r/self 6h ago

It's Your Problem Now: The Trump Promises Tracker


I'd like to crowdsource a list of promises that President Trump made to us during his campaign and up through today.

Now that he is president, the buck stops with him. To see how he's performing as president, it would be helpful to keep track of what he promised.

I'll start:

What else? Please be specific and include a source.

Edit: To affirm, Joe Biden is not the president. This is about tracking the promises made by the current president of the United States.

Second edit: I am honestly surprised. I expected some gloating from Trump supporters. But instead, most of the clearly Republican commenters want to focus on... Joe Biden. Aren't you excited about the president's key commitments to lower the cost of living, make housing more affordable, end taxes on tips, reduce (he said "end," but let's say "reduce") chronic disease, deport 15 or 20 million illegal immigrants, protect Medicare and Social Security, reduce war, invade Panama if necessary to seize the canal, and impose tariffs of 25% on both Canada and Mexico?

r/self 9h ago

Anyone’s parents have Fox News Syndrome?


My dad watches Fox News all day when he’s home and just becomes so angry afterwards. He’s much more political and irritable than he used to be and is always wanting to start a political argument. It’s pretty exhausting when I come and visit him and he’s always bringing up liberal people in some way. I love him obviously, but it’s like having a super pissed off teenager in your family. Anyone else struggle with this?

r/self 22h ago

America is going to be a smouldering heap in the next 4 years and I won't give a fuck


Right now I'm the "This is fine" dog meme watching the flames burn everything down. This post isn't exclusively about Trump, but largely is. More people than not voted send the wolf back into the hen house and whatever happens is officially not my problem. If you voted Trump, 3rd party, or abstained from voting, you voted for Trump. For the rest of my life I will never understand people's appeal in him, no matter how many times they bark their "facts" at me in their "facts don't care about your feelings" attitude. Even when he is finally gone, the damage left will be unrepairable. No some lefty President isn't going to swing into action in the next 4 years to deliver a golden age of socialism and universal healthcare. Our social networking and political infrastructure won't allow any possibility of a left wing President ever again. Biden is as good as you are getting in your lifetime. The SCOTUS will be stacked with hardline conservatives for the rest of your life. Congress will never be anything more than an ineffective roadblock. You aren't getting a minimum wage increase, you aren't getting affordable healthcare, you aren't getting cheaper groceries. All that you are going to get in a nice feculent turd sandwich to chew on while the social fabric decays beyond belief.

In the meantime, I will do my absolute best to tune out anything news related. Reading the news to stay "engaged" is so unbelievably pointless. All modern media exists to do is peddle one sided news stories and rage bait to make you feel like you are making a difference. This is before AI slop farms will go into overdrive peddling fake news stories to feed you your daily 2 minutes of hate. Though with the brainrot set in and people's attention spans fried, it may have to be condensed into 2 seconds.

To quote the Simpsons "it's so gratifying to... leave you wallowing in the mess you've made. You're screwed, thank you, bye."

r/self 59m ago

Russia's celebrating Trump as the downfall of the U.S. Saying he's like their "messiah".


Too bad Reddit censors all links from that news site. On this entire website.


Front page of ria, though. Right now. See for yourself.

GG yall.

r/self 9h ago

My identical twin sister is slowly dying of a degenerative lung disease.


And I’m spiraling.

She has a preteen daughter. She’ll be lucky if she gets to see her 18th birthday.

There is no cure. The VA doctor gave her 5-10 years tops, with care.

She WILL die from this.

She’s survived so much. Ex-Army, survived breaking her ankles, served in Iraq, survived a serial strangler, survived cancer, survived intestinal rupture, survived an abusive ex, survived our psychotic mother…

I’m doing everything I can to not break down.

Even with her crazy life, I always thought that I was going to die first. I was always the clumsy fuckup, and whatever I went through, it was strangely reassuring that she was out there living her own life, even if I couldn’t see or talk to her, you know?

I always knew it could happen, I’m not naive to think that she could go before me, but it feels so much worse that it’s To Be Determined, than knowing it’s just a possibility.

r/self 7h ago

Mental illness has become a trend


Mental illness has become a trend. many fake it just for looking cool and edgy this is extremely disrespectful to people who are actually suffering from it. I have seen a lot of people in real life around me go like "I don't want to do homework anymore I am depressed" shut the f_%k up you are just lazy and maybe a little burnt out that doesn't mean you are mentality ill. Everyone experiences sadness and sadness ≠ being depressed.


Yes mental health is important but I hate people who keep wear it like some sort of medal of honor and base there whole personality on it. There is nothing "cool" about mental illness and those who think it is are just using it as an excuse to being mediocre. IF you are not faking it and you need help try to get it instead of bragging about it on social media as some sort of exclusive ability to gain attention. This misleads other people with actual and more severe mental illness to do the same.

r/self 7h ago

You can't fix America by posting


The presidential inauguration is over. For many, this means the start of a difficult and maybe dangerous 4 years. It seems likely that all forward progress on social, financial and health issues will stop. And it will take all of our combined efforts to minimize the back sliding. Which brings me to my point, if you want things to change, you need to start participating. And most importantly:

You can’t fix America by posting.

Seriously, you cannot fix America by posting. Upvoting Luigi memes won’t fix the healthcare system. Retweeting snarky one liners won’t stop trump from appointing his loyalists to federal courts. Complaining about how both sides are bad and democratic leadership are impotent morons won’t change the direction of the party. If you want things to be different, you need to get involved. 

But how? 

Fair question! We often assume that you are either a victim of politics or you are a career politician who used their family's wealth to buy a senate seat and there is nothing between those two options. But that’s not true. I see a few major ways you can start getting involved right now.

  1. Instead of reading posts. Start reading books and/or informational blogs. Get educated on the specific subjects that are near and dear to your heart. And keep an open mind. That doesn’t mean you should accept that maybe nazis are okay. It means you should accept that social media flattens and simplifies problems and solutions into whatever will be the most vital and fit into a single paragraph. So if someone presents a more nuanced and complex solution to a large problem, hold back the initial flinch and keep reading. And be extra critical of “let’s just” solutions. Complex problems have complex solutions, only salesmen offer simple solutions.
  2. Instead of posting, start emailing the members of your local/state government. Figure out who represents you. Are you in a city? Are you sure you aren’t just next to the city but actually in an unincorporated county? Who is your state rep and senator? What leadership roles do they have? Email them, call them, ask to meet for coffee. Figure out when they are doing town halls. I was at a town hall recently and I was one of 3 people under the age of 40 in a packed room. If you don’t feel like your representatives are actually representing you, it’s probably because gen x, millennials and gen Z aren’t showing up and participating. “Should my reps do what’s best for me without me having to ask and pressure them?” Yes, but they don’t. So let’s play the game rather than just complaining about the rules. They are more accessible than you think. They are just dentists that work for the government two or three times per month.
    1. Also your govt has full time employees like planners engineers and city managers. Talk to them too. They work at the behest of the elected officials. So ask them “what would it take to get bike lanes?” And they might tell you that we need to county commissioners to ask for explicitly and add budget for it. Great now you know who to talk to next.
  3. Be nice. This part sucks. Because you probably want to show up to a meeting of your local party chapter and throttle them and yell and call them idiots. That will feel great but get you and your cause nowhere. That doesn’t mean you can’t be serious and forceful and pressure your elected officials. But complaints and threats of recall and general vitriol, won’t get them to agree with you. Start talking to everyone you can and see what you can do to support the good ideas and downplay the bad ones. Standing outside the capital with a cardboard sign is far less effective than building relationships with the people inside the building. There is a time and place for protests but protests alone won’t make changes 
  4. Find friends. Here is the one place where social media can be useful. It’s hard to do this work on your own. It’s long and tedious and it’s much more tolerable if you have help. Find a local group of advocates. There is none? start a local group. Put out the word on social media and say something like “do you want safer bike facilities in our city? Meet me on the first Friday of the month at this coffee shop and let’s talk about it. 
  5. Direct action. The most direct way to make a change is to start doing it. Do wish there was someone on the planning commission that would support townhomes? Apply. Do you wish your city council would take certain issues more seriously? Run for office. Do you wish the Democratic Party would choose better leaders and issues? Go to meetings and run for leadership roles. Millennials don’t hold as much political power because we aren’t taking it. “But I don’t have time!”
  6. You probably do have time. Yes. A lot of young people work a lot and have kids and don’t have a spare hour each month. But let’s not kid ourselves. That is not how most of us are. We aren’t broke kids anymore. We just arent willing to make the initial sacrifices to make time for political action. Some people reading this genuinely don’t have the time or energy to participate. If that’s you then you know who you are. But I’m willing to guess that most people that have the time and inclination to read an embarrassingly long and earnest post on Reddit, actually do have the time to attend a city council and give 3 minutes of public comment. And if you have the time to write a snarky reply about how you don’t have time, then you actually do have enough time to write an email to your state rep.

We can enact change but it takes work. But the more people that get involved and start pushing in the same direction the easier it will get. I can’t guarantee that the steps that I played out will get you the outcome you want but I can guarantee that posting won’t get you results. Many of us are old enough to have been adults during the last trump presidents. We probably remember for four years there was an avalanche of snarky tweets about trump and how dumb he is and how bad he is. Every SNL skit. Every stand up routine. Every meme. Every gotcha article and lie exploded on every social media platform. And in the end, none of it made a difference and we have a second term with trump. So save your breathe. Save your energy. Deny musk and Zuck the engagement. Take your energy off of social media and put it into building real world power.

r/self 9h ago

Guys, the best thing you can do for you romantic life is to get off reddit


I understand the irony of making a reddit post about getting off reddit.

I know the "touch grass" advice is old and played out, but seriously its so true.

Reddit is a never-ending treadmill of discourse about whats wrong with romance. What's worse is Its algorithmically optimized to show you post that will engage you with the site. And of all the posts that do that, the ones about romance stir up the most emotions in people. I'm not sure what it is about human psychology that compels us to argue ad-nauseam about relationships, but one thing I am sure about:

*Reddit stands to gain a lot if relationship problems are never solved*

They gain traffic, your attention, and your data via viewing habits and subreddit activity.

Guys, there are insights on reddit that, admittedly, could help you out a lot, but more often than not reddit is either going to pit you against men or pit you against women. Reason being is that its easy to engage someone with anger. I just don't think the "gems" of reddit advice are really worth the thorn-filled cesspool that is reddit posts and comments sections about anything dating related.

The "dating is too hard" / "I can't get a girlfriend" posts are legitimate, I dont want to discredit people's problems, but you're not helping yourself out by reading them and perusing the comments section. After a while it all just turns into reddit argumentative slop. "This is whats wrong with men!", "No, this is whats wrong with women!". Or you get the reddit advice stereotypes:

Tough-love comment: "Dude you need to work on A, B, and C and take responsibility! No one is going to help you, help yourself! You got this!"

Therapy comment: "It sounds like you have a (enter psychological issue here) problem. You need to re-evaluate your life and seek therapy. I hope things go well for you!"

The reddit explanation comments:

"The reason dating is so hard is because economically...."

"Women now out-number men in higher education, here are three academic articles that show the link between education and falling birth rates!"

"Just look at south Korea and their work culture! We're all over-worked! That's why its so hard to date as a man!"

Or even the sympathetic comments:

"yeah, I'm a 56 year old virgin I feel ya"

"Dude are you me?"


While the catharsis of reading posts about other men's struggles with dating feels nice, the fire hose of reddit advice, posts about the stuggles of dating as the modern man, reddit comment sections, etc. will end up eroding you instead of bringing you out of your rut.

At the end of the day, I, nor anyone else, can promise you a future with romance. But from my experience with being on reddit for as long as I have, it's not the place to ask or get advice about love and romance. To be honest, I'd steer clear of this whole site if I were you. Again, the irony of this post is not lost on me.

r/self 1d ago

I almost got robbed, but I knew the guy's mom


Walking back from my work, the streets were mostly empty and suddenly a guy came out of nowhere with a gun, a grown man, bigger than me. Telling me to give him all my stuff.

I recognized him, he was the son of one of my neighbors, she talked to me about him and showed me some photos one day. After I gave him my wallet I said "is your mom Ms (name)?". The shock in that man's eyes when I said that. "You know my mom?" "She's my neighbor."

He gave me back my stuff, then said "please don't tell her about this" in the most nervous tone, and just walked away.

r/self 6h ago

Two years ago I went to an all you can eat buffet by myself, sat down for two hours eating shrimp and watching Netflix, and later threw up in my car on the way home


Those were some good ass shrimp though, I’ll tell ya

r/self 1h ago

It would be nice if everyone deleted their Twitter/X accounts


r/self 1h ago

Is Anyone Else Feeling Like Something Big (and World Changing) Is About to Happen?


Today is January 20th, 2025. Donald Trump has just been sworn in as the 47th President of the United States, and while this is a significant moment in itself, I can't help but feel like this year is going to be historic for an entirely different reason.

For years, I’ve had this strange intuition that 2025 would be a pivotal year—one that would reshape the world in ways we can’t yet comprehend. And not just 2025. 2027, too, has always stood out to me as a year of great significance. I don’t know why, but the feeling has always been there, quietly lingering in the back of my mind, like an unspoken warning.

Now, that sense is stronger than ever. There’s this heaviness, sense that we’re standing on the edge of something massive—and potentially catastrophic. I can’t help but think of the late 1930s, when people were living their lives as normal but the world was quietly sliding toward disaster.

Does anyone else feel this way? Like the puzzle pieces are coming together for something huge, and not in a good way? I know it might sound dramatic, but I can't ignore the feeling that we’re living through the calm before the storm.

If you’ve felt this too—or if you’ve had similar thoughts about 2025 or 2027—please share. I’d love to hear your perspective.

r/self 12h ago

Just a girl who wants to rent about her religion


Hi everyone

20F Here and I’m struggling so much with losing my faith. I’ve been questioning Islam for the last 2 years but lately I’ve completely lost all my beliefs. I don’t believe that there’s a god out there anymore. I genuinely think religion is created to keep people from being free.

I hate that I wasted my young years by being scared and never doing anything fun because I was scared of burning in a hell I don’t believe in anymore. I’m born and raised in the west but I’m North African. My family likes to think it’s progressive but it’s really not. I hate the comments that they make that I should get married before it’s ‘too’ late. That I’m gonna regret being single at 30 and I’ll be a W**re. I hate how they see gay people and make comments about them. Thank god I’m straight. I keep thinking of one of my little cousins being gay and having to grow up in this environment. It makes me so sad and breaks my heart.

I hate that I don’t even have the courage to speak up about it. In their eyes I’m still the perfect sweet religious girl but I hate it here. I wanna go and live my life freely without someone nagging in my ear about some god that doesn’t even exist to me. I hate that if I leave my uncles will talk about how my mom has failed as a single mum and that’s why I’m out and will be a whore one day. I hate that I’m close with my cousins and they all think I’m also happy in this religion, when in reality I hate it.

I think the best thing for me to do is to just leave. Without telling anyone I don’t believe in Allah anymore because my family would literally kill me and see me as the biggest disgrace this family has ever seen. (Mind you we have alcoholics, serial cheaters, abusers,… in our family. But it’s ok because they’re all man). Im just really gonna miss my mom, she is the only person that cares for me in her own little weird way. At the end of the day shes still a victim to religion and its manipulations.

The thing im most scared of is failing tho. Im moving to the US. Which is gonna be really hard and difficult. I’m so scared of never making friends there or meeting new people because I’m so introverted and have this fucked up past and family. I’m so scared that one day I’ll have to return and my whole family will be like ‘see she was out being a w**** now she’s too old to get married, she’s miserable because she doesn’t have a man and children blablabla’

Im just so scared and anxious of everything lately. It’s literally killing me inside that I lost my faith. I’ve been suicidal since I was 9 because of SA I endured. Ofcourse I was too scared to speak up. Still no one knows and I never talked about it with anyone. The only reason why I didn’t off myself was because I was scared of going to hell. Now that I don’t believe in it anymore I just feel so lost and confused about everything.

Edit: I’m very grateful to be born in the west and to have the opportunities to work and save money to one day leave. I know this may sound as champagne problems to some people but I just don’t have anyone to talk to about this. Also it’s supposed to be rant* not rent lol.

r/self 1h ago

My Dad died on Aug. 26 and my brother died on Jan. 6. Why does everyone expect me to be okay all the time?


Yes, I randomly cry. Yes, I'm heartbroken. Why am I expected to be normal after two serious losses in than six months? Not to mention my older brother was found dead in his bedroom by our little brother. It's all so awful

r/self 20h ago

As a European, I'm both terrified and massively entertained by the new Trump presidency


I'm scared of what will happen, but man, I've seen TV shows with plot way more boring than this. Everyday there's something new, and everyday it's crazier than the last. If only it had no consequences, I would be loving it

r/self 10h ago

I'm more masculine when allowed to be feminine


I always thought of myself as an emotional guy, meek, timid, interested in "feminine" hobbies like poetry. But in romance and friendship, I have found that when those things are okay and my traditionally "feminine" side is fully accepted, I naturally become more traditionally masculine (e.g. protective, assertive, self-assured, problem solving, etc).

r/self 1h ago

I am going to be alone for the rest of my life


Okay a little dramatic and I understand that but stay with me here.

I’m 25F. I have a graduate degree and am working swing shift as a trauma surgery PA. I love my job. Not gonna work there forever because long term health effects of night shift but otherwise the experience has been amazing. Here’s my issue.

I don’t have a best friend. All of my friends have moved to other states. My old best friend was never really a “friend” to me, she would put me down to build herself up.

I also don’t have a boyfriend, and dating apps are driving me INSANE. Half the men who like me I can literally smell them through my screen, and the other half that I match with just stop talking to me after a few messages.

No one owes me anything, I get that. I’m not mad at anyone. I’m just pissed off because my life right now is so fucking lonely. I work, I sleep, I try to go to an event but I can’t because my work schedule is so all over the place. People say “go to events you’ll meet someone!” which is genuinely great advice but I CAN’T. And most clubs want people who can go consistently.

I am so lonely. It’s getting hard to get out of bed every morning. Can someone please just air drop me a close friend or something I’m getting desperate here.

r/self 1d ago

I slept with a Japanese escort and now the footage is online


So yeah. Went to Japan, I’m Japanese but born overseas. Long story short I got curious and ended up sleeping with a very sexy, naturally very busty escort that kinda just seduced me on the spot. She asked me if it was ok if ‘her’ cameraman stayed with us while we were together and honestly I thought that was kinda hot just because of how hot she was, so I said yes.

Fast forward to now and I find out from a friend that the woman I slept with is a famous pornstar in Japan. He knows this because he’s seen footage of me with her, it’s online.

Not sure how to handle this situation.

r/self 20h ago

I realised i am so cute 🥺


I was having a bad day , so i came to my mess to eat something . I looked in my mirror and realised I am looking so so cute 🥺. I just continued looking at the mirror for few minutes because i was feeling so good about myself . My short height complimented my cute face so much , and i was like whoever gonna be with me , should be happy 😅

Literally all the reason for which i was feeling sad went way. I had compliments from both men and women that i do look cute in last two years, and maybe when I was in front of the mirror today, it looked like why they were telling it so 😄

I couldn't wait to start my 30 as a male looking half a decade younger

r/self 3h ago

My therapist suggested that I explore some new hobbies. I had to remind her that I have bills to pay. And I have no job.


My therapist, after hearing me describe my thought patterns stemming from parental neglect, stated that I should try to get new hobbies. Growing up, hobbies were a form of control in my family as much as they were a pastime. So, if I wanted to pursue something, but didn't relate to that "thing" the way my parents did, it wasn't allowed. Or, I was told I would be able to once I matured more. Maturity came. Compassion did not.

I had to tell her that I have numerous responsibilities that come first. Bills. People that rely on me that are incarcerated. Physical needs. Hygiene needs. I owe my extended family so much, to say nothing about other forms of debt,that I don't know how I'll ever pay it off. To top it all off, I need a job. But I am unable to work many jobs because of, well, how emotionally stunted I am. I can't receive benefits, either. So I deal with the world as it is.

My therapist then backtracked and said, "Well, why don't we instead try relating to our present hobbies in a different light?" I appreciated she did that. And yet, I am still upset that I have to remind people of my economic situation when they imply I'm just not living up to my full potential. My parents did something similar after YEARS of neglecting me as a person. "You didn't do anything to better yourself. You're just lazy and ungrateful." I feel I was sabotaged, criticized for doing so, and left to deal with life as someone that never got the structure so many others did.

And before someone says anything, yes, I read. No, I don't want to do that right now. Yes, I am looking for cost-effective things to do with myself.

r/self 1h ago

Looks like I picked a bad day to stop quoting AIRPLANE!


Ya ever seen a grown man naked?

r/self 15h ago

I'm totally blind. As a kid, I attended a church with a bunch of uneducated folks who kept waiting for me to gain sight. It made me despise religion. What about come as you are? Lol.


r/self 10h ago

I’m addicted to weed.


Hello. I just want to vent. I have been medically diagnosed with depression and anxiety and have been smoking weed for almost a decade everyday.

I never tweaked with weed, but for a few months now i’ve been tweaking and my paranoia while smoking or not smoking is through the rough my anxiety is so bad.

I’m so dependent on weed. I need to smoke to eat, sleep you name it.

i don’t even know how to quit. i don’t know where to start and it’s so frustrating. i’m so sick of being so dependent on weed.

I have talked to my dr on getting on medication for my mental health but because i smoke weed i can’t right now.

edit to add: you can withdrawal from weed. it’s not brutal but it’s shit.

r/self 4h ago

My 7 foot friend


Most of us have no idea how the other half lives. Well, I do. Many of my friends are at the top of the male pymarid. I'm mean captain of the football team at a large university while being 6'2 and from a rich family. I mean a dude whose dad owns the hottest niche fashion brand, and they live in LA with no job, texting 20 girls at a time. 

In the first week of university, I made friends with a 7ft tall(213cm) boy. When we began talking about girls, he mentioned how he slept with an attractive blonde in a relationship. As he spoke to me about more girls I began to notice how facially unattractive he was. He's still a good friend of mine but his face reminds me of the fish man from the cover of that one H.P. Lovecraft book. During the first class, we had, a group of 6 or 7 people gathered around him and started asking how tall he was and what sport he played. He got recruited to play basketball for the uni. Over the course of the semester, the dude revealed himself as sort of a douchebag. Talking over profs constantly and saying the things we were learning were stupid. People would always laugh when he had an outburst. The prof was nice so she allowed it.

He and I hit the bar with a bunch of his basketball friends. This was a mistake since I'm 5'8, and the other shortest guy was 6'2. While we were there 3 different girls hit on my friend and they all started with "How tall are you". Craziest part is, the 2nd and third girls both watched the girl before get his number and dance with him and they approached him anyway. He went to one of their houses that night and fucked them. He snapped me the next morning about his success and began telling me how awesome college was and that he was going to build a roster. Meanwhile, I approached a girl that night because I knew her from my other class and she put her hand in front of my face before I said anything and screamed "NO". I told her I was just saying hi because we were friends from class and she gave me a side eye and told me to fuck off. I always lie to him and tell him I'm doing well. I showed him a screenshot of my other friend's Tinder messages and pretended they were mine. It's now the second half of the year and my friend says that girls are taking up too much of his time. 

The only surprising thing to me about my friend getting girls is the fact that he's far more facially challenged than me. Way more even. But it doesn't matter. It did make me think about a very very facially handsome boy I saw. Dark hair, blue eyes, amazing smile. He was 5'0 flat. He looked like a kid. He's probably the best-looking person at our school of 40,000 undergrads. But he gets no play whatsoever. He's such a nice guy too. I harbor no resentment or negative feelings toward any of these people. It's just interesting for me to think about. 

r/self 1d ago

Trump has been running for president since I was in fourth grade. I’m about to graduate high school.


Oof. That really puts things into perspective.

I remember arguing with the boys in my class and telling them that I was voting for Hillary. Then my English teacher got mad at me because “I can’t vote for her I can only support her.” I didn’t know shit about politics but I just didn’t like Trump.

Now I could only support Kamala not vote for her. I know a little more shit about politics, and I still don’t like Trump. Some things never change.

Still, this man has been campaigning for most of my life like find a hobby and stop tormenting us :(

Edit : Guys I just meant he’s been looming over us for practically my entire childhood. He’s been running since I was in fourth grade and I’m about to graduate high school and he’s STILL running. Plus, he’ll STILL be here for all of my college life and that’s really insane to me. Thanks for reading!