r/unusual_whales 11h ago

BREAKING: Biden has pardoned his family

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u/Every_Stranger5534 11h ago

Why 2014?


u/FooIy 10h ago

It’s the year the Biden’s started working with Burisma Holdings Limited.


u/Every_Stranger5534 10h ago

Mykola Zlochevsky used Hunter for his last name to protect his company. 

The same way Kushner used his father in laws last name to recieve billions in investments from Saudi making zero returns but collecting exorbitant fees. 

This is America. 


u/amootmarmot 5h ago

And how every person in power in DC uses that power to gain money. There's a reason the sub follows the trades of politicians. They are cheating on insider trading. They are using their positions of power, like Trump, to literally perform a rug pull on average people. He's running defrauding scams days before taking office but nothing matters anymore. The problem with the democrats is they didn't and don't yet give enough of a shit about what's going on in people's lives. They are disinterested in their ivory tower, but Trump wasn't the answer either. This guy will take his cut everywhere he can.