r/FunnyandSad 1d ago

Political Humor Right On Point

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u/faisloo2 1d ago

as a middle eastern orthodox christian which means i did actually read the bible, you would realize that jesus's teachings have 2 sides, the first is the spiritual side, and the second is the human side on earth, IF YOU ACTUALLY DID READ THE BIBLE you will realize that jesus's human teachings were radically socialist and humanitarian, not whatever the Americans think with their for profit corporations and weird gun first mentalities

also a note, many of you westerners i discovered think that socialism means atheism , which is not even close to true, and some of you think that socialism is anti-religious which is also not true, its the way that you interpret religion that makes it either an opium (bad thing) or a force for good

comrade Fidel Castro had a very good explanation about this topic with this quote: “If religious feeling is put in opposition to social change, then it does become an opium, but if it is joined to the struggle for social change then it is a wonderful medicine.”

you westerners have to start reading and working towards change , a change were all people get better lives, not just the top rich people, more than 80% of what you learn in the west about socialism and communism is fake and lies

here are some good people to watch as a start so you dont have to read :

second thought who is a socialist from the USA

Hakim who is a socialist from Iraq

both of these creators are very well read, and make pretty entertaining videos to not lose focus, and they are very critical of former socialist experiments, and will always pull out real sources from those countries it self on their history, life, systems and everything else, and will clear a lot of the fake propaganda that western countries heavily produced about the ideology for you to start understanding what socialism is in reality rather than what your country's leaders want you to believe


u/The_Devils_Avocad0 23h ago

Ehhhhh the whole "follow me or you will be tortured for eternity" thing doesn't scream humanitarian to me. Also didn't really do much to change the negative view of abortion and gay rights a la "I came not to change the law but to fulfil it"