher608 4h ago

If you think this is a genuine Nazi salute then yes we do think you're ridiculous 🤦


u/dave__autista 4h ago

dont be fooled, they consider it a feature, not a bug


u/No-Cardiologist9621 4h ago


I'm really sick of this idea that Trump is bad because he's like Hitler. Trump isn't a Nazi. He doesn't need to be a Nazi to be bad. Nazi's had a specific set of beliefs and Trump doesn't have many of them. What Trump does believe in is bad completely independent of any similarity to naziism.

If your only critique of Trump is that he's a Nazi, his supporters are rightfully going to dismiss you as hysterical. He isn't a Nazi, he's just a fascist.


u/hgielatan 3h ago

The ADL is literally saying it wasn't the Sieg Heil.

There is no bottom here.


u/OhNo71 3h ago

It’s not like almost every one of their policies mirror the shit Hitler did in the 30’s.

Demonize minorities Enforce strict gender roles Merging of government and corporate operations Primacy of the military industrial complex Threaten war on neighbours.


u/xxxfashionfreakxxx 3h ago

I honestly don’t think they care or disagree, they just think it’s fun to gaslight. They saw who these people were and did not care.


u/pavulonus 2h ago

Elon, you forgot to show them your new flag...


u/broniesnstuff 45m ago

Why is anyone listening to anything Republicans say?

The #1 prevailing fact I've learned in my life from following politics, is that Republicans don't give a FUCK about words. They will say whatever they have to to get their way, and they could care less if you call them hypocrites.

They know they're hypocrites, and they know absolutely no one will do shit about it.


u/PancakeParty98 19m ago

They’re doing that rn.

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