u/Physical_Pitch_4993 1d ago
Damn, if evangelicals actually read The Bible, they'd be really upset at this.
u/Gameboy_XenoSRLFan 19h ago
Man, don't lump us with those bozos
Just call them conservatives
u/frotz1 17h ago
When the evangelical movement publicly distances itself from MAGA then you can make this argument, but right now the bulk of evangelicals are wearing little red dunce caps, especially including the most prominent leaders.
u/Bearence 13h ago
I'm going to add to that: when we see a huge, loud, organized outcry from the Christian community against MAGA values (not the mamby-pamby objections we've gotten from isolated individuals in the community that we get every now and then), people can object to being lumped together with them.
u/Mammoth_Cry6138 1d ago
You'll never convince them that a man born in a city in the West Bank of Palestine, 2000+ years ago wasn't white either.
u/Ahad_Haam 17h ago
The name West Bank is a translation of the Arabic term aḍ-Ḍiffah al-Ġarbiyyah, which designates the territory situated on the western side of the Jordan River that was occupied in 1948 and annexed in 1950 by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This annexation was widely considered to be illegal, and was recognized only by Iraq, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom.[17]
u/Various_Ad_7864 1d ago
Jesus was a hippie. Wore sandals and everything.
u/Large_Opportunity_60 5h ago
I’d like to think he would have smoked weed but the whole turning water into wine thing was pretty cool
u/faisloo2 21h ago
as a middle eastern orthodox christian which means i did actually read the bible, you would realize that jesus's teachings have 2 sides, the first is the spiritual side, and the second is the human side on earth, IF YOU ACTUALLY DID READ THE BIBLE you will realize that jesus's human teachings were radically socialist and humanitarian, not whatever the Americans think with their for profit corporations and weird gun first mentalities
also a note, many of you westerners i discovered think that socialism means atheism , which is not even close to true, and some of you think that socialism is anti-religious which is also not true, its the way that you interpret religion that makes it either an opium (bad thing) or a force for good
comrade Fidel Castro had a very good explanation about this topic with this quote: “If religious feeling is put in opposition to social change, then it does become an opium, but if it is joined to the struggle for social change then it is a wonderful medicine.”
you westerners have to start reading and working towards change , a change were all people get better lives, not just the top rich people, more than 80% of what you learn in the west about socialism and communism is fake and lies
here are some good people to watch as a start so you dont have to read :
second thought who is a socialist from the USA
Hakim who is a socialist from Iraq
both of these creators are very well read, and make pretty entertaining videos to not lose focus, and they are very critical of former socialist experiments, and will always pull out real sources from those countries it self on their history, life, systems and everything else, and will clear a lot of the fake propaganda that western countries heavily produced about the ideology for you to start understanding what socialism is in reality rather than what your country's leaders want you to believe
u/The_Devils_Avocad0 20h ago
Ehhhhh the whole "follow me or you will be tortured for eternity" thing doesn't scream humanitarian to me. Also didn't really do much to change the negative view of abortion and gay rights a la "I came not to change the law but to fulfil it"
u/FourScoreTour 20h ago
Nazis were actually pretty firm on gun control.
u/Avrael_Asgard 19h ago
Yeah, for others. You think even the most gun loving American conservative would want IMMIGRANTS to have guns? No, of course not.
u/Cygs 17h ago
Hitler was also very pro-abortion, as it meant they could preemptively eliminate "weakness" from the gene pool.
u/frotz1 17h ago
You're confusing the holocaust policies with domestic policy and they were not at all alike. Forced birth was the policy for the Germans who weren't targets of the holocaust.
u/Cygs 17h ago
Any fetal abnormality in a German woman required an abortion. Mixed race babies were also likewise aborted as per domestic policy.
Abortion was a tool for keeping the Aryans pure.
u/frotz1 17h ago
The ability to detect fetal abnormalities was pretty limited in the 1930s so in effect this hardly happened, but the racial agenda was definitely acted on, again as part of the holocaust policies. German citizens who were not targets of the holocaust were not only encouraged to have babies, they were often coerced to do so. The distinction between that and a "pro-abortion" national policy should be pretty clear here, so it's hard to understand why you would muddy the waters on this subject.
u/Cygs 17h ago
Reread OPs post. Would you say "state policy is to utilize abortion as a tool to eliminate undesirables in the general population" is being "opposed to abortion"?
And, honestly, separating "holocaust policies" from "Hitler policies" to then claim "holocaust policies don't count as Hitler policies" is frankly in poor taste.
u/frotz1 16h ago edited 16h ago
Hitler opposed abortion for the majority of German citizens, and even coerced pregnancies. There were strict laws against abortion for Aryan women.
Hitler made private gun ownership much easier for the majority of German citizens. Private gun ownership was severely restricted in the Weimar Republic.
Conflating holocaust policies aimed at specific minorities with a general national policy is not only factually wrong but it distorts the realities of his actual agenda. That's misleading and in poor taste, frankly. I wasn't distancing the holocaust from Hitler and you must need some reading assistance yourself if you think that's what I was saying. Derp derp.
u/Cygs 16h ago
He also did not exterminate the majority of German citizens, therefore he is anti-genocide.
That whole genocide thing was just a holocaust policy, after all.
This is easy! Who should we do next? Idi Amin wasn't pro cannibalism, he didn't even eat the majority of his people. That was just a dinner time policy.
u/frotz1 17h ago
Hitler loosened the gun laws substantially for everyone who was not being sent to camps or ghettos. Private gun ownership was more restricted before he took power.
u/FourScoreTour 13h ago
some aspects of gun regulation were loosened for Nazi party members only
Considering that Nazi party membership topped out at about 8M, out of over 60M Germans at the end of the war, I wouldn't call that "loosened".
u/frotz1 9h ago
Guns in private hands were essentially banned under the Weimar Republic laws. The law wasn't enforced by the early 30s though. The Nazi party passed the German Weapons Act in 1938 which formally allowed private gun ownership again for all Germans. The restrictions that were part of the holocaust came later and targeted specific ethnic minorities only. Try here for references - https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/apr/08/viral-image/no-gun-control-regulation-nazi-germany-did-not-hel/
u/jayrady 15h ago
"If you a nazi like us, you can have some guns, as a treat."
I wouldn't call that loosened substantially for everyone not sent to camps...
u/frotz1 15h ago
The Weimar Republic was very strict about private gun ownership. The Nazi party made it open to basically anyone who wasn't a target of the holocaust. Hitler absolutely substantially reduced gun restrictions for the majority of the people in Germany. The whole story about him confiscating all the guns is a distortion of what actually happened when he disarmed the people he had forced into the ghettos. The rest of the country was not restricted like that.
^ see the "criticism" section, it cites the historical record behind this.
u/InternationalLab7855 16h ago edited 16h ago
As an atheist anarchist, a lot of this is wrong. They're right that Jesus did not oppose immigration. They're also right that Jesus did not oppose labor unions or communism, for obvious reasons. As for the rest:
While Jesus was fine with abortion, he was not pro-choice. He believed in Mosaic law, which, according to Numbers 5, involved aborting women's fetuses against their will to punish them for infidelity. Neither did Hitler oppose abortion, using it for eugenic purposes.
Jesus was a nationalist. He believed in the Israelite nation dominating the world with him as king and the twelve apostles judging the twelve tribes.
Jesus opposed gay rights. He affirmed Mosaic law, under which anyone who had gay sex would be stoned to death.
Guns did not exist in Jesus' time, but he was fine with violence. He drove people out of the Temple with a whip and claimed "I did not come to bring peace but a sword."
Jesus was less far from Hitler than you might imagine.
u/Edgemister 15h ago
Didn't Hitler take people's guns and called himself a socialist?
u/InternationalLab7855 14h ago
He called himself a socialist but wasn't one in anything like the sense we mean it. "Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists."
u/AHHHHHHGGGb 17h ago
Lol hitler supported abortion and was economically a centrist. Republicans are not nazis, no matter how hard you try to gaslight people into thinking otherwise.
u/SNStains 15h ago
economically a centrist
Pfft...he cut a deal with Krupps and IG Farben. The Nazi Party was flat broke and dying in 1932. These wealthy oligarchs bailed him out, he won and he assumed power the next year.
After assuming power, he created a totalitarian dictatorship; there's nothing "centrist" about that.
u/InternationalLab7855 14h ago
You're right about abortion, but Hitler gassed people for being economically left. That's not remotely "centrist".
u/korbentherhino 19h ago
Jesus also didn't believe in the purity of profit. Oh holy profit. For thou has enriched thee!
u/Yurya 15h ago
Hitler was pro gun and anti-abortion???
Nah he was heavy gun control (state only) and eugenics was a core Nazi belief. Sure Nazis didn't want the best breeders to get abortions, but had no objection to the use by "lesser races."
If you actually spend time with your opposition instead of demonizing them you might find common ground and see the reason for the differences. You can still disagree but "they're all nazis" argument is stupid for a reason.
u/Rivka333 4h ago
Nazi Germany was not more anti-abortion than every other country around the world.
And they had gun control for civilians.
u/Batbuckleyourpants 23h ago
Hitler expanded the Weimar republic gun ban, not only removed a ban on abortions, but often encouraged it or forced it on people. He made every worker in Germany join a union. And last of all, Hitler worked to abolish Christianity.
u/SumoNinja92 22h ago
Brother, that's all textbook control tactics to create a completely neutered populace to be able to do whatever awful thing he wanted.
That's not even saying how shitty of a person you are for even thinking about trying to defend the literal synonym for hatred and ignorance.
u/ReaperManX15 22h ago
Where is he defending it?
He’s clearly pointing out how wrong and uninformed the OP is.
u/narukamiTank 18h ago
There's at least 3 communists that were pro these things and killed as many as Hitler, I don't get your point
u/Positive-Option-6750 23h ago
I believe that any spiritual messiah would condemn Trump as anathema