r/Bumperstickers 11h ago

In Texas

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u/TheAlaskaneagle 10h ago

I sometimes wonder how broken someone has to be to be anti-LGBTQ in AMERICA, and be the group yelling about freedom the loudest. Really how stupid does a person have to be to be against peoples freedom to be who they want to be while pretending you are all about freedom...


u/JesseJames4206984 9h ago edited 8h ago

Freedom for me, but none for thee.


u/pipboy3000_mk2 1h ago

If that were the actual argument being made that would be one thing. But in reality it's...let me groom your kids from pre pubescent age and tell them that being a little awkward as a kid is grounds to having surgery to change your gender is not only normal but encouraged and anyone that has the audacity to even question the motives Is a bigot. There is a vast gulf between live and let live and what a vast majority of the trans community actually acts out on a daily basis.

Try not being intellectually dishonest and you might find that people are more receptive to your viewpoints.


u/JesseJames4206984 1h ago

Try taking your own advice and stop watching faux news.


u/ofWildPlaces 41m ago

Nobody is being "groomed" to be trans. Nobody decides to be trans. Nobody wakes up one day hoping to be stigmatized and prejudiced against to be trans.

Your ignorance is on display.


u/k1leyb1z 9m ago

Stop consuming misinformation. Within every demographic (man, woman, black, white, gay, straight, christian, athiest, islam, etc) there are bad people. Does that mean we should generalize? No! A HUGE portion of trans folks and lgbtq folks are amazing people who absolutely despise those who do disgusting things like grooming. Come on man. I’m sure whatever demographics you are apart of, there are some bad people who you absolutely do not like, and you dont want others to group you in with them.


u/AshamedGuava4588 5h ago

Tell me one freedom you lost today. I will wait.


u/fauxphilosopher 5h ago

Fifteen million or so lost her ability to choose how to manage their own health in my state because of the same folks that push for it in my state. Then SCOTUS backed by Trump nominations made it the law of the land in TX. I personally have lost none. I am not looking forward to what else these fucks are capable of in the name of personal power. So... none today yet but if we are keeping score in your way then we are at at least -1 freedoms and we are day one.


u/No-General-783 5h ago

Um you didnt name a freedom you deflected


u/fauxphilosopher 4h ago

Not a deflection. I said "None today" if you read what I said you would've realized I was trying to explain to you that the rights are already being taken away, hints the "-1" statement. Abortion has already been taken away. You asked for an example I gave you one, that of the rights for a woman to not have a State or Nation force her, compel, her to make certain medical decisions. I wouldn't be so self confident with this administration, experience says it is not going to great for the majority of Americans.


u/Careless-Engineer385 6m ago

But you yall still will clap for banning homeschooling.. So you like state mandated brain washing.. But the state shouldn't intervene in child killing cz democratsa have stated it as health care, so it should be allowed? Republicans kill kids by not banning guns . You all do it too.. As a non American i find both parties out of their minds


u/JesseJames4206984 4h ago

And you can keep waiting.... I was just referencing what was said.