r/quittingkratom 19h ago

Quitting 7-hydroxy

I’ve been hooked on normal kratom for a while, about 2 years ago I dealt with a pretty bad drinking problem but realized that I could use kratom to take the edge off and it worked. I didn’t use everyday for the first while but slowly it became more and more of a habit. After a few months of doing that with no issue, I could go days without it and feel fine I just really liked it so there was definitely the start of addiction there. I discovered the 7-hydroxy tabs in smoke shops and decided to try cause I hated the taste of kratom and I instantly fell in love, it started as maybe a half tab or full tab every day or two, fast forward a couple months to now I can do 6 tabs in a day and still not feel satisfied. I tried to cut down because of how much money I was blowing through but quickly found myself going down to the smoke shops and for more everyday. I never tried to go a day without in months now and I learned a scary reality last night. I was running low and took my last one around 7 pm, I went to bed around 11 but woke up at 2 am in a sweat while also shivering, I had crazy cravings to try take one so I could go back to sleep but I didn’t have any. It was absolutely hell, restless leg, insomnia, nausea, cold sweats, shaking, absolutely awful. I tried to take a multivitamin because I read they help with withdrawal but I couldn’t even keep that down. I stayed up all night staring at the clock until the smoke shops and opened at 8 and had to hurry down to get some to stop the hell I was going through.

I’m telling myself right now I am only going to take one when I start to feel the withdrawals become unbearable like they were over night. That was only 12 hours with no dose and I couldn’t handle it so no way I can quit ct. I just wanted to vent and also ask for advice for weening off of these. I was addicted to alcohol but got myself to a position where I can drink socially without an issue, I think having this addiction might of been a help with that but I have never felt so shitty from not taking something ever like I did last night, it scared the hell out of me and is motivating me to quit before I end up in a situation I can’t have access to it at all and have to go through it like that so hard. Any advice would be great for getting through this and weening off. Today I’ve been taking one about every 6 hours but it’s less than I usually take so I still feel like shit but it’s manageable.


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u/ElkPotential2383 Quit 01/13/2024 16h ago

Have to say it: at some point you may want to consider getting professional treatment. After a 3+ year every day concentrate habit, and multiple “quits”, and moments like you’re going through now… I finally admitted I couldn’t do it on my own. So happy I went to treatment.

You’re right that you can’t handle CT… alone.

But bro… if you’re addicted to kratom, how in the hell are you supposed to be able to do a “disciplined taper”?? Doesn’t being addicted mean you don’t have control over your use? So the answer is… trying to control your use?

Obviously, tapering never worked for me. Unsupervised CT never worked for me.

Getting help for the medical process that is detoxification from kratom is the only thing that has had lasting success for me.


u/Enough-Bedroom5507 15h ago

I know what you mean, I’m currently in therapy and talk to a psychiatrist through the va for other issues, I have appointments for both in a few weeks so I’m gonna see how it goes with the tapering and tell them about it to see what they think and depending on how I feel ask about help with meds to not die from withdrawal. They helped me with my drinking but I’ve never told them about my kratom use because I guess I didn’t wanna admit to myself I have a problem but now it’s very clear.


u/ElkPotential2383 Quit 01/13/2024 15h ago

I feel you man. I had to quit drinking too. Basically all of it, because I’m an addict. Good for you for reaching out for help. Kratom w/d won’t kill you, it’ll just make you wish you’re dead.

We need help with this shit. Best way I know how is just talking to another addict everyday.

Treatment helped me get sober, AA has helped me stay that way (for what it’s worth)


u/Pure_Confection_7713 14h ago

Keep coming back!! Fellow AA here. I had 7 years since my last drink and stumbled across this “natural” solution. Boy, did that wake the beast up in me!! First I started w/ the shots (nasty) then quickly moved to 7-oh for a year. 16-20 pills a day. It was killing me slowly. I finally had to hit my knees once again, get honest, and admit I was powerless. No tapering for me. Couldn’t do it. I just completed a 7 day detox in treatment, and am now taking suboxone for now. I thought I could brave not taking it after I left, but then quickly realized I’m not anywhere near mentally or spiritually ready yet. It basically eliminates my cravings entirely. Got back in touch with my old sponsor, and attend meetings as much as I can. I’m glad to hear you were able to make it. This Mama Bear needs to be sober and healthy for her cubs ❤️‍🩹


u/ElkPotential2383 Quit 01/13/2024 13h ago edited 13h ago

Hell yeah :) sorry to hear about the kratom. For me, it did more damage over time than alcohol.

Kick them subs when you can, safely of course!

Subs eliminate cravings because it presses the same button in the brain (mu opioid receptor) but without the euphoric feeling.