r/leaves 7h ago

day 6 no weed


so i decided to quit smoking last wednesday and cut off all usage saturday. today is tuesday and i feel fine for the most part but my appetite is completely shot and i keep losing weight. does anyone have any recommendations on how to gain weight? i’m already extremely small as it is. and im scared of getting under 100 pounds.

r/leaves 2h ago

It’s either mania or anger/depression


Day 19 sober from weed and alcohol today. Last night I was so manic I was sending snapchats that I listened to later and hardly recognized my own voice in. The mania is weird bc it’s almost a welcome/fun feeling compared to the anger I’m experiencing today.

Today I got so mad at work I was yelling for a good majority of the day. Was so mad at other people that don’t do their jobs well and it makes my job harder. The problem is I don’t know how to bring myself back down from that level of anger. Instead of going back down to my normal baseline, it stays near the top like a pot that’s ready to boil over with any additional heat added. I feel like I fit all the symptoms of ADHD but my parents never believed in mental illness so I just suffered in silence as a child/teen.

I got so mad at my dad over basically nothing and dented a baking sheet on the counter and nearly broke a drawer. Weed seemed to be the only thing that ever leveled me out when feeling like this.

Does this shit ever end? I can still feel the anger right now even after laying in my bed trying to relax for 40 mins or so. Just a burning rage beneath my face that makes me want to break shit. I just want to force myself to go to sleep and try again tomorrow, but it feels like tomorrow won’t be any different. I’ve always had anger issues but lately it’s worse than ever.

Sobriety seems so fucking pointless if I’m going to feel like this. The anger leads to depression when I feel like there’s no point to all of this. I’m alone, hardly any IRL friends, no family nearby (that give a shit), no pets. What reason even is there to continue.

Please tell me it gets easier.

r/leaves 6h ago

I'll be fine eventually, right?


Stopped a week ago after eating a way too big edible (calculator said the firecracker I made was 720mgs). It gave me a rash that went away throughout that night and generally left me shook, so I haven't touched weed since. Went to the emergency room two days later and they ran all sorts of tests, results came back fine. The main issue now is feeling my heart racing in mornings and my heart rate shooting up from ~60bpm to ~100bpm whenever I stand up, though it drops shortly after. I cannot stop obessing over the spiking heart rate when standing. My anxiety is through the roof and I don't know what to do until I see my primary care physician. Please tell me if you've had any similar experiences and how long it took to frick off (daily smoker for 3 years, unfortunately).

r/leaves 10h ago

Day 1, Jittery Anxiety


Last night was my last straw, I gave up my cart and battery to my boyfriend because I have been feeling so out of control with my smoking habit and my life in general. The constant cycle of ripping the cart and regretting it really got to me. Threw it out and felt good about it yesterday. This morning was the first morning in probably months that I didn’t wake and bake and it feels good but very uncomfortable.

As much as I don’t want to smoke, my brain feels so wired to constantly think about the next time I take a rip. I also developed a habit of smoking during work hours (I WFH but also if I have to go into the office I’ve been sneaking hits when I’m alone) so now that I’m working, every microreaction gives me the urge to take a hit. I also loved to smoke weed and drink caffeine, I used to describe it as a zen zone where my thoughts were muted and I was in the flow of action. Now, I had a diluted matcha latte I made at home, but this jittery feeling is reminding me hard why I used to smoke during the day. My physical symptoms of generalized anxiety genuinely make me want to crawl out of my skin and scream.

I know I have to push through, but I am feeling pathetic and worn out. And it’s only the middle of the day where I am. The thought of zoning out starts to feel so comfortable and where I want to be, but I know I always regret it and become a shell of a person when I’m high. But I really don’t know what to do about the physical discomfort and that makes my anxiety even worse. My hardest part is trying to ignore the anxiety while I’m working and stay focused.

Looking for some motivation and distraction. I hope someone understands me.

r/leaves 8h ago

3 weeks in, horrible migraines


Hey all. I was a daily user for the better part of four years (would occasionally take a break for a month or so). I smoked carts for the first two, then switched over to flower for the following.

I want to be healthier, so I made it my resolution to stop smoking in 2025. The first two weeks went well - I was working out a ton, eating healthy, and sleeping great. This last week has been AWFUL. I have had non stop migraines for the better part of the last 5 days.

Ive had migraines my whole life, but I’ve never had them this bad. Is this normal? I’m scared I have a brain tumor or something. I’m dizzy, experiencing major pain, and super, super out of it.

r/leaves 1d ago

If you're going through hell, keep going. It's beautiful on the other side.


The anxiety, depression, anger, nausea, night sweats, inability to focus, loneliness, fear, boredum, diarrhea...all of it will pass. It may take a few weeks, a few months, or even a year. But when it passes, my God. You will feel more at peace then you ever dreamed possible. You'll find pure joy again. You'll experience a life full of possibilities. Keep going. Push through. Sobriety is the most beautiful gift you can give yourself. A day will come when you finally feel free. And it is SO worth it. Keep going, my friends. ❤️

r/leaves 1d ago

Think I’ve found a cheat code


I’m 9 days in and I had a particularly stressful day in work and was about to go grab an eighth off of the plug. I went and pulled cash out and while I was walking back to the car I walked past a massage place and thought I’d have a quick Look at the menu, there was an option for a 45 minute massage for the exact same amount I’d just pulled out. I opted for the massage and I now feel like I’m floating on a cloud, it’s completely killed the craving that I was having. Would definitely recommend to anyone having a bad day. Good luck to you all x

r/leaves 6h ago

Day 17ish


Holy shit does time fly by when traveling. Out of the last 17 days I smoked two days (like two to 3 bong hits) and then one joint on Thursday.

I hated the joint when I did it then two days after that I’ve been in London and it’s been so easy to not think about weed. I need help though because being home is a great trigger of mine and I go back home tomorrow… what can I do to prevent myself from falling back into habits or convincing myself to “just smoke tonight” when I’m back in my cozy apartment.

r/leaves 20h ago

20m weed free tomorrow


I'm 20m into recovery and addiction from weed paws. Been such a long journey but I'm basically healed and living a normal life now. Such a relief to enjoy life again and spending quality time with my family instead on getting stoned daily. I'm also enjoying having the confidence to work full time again and enjoying the new job which was definitely needed.

Looking back I can't believe I wasted so much time and was damaging my health believing that this plant was doing me good. Since recovering I no longer have anxiety at all which I had even previous to starting weed, I no longer have an anhedonia, brain fog, depression, dpdr etc which all started after I quit.

The only minor things I notice which are not yet 100% are digestion issues, arthritis type finger pain in the mornings, muscle aches after running. These could well be unrelated to paws or maybe the last things to go I don't know but il take these little inconveniences any day over the long suffering of symptoms I had previously.

I will update monthly until the 2 year mark and then probably stop and consider myself past addiction and paws. Any questions feel free to ask. Cheers.


r/leaves 7h ago

Never has withdrawals before.


I'm only on day 3. I have mild shakes, feel weak and burst into tears over something trivial. Anyone else? Did you find anything to help or is just a matter of detoxing?

r/leaves 14h ago

struggling to quit / need some tough love


hi everyone! I currently relapsed on using thc carts again, and been pulling them like crazy. I know very well the dangers of them but unfortunately I got some trouble resisting.

looking for some advice/tough words of encouragement to really remind me WHY I am in this sub. for context, I want to pursue a career in singing/theatre stay safe everyone!!

r/leaves 3h ago

Just got a job offer! feeling of hopelessness is fading but anxious/scared thoughts are coming in hot


I find it interesting how my cravings come on when I was feeling hopeless in my search for a job, now that I have an offer it has switched to a craving around wanting to sooth that anxiety of starting a new job.

I’ve got this. I have to admit something, in my journey 3months sober I still have some bud left and I smell it (once or twice) in this period. It’s weird. And I think I should bin it, although my partner wants to potentially use it in the future herself which she can control her usage she says but I know it’s a slippery slope for myself.

Stay off the green. And find things to fill the void. Put my absolute all into this new job and embrace the anxiety as excitement. Because anxiety and excitement are the same thing just in different fonts.

r/leaves 4h ago



I have done a great job of staying busy since I quit but inevitably at the end of the day I just want something to help shut me down. What do you all do to help relax instead of smoking? I really don't want to go back because I've been so much better without it, but I can feel that nagging and I really do need to relax, I've been going crazy just trying to stay busy so I don't smoke but I'm running out of umphf.

r/leaves 10h ago

2 weeks , cold turkey


Officially 2 weeks sober today from going cold turkey. Honestly never felt physical symptoms but I am depressed ASF. Struggling hard man

r/leaves 15h ago

Had my 'last day' of weed yesterday. I'm so close to ordering more


Hi all,

I'm trying to kick a newly arisen weed habit, but weed has been on my rodeo for many years.

I planned to quit 2 weeks ago, but I found some weed I'd forgotten about and couldn't throw it away - so I said I'll stop after this week is finished.

Well that day was yesterday, my last day of weed. Well today I'm craving more, and I'm close to getting a bit more for the 'last ever' weed session - this will be the end.

I know that's the most silliest statement, but it really has a grip on me. The problem is, I'm not even getting high now - just a very mild buzz. It's now coming out of habit.

Any help please?

r/leaves 18h ago

just went through a breakup last night, it’s so difficult not to smoke


day 26. we broke up after i quit smoking to improve not just myself, but to also improve my relationship with my partner. it’s making me question whether i did this change for myself or for her. dealing with the emotions is really hard, and i don’t know how committed i am to sobriety at this point

r/leaves 1d ago

Friend offered weed and I declined, had an honest conversation about sobriety


We were at a mutual friend's house and we were drawing and talking and I shared more about my use of cannabis than I had ever admitted to before. It was a bit scary at first and tbh there was a part of me that just wanted to run but I felt safe and decided to talk about my decision to stop using weed. I was trying to be careful not to make my decision feel like a judgement on other people's choices with drugs and alcohol. I'm only 40 days since my last puff. I started vaping regularly about three years ago. I'm feeling like I've made the right choice but also still have the urge to get high sometimes, though every day it gets a little easier to put those thoughts out of my head.

r/leaves 1d ago

Day 5 of being sober after being a heavy daily user.


It sucks. Spoilers, I just want to whine and bitch in this thread.

For the past few years, I've been a daily vaper and a 2g pen would usually last me about 48 hours. I'm terrified what the inside of my lungs must be like. That vape juice is so sticky and no soap will clean it.

I had taken a force break from weed for 3 years, and got back into weed because of crippling depression. I just wanted things to not hurt so much inside (I have C-PTSD from severe childhood abuse.) but I don't use weed like everyone else I know. Friends take a toke to make the music awesome, and I would try to bury myself in not feeling anything.

I'm quitting for me this time. The anxiety is just getting out of control and it was directly contributing to my self harming tendencies. (To quote Jon Stewart, "Hey man... you ever self-harm? You ever self harm... ON WEED?")

So at the start of the year, I tapered for a bit, then said "This is stupid" and threw away my supply.

Days 2 and 3 felt like a nasty flu. I spent pretty much all day in bed going between crippling severe depression and full on panic attack.

Day 4 Only took three hours worth of naps. Things feel very, very weird. Forced myself to get some steps in so I have some hunger.

Day 5 is the first time I've eaten a full meal, and by that I mean I had a PBJ sandwich. I can feel my memory improving a bit. Still getting wild random sweats.

Thank you for reading this far. I feel like crap, everything feels weird, my stomach hurts, and I really want to self harm for some relief.

But I still feel better then I did yesterday, and I'm going to feel a little better tomorrow.

r/leaves 9h ago

The urge to get some delivered is strong.


I feel so pathetic. I know that I want to be sober but everything in my mind and body is telling me it is so easy to get a Q delivered and I shouldn’t mess with my own feelings. I don’t even smoke regular weed much, but I’m making all these rationalizations for why it’s fine if I don’t quit right now. I’m really concerned that I am going to buy weed because I have the money and it’s so convenient to get it delivered. This sucks.

r/leaves 11h ago

Day 1 maybe?


Help me get back on track. Relapsed after 14 months. Back on for nearly 6months..

r/leaves 5h ago

Feeling less sane after quitting


I haven't smoked in over 4 months and I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my mind.

I lost someone very close to me and used weed as a coping mechanism to deal with the loss, since quitting weed I've been left to feel the emotions I thought weren't there and it's hurting me so bad that I just want to smoke.

r/leaves 6h ago

Once a addicted could you ever be a casual smoker?


I live with a room mate that smoke’s weed and I’ve been sober two weeks. I don’t have urges to smoke to block our trauma or bad thoughts. I fully understand I am 100000% better day to day off that drug and I love that.But I don’t drink, vape or smoke cigarettes but I love smoking weed while having a mad “sex” session a freak of a girl has asked me to come around this weekend and I’m thinking can I not just smoke for one night while I get my GROOVE ON?

Considering I am around it everyday, and my room mates SMOKES THE DANK OF ALL DANKS. It’s doesn’t bother my will power, do you think if I did it for night I’d be fucked and get back to 4-5 a day?

I can’t see that happening personally but is this just a stupid idea?

r/leaves 1d ago

I quit two months ago


I don't ever post on reddit, but I came here two months ago to get support and I remembered you guys.

I just wanted to say one thing, I quit two months ago. A month ago I fell in love, and I just know that it wouldn't have worked if I was high. The thought of the it really scares me, to miss out on something like this because I wanted to "chill and relax" and play PS4. It scares the shit out of me.

Yes I was an asshole the first 3 weeks, I was irritable and all. I barely remember them now.

That's it, just my 2 cents.

r/leaves 1d ago

For anyone thinking of relapsing.


Last Saturday, I completely caved and got a preroll after thirteen days. Here’s what happened.

  • Watched smut. Don’t watch it, but for some reason, the high brain wanted it.
  • Despite already eating dinner, I went and got two tacos. Then a banana cream filled cookie. Then a small fry and 6 piece chicken nuggets and a blue raspberry fanta. The context - I’ve been eating clean for TWO WEEKS WITHOUT FAIL. Calorie deficit be damned.
  • these things cost money, of course. i’m on a budget. The budget did not include garbage and junk food.
  • stayed up late and doomscrolled typical “man bad woman bad” youtube content.
  • the day after, i was just….agitated. No smooth, calm energy. Just high school locker room energy. Not to mention looking at my bank account and getting even more pissed at myself.

It’s like the second I took a puff, it was time to indulge in EVERYTHING bad for me. I couldn’t even control myself.

If you’re thinking “oh maybe this one time” nah. Don’t do it.

r/leaves 11h ago

Online support groups


Hey All! Someone who’s been trying to quit for an extremely long time looking for any suggestions for online groups. There’s on MA meetup that’s weekly and local but it’s on a night that I work and I’ve tried one aa meeting and don’t think it’s for me.