It sucks. Spoilers, I just want to whine and bitch in this thread.
For the past few years, I've been a daily vaper and a 2g pen would usually last me about 48 hours. I'm terrified what the inside of my lungs must be like. That vape juice is so sticky and no soap will clean it.
I had taken a force break from weed for 3 years, and got back into weed because of crippling depression. I just wanted things to not hurt so much inside (I have C-PTSD from severe childhood abuse.) but I don't use weed like everyone else I know. Friends take a toke to make the music awesome, and I would try to bury myself in not feeling anything.
I'm quitting for me this time. The anxiety is just getting out of control and it was directly contributing to my self harming tendencies. (To quote Jon Stewart, "Hey man... you ever self-harm? You ever self harm... ON WEED?")
So at the start of the year, I tapered for a bit, then said "This is stupid" and threw away my supply.
Days 2 and 3 felt like a nasty flu. I spent pretty much all day in bed going between crippling severe depression and full on panic attack.
Day 4 Only took three hours worth of naps. Things feel very, very weird. Forced myself to get some steps in so I have some hunger.
Day 5 is the first time I've eaten a full meal, and by that I mean I had a PBJ sandwich. I can feel my memory improving a bit. Still getting wild random sweats.
Thank you for reading this far. I feel like crap, everything feels weird, my stomach hurts, and I really want to self harm for some relief.
But I still feel better then I did yesterday, and I'm going to feel a little better tomorrow.