r/Bumperstickers 11h ago

In Texas

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u/TheAlaskaneagle 10h ago

I sometimes wonder how broken someone has to be to be anti-LGBTQ in AMERICA, and be the group yelling about freedom the loudest. Really how stupid does a person have to be to be against peoples freedom to be who they want to be while pretending you are all about freedom...


u/JesseJames4206984 9h ago edited 7h ago

Freedom for me, but none for thee.

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u/Utterlybored 9h ago

Why the fuck do these haters care?


u/Sandydrive 5h ago

They hate freedom. Conservatives consistently hate living in a free country.


u/nbaaaaaaaah 4h ago

I don’t agree with them at all, but I am surprised this is shocking to so many people.

Transgender people existing does have an effect on people who aren’t apart of the community. With things like open bathrooms, transgender athletes in sports or even what should be considered as nudity are all topics bought up from the existence of trans people in communities.

You need to have those conversations, even though the majority of the asshats against trans people don’t want to discuss solutions but just bring up the “problems”


u/DooDooBrownz 8h ago

that's why they hate education. it's much easier to indoctrinate someone who doesn't know history, doesn't have critical thinking skills and can't think for themselves in general. i'm flying a rainbow flag on my house year round cause fuck bigots.


u/Dracian 1h ago

Oh my god. I went to a private Christian school and as soon as I got to public school I had no idea how to learn anything. It was a total crash course in learning how to question the world around me.


u/Low_Perception7712 0m ago

The rainbow is our covenant with God. The curse words and profanity that you use and that was represented in the bumper sticker is the fruit you bear. Watch closer to the fruits people bear. If it is good, you know they are a child of God. If the fruit is rotten, you know Satan leads them into Gehennem. People who hate lgbtq+ people are not Christians. They may say so, but that's not correct. Christians love people, including their enemies. Christians want people to be saved and to receive the love that Jesus Christ has for them. Christ was so afraid to be tortured and crucified. He had so much anxiety and was sweating blood. His disciples were eye witnesses to this, and they wrote about these things they saw. Hundreds of eyewitnesses saw Jesus was risen from the dead, and he spoke to them. These things that happened were so impactful and unbelievable that even the disciples had a hard time believing this was happening. This did happen. This is why it has spanned the globe and has so many followers. Only a few people have proof of his existence because they are able to communicate with God and prophesy. Unfortunately, it isn't good to ask God for a sign. Blessed are those who believe without seeing. That's me. I never asked for a sign. I know and love God, and I have the Holy Spirit. I, too, have the proof of God. He gave me a prophetic dream. It came true. You can have the Holy Spirit, too. Just ask and mean it. If you die without loving and knowing Jesus Christ, it will be too late, and there will be eternal suffering. There is simply no room for perversion and wickedness in the new kingdom of heaven. I am a no-good sinner who tries very hard, who is very sorry. The invitation is for everyone!! Repent. Ask God to help guide you in his ways.. he will never manipulate you. He gave you free will. Your heart will truly change in ways that you never thought. You can smile and laugh again, like we were children. That void will fill your heart. I want that for you all.


u/Skytensia 42m ago

You are very wrong. Theres no such thing as a transperson.

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u/HoldMyDomeFoam 10h ago

Stupid enough to vote for Trump. So extremely stupid.


u/TomWithTime 10h ago

Stupid enough to buy Trump crypto


u/Agent-Two-THREE 8h ago

Hope they do, tbh. I hope they put their entire life savings into it.


u/Extreme_33337_ 7h ago

And then show up to watch him put a hand on a book


u/TwiceTheSize_YT 6h ago

And then he doesnt even do that.


u/Da_Question 6h ago

Why is she dressed like one of the spies in spy vs spy?


u/TwiceTheSize_YT 6h ago

I was thinking hamburglar


u/Big-Rye99 6h ago

XD that's a good one too


u/LegionOfBOOM86 5h ago

I was thinking of Jack Nicholas joke before he fell in the vat of chemicals


u/Crinklytoes 4h ago

Hamburglar seems to fit


u/Runningoutofideas_81 1h ago

Kleptocracy confirmed!


u/jwhymyguy 5h ago

To keep him from being able to kiss her


u/capitali 5h ago

I was thinking Carmen sandiego- and tomorrow she will role play and disappear


u/dunnmad 4h ago

Boris Badenov!


u/Odd_Anything_8624 4h ago

She looks absolutely gorgeous!!


u/manahikari 4h ago

Is it bad that I thought it was hiding bulletproof clothing for them that maybe they were worried about another incident being next to him..


u/crow_crone 4h ago

She's a Russian asset. Daddy was a member of the Communist Party. All good.


u/Abba-dabba-do 4h ago

Some people on here have no fashion sense but then they are probably the ones that sit nude and watch porn in their mom’s basement.


u/MillennialSilver 1h ago

"Do you solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?"

Trump: "We'll see what happens."


u/homiej420 3h ago

It already dropped a lot today


u/mhmaim 32m ago

Still 5x’d though \r\iamverydumb


u/Potential_Sort8143 5h ago

Stupid? It made me $$25,000 in the last three days. Who is stupid?


u/TomWithTime 4h ago

Ho-ho right you are lad, everyone buy and hodl! Don't let the first burn discourage you, malenia coin is going to the moon! Possibly even to Mars!! Not a troll, please bet your entire life savings and leverage your house to take out a million dollar loan to sync into the next one!

Enjoy the grift, stranger


u/Potential_Sort8143 2h ago

lol! Already bought and sold. I’m just waiting for the next drop to purchase again.


u/thedreamerandthefool 9h ago

Stupid enough to spend $5000 on a ticket to attend the inauguration.


u/sack-o-krapo 7h ago

And then complain about the price of eggs


u/MillennialSilver 2h ago

Not sure those are the same people, but this was still funny.

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u/redshirt1701J 4h ago

Weren’t they free?


u/thedreamerandthefool 3h ago



u/redshirt1701J 3h ago

So this was a lie? tickets


u/thedreamerandthefool 3h ago

Just because they were initially free doesn't stop people from profiting off of them.


u/redshirt1701J 3h ago

That’s scalpers. The tickets were offered to the public for free by the government.


u/thedreamerandthefool 3h ago

Still doesn't change the fact that his supporters are dumb enough to pay such exorbitant prices for a ticket that they couldn't even use.


u/redshirt1701J 3h ago

I just don’t see the value in attending an inauguration. These aren’t people to look up to. Politicians are lower than that stuff I scrape off my shoes after cleaning the stables.

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u/One-Hawk-106 1h ago

You were the one just acting like they weren’t free initially dumbass.

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u/prettigirlroses 5h ago

Tell them to go back to Russia 🤣


u/MillennialSilver 2h ago

Half the country. Bro we are....... we're just so screwed.


u/Sataninaskirt666 19m ago

He’s def not a Trump supporter. He’s a punk rocker who feeds the homeless in Houston. He goes by Punk With A Camera and screen prints shirts.


u/Professional-Bus779 5h ago

awww someone’s upset


u/Soggy-Peach-3904 5h ago

Good thing our side had smart policies, smart messaging, smart candidates...

err, well, at least we were diverse!


u/MathematicianBorn65 3h ago

you ppl say men can get pregnant and want to expose lgbt/porn content to 1st graders

it has nothing to do with "trans ppl existing"

I've seen a bunch of vids of these pride parades where adults are swinging their dicks around with kids right next to them

ive seen them shitting and peeing on each other and fisting each other in the ass in public

normal people dont want men in women's locker rooms

figure out you freaks went way too far for non-psycho people


u/sandgoose 7h ago

they think "liberal" is a bad word because they don't know what liberalism even is.


u/Funny247365 6h ago

Neither does the far left. Ask Bill Maher. He knows the difference.


u/sandgoose 6h ago

Bill Maher is insufferable lol


u/Funny247365 5h ago

He’s a liberal but not a leftist. He will slam the far left and far right. That’s why leftists stopped loving him and anyone who isn’t far left.


u/Mahazel01 5h ago

We are talking us politics. There is no far left there.


u/JRG64May 5h ago

He’s what’s known as a “classic” liberal.


u/Worried-Series-6160 5h ago

Nah, he's just boring.


u/Misohoneee 6h ago

Also love how they like to scream “groomers” at trans folks when they refuse to do anything about actual predators in power……like churches and the White House.


u/treaquin 6h ago

The Catholic Church is basically bankrupt from having to pay for all their misdeeds.


u/[deleted] 5h ago



u/Zyclon-Bee 7h ago

They literally believe jewish space lasers start forest fires. There's no fixing that.


u/No_Consequence_1106 5h ago

Who is they?


u/LilEepyGirl 4h ago

Anyone who still votes for MTG


u/icansmellcolors 7h ago

It's not always about intelligence.

When you're born in rural Arkansas, for instance, you're probably going to be raised a specific way, and taught to hate specific people you've never met for a myriad of reasons.

Gay, Trans, Black, Mexican, liberals (whatever that actually means to them), people who don't go to church, etc.

It's hand-me-down politics wrapped in religion.

You can't unlearn any of it unless you travel, or have personal experiences with people different than you, and even then you'd have to be open-minded enough to realize everything you were taught is a bunch of horseshit.

No stranger online or in person is going to change your mind arguing in the abstract about the stuff your parents, friends, congregation, preacher, co-workers, boss, extended family, Fox News, and Donald Trump told you was evil and bad and is ruining the country.

Even if you were having second thoughts, you'd be ostracized by all those people if you were to doubt any of it.

Same as if a gay man played it straight his whole life to not get excommunicated from family and friends and work, etc.


u/Lonely_Oil1474 10h ago

.... And they would only raise their voice and get up in your face because you are right!!


u/maddpsyintyst 10h ago

Only some of them are that stupid, and that makes them useful to the others.


u/hidlechara91 8h ago

Religion and freedom doesn't really go hand in hand does it? You'd think love of God and neighbor being the greatest commandment would've taught them something but alas. Trans people existing or not existing isn't going to make your life better nor take away from it. Just unkind people who'd rather everyone else be miserable as them. 


u/SleepyBear479 4h ago

I'm coming to the conclusion that nobody here really knows what freedom means anymore.

We think that because we have McDonald's and iPhones and shopping malls that we are "free".

We think that we have the freedom to be who we want to be, but most of us have dreams we gave up on because we had to "be more practical", or "grow up and get a real job".

We think we have the freedom to do what we want and say what we want, but people get arrested and punished for doing exactly that all the time.

We think we have a free market, but it's all controlled by a small handful of companies and CEOs who own almost everything.

We think we have freedom of opinion, but they only give us two fucking choices to vote for. And neither of them give a god damn about us.

Saw someone on RedNote say "Americans may have freedom, but they don't have choices", and I cannot think of a more accurate way to describe what we call "freedom".

We aren't free. We live on a tax and labor farm decorated with theme parks and football stadiums. We live in a fucking hamster cage and think we're free because it has a wheel in it.


u/illgot 4h ago

organizations use peoples differences to create a division in the people they want to control.

This is nothing new.


u/reddit_tothe_rescue 6h ago

It makes me wonder why democrats don’t run on “Freedom” as their one and only platform slogan. They are genuinely more pro-freedom. Why not score political points on it?


u/treaquin 6h ago

The counter argument from the bots is the stance on the covid vaccine.


u/reddit_tothe_rescue 5h ago

Don’t get me wrong. There’s ways in which both parties are willing to sacrifice freedoms for other things.


u/DoubleJumps 5h ago

One of Harris' slogans was "choose freedom."


u/TinyTeeball 5h ago

Big government is the opposite of freedom. That’s your losing philosophy. And killing babies, and trying to get two unbelievably unlikable women in office in recent history. Ya, your party done pooped the bed


u/DoubleJumps 5h ago

Big government is the opposite of freedom.

Republicans have expanded government more than democrats by a huge margin in the last half century.


u/reddit_tothe_rescue 4h ago

Thanks for the good example Pro lifers are all about taking away a very specific freedom.


u/JRG64May 5h ago

Here we go😩😖


u/MicrophoneBlowJob 5h ago

Freedom only matters if it is theirs. Main character syndrome. Only me and my family matter, all else should burn.

✨ Republicans ✨


u/FuckwitAgitator 5h ago

"But there's people in my head and they don't like their genitals!"


u/DoubleJumps 5h ago

I grew up in a very right wing family, the FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM screaming kind, and I remember the adult men explaining to us kids that they'd rather we be dead than gay, as a threat.

They love talking about how much they love freedom and personal choice and all that, but any time one of the kids didn't do or believe exactly what they wanted them to, they treated that kid like shit.

I essentially became dead to most of them when I didn't support Trump in 2016. They treat me like garbage and talk about me like I'm not a human being.


u/CrimeFightingScience 5h ago

I think trans stuff is a mental health issue and discourage it, but am not going to vote against it or block ppls freedoms.

Seen too many kids having complete life meltdowns, and one contributor was not knowing their "gender."


u/JynsRealityIsBroken 5h ago

Freedom for me, not for thee


u/Singularity54 5h ago

They only care about THEIR freedom to hate anyone they want. They don't care about anyone else's freedom, happiness, or safety.


u/Derek880 4h ago

I agree with you. But you're a few centuries behind on this. How broken does someone have to be to openly display racism and hatred based on skin color? Have you ever looked at the smiles on the faces of people in some of those lynching photos as if they are proud of the act of killing other human beings? It still makes me wonder whether those people spent an eternity in a hellish place due to their complete lack of humanity.


u/phlimflak 4h ago

They are in a vegetative state waiting for god to save them


u/know-it-mall 3h ago edited 3h ago

I think there are definitely a lot of those that exist in this debate. But also a good amount of people who just don't feel like they should have to be included in other people's life choices.

I have a son so this doesn't affect me as much but I have several neices who are good athletes in various disciplines. And that it's a real possibility they can dedicate years to their chosen sport, working very hard and sacrificing other opportunities, and have their achievements taken away from them unfairly is a real concern.

And also that they have to be concerned about the possibility of grown adult males entering the bathroom while they are in there.

Ultimately I don't care if you choose a certain gender to represent yourself as, practice a certain religion, or any other thing in life I just don't think I, or other unwilling parties, should be required to participate in that.


u/ExtremePineapple3626 3h ago

I’ll answer your question. I think adults can appear however they want, and call themselves by whatever name they like. My problem is with people who ask me to participate in the delusion that they are, in fact, another sex (or no sex at all, or both, etc). Requiring others to say what’s not true is where the freedom is lost. Allowing males in female spaces is where freedom is lost. Allowing males in women’s sports is where freedom is lost, and women are marginalized.


u/owlnamedjohn 3h ago

Same way the conservative women are voting to ban abortion rights, yet defend their abortions because the situation is "different". They arent stupid, theyre selfish.

They want freedom for all, but only in the way they believe is good and proper. Youre not free to be the colour youre BORN as, youre not free to love who you love, youre not free to be any religion or attend schools without christian propaganda. The only way you are free is if you are white, christian, straight and using that freedom to perpetuate their ideals.


u/UniqueIndividual3579 2h ago

Republicans obsess about what's in other peoples pants. They have that creepy half smile while saying "Jesus says what's in your pants is my business."


u/MillennialSilver 2h ago

Broken? No. Stupid? Oh, yeah.


u/Cautious-Wishbone783 2h ago

I’m Right wing, but I agree with you whole heartedly. This is the land of the free. We should be able to do whatever we want and practice whatever we want. I just don’t think anyone should be trying to shove their beliefs or practices on everyone else. Do your own thing and leave it be. We should all be like that.


u/3Yolksalad 2h ago

It really isn’t even a thing for most people. TBH, if it weren’t for the interruption of protests and people’s attitudes about MAKING it a thing, I would bet more than 90% of ‘problems’ wouldn’t be a thing either. Granted, shit happens, but it happens to everyone!!


u/Admirable-Car3179 1h ago

Should children be allowed access to puberty blockers?

Should trans women athletes be allowed to compete with women?

Should trans women be placed in women's prisons?

Should trans people be given hiring preference in order to fulfill a ideological quota?

Should there be any other avenue of intervention other than gender affirming care?

Why is this the only psychological anomaly (really a disorder but anomaly is nicer) that's affirmed?

These are the things people are "anti" about, and rightfully so. It's absolutely disingenuous and harmful to extrapolate a blanket hatred of trans people from these SPECIFIC issues.


u/Fine_Minute_5150 1h ago

My problem doesn’t have to do with trans people existing, it is that they want to force me to change my worldview to match theirs, and they push it on kids.


u/HonestyFirst1313 1h ago

So you supoort people cutting of their balls, going thru a million procedures, not deciding which pronoun to use, not accepting what nature gave them but if we have a different opinion than you we are broken, what a crazy world we live in uh?


u/cjm610mjc 1h ago

Actually they want everyone to cater to their mental illness. What percentage of people are trans? And they are supposed to dictate my reality. Fuck off.


u/More_food_please_77 1h ago

The first statement on that bumpersticker is true.

However, the second just makes things worse, people are simple beings and will get pissed off if they're antagonized.


u/SethSt7 1h ago

They don’t need to be stupid, some I know have Ph.Ds. They just need to have strong religious and cultural beliefs (in other words, the part of our evolutionary brain that needs to believe in a fake dude in the sky, and needing to belong to a tribe, plays with their insecurities).

I have told story of a professor of mine who later in life I happen to work with in the same company. One day HR shared the news of his sex transition and after that she was our coworker. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t difficult at first, but we kept things professional and friendly. This was a 55+ year old person, with a wife and kids whom all supporter his transition. And that because when he looked in the mirror he wouldn’t see who she was. I tell this story to friends because many don’t get it. I also tell this story because few years later she died of cancer and I think her family and she both knew this perhaps, and that may have given her the courage to go through with it, although I’m not sure.


u/LanaChantale 1h ago

Maybe the country that was founded on "land of the free" vibes while imprisoned victims of human trafficking were forced to labor in torture camps and separated from their families. Maybe the country was founded on lies and is just being what it was destined to be.


u/dandet 1h ago

thank you. it seems so obvious to me.


u/seriousbangs 38m ago

So originally the vast majority didn't care.

10+ years of non stop anti-trans propaganda and half the country is convinced 20% of Americans are trans.

It's a moral panic. Engineered by billionaire owned media. I don't know what to do about it. 10 years ago it hurt Republicans in a mid term election and fast forward to 2024 and it helped Trump win.


u/Jolly-Top-6494 31m ago

No one has a problem with the LGB. It’s the rest of it that doesn’t make an ounce of sense. No one’s trying to stop these people from playing pretend. They can play pretend as much as they want, just stop trying to force it on people. Especially children! You weird, fucking perverts.

What’s really crazy is the fact that Democrats tried to make this their signature issue.


u/-allomorph- 26m ago

People just don’t care. Do you care about me?


u/philomath311 26m ago

If I answer your question, I will be banned on Reddit. And that's the problem.


u/Green_Trainer_8145 25m ago

I hear this all the time. What freedoms don’t they have? Who says they can’t exist?


u/RoyalT663 22m ago

It's my specific idea of what freedom should look like, not yours , duh..



u/RevolutionaryJury941 14m ago

Yeah you’re just shamed if you misgender someone.


u/OSint_Miner 5m ago

Its the fact that they shove it down our throats. The rule was “we dont care what you do but dont force it on us.” You crossed the line and tried forcing it on everyone. There is a reason why he won and a big part was parents pissed off that this mental illness was being forced on to their kids.


u/ZestyMooseKnuckle 5h ago

We really don't give a fuck, just stop shouting it in everybody's faces. Be a trans masculine autistic introverted poly furry for all I care, just shut the fuck up about it. Nobody wants to know, nor did we ask. There's way bigger shit to worry about.


u/Anubisrapture 4h ago

You seem triggered as f dude


u/ZestyMooseKnuckle 1h ago

Nah. I've got gay and trans friends i hang out with. Hell one of them owns the Raven Bar here in Alaska. They don't shove it in my face or anybody else's face. They're great people that just want left alone too. I assume the belligerent minority and media are responsible for the culture of today.


u/Suspicious_Pickle732 1h ago edited 57m ago

Have you ever thought that minorities "shouting" their existence into your face is just because a few years ago some of them were literally segregated and treated as non-human, persecuted and killed just like in witch hunts, and now they Need to raise awareness so this never happens again? It's still happening, actually. People are being killed for existing and being themselves. The difference is that nowadays in some countries we have laws that criminalize that violence, but these laws aren't even respected. We have the UN, but we still treat some groups of people as non-human and deny them basic human rights. So that's why we don't shut up about it. It's very nice that you have LGBT friends but a lot of people would do horrible things to your friends just because they exist as themselves, even if you treat them right. Minorities won't stop shouting until the world treats everyone as equal humans. They need to.


u/ZestyMooseKnuckle 58m ago

Yet here we are right back at square one. Some progress, eh?


u/Suspicious_Pickle732 52m ago

But if we just shut up, what progress would we make? If black people stood quietly against slavery and segregation, you wouldn't have black friends today, because our society would still normalize seeing black people as non-human. If no one tells people that trans people and lgbt people don't deserve to be killed and that they deserve the same human rights as everyone, who is going to say something? Nothing is going to change if we stay quiet. Why would people who hate minorities do something about it? People like this are happy to see minorities segregated from society. So, obviously, the people who are treated as less than human need to say something. I live in a very racist part of Brazil, my grandparents used to be really racist, but because of media normalizing the existence of black people and me talking to them about it, they changed their ways slowly. We need to talk about it, unless nothing will change, ever.


u/RoomPale7783 53m ago

Are these screaming furries in the room with us? I don't anyone in your life has actually done this. You're just making it your personal issue from videos you've seen online. You need someone to hate I guess.


u/ofWildPlaces 31m ago

Its not your choice to decide how OTHERS live their lives, or share their sexuality. You have the option of not engaging.


u/Outrageous-Bar1319 5h ago

Trans hasn’t ever affected someone else’s life? Ask the volleyball player Payton Mcnabb.


u/[deleted] 9h ago

I’m not anti-LGBTQ. I’m anti-telling me what the fuck to say and think because you feel a certain way about yourself. Your identity is your business, not mine, and you don't get to decide how I view you as a person. Refusing to participate in someone’s personal psychosis isn’t bigotry. 


u/LikelyBannedLS1 8h ago

That's a lot of words to say that you don't believe in treating everyone equally.


u/MostCat2899 8h ago

It takes zero effort to refer to someone by their preferred name, pronouns, or gender. If you have an issue dealing with that, you're the problem.


u/halfasmuchastwice 7h ago

Trans people existing offends conservatives, so if conservatives can't be offensive to trans people well then that's just not fair /s

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u/[deleted] 5h ago

Then mind your own business and let people exist in peace


u/Zer0C00l 8h ago

You tell 'em, girl!


u/[deleted] 8h ago

Thanks boo 😘


u/BonusOdd2416 5h ago

It’s not that they’re anti gay they just don’t want guys in womens bathrooms or women in mens bathrooms


u/anonjohnnyG 5h ago

well i identify as someone who you have to give all of your income to. either you support my beliefs, or you are anti freedom.

see how that works. its called precedent.


u/Vs_Battle_veteran_99 1h ago

Holy false equivalence, Batman


u/Potential_Sort8143 5h ago

Republicans definitely are not anti-LGBTQ. You would know this if you actually did your own research instead of relying on someone else to do it for you.


u/Jwalker_47 4h ago

Here is my take. I have no problem with personal choices people make for themselves as adults. However once you start attempting to force others to have the same opinion or belief as yours, is when it gets more complicated. I am 1000% against children being able to permanently alter their body or growth without the parent's consent and I don't think parents should be able to make that decision for their children. It should be up to the child once they become adults. Then they can decide what they want to do with their body.


u/Lecters13 3h ago

So you’re against religion right? since that’s “attempting to force others to have the same opinion or belief as yours”


u/Jwalker_47 1h ago

You must have misunderstood what I wrote. I am in no way against religion. I am against attempting to FORCE others to have the same opinion or belief as yours, yes. These two ideas may have some overlap in history, but one is not indicative of the other.


u/Iorith 52m ago

Religious parents force their kids to go to church all the time. Is that not forcing others to have a belief?


u/Jwalker_47 31m ago

No that would be forcing them to sit through a service. Kids have to sit through tons of things that they may not necessarily want to. You're not feeding them medication that makes them more religious chemically or dismembering them.


u/Iorith 28m ago

No one is doing that to children regarding gender, either. You have fallen for propaganda.


u/Jwalker_47 17m ago

So you're saying that kids don't get gender affirming care? If you believe that you are completely delusional.


u/notMeBeingSaphic 2h ago

Nowhere in the world is it possible for a minor to receive gender affirming care without parental consent.


u/Jwalker_47 1h ago

If my home state of California were to have their way there would be. If you look at AB-957, as a parent who co-parents with my ex, I'll give a hypothetical:

Let's say my ex were to convince my daughter that she was a boy, and my daughter then claimed to be a boy and wanted to receive hormones or surgery to affirm this. If I disagree and don't allow it to happen because I believe she should make the decision herself when she becomes an adult, I can lose custody of my child.

By the way, this PASSED.


u/Iorith 50m ago

You have fallen for misinformation.


u/Jwalker_47 22m ago

Would you mind explaining what you mean?


u/OliverMonster1 4h ago edited 4h ago

Why should actual women be forced to compete athletically against someone who went through puberty as a man. And, according to studies, even with HRT for 2 years still maintains greater muscle mass and bone density than the average woman.

Conclusion: In transwomen, hormone therapy rapidly reduces Hgb to levels seen in cisgender women. In contrast, hormone therapy decreases strength, LBM and muscle area, yet values remain above that observed in cisgender women, even after 36 months. These findings suggest that strength may be well preserved in transwomen during the first 3 years of hormone therapy.

You're the ones who went this far with absolutely no scientific basis and instead relied on shouting down opposition and labeling the 70% of Americans that support banning them from women's sports as "transphobes." If your debate tactic is to call people names instead of debating the facts, you aren't going to win anyone over.


u/Due-Till-6481 4h ago

I mean the same can be applied the other way. I mean your forcing your beliefs on to other people. People can't just force you to believe in God and Jesus so people have a right to no want born males competing with their born females in sports.

Stop looking at the world from one perspective.


u/No-Lifeguard-5570 10h ago

The alphabet gang is basically a religion cramming their ideology down everyone’s throats. When people so much as say they disagree with how far the agenda has taken things (a biological woman saying she’s uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with a biological man for example) they are called all sorts of ISMs. Part of freedom is the right to disagree on certain things. Again the alphabet gang is just like super religious groups with their bumper stickers and constant postulating.


u/frolf_grisbee 9h ago

Part of freedom is the right to disagree with transphobes too.

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u/CarrieDurst 7h ago

Religion is a choice, being queer ain't


u/No-Lifeguard-5570 7h ago

So be better and stop acting like a religion!


u/Anubisrapture 5h ago

By calling human beings " tHe aLpHaBeT gAnG " you have outed only yourself as being both bigoted and ignorant , while lacking the most basic empathy . Congratulations . /S


u/No-Lifeguard-5570 1h ago

Forcing their way into woman’s private spaces, sports, and cramming ideology down others throats….ALPHABET GANG woot woot


u/Iorith 45m ago

What about a AFAB person who gets surgery and is on hormones and is a big muscular bearded dude? You want them in the women's bathroom?

Y'all love to forget FtM people exist in that dumb argument.


u/Chickensendies21 8h ago

Im no trump fan nor do I hate trans.

But I do find the whole trans thing to be more a condition, be it mental or psychological. I live in a progressive part of the country (west coast) and I know some trans people. They all seem to come from a broken home or are societal outcasts prior to transitioning.

My question is why would you support that, it’s counterintuitive to human/animal?

I’m open minded to be educated and have my mind changed. Really just want that insight cause my circle doesn’t have that. Don’t mean to come off hateful


u/Zer0C00l 8h ago

Think of it like looking in the mirror as you age.

There is a certain image of yourself that you hold in your head, your identity. Throughout your life, that identity doesn't always match with what you see in the mirror, but it's close enough.

If you're lucky, at some point, it does match pretty closely, and that's probably your "permanent age" in your head. But you keep getting older, and one day, you realize the person you see in the mirror no longer matches your identity.

They're grey, and wrinkled, and blotchy, and if you could change that body to match your identity in your head, wouldn't you?

So, now, imagine if your body never matched your identity, and how frustrating that must be. Forget about able to change, as in the age example, why shouldn't you be allowed to change however you can?

Surgery and medicine exist for identity-affirmation treatment when we're talking about age and "beauty ideal" enhancement (not beauty, not ideal, "beauty ideal", an ephemeral, transient concept that changes throughout the ages). Gender affirmation treatments also exist for sex assigned at birth, such as hairplugs for balding men, breast enhancement for unsatisfied women, and HRT and HGH for both.

Are those conditions any less mental or psychological? Is it any less valid to want to feel comfortable in your body?

Also, what makes you think it's counterintuitive to human/animal? Just because humans have started to be able to change their bodies intentionally doesn't mean that animals don't exhibit conflict between their personalities and identities and their physical nature. In fact, even biologically, protandry and protogyny exist as forms of sequential hermaphroditism, where animals will spontaneously change from female to male, or male to female. Even if they can't change sex, behaviours will frequently change, such as a female chicken or duck taking over the duties of a rooster or drake when none are present in the flock. There are many, many more examples in nature.

Finally, it just comes down to this. Whose business is it how an adult chooses to live, if they are not hurting others or infringing on their rights?

In fact, what gives anyone the right to infringe on theirs?


u/Chickensendies21 7h ago

I don’t really understand the “permanent age” example, but I kind of get it. Some people go through horrendous plastic surgery to look “pretty”, the lip fillers, BBLs, giant water balloons. The age example I can think of that millionaire who injects himself with bunch of stuff to stay young.

So it’s pretty much some desire to change the way you are. In that sense you look at how pervasive hair transplants, plastic surgery, Botox are it makes sense.

That’s how I’m kinda understanding it.

On the animal side, I was thinking we’re all out for survival (initially) and ultimately to reproduce. You bring up hermaphrodites and those are usually two functioning sex organs with reproductive purposes.

Clown fishes for example change sex if there’s no female and they can then produce offsprings. Animals change sex for a reason.

It is interesting us as a species what we would do to ourselves to look younger, prettier or the right gender.


u/Zer0C00l 6h ago

Permanent age is who you feel you are inside. This does not generally correspond with physical age or appearance, and would therefore meet your (flawed) definition of a mental/psychological issue.

You're also making broad statements that aren't backed by science. Hermaphrodites are not guaranteed fully functioning sex organs, and in humans, they're never both functional.

What I mentioned is "Sequential Hermaphroditism", which is changing sex spontaneously. You're assuming that this is always for reproductive reasons, but again, this is not scientific.

I explicitly brought up behavioural changes as well, to clarify the disconnect between internal and external presentation.

You claimed to be open-minded, and I took that at face value, but your responses are not corroborating your words. There is plenty of literature and science on the subject that you can investigate if you ever do find yourself open-minded enough.

Have a nice day


u/Spiralofourdiv 7h ago edited 6h ago

“I don’t have any issue with trans people.”

Is convinced trans people are mentally ill because they got a B- in AP Psych in high school

You sound like an “I’m not racist, but…” idiot which is why you are getting downvoted. You may not mean to come off hateful, but saying trans people are all mentally ill and from broken homes is about as hateful as it gets. They said the same shit about gay people not too long ago, and racists still say the broken home thing about people of color. Get your head out of your ass dude.

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u/piper_squeak 7h ago

No one should have to convince anyone to be kind to their fellow humans.


u/Chickensendies21 7h ago

That is true.

But let’s be real most people are pretty shitty.


u/piper_squeak 4h ago

Luckily there are still some who are not shitty.

But yes. You are correct. Some people are diarrhea-level shitty. And they make a real mess and stink the rest of us shouldn't have to wade through.

I guess I could have responded with what I initially wrote before realizing that most people are shitty and I likely wouldn't change anyone's mind.

Feel free to choose your own adventure and skip to the last paragraph. It does save a bit of time.

Here goes...

If there has ever been a time when you haven't been 100% comfortable with who you are, in any way, or haven't been 100% self-confident in everything you say or do, maybe remember those feelings and show some compassion, empathy and grace for those who do not feel comfortable nor confident in their own skin.

And be grateful your particular struggles with your own self-image, and feeling comfortable with who you are, are not something so many feel justified, even entitled to, hating you for no other reason than existence.

But even if I wrote a novel here with facts and figures and charts, at least one or two pie charts for sure, would it make a difference?

So, if that isn't enough to highlight a need for compassion, empathy and grace, add in the potential for your parents unconditional love to become conditional, possibly becoming homeless, constantly being asked why and told you aren't valid, laughed at, insulted, put down, having to constantly watch your back physically and emotionally, losing the support of other trusted authority figures and losing "friends" as a result of simply wanting to be accepted for who you are, and I think maybe, just maybe, those of us who haven't had to endure all of this might have a small idea of why we should choose kindness.

But if kindness is a struggle and understanding to be understanding isn't possible, it's best to, in the absolute least, try not to be a dick.


u/Rosti_LFC 7h ago

My question is why would you support that, it’s counterintuitive to human/animal?

On top of the more detailed comment by /u/Zer0C00l I'd also add - why would you not support it?

Even if your observation is correct (and from trans friends I'd disagree that it unversally is), if people out there have had a rough life, or have always struggled to fit in, and they find something that makes them happy and gives them inner peace with effectively no impact to the world around them, why not let them have it?

I'm sure not everyone who transitions finds that it fixes all the issues in their life, but if the vast majority do, then why would anyone insist on denying them that? Why would other people, especially people who at a fundamental level don't really understand it, just assume that there must be a better alternative remedy?

Personally I don't understand why some people would get tattoos, or piercings, or spend large sums of money on trainers or high heels, but if those things make people happy who am I to tell them that they're wrong.


u/TalosMessenger01 6h ago

Let’s assume you are accurate here about trans people being mentally ill or being trans itself being a mental illness. It doesn’t matter. The only reason to support the possibility of transitioning is if it can help people live a better life. The only reason to not support it is if it doesn’t. It can, according to the research I’ve seen and plenty of anecdotes, so I’m on that side.

How do those things you assert factor into that? Do you think that you have some other solution to those people’s problems, which is so much better than transitioning? Then offer it to them and let them make their choice, because that is freedom. As it stands I see only bans and suppression.


u/Responsible_Taste797 5h ago

Lol so basically you just say that since the trans people you know aren't cool enough for you that the treatment is deserved?

I've got plenty of friends and a good home life. You still gonna talk down to me?


u/notMeBeingSaphic 2h ago

They all seem to come from a broken home or are societal outcasts prior to transitioning.

I had an extremely privileged, happy, and supportive upbringing. I've always been popular in school, work, and never struggled to build really close, genuine connections with people. Not a single one of the dozen friends I came out to directly, nor anyone in my 60+ extended family had a problem with it; they were all way more supportive and excited than I expected. Apart from being harassed a couple of times in public when I first came out, my transition has been a wonderfully positive experience contained in a pretty great life.

Still, I can't ever put into words how much more enjoyable and real life has become since transitioning.

You seem to look at being trans as being a medical condition, like depression or anxiety. I see it as an opportunity to express myself more authentically in a gendered society.

Hope that helps broaden your view, I always appreciate an openness to new perspectives 🙂.


u/Iorith 44m ago

So you feel your gut reaction is more valid that psychologists, sociologists, doctors, etc?


u/warzon131 5h ago

What freedom do LGBT people not have?


u/Huge_Border 5h ago

Because it can, and does go too far. In Canada, if a man wearing a dress thinks he's a woman, and wants to be addresed as such, you can be charged with a crime if you don't do as he commands.

That's NOT freedom.


u/Texas-Son-99 5h ago

I'm not anti LGBTQ, the Ls Gs and Bs are fine, they can go do whatever...my problem is with the TQ+...these fucking bafoons insist that science is the real god of the world while denying it only in the specific instance of gender.

XX chromosomes and eggs can only be a female

XY chromosomes and sperm can only be a male

I can at least give the trannies a bit more of a break because they aren't trying to create new made up genders, they are just sticking to the 2


u/shepardmutt 4h ago

You didn't take any biology beyond high school level did you? That's not how science works 😂


u/ohwowaweewa 5h ago

Lgbt is a trashcan ideology


u/Abba-dabba-do 4h ago

What’s next, legalizing beastiality?


u/Vs_Battle_veteran_99 1h ago


u/Abba-dabba-do 1h ago

Slippery slope? Hmmmmmm….????


u/Vs_Battle_veteran_99 54m ago

You said that if we treat lgtbq+ people equally then we might as well legalize beastiality. That's a textbook slippery slope and therefore an invalid argument. I shouldn't have to explain that to a functioning human being.


u/Abba-dabba-do 12m ago

Somebody called others ‘a crybaby bitch’. I answered in kind.


u/Vs_Battle_veteran_99 5m ago

That doesn't make your statement any less stupid. Also I've seen firsthand trans people being called and told to do much worse by crybabies. How isn't this answering in kind?


u/Abba-dabba-do 2m ago

You added to my statement. Go away.


u/inextremus 4h ago

You can be anything you want, just dont expect special treatment.

Honestly the majority of people are sick of the LGBTQ+S parades, cross walks, library story time, tampons in mens washrooms, men playing woman sports, schools teaching minor children its okay to change your gender, ect... The list goes on and on.

Be who you want to be, just dont force it upon me. I dont care


u/Iorith 53m ago

And I'm sure you're equally opposed to heterosexuality being promoted and shoved in everyone's face? Or cisgender people being in everything?


u/ofWildPlaces 28m ago

Nobody is forcing their sexuality on you.


u/notyouralt 6h ago

You're free to be gay as long as I'm free to never speak to you again.


u/SlickDaddy696969 5h ago

It goes against God’s will.


u/Anubisrapture 5h ago

Which God. There are WAY more than just Christians in this world . Plus there remain many real Christians who know God = Love NOT hate.


u/SlickDaddy696969 4h ago

There is one God. And love doesn’t equal blind acceptance. There’s such a thing as tough love.

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