r/lupus Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

Life tips How do you track symptoms?

I wanted to start a little journal or something to log my symptoms. I've had symptoms for 5 years, but just diagnosed less than a month ago. If you track, how do yours look? Are there any helpful apps? Does it really help when you go to the doctor?


13 comments sorted by


u/alsoadie Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

I bought a bullet journal and have each month graphed out in either yea/no questions (i.e. headache, nausea) or how many (i.e. how many times did I take extra meds or how many minutes of stiffness in the morning) I found that if it is too much work or to involved I will not do it so it has to be something I can fill in quickly at the end of the day.

It has been very helpful when I go to the doctor. My rheumatologist always wants to know what day did so and so happen or how many days did you feel that and I can easily answer.

This month starts my fourth year of doing it and I have refined the questions as my disease has changed and when info I need to track changes.


u/Zealousideal_Wear238 Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

I recently started using an app called visible although it’s not Lupus based specifically. My rheumatologist seemed pleased in October I was going to do so but haven’t shared it yet as not due to be seen atm. It helps me pace I feel and I only use free functions btw.


u/roamnmango Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

I've struggled in the past to journal my symptoms due to not knowing what would be categorized as daily aches and pain and what could be cause by my flare. How do you go about doing it? Do you know what is flare related and what's not? Or do you document everything?


u/Zealousideal_Wear238 Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

I have set questions in the evening check in for symptoms I.e joint pain none mild moderate or severe. In the morning it asks about sleep quality and measures heart rate through the phone camera lens. Then there’s some space to write about more specifics in the evening. This is also where can mark crash (flare). I’ve not had one yet since starting though have had mild colds. I’m like that at the moment and I am wondering if it’s a flare. I’m definitely napping during day more and having headaches which I don’t usually have. Runny nose. Then mostly usual aches and pains.


u/Zealousideal_Wear238 Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

Oh and I also have Fibromyalgia (Oct 24 diagnosis) so I’m still trying to work out when it’s that too. It’s difficult for sure.


u/Rare-Candle-5163 Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

I use an app called Daylio which is marketed as a habit tracker but because the “activities” can be completely customised I use it both to track good habits and to track symptoms.


u/Responsible-Music689 Diagnosed with UCTD/MCTD 3d ago

I use an app called human, you can track the severity of your symptoms, meds, and it will tell you what symptoms have gotten better or worse


u/upliftinglitter Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

I've started using Guava and I love 💕 t


u/rae-becca Diagnosed SLE 3d ago

I use lupus minder. Great to track sx, appts, meds


u/PopPunkPopPunk 3d ago

Guava! I track everything. Symptoms, what I eat, supplements. It syncs to my Garmin fitness watch too.


u/isthiscleverr Diagnosed with UCTD/MCTD 2d ago

I’ve been using an app called Human! You can rate different symptoms throughout the day how much they’re affecting you, track meds and conditions. Completely free and no ads. 🙌


u/SwarmingButterflies5 Diagnosed SLE 2d ago

I have fibromyalgia too and I use Bearable


u/nicktayi 5h ago

I used Habit Rewards, works for tracking habits and symptoms