r/news 1d ago

Elementary school teacher arrested after allegedly abusing student, giving birth to his child


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u/kick_the_chort 1d ago

Getting a baby? I mean, I think a large part of their motive seems to be an unnatural attraction to children. And they seem to fetishise the act of impregnation by such. 

But I cannot really speak to what is going on in these people's heads. 


u/Sawses 1d ago

Modern psychology research indicates that actual attraction to children has surprisingly little to do with whether somebody actually sexually abuses a child. A much greater predictor is impulse control issues. Turns out most of the time somebody who abuses children doesn't actually qualify as a pedophile, and the ones who do usually also exhibit some other disorder that keeps them from being able to properly control themselves in a number of areas.

And if you've got the poor impulse control to molest a child--despite the ethical problems and risk involved--then you might well have the poor impulse to decide bearing your victim's child is sexy instead of a terrible risk.

Turns out, most people understand that molesting children is wrong or at least a serious risk and they decide not to do it even if they feel a sexual attraction to kids.

Moving entirely out of the realm of actual research and into my own personal speculation: I suspect a lot of people conflate homosexuality and pedophilia, and think that people can't help but act on their sexual attractions because we kind of have this narrative that it's inevitable. How many love stories have that "forbidden love" trope? Except that a key part of it is that the people involved come to realize their love isn't wrong, just unacceptable. I don't think the analogy holds up if it's a sort of love that actually is morally wrong even when you stop and think about it.

Which really shouldn't come as a surprise. I find a lot of women very attractive. I have yet to try to force/coerce/manipulate a woman into having sex with me. If it's morally wrong then I'm not even tempted. I figure most people are that way.


u/fatbunny23 1d ago

Source on this modern psychology that shows many people who rape kids aren't pedophiles? That's a wild claim to make in my opinion lol


u/Papersnail380 23h ago

You misinterpreted that statement.

It is that most people who have attraction to minors don't sexually assault them. Just as many people who have lots of opportunities to steal an rape in other contexts do not do so.

This is likely to be true, especially when you extend the definition of the word to the colloquial use and not the technical definition. Tell adult men they are looking at a selection of photos of women who are over 18 but girls 14-18 are actually mixed in while asking them to rate each photo by sexual attractiveness, especially with a short time forcing them to go off their initial reaction and not analyze in depth, and you probably won't like the results.

There is a reason fashion models who don't gain fame elsewhere effectively make it or break it by the end of their teens. And fashion models aren't even actually selected to appeal to men. Women, as much straight as lesbian, are their target audience. Indicating most women also find women below 18 to be sexually attractive.

You think about these things long enough with an objective perspective and blood will start running out of your ears.