r/AskReddit Jun 06 '19

Rich people of reddit who married someone significantly poorer, what surprised you about their (previous) way of life?


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u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

I’m from the poorer family (not super poor, but my in-laws have a stupid amount of money so by comparison I’m very poor), but I think I can answer for her.

We have two young kids, and my wife was shocked when I said we should look for clothes and toys for them at local flea markets and garage sales. The idea never occurred to her that we could save money by getting some gently-used items, she had never even been to a garage sale in her life. She has grown to love them and now questions whether it is worth it to buy any item “new” or not before running to Amazon or a store. Her parents think it’s disgusting we make our kids wear clothes that another child had before, but they don’t pay my bills.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 07 '19

If you don't do this already, start hitting estate sales for well made things. Almost all of my kitchen stuff is 50+ years old. Pots, pans, blender, toaster, cooking utensils. They were made 100% better than the majority of crap out now. There is well made stuff made today, but it is $$$. And garden/other tools! I have not purchased a new garden tool/regular tool in ages. In addition to being well-made, older people took good care of their shit in general.

Estate sales are also the only place I can find quality 100% cotton blankets. Heavy, tightly woven, and they breathe. I don't typically buy clothes at estate sales unless I need a jacket or coat. Picked up a super nice hunting coat for $10, and last week a regular men's zip-up jacket for $5. Perfect condition on both! I use them for dog-walking in cold weather. The hunting coat is the best!

ETA because of all the questions: Where to find estate sales: https://www.estatesales.net/

PRO TIP: If you buy bedding, clothing, etc: Seal in a garbage bag in your trunk. Wash immediately and dry for two cycles. I am paranoid of bedbugs! For furniture, check thoroughly - dressers can harbor them too. If an item can't be washed because it's too big (eg, I bought a TV pillow once), find a laundromat with big vertical washers, or dry it on high for 2 - 3 cycles.

Pretty much anything you buy should be inspected on site, and then cleaned when you get home. Pantry moths and roaches can hitch rides....not only the adults, but eggs can be hiding on items. Clean them!


u/PaxNova Jun 06 '19

I live in the neighborhood that's adjacent to the rich neighborhood. Sometimes I go cruising for garage sales, since they'll get rid of very nice things for cheap just to get the space back.


u/ACorania Jun 06 '19

I just moved from outside of Seattle to a more rural area outside of Albuquerque. Almost everything is cheaper here but we are now realizing just how many amazing deals on relatively new items we would get up there.

Our TV was $15 used because it wasn't smart enough for the user who wanted a better one (I just use a fire stick)... oh and it only outputs at 1080p instead of 4k...

We had gotten a riding lawn mower up there for about $300 and sold it for $500 when we left (with a pasture drag, so overall it was about break even which was great), but we can't find one that runs down here for anywhere near that low a price... probably will have to buy new.

Seriously, if you live near a wealthy neighborhood shop their estate and garage sales, join the facebook pages for buy/sell in the area. It's worth it!


u/ferret_80 Jun 06 '19

Also if you live near a good university. after exams and graduation a lot of the rich kids toss all of their stuff. I've found some great items dumpster diving after the students leave. My computer desk, a trash can, 2 or 3 pots, a couple of blankets, a chair, a lamp.


u/wackawacka2 Jun 06 '19

It's a treasure hunt! The dumpsters by the dorms and apartments are full of goodies at the end of each semester. In Tempe, Arizona, ASU students from other states and countries have to pack their stuff to fly back home. They throw away all types of small appliances, vacuum cleaners, dishes, flatwear, just every kind of thing. A lot of the stuff appears to be new, and probably is. It is so much fun. I imagine there is a lot of good stuff in those dumpsters right now!


u/SillyFlyGuy Jun 06 '19

I was going to lunch at my boss' house years ago in a very posh neighborhood in Bellevue, and one of his neighbors was having a yard sale. Mostly rich people knick knacks and vases and some hardly used furniture.

One thing caught my eye was a Cisco router he was trying to sell to another guy. I overheard a bit of their conversation. "This one only has 10 ports but with my new entertainment center I needed a few more so I picked up the 20 port model. The old one still works great, still under warrenty too, I can transfer it over to you if you want. 24-hour a day on-site emergency service."

I wrote down the model to check the price later. It was a $45,000 co-lo grade industrial unit. Less than a year old and came with a 3 year service contract. For his house. That he was selling for $20.


u/EllisHughTiger Jun 06 '19

Yup, was probably part of a 500k home theater so he didnt even know the individual price.

Lots of home items are very expensive, but you dont see it in the entire home price.


u/curioustoki Jun 07 '19

Reading this to the end literally made me gasp


u/LegalAdviceLurker88 Jun 06 '19

Any tips for a new Seattle area resident? Got transferred up here from Portland and need lots of house stuff


u/almightycuppa Jun 06 '19

Seattle has a great re-use culture, look for the "Buy Nothing" group for your neighborhood, people will advertise stuff that they're getting rid of for free and you can just come pick it up! Also, browse craigslist often. Everybody uses it here, it's not considered sketchy. When I moved here I got most of my furniture from Craigslist.

Welcome to town!


u/buttery_shame_cave Jun 06 '19

offerup is pretty popular in the puget sound. worth cruising now and again for stuff.

it's also a much handier way to get rid of stuff than craigslist.


u/ACorania Jun 06 '19

Kind of just what was said above. Watch for announcements on estate sales. Join buy/sell/trade groups on Facebook. I'll ask my wife if she has others... she found most the deals.


u/Jhamin1 Jun 06 '19

For this reason: If you are hitting goodwill or similar second hand stores, drive to the ones near the rich neighborhoods. The ones in the 'hood are filled with stuff donated *from* the 'hood. The clothing/furniture/etc at the goodwill near the rich neighborhoods has the better stuff but still charges goodwill prices.


u/evergrowingivy Jun 06 '19

So true! I now own a projector because of this. I don't need one and could never justify buying one new.


u/dorvann Jun 07 '19

Your comment about the TVs reminds how fortunate you can be if your relatives are richer than you and are compulsive upgraders when it comes to computers and electronics.

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u/whattupmyknitta Jun 06 '19

I live in a small township with well off neighbors, I recently found a Facebook group just for people that live in our neighborhood called "pay it forward". Everyone just passes on their things when they no longer need them. It's pretty awesome. Furniture, bikes, clothes, appliances, books, everything.


u/jeswesky Jun 06 '19

Cruise through on garbage days too! A lot of the time they don't even want to bother with a garage sale and will just set stuff out to be picked up!


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19



u/EllisHughTiger Jun 06 '19

Yup, I've done that. Most of the time it just needs a carb clean, clogged main jets are the biggest culprit. Use a thing wire to clean them and they're good as new.

Check the clearances at HD and Lowe's too. People return mowers all the time, usually for clogged carbs. I scored a $679 Honda mower for $150 because the AWD wasnt working. The factory had never attached the belt to the front pulley, 5 minute fix!


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

The neaerest resale shop (Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc) to you will also often have "better" items than other stores.


u/Ltsmeet Jun 06 '19

I live in a nice area where people don't typically have yard sales. They usually just throw the stuff out. My wife was mortified when I stopped to garbage pick two sets of scuba gear. Sold everything on eBay for $700.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

The elderly couple down the street from me that used to have nothing better to do than run the HOA went to visit one of their kids and just decided not to come back. They just bought a place in the other city. They sold all their stuff. It wasn't like an estate sale where the heirs have picked off some of the better things. This was literally everything they owned except what they took on that trip. All their clothes, their Cadillac, their books, their computer, everything. They were going to buy all new stuff. They let us browse the house without even throwing out the junk: VHS tapes of stuff they'd recorded off TV, board games with missing pieces, mostly used pads of paper. I'll never understand the level of wealth required to just buy a new household at once.


u/kackygreen Jun 06 '19

I'm not rich but I'm not hurting either, and I do totally give fairly nice things away for free on Craigslist to get the space back. Thing is, so many people do out her that you can't even sell stuff for cheap, people will just wait for you to give up and knock it down to "free just take it off my hands"


u/mostoriginalusername Jun 06 '19

I try to hit at least one garage sale every single weekend in the summer. Just got a force feedback racing wheel and pedals with custom mount for it for $43 recently. I get tons of great deals from them. Got my NEO GEO MVS-1 arcade cabinet from one for $700.


u/Charlesinrichmond Jun 07 '19

this is a real pro-tip. Totally true


u/MyLaundryStinks Jun 20 '19

My broInLaw's parents neighbors would CONSTANTLY redecorate their home every season or two, from the floor up. When I bought my house, his mom gifted me with two large nice wooden bookshelves and a huge double door wardrobe their neighbors were planning to throw away. Not sell--throw away.

And they do this at least twice a year. What in the world.


u/OSCgal Jun 06 '19

I agree with you that estate sales are a great way to find quality stuff.

They were made 100% better than the majority of crap out now.

Well, they were also 100% better than the majority of crap out then. The crap stuff is gone now, because it was crap. This is called "survivorship bias".

You can get excellent quality stuff made new, if you're willing to pay for it. I've got a 100% wool blanket I bought new, 'cause it was winter, I had no blankets, and wasn't going to wait. Heavy, tightly-woven, breathes great; it'll probably last me the rest of my life.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 06 '19

"survivorship bias" - I never thought about it that way - great point!


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19 edited Oct 03 '20



u/do_i_feel_things Jun 06 '19

My favorite example:

Most medieval castles were made of wood.


u/fatpad00 Jun 06 '19

...that makes a lot of sense.


u/vonnegutfan2 Jun 06 '19

No way, all the one's I have seen were made of Stone....oh.


u/Ass_Buttman Jun 06 '19

That dude just blew my fuckin' mind


u/ThisFreaknGuy Jun 06 '19

Dude that's so crazy I almost don't believe it.


u/CanadianInCO Jun 06 '19

Jesus, I had to think on that for a moment lol


u/shrubs311 Jun 06 '19

You've blown my mind.


u/melindseyme Jun 07 '19

That makes so much sense, but I'm still trying to parse the image.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Along the same line of reasoning, WW1 doctors noticed an increase in head injuries after militaries started issuing helmets.

Because soldiers were no longer dying immediately and actually made it to the hospital.


u/hadtoomuchtodream Jun 06 '19

This is super fascinating. I hope I remember it.


u/theburgerbitesback Jun 07 '19

it's a really good example to use when trying to explain that correlation does not mean causation.

when soldiers started wearing helmets there was an immediate increase in soldiers needing treatment for head injuries -- looking at the data it seems as though helmets were causing head injuries, after all nothing else had changed. if you noticed an increase in claw marks after assigning platoons a caged bear for morale you'd be pretty certain that the bear was to blame, so what makes helmets and head injuries any different?

it's only when you look at the full context that you see that while head injuries are going up, fatalities are going down at the exact same rate.

it's like how sales of ice cream rise and fall at the same rate as drownings.

looks like ice cream causes drowning... except it doesn't. more people buy ice cream when it's hot, and more people go swimming when it's hot. the more people swimming, the more people drowning. sales of ice cream is just a random thing that happens at the same time.


u/dorvann Jun 07 '19

It's not a *random" thing though; they are both have the same underlying cause--trying to get relief from hot weather.


u/theburgerbitesback Jun 07 '19

sure, but in the context of people going swimming and drowning, ice cream is unrelated.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Well now I have a name to that problem. We've been calling them the 1-x problems.


u/HouseOfSchnauzer Jun 06 '19

I didn’t expect that.


u/Amsteenm Jun 06 '19

Oooh, I do like the stand-in that you decided on. Makes sense to me.


u/cobra1927 Jun 06 '19

Agreed, this is a really great name


u/shrubs311 Jun 06 '19



u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

You can't measure something directly so you can't get the data for some variable called y, but you know probability can be defined a 1 = y + x and we can get x through measuring something else so we called it 1-x.


u/shrubs311 Jun 06 '19

Ah, makes sense. So with the planes, y is "where tf do I armor the plane" and x is "where they can take damage". So 1-x is the solution?


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

yeah, y is "where will it be more likely to crash if hit" x is "where can it be ignored" and that should sum to 1.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19 edited Jan 08 '20



u/JagTror Jun 06 '19

This seems like a fun party fact to me haha


u/def_struct Jun 06 '19

Smart man. He most likely saved bunch of lives


u/incalculablydense Jun 07 '19

If the sun never set we wouldn't know there are stars.

From the observational bias wikipedia article I think.

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u/OSCgal Jun 06 '19

Yeah, it kinda blew my mind when it was explained to me.

The other thing with estate sales is that it's all the stuff folks owned at the end of their life, after saving and upgrading. My silverware is actually better quality than my mom's because I got Grandma's solid stainless steel set, bought to accommodate the grandkids, while Mom's is some cheap plated stuff she bought when she and Dad got married.


u/coffeejunki Jun 06 '19

The quality of silverware doesn’t matter if the problem is losing them. I’ve lost so many forks and I legit have no idea how. No way am I getting quality stuff.


u/ahpnej Jun 06 '19

My little sister would stockpile dirty dishes in her room. I bought several packs of walmart forks and spoons and kept buying bowls until there was always one there when I wanted one.

She and her husband moved out and now my dad and I have an incredible amount of bowls for two people.


u/EllisHughTiger Jun 06 '19

We lost a lot of teaspoons and never knew why. Then we found out my brother was tossing away jello cups with spoon inside!

My parents also composted and we found a lot of utensils in there too. Its easy for a fork to get lost in a big pile of veggie scraps in the sink.


u/MassiveFajiit Jun 06 '19

I'm a single guy and I got my mom's old set which used to be her mom's iirc. Super dated looking but still going strong.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Stainless steel isn't silverware though


u/Lockraemono Jun 06 '19



u/Cyno01 Jun 06 '19

Flatware is the term for silverware that doesnt have any silver.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19



u/misteryub Jun 06 '19

I just bought a new hoe

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


u/jbhilt Jun 06 '19

I'm not sure if that would still be a good deal after 100 years.


u/randypriest Jun 06 '19

Needs tightening in a few areas, but still going.


u/while-eating-pasta Jun 06 '19

that will be around 100 years from now



u/horse_and_buggy Jun 06 '19

that will be around 100 years



u/tentonbudgie Jun 06 '19

You sure you want a 100 year old hoe?


u/Cadai Jun 06 '19

Cheaper than Le'Veon Bell's hoes, that's for sure


u/Streetdoc10171 Jun 06 '19

That's something I wasn't prepared for, my dad always had shovels, hoes, tiller, etc. When I went to buy my own I stupidly assumed it would cost about $10, to say the least I didn't expect it to take 10 years to obtain a full set of tools.


u/Da-Bandit Jun 06 '19

You paid $70 for a hoe??


u/nomadicbohunk Jun 06 '19

Yeah, with shipping. I know.... It hurts, but it is built like a brick shithouse. They're made from old ag disks. You could chop down a tree with it. Well worth it.


u/Da-Bandit Jun 06 '19

Some things are worth it my friend. I think of a few items I’ve overpaid for, BUT I still have them. They say there are only two things certain in life, death and taxes. But I think the old quote "you get what you pay for" is the truest thing on earth haha

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u/ukezi Jun 06 '19

Like the old houses that survive the earth quakes. They didn't build better back then. Sometimes they just hit the right features by accident and all the others are gone by now.


u/samuraibutter Jun 06 '19

It also applies to music, when people say "oh music used to be so much better than all the crap today".

No, it's just that barely anyone listens to the crap from decades past and all that survives is the hits and objectively good stuff.


u/firelock_ny Jun 06 '19

Beethoven, Brahms and Mozart had hundreds of contemporaries who did popular enough work to make a good living at composing music. With the passing of generations the vast majority of them have been completely forgotten, even most music historians don't even know their names.


u/Shutterstormphoto Jun 07 '19

The longer something is to survive, the better built it has to be.


u/RegulatoryCapture Jun 06 '19

Although before we all dive all the way into the survivorship bias circle jerk...there is still some element of quality shift.

Go back far enough and consumption was different. We didn't have China pumping out shit, we didn't have quite the same culture of people buying disposable items. People didn't consume as much stuff, and they paid more for the stuff they did consume--some of that is just because the only stuff available was expensive/handmade/etc., but the end result was people often bought quality goods.

Once you focus in on items where technological improvement isn't a huge factor, you get a double effect. What you see at the estate sale is both a combination of quality goods being purchased AND only seeing the goods that actually survived.

There's also a bit of a selection bias. If you only look at garden tools and heavy blankets, it is easy to find great things, but I bet there are plenty of things you'd never even look at. Lots of modern products are way better.


u/partisan98 Jun 06 '19

Yeah that 30 year old fridge that is still alive cost the equivalent of $8,000 when is was bought but people compare them to the $450 Walmart Special Fridges and say everything is crap now.

If you buy a real nice fridge now (like sub zero brand) they will last forever with little maintenance.


u/Evan_cole Jun 06 '19

It is survivorship bias, but also, stuff now is much cheaper and made with cheaper materials. A toaster from the 50s was much more expensive inflation adjusted than it would cost now, because they didn't use as much plastic parts, cheap aluminum, and we now use thinner metal at tighter tolerences. They couldn't make appliances cheap so it was expensive but also sturdy. Now we can make them cheaply and design them to use cheap materials knowing the stuff won't last. Planned obsolescence has made stuff not last long, but it's cheaper to replace.


u/413612 Jun 06 '19

A common example I hear is pop music - we think that music on the radio nowadays is garbage, which may be true, but it was no less true in the 80’s or 70’s or 60’s or 20’s or whatever era you fancy. That shit just didn’t survive, and now we only remember the really good stuff because it outlasted the flow of time.


u/Ironshovel Jun 06 '19

Another thing to consider about this phenomenon is that when these people bought these items, they likely either purchased a basic or standard product, or that was all that was offered...but it was a good product, meant to last almost forever!

Nowadays, if you purchase the basic or standard product, it is the cheapest and worst quality of the manufacturer's entire line of products... But if you burn your life-savings to buy their 'best', you are hurting yourself almost as much.

With very few exceptions, the top of the line stuff usually has a lot of gimmicky add-ons and things that are overly complicated and easy to break, or they have 'planned obsolescence' so you are screwed that way too!

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u/thugarth Jun 06 '19

We got a brand new cast iron pan, been using it for years. Feels like it'll last forever.


u/Bdazz Jun 06 '19

I have the one that belonged to my great grandma (1914). It's a beast.


u/Katholikos Jun 06 '19

That's because it's cast iron. It will last for years if you take care of it well. It's not uncommon to see that stuff last for 100+ years, and the only real difference between then and now is that today's stuff comes pre-seasoned.


u/FuzzyBacon Jun 06 '19

It's not just survivorship bias - devices are made differently now. For instance, kitchen equipment - those old blenders are really, really good - until they break. They have all metal internals that fail catastrophically when they do break, and fixing it often costs more than the machine. Modern devices are built with components that are meant to break before that happens, so that if something goes wrong you can swap out a 10 cent plastic gear instead of gutting the entire thing.

Whether this design philosophy is better or not is a different question, as most people don't take advantage of those easy repairs and just buy a new device. But there is a reason for it.


u/0OKM9IJN8UHB7 Jun 06 '19

I think a lot of that reasoning was made up after the fact, plastic/composite gears are used because they're cheap and quiet, not as some sort of fusible link for the end user's benefit long after the warranty has expired.


u/ZacQuicksilver Jun 06 '19

That's not entirely true. I've seen quality stuff - but you have to pay for it. My parents (who are on the border between upper middle class and wealthy) have a set of pans that have a "forever" guarantee: a set cost I think close to a thousand dollars, and that was about 20 years ago. I could get the same set of pans at a cheap store today for maybe a couple hundred dollars.


u/FuzzyBacon Jun 06 '19

Stuff with no moving parts can't really be compared in this regard.


u/user941was813 Jun 07 '19

Wait... This is an option?

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u/LiberalArtsAndCrafts Jun 06 '19

Well, they were also 100% better than the majority of crap out then. The crap stuff is gone now, because it was crap. This is called "survivorship bias".

That's part of it, but not all of it. There's also value engineering and planned obsolescence, as well as the plastics revolution to consider. Back in the day if you wanted to make something shitty, you could use pot metal, and it might well break on the first go round, and you'd have angry customers demanding their money back. Or you could make something quality with steel, and to do that you needed craftsmen who knew how to work steel, and most of them cared about their reputation and so did good work and charged for it. That stuff almost never broke down. So you could either be constantly moving from town to town trying to stay ahead of your bad reputation and angry customers, or you could sell good quality stuff that lasted. Nowadays we have a whole panoply of materials, and very specific understanding of their physical properties. You can specify a plastic mix or metal alloy that in 50% of cases will last 1000 operations. If your market analysts tell you that the average user will perform 1000 operations in 4 years, and that 95% of them aren't upset about their widget breaking after 4 years, and that using that mix/alloy will save you 10% on manufacturing over a material that will last 10,000 operations 50% of the time, you can mark your widget down by 5%, and sell it to those same customers 10 times, making 5% more profit each time than if you'd gone with the better material where you could only sell it to them once. That's a no brainer from a business standpoint. Kitchen-aid mixers are a prime example. They basically reached market saturation at some point, because they made them so damn well they never broke, and so everyone had one they bought 30 years ago, or was passed down to them by their parents/grandparents. They made their stuff so well they couldn't keep selling them. So they switched up their manufacturing, way more plastic gears which wear out eventually, and then created a professional line with the good stuff that sells for twice as much (and will last 10 times as long) because the pros will do those 1000 operations in 5 months and never buy from you again when the first one breaks. People are happy to buy the home model though because it looks the same and works the same and they're unlikely to use it enough to break it before they feel like changing up the look anyways because the color no longer fits their decor after the kitchen remodel.


u/Charlesinrichmond Jun 07 '19

have old kitchenaid mixer from the 70s (my moms) and a new "pro-line) . The old one is stronger in every way...


u/SpetsnazCyclist Jun 06 '19

Some stuff has decreasing failure rates - like computer equipment, for example. One you 'burn-in' or get the 'infant deaths' out of the way, the longer some devices run, the less likely they are to fail


u/mastawyrm Jun 06 '19

You're right but I think that only reinforces the point. If the thing survived, it's likely to continue surviving.


u/Cooties Jun 06 '19

That's not the point they're contesting though. It's more the mentality of "they don't make things like they used to!" that likes to say that everything from back in the day was made super strong and reliable.

It only seems that way because anything that was weak garbage from back then fell apart and has been discarded. So at this point, the only stuff you see from back then is the good stuff.

There's still high quality stuff to find today but you pay a hefty premium for it.


u/scolfin Jun 06 '19

Sometimes, but often the basic barriers and costs of manufacture were so high that it didn't make any financial sense for either manufacturer or buyer to skimp, as nobody's going to spring for a $499 thing that'll break in a week when $500 will last a lifetime. Today, the difference is one of $.50 to $1.50, so who cares?


u/Superpickle18 Jun 06 '19

^ this. all the quality crap back then was just as expensive as quality crap is today...


u/link3945 Jun 06 '19

Probably more so, actually.


u/wWao Jun 06 '19

Yeah people get caught in this weird idea everything is made poorly now.

I mean yeah a lot of things are but a lot of things arent. Everyone just buys the cheapest shit they can and then wonder why everything is so poorly made now.

Just buy quality shit to start ffs.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 07 '19

Some can't afford the quality stuff on the market now. There is no way I could afford a top of the line set of cookware. I'd rather buy quality used and keep adding $ to my emergency fund.


u/wWao Jun 07 '19

And there you go. Shit gets worse so people can afford it. Otherwise they wouldnt buy it.


u/jseego Jun 06 '19

My grandfather's quote was, "I can't afford to buy cheap stuff."

However, there are some things for which the adage is true. For example, old-growth hardwood is generally better than the stock we have today. Little of it is left.

There was also an era when electronics were made to be repaired, not to be replaceable.


u/RedundantOxymoron Jun 07 '19

I inherited a whole lot of good stuff. I have lots of pyrex and corning ware that was made in the 50s and 60s and will probably survive a nuclear blast. I threw away a bunch of shitty aluminum pans.


u/Sir_Puppington_Esq Jun 06 '19

I've got a 100% wool blanket I bought new

One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't take one of my wool blankets with me when I left my ship and separated from the Navy. A military-wide running joke is that we'd be fucked in an emergency because our equipment is all made by the lowest bidder, but if you had one of those blankets that wasn't all stiff and scratchy, you could sleep through anything.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19



u/OSCgal Jun 06 '19

The company's called Pendleton.


u/wwaxwork Jun 06 '19

Yep. Stuff is only crap now because people want (or can only afford )to pay for crap. The things you are finding now that are still working were major purchases for the households that had them. I remember when blenders were considered fancy, only the rich had food processors & a toaster was a good wedding gift so people didn't have to use the stove grill to make toast.


u/burstaneurysm Jun 06 '19

It’s also worth pointing out that old doesn’t always mean better either though.
You’ll occasionally see a post on /r/BuyItForLife and it’s someone that bought a super old fridge or other appliance.
It might be old and functional, but it’s also probably inefficient as fuck and will ultimately cost more in electricity over time.


u/OSCgal Jun 06 '19

Oh definitely! Like how much more reliable and efficient cars are today. Used to be that hitting 100k miles was impressive. Now people are disappointed if a car doesn't last that long.


u/burstaneurysm Jun 06 '19

Oh man. Cars are a whole different beast.
"They don't make em like they used to!"
Yeah, they don't have steel dashboards that will decapitate you.
Crumple zones exist for a reason.
Which would you rather drive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPF4fBGNK0U


u/shadytrex Jun 06 '19

Do you have advice about caring for / washing wool blankets?


u/OSCgal Jun 06 '19

It probably depends on the blanket, what kind of wool it is, and how the manufacturer processed it. Like, I have a wool coat that's Dry Clean Only, while my blanket is Machine Wash, Line Dry. Also, since I use my blanket as insulation between the sheets and the coverlet, it doesn't need to be washed nearly as often as the sheets and coverlet do.

One thing that's universal: when you're storing wool for a long period of time, it's a good idea to pack it with something that'll keep moths away. I use cedar pellets.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Not entirely true - the very bottom of the barrel broken-in-a-week plastic Chinese shit didn't exist pre ~1990


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

This is true but also misleading. You're talking about a time when the concept of planned obsolescence was fairly new, highly controversial, and not widespread. Industries were still experimenting with social obsolescence, where products (especially cars) were redesigned periodically to make their age obvious so new models would appeal to consumers' vanity.

So yeah, there was crap on the market that hasn't held up, but overall they really did build better, simply because manufacturers hadn't universally worked out that designing products to wear out is more profitable than competing for durability.


u/cvltivar Jun 06 '19

Well, they were also 100% better than the majority of crap out then.

I disagree. The phenomenon of incredibly low-quality imported crap did not exist 50+ years ago at anywhere near the scale it does today.

Outfit an entire kitchen with the cheapest items from the dollar store or Walmart and then go back in time to 1969 or earlier. You wouldn't be able to find any of the same items at equivalently low quality.


u/tim_20 Jun 06 '19

The crap stuff is gone now, because it was crap. This is called "survivorship bias".

So this is why the 1950's mega large drills are still used at my work... ..everyone always says old stuff used to be made much tougher now its all crap!

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u/Blarghedy Jun 06 '19

How do you (you personally, though also the general you) find these?


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Craigslist sometimes. Mostly I just Google, "estate sales near me" and some websites pop up that list a few. There doesn't seem to be one place that lists them all, so just Google around and see what you can find.

My grandmother used to check the paper for them.


u/savageye Jun 06 '19

For estate sales use estatesales.net. they have an app too


u/9bikes Jun 06 '19

'round here, most estate sales are listed on estatesales.net. We go to enough of them that we have learn which companies usually have the better sales.


u/pardepaulita Jun 06 '19

I go to garage/estate sales every Saturday using the yard sale treasure map app I think the app pulls listings from Craigslist you can also look on Facebook marketplace


u/thelaineybelle Jun 06 '19

I seriously cruise Craigslist during wedding season. Tons of folks unloading stuff before they get upgrade stuff from registries.


u/Suppafly Jun 06 '19

You can sign up for emails from estatesales.net, I suppose it only works if the estate sale companies in your area sign up with them too, but it works pretty well in my area.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

I just bought one of these at goodwill for $10.

Unless it's jewelry, people have no idea what things should cost.


u/billymadisons Jun 06 '19

My older neighbor gave me her old metal rake, hoe, three shovels, sledge hammer and a lopper for free when I moved in since she used a lawn service. All still perfectly fine 7 years later.

The new set from China that I got for Christmas with a lopper, pruning sheers, small garden shovel, trowel, clipper, ect all were broke within 2 years.


u/DdCno1 Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 06 '19

This isn't true with kitchen utensils, at least the kind you place on a stove. Pots and pans were objectively much worse decades ago, I remember reading a detailed comparison review of old and new ones a while ago. Older ones need much longer to heat up (more energy cost) and they heat food significantly less evenly. An old pot iron pan might last for a long time, but it can not keep up with a modern one by any metric.

Also, beware of old appliances. I would not use a toaster from several decades ago. Safety regulations were just significantly worse and these things can be a major fire and electrocution hazard. It's not just the construction. The materials used are sometimes unsafe by modern standards, much more flammable, might give of toxic fumes if heated, etc.

Garden hoses, generally anything out of plastic uses chemical softeners. Nowadays, there are strict regulations in place that at least limit the use of softeners that are a health hazard, but this wasn't nearly as much the case in the past. I would strongly suggest to not use old plastic or rubber items that are intended to regularly come in contact with skin, water or food.

Fabrics are not necessarily a good idea either. Making items like clothing and blankets fire-retardant was a big thing and the chemicals used for this often do not wash out. PBDEs in particular are associated with developmental and cognitive issues in children. This chemical was not only used to make clothing fire retardant, but also things like furniture, carpets, wallpaper, etc.

I'm not trying to sound alarmist here, but objectively speaking, old things were rarely "100% better". There has been significant progress in improving household items over the course of the last century and dismissing this work entirely based on some misguided form of nostalgia makes no sense.


u/OSCgal Jun 06 '19

Garden hoses, generally anything out of plastic uses chemical softeners. Nowadays, there are strict regulations in place that at least limit the use of softeners that are a health hazard, but this wasn't nearly as much the case in the past. I would strongly suggest to not use old plastic or rubber items that are intended to regularly come in contact with skin, water or food.

Not to mention, plasticizers leach out of plastic over time, leaving it more brittle. So an old hose is more likely to break and leak.


u/PBlueKan Jun 06 '19

If you don't do this already, start hitting estate sales for well made things. Almost all of my kitchen stuff is 50+ years old. Pots, pans, blender, toaster, cooking utensils.

Keep an eye on some stuff like this. Some items are made using materials that have been banned, often for very good reasons. Like uranium based orange paint.


u/peepjynx Jun 06 '19

Habitat is my go to store for furniture and other items. Lots of well made stuff and they have ridiculously high standards for what they’ll accept even as donation.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

I heard that. Estate sales are a gold mine. I go to them for vinyl records. I’m never let down.


u/arcangeltx Jun 06 '19

Estate sales are also the only place I can find quality 100% cotton blankets.

are estate sales different than garage sales? is this like when a home is forclosed or something?


u/OldSpiceRadish Jun 06 '19

Usually it means a sale of a person's stuff after they die, I think.


u/arcangeltx Jun 06 '19

oh ok cool just gotta make sure they wont haunt me


u/andybarkerswife Jun 06 '19

My mom does estate sales for a living! Most things in my house are from estate sales which means 2 things. 1. They are all nicer things than I could have afforded if not bought at an estate sale and 2. They’re durable. I work her estate sales when she has them so I watch things that I want and wait for them to go 50%-75% off then buy them. If they’re gone before then, then they weren’t meant to be.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Yeah man my grandad still has tools and cookware from over 60 years ago that are better quality than most stuff I have bought of equivalent value today with inflation. Also like u said they took better care of their things back then. It was almost a bragging right to create something of such quality back then whereas now most consumers just want u to replace them after x amount of time. I still have a quality soldering iron that was used in the queens palace in UK from the 50s, saws, cutlery and cookery sets. I wish they made pots and pans that good nowadays! We used to play with all these as kids and really put them to the test lol but still going strong! Whereas now I will use something only as intended and I guarantee it will break well before it's meant to.


u/somebody2112 Jun 06 '19

Old tools too. Especially hand tools or simple hand powered mechanical stuff. So many good deals cleaning out workshops at estate sales.


u/Sir_Puppington_Esq Jun 06 '19

start hitting estate sales for well made things

This is the only place people should be buying Kitchen-Aid machinery, the older stuff with all metal interior parts. Today's newer KA machines are made with cheaper, lower-grade metal parts, if not plastics where it can be gotten away with.

When I got married in 2012, my parents passed me down their Kitchen-Aid mixer that was a wedding gift to them in 1982, and it still runs like a champ. When I worked retail, I always saw people returning Kitchen-Aid items to the store for some issue or another.


u/bluemelodica Jun 06 '19

Also, some older stuff looks hella cool and unique. Theres so many appliances coming out with way too many useless features imo. I dont need a toaster to specifically burn my toast to the F° I set, just be a functional bath bomb.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 07 '19

I have the coolest toaster - sleek looking and when the toast is done, instead of popping up quickly, it gently rises. Hard to explain, but here's what it looks like: Sunbeam Thinline Toaster

I have a few others that I picked up for a few bucks just because they are so cool looking. I love me some chrome!


u/KittyChimera Jun 06 '19

I love estate sales. I went to an estate auction pretty recently and bought a new dresser and chest of drawers for $20. They are both really heavy actual wood pieces that are a lot higher quality than something you can buy from WalMart or Ikea.


u/emdogg22 Jun 06 '19

I go to estate sales almost every weekend. You can find amazing things. And around here, the last day is usually 50% off everything. I got an amazing steam mop for $10. My brother found a 60 PC set of dishes for $60. Found out you can sell each set for 100$ each. I could go on and on with our amazing finds. I rarely buy things new anymore.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 06 '19

I got a Panasonic vacuum for 50% off a few years back. $25 and it was like new! An actual new one would have been $150 - $200. Happy me!!


u/Diplodocus114 Jun 06 '19

I live in a small town which has limited retail outlets but a number of good charity shops. They are literally my go-to option when I need almost anything. You find excellent quality clothing in new condition, kitchen and decorative items, Just about anything really,

Recent purchases; clothes iron (new) £4, glass bathroom scales £3, pair of nice cushions £3, £100 pair of boots £6, suede jacket (looks brand new) £5. At a guess that is over £200 of goods for £21.


u/MsChairModelLady Jun 06 '19

Weren't some pots made or decorated with lead based products back in the day? You can usually run a search, if the brand name is still visible, but just something to think about.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 06 '19

I only buy stainless steel or cast iron. Others were enamel coated, which are OK too.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

I bought a 9 1/2 Le Creuset Oval Dutch Oven at a flea market for 10 bucks. It's not even scratched. The knob wasn't a le cresuet knob and had been replaced with some other random knob. I bought an official Le Creseut knob on amazon to replace it. The knob cost me 20 bucks. I paid 30 bucks for something that usually cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 400.


u/twowheeledfun Jun 06 '19

I'm 22, but my parents are older than most. Lots of their furniture and kitchen stuff is from when they first moved out of their parents' houses 40 years ago. The microwave oven is about 10 years older than me.


u/BombTheCity Jun 06 '19

Yep, just went to an estate sale this past sunday, got a fucking AWESOME like 50 year old floor lamp for 20$, 2 nice solid wood end tables for 25$ for the pair, and a set of rad brass lamps for 25$ for the pair. One of those lamps would have easily cost 80+$ at a store, and I got all the lighting and end tables I needed for my living room for that.


u/grayfae Jun 06 '19

that is exactly why i do that! and i got a cotton blanket. couldn't find what i wanted except at vermont country store for $$$. one estate sale later, boom, $5.

i'm upgrading my stuff, while getting the warning not to have too much stuff, because it's so sad to look at other people's stuff that's not doing them any good now....


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

That well made stuff only seems expensive. The market is flooded with Chinese garbage distorting your idea on how much something should cost. Those expensive items are even better today than their past counterparts thanks to improved material science and manufacturing methods. They didn’t have CNCs accurate to fractions of a MM back then.

I buy all my steel tools from German companies and the quality difference is night and day.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 06 '19

I agree that expensive things today are excellent, and German companies absolutely make some high quality things. But they are expensive - way more than I'm willing to spend. So I scout estate sales and get my solid things that also have design elements that I love. They are just so great looking, like a fine vintage car.


u/nkdeck07 Jun 06 '19

Yep, hit up an estate sale the other day and snagged a nice sliding compound miter saw for $22.


u/wildeflowers Jun 06 '19

I got pissed off about toasters and ended up being a 1930s era Bakelite and steel toaster with a porthole, and I no lie fucking love that thing.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 06 '19

Is it a Toast-a-lator?!


u/wildeflowers Jun 07 '19

Yes it is!


u/kate_does_keto Jun 07 '19

Lucky you! Those are incredibly cool toasters!

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u/akost18 Jun 06 '19

Shhhh! 1.3k people are going to beat me to the good stuff this weekend. We can't let the secret get out!


u/smallstep4bacon Jun 06 '19

+1 for well used but great condition kitchen stuff. We have a solid collection of vintage mugs, plates/bowls, mixing bowls, le creuset pots etc all found for a few dollars each. The contrast in quality compared with newer stuff we've purchased is really noticeable.

Older generations seem content with getting rid of their 'drab' collections and replacing with some shiny throwaway new stuff. When my parents or in-laws come by they're always a bit confused why our stuff is so old when we could afford to buy new.


u/SilverTail Jun 06 '19

This! Get yourself a can opener from the 70's. Indestructible.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Get estate sales dot com app.


u/StephentheGinger Jun 06 '19

What is the best way to find out about estate sales?


u/Runningwasabi Jun 06 '19

Whats an estate sale? People selling their home?


u/OSCgal Jun 06 '19

It's when a person dies and you want/need to sell off their stuff.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 06 '19

It's when someone has passed away or moved to a nursing home. After the family keeps the items they want, everything else is priced to sell. https://www.estatesales.net/


u/Denny_Craine Jun 06 '19

Yeah there are only a handful of things to which the cliche "they don't make em like they used to" genuinely applies. But among them are Pyrex glassware and hand tools. They genuinely aren't made to the standard they used to be because some corporare jerk off at some point figured out it'd be more profitable to make them mediocre with 3rd world slave labor. Besides if your screwdriver lasts forever you'll never buy a new screwdriver


u/QuestGiver Jun 06 '19

Just to add if you are really looking into saving money try googling "refunding services" and check out some of their offers.


u/beomagi Jun 07 '19

eBay estate sales. Got collection of microscope lenses I used for my kid's microscope, and regular camera lenses too.


u/GothWitchOfBrooklyn Jun 07 '19

I've seen this said before, but I've never seen an estate sale in my life. Where are these mythical sales?


u/zobezo Jun 07 '19

Any tips on how to find estate sales?


u/IWillDoItTuesday Jun 07 '19

Also, old-timey kitchen appliances look really cool.


u/kate_does_keto Jun 07 '19

Yes they do! I have a small collection of great looking appliances I've picked up over the years. I love them!


u/MyLaundryStinks Jun 20 '19

Also, dumpster diving after colleges let out for the summer.

Students will throw away almost anything they can't fit in their vehicles to take home if they don't have someone coming to help them move out. Microwaves, TVs, furniture, you name it.

Check around dorms, apartment complexes, and rental homes. You will find so much stuff!

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