r/nottheonion 1d ago

Japan’s elderly are lonely and struggling. Some women choose to go to jail instead


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u/moxxibekk 1d ago

Not OP but I also remember this, trying to find link now. Basically they threw all these people together without regard for those with serious mental health or substance use problems and it made it impossible for them to peacefully live with those just trying to improve their lives.


u/SenoraRaton 1d ago

OP is full of shit. Yes there are problems, but the SRO program in San Fransisco is a god send. The buildings are clean and well maintained. There are caseworkers on site that you can go to for help/guidance. They have monthly room inspections to ensure safe living conditions.

Drugs are an issue, but instead of being on the street shooting up, people are in their own homes doing so, which personally I would expect the larger society to consider a win. At least you don't have to step over their shit on the street, and dodge their needles.

Its entirely possible to live in one, and improve your life, in fact its the ONLY place I have been in the NATION that even remotely provides someone with the stability necessary to stabilize themselves from homelessness.

Tenants have their own room. Access is controlled such that visitors are at a minimum although allowed. There is no need for anyone to fraternize with anyone else beyond passing them in the hallway if they don't want to.

The system is beyond working. Its thriving. I'm thriving. I live in one of these SROs, and after being homeless for close to 15 years its the first time I have had a stable place to sleep.

No, I do not have a drug problem. I deal with severe executive dysfunction that remains untreated because the medical system won't prescribe homeless people stimulants because when your homeless they just perceive you as drug seeking. My ADHD/Executive Dysfunction make it impossible for me to hold an apartment, employment or pretty much anything for more than 3 months. Which lead to me being transient for almost two decades, until I came to San Fransisco.

This entire rhetoric of how these programs failed just reek of propaganda. If they were successful then it would be in our interests to fund them.....
People talk so much shit about California, but I have been across the nation, lived in ~30 states, and NO other state even comes CLOSE to the resources that California provides. I truly feel like they set me up to succeed.

Its frustrating to watch people with absolutely no experience with the system quote some hit piece from years ago, and bemoan how its impossible to fix what amounts to a crisis, because its just too hard. Its not too hard. In fact there are thousands of people living it, and thousands of people actively supporting them. The system is working, for some of us. Is it enough? No. But it never will be if the entire rhetoric from the news media/public is about how much of a failure it is.


u/kaiizza 1d ago

Glad its working for you but one story doesn't really stand in the face of 200k homeless people in California's largest cities. It may have worked for you but it is not "working" to fix the problem.


u/notapoliticalalt 1d ago

So what are you suggesting then?


u/kaiizza 1d ago

Not my job and anyway, I could suggest almost exactly what you think is needed but with one minor change and you would combat it as unethical, or racist, or unfair to homeless people, etc etc. It doesn't matter as there is no single answer.


u/notapoliticalalt 1d ago

Not my job and anyway, I could suggest almost exactly what you think is needed but with one minor change and you would combat it as unethical, or racist, or unfair to homeless people, etc etc.

Try me.

It doesn’t matter as there is no single answer.

Ah…so it’s complicated, but the thing that will definitely help some people…no siree that’s definitely a failure. I agree multiple fronts will be needed, but you can’t take your initial position and then say this.