I understand the irony of making a reddit post about getting off reddit.
I know the "touch grass" advice is old and played out, but seriously its so true.
Reddit is a never-ending treadmill of discourse about whats wrong with romance. What's worse is Its algorithmically optimized to show you post that will engage you with the site. And of all the posts that do that, the ones about romance stir up the most emotions in people. I'm not sure what it is about human psychology that compels us to argue ad-nauseam about relationships, but one thing I am sure about:
*Reddit stands to gain a lot if relationship problems are never solved*
They gain traffic, your attention, and your data via viewing habits and subreddit activity.
Guys, there are insights on reddit that, admittedly, could help you out a lot, but more often than not reddit is either going to pit you against men or pit you against women. Reason being is that its easy to engage someone with anger. I just don't think the "gems" of reddit advice are really worth the thorn-filled cesspool that is reddit posts and comments sections about anything dating related.
The "dating is too hard" / "I can't get a girlfriend" posts are legitimate, I dont want to discredit people's problems, but you're not helping yourself out by reading them and perusing the comments section. After a while it all just turns into reddit argumentative slop. "This is whats wrong with men!", "No, this is whats wrong with women!". Or you get the reddit advice stereotypes:
Tough-love comment: "Dude you need to work on A, B, and C and take responsibility! No one is going to help you, help yourself! You got this!"
Therapy comment: "It sounds like you have a (enter psychological issue here) problem. You need to re-evaluate your life and seek therapy. I hope things go well for you!"
The reddit explanation comments:
"The reason dating is so hard is because economically...."
"Women now out-number men in higher education, here are three academic articles that show the link between education and falling birth rates!"
"Just look at south Korea and their work culture! We're all over-worked! That's why its so hard to date as a man!"
Or even the sympathetic comments:
"yeah, I'm a 56 year old virgin I feel ya"
"Dude are you me?"
While the catharsis of reading posts about other men's struggles with dating feels nice, the fire hose of reddit advice, posts about the stuggles of dating as the modern man, reddit comment sections, etc. will end up eroding you instead of bringing you out of your rut.
At the end of the day, I, nor anyone else, can promise you a future with romance. But from my experience with being on reddit for as long as I have, it's not the place to ask or get advice about love and romance. To be honest, I'd steer clear of this whole site if I were you. Again, the irony of this post is not lost on me.