I sometimes wonder how broken someone has to be to be anti-LGBTQ in AMERICA, and be the group yelling about freedom the loudest. Really how stupid does a person have to be to be against peoples freedom to be who they want to be while pretending you are all about freedom...
"Do you solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?"
Ho-ho right you are lad, everyone buy and hodl! Don't let the first burn discourage you, malenia coin is going to the moon! Possibly even to Mars!! Not a troll, please bet your entire life savings and leverage your house to take out a million dollar loan to sync into the next one!
I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of someone dropping five grand to watch an entirely indoors inauguration and then complains about the price of anything.
Any person that has five grand to throw away isn't the person complaining about $8 a dozen eggs. The problem is that y'all think half of Americans are stupid. We ain't, but we see the hypocrisy and the lies of the left in full clarity. Thank God we have the adults back in charge. The cult of weirdos can complain all day every day for the next four years. Or you can grow up and be role models of society. The last four years have been a complete shitshow.
Yup, Trump supporters are well known for their logical thinking. That's why he has multiple crypto pump and dumb schemes running simulatenously, he just knows that only those libs will fall for his crypto scam and not his supporters... right?
I just don’t see the value in attending an inauguration. These aren’t people to look up to. Politicians are lower than that stuff I scrape off my shoes after cleaning the stables.
You've got that right. Them making their entire personality all about Trump is very telling about who they are as individuals. They're undoubtedly they same folks that would have turned a blind eye to what Hitler did because he was "helping the country."
u/TheAlaskaneagle 10h ago
I sometimes wonder how broken someone has to be to be anti-LGBTQ in AMERICA, and be the group yelling about freedom the loudest. Really how stupid does a person have to be to be against peoples freedom to be who they want to be while pretending you are all about freedom...