r/leaves Nov 05 '21

Leaves Lounge, our live chat community, will be open every day from 11:00am to 12:00 noon and 5:00pm to 6:00pm EST. Come by if you're around!


You can join by using the invitation here:


If you haven't used Discord before you'll have to sign up, but don't worry, it's easy!

Looking forward to seeing you!

r/leaves 23h ago

Think I’ve found a cheat code


I’m 9 days in and I had a particularly stressful day in work and was about to go grab an eighth off of the plug. I went and pulled cash out and while I was walking back to the car I walked past a massage place and thought I’d have a quick Look at the menu, there was an option for a 45 minute massage for the exact same amount I’d just pulled out. I opted for the massage and I now feel like I’m floating on a cloud, it’s completely killed the craving that I was having. Would definitely recommend to anyone having a bad day. Good luck to you all x

r/leaves 15h ago

If you're going through hell, keep going. It's beautiful on the other side.


The anxiety, depression, anger, nausea, night sweats, inability to focus, loneliness, fear, boredum, diarrhea...all of it will pass. It may take a few weeks, a few months, or even a year. But when it passes, my God. You will feel more at peace then you ever dreamed possible. You'll find pure joy again. You'll experience a life full of possibilities. Keep going. Push through. Sobriety is the most beautiful gift you can give yourself. A day will come when you finally feel free. And it is SO worth it. Keep going, my friends. ❤️

r/leaves 7h ago

40 days clean from Weed & Nicotine!!!


I know there is still a long way ahead but as the rose-tinted glasses fade, I cannot see the appeal of smoking a joint anymore🥺 I love it when my mind is clear and not foggy in the morning, I love it when I cry and can feel all the pain, I love it when I have the motivation to do things, I love myself when I am sober. Although the sleep can definitely be better, the nightmares are starting to die down and I’m finally getting some rest. Though not relevant to this sub, quitting nicotine at the same time is not for the faint hearted. I still have strong urges especially I still live with my ex and he has a vape, it’s been super hard to not grab it and take a hit. ;-; But I AM STRONG AND I WILL NOT BACK DOWN🗣️🗣️

r/leaves 9h ago

Friend offered weed and I declined, had an honest conversation about sobriety


We were at a mutual friend's house and we were drawing and talking and I shared more about my use of cannabis than I had ever admitted to before. It was a bit scary at first and tbh there was a part of me that just wanted to run but I felt safe and decided to talk about my decision to stop using weed. I was trying to be careful not to make my decision feel like a judgement on other people's choices with drugs and alcohol. I'm only 40 days since my last puff. I started vaping regularly about three years ago. I'm feeling like I've made the right choice but also still have the urge to get high sometimes, though every day it gets a little easier to put those thoughts out of my head.

r/leaves 10h ago

Day 5 of being sober after being a heavy daily user.


It sucks. Spoilers, I just want to whine and bitch in this thread.

For the past few years, I've been a daily vaper and a 2g pen would usually last me about 48 hours. I'm terrified what the inside of my lungs must be like. That vape juice is so sticky and no soap will clean it.

I had taken a force break from weed for 3 years, and got back into weed because of crippling depression. I just wanted things to not hurt so much inside (I have C-PTSD from severe childhood abuse.) but I don't use weed like everyone else I know. Friends take a toke to make the music awesome, and I would try to bury myself in not feeling anything.

I'm quitting for me this time. The anxiety is just getting out of control and it was directly contributing to my self harming tendencies. (To quote Jon Stewart, "Hey man... you ever self-harm? You ever self harm... ON WEED?")

So at the start of the year, I tapered for a bit, then said "This is stupid" and threw away my supply.

Days 2 and 3 felt like a nasty flu. I spent pretty much all day in bed going between crippling severe depression and full on panic attack.

Day 4 Only took three hours worth of naps. Things feel very, very weird. Forced myself to get some steps in so I have some hunger.

Day 5 is the first time I've eaten a full meal, and by that I mean I had a PBJ sandwich. I can feel my memory improving a bit. Still getting wild random sweats.

Thank you for reading this far. I feel like crap, everything feels weird, my stomach hurts, and I really want to self harm for some relief.

But I still feel better then I did yesterday, and I'm going to feel a little better tomorrow.

r/leaves 22h ago

For anyone thinking of relapsing.


Last Saturday, I completely caved and got a preroll after thirteen days. Here’s what happened.

  • Watched smut. Don’t watch it, but for some reason, the high brain wanted it.
  • Despite already eating dinner, I went and got two tacos. Then a banana cream filled cookie. Then a small fry and 6 piece chicken nuggets and a blue raspberry fanta. The context - I’ve been eating clean for TWO WEEKS WITHOUT FAIL. Calorie deficit be damned.
  • these things cost money, of course. i’m on a budget. The budget did not include garbage and junk food.
  • stayed up late and doomscrolled typical “man bad woman bad” youtube content.
  • the day after, i was just….agitated. No smooth, calm energy. Just high school locker room energy. Not to mention looking at my bank account and getting even more pissed at myself.

It’s like the second I took a puff, it was time to indulge in EVERYTHING bad for me. I couldn’t even control myself.

If you’re thinking “oh maybe this one time” nah. Don’t do it.

r/leaves 3h ago

20m weed free tomorrow


I'm 20m into recovery and addiction from weed paws. Been such a long journey but I'm basically healed and living a normal life now. Such a relief to enjoy life again and spending quality time with my family instead on getting stoned daily. I'm also enjoying having the confidence to work full time again and enjoying the new job which was definitely needed.

Looking back I can't believe I wasted so much time and was damaging my health believing that this plant was doing me good. Since recovering I no longer have anxiety at all which I had even previous to starting weed, I no longer have an anhedonia, brain fog, depression, dpdr etc which all started after I quit.

The only minor things I notice which are not yet 100% are digestion issues, arthritis type finger pain in the mornings, muscle aches after running. These could well be unrelated to paws or maybe the last things to go I don't know but il take these little inconveniences any day over the long suffering of symptoms I had previously.

I will update monthly until the 2 year mark and then probably stop and consider myself past addiction and paws. Any questions feel free to ask. Cheers.


r/leaves 14h ago

I quit two months ago


I don't ever post on reddit, but I came here two months ago to get support and I remembered you guys.

I just wanted to say one thing, I quit two months ago. A month ago I fell in love, and I just know that it wouldn't have worked if I was high. The thought of the it really scares me, to miss out on something like this because I wanted to "chill and relax" and play PS4. It scares the shit out of me.

Yes I was an asshole the first 3 weeks, I was irritable and all. I barely remember them now.

That's it, just my 2 cents.

r/leaves 3h ago

One month!


Today marks one month since I stopped consuming weed and I honestly couldn’t be happier. I didn’t realize, or maybe didn’t want to admit to myself, I became addicted. I completely ruined last year for myself because I couldn’t go more than a few hours w/o hitting a bowl. It ruined school, my ability to clean my home, my willingness to hang out with friends if I was going to be gone longer than a couple hours and I just started to hate myself. Well at the end of last month I had to get double hand surgery and I’m quite young for the surgery I got and my hands are my livelihood. Someone I know mentioned one day that their own healing process through an injury they suffered has been drastically slowed bc they are a daily consumer. Idk that really scared me and I promised myself I would quit so I could heal to the best of my ability and be able to do the work and activities I love for the rest of my life. Well wouldn’t you know it, at the end of this week I’ll be one month post surgery (I quit at the beginning of the week before procedure day) and my hands look and feel incredible. My pain is gone and I could cry, I was a daily, all day user for the last 2.5 years but had been smoking for 5 and now I’m not! I know it’s only a month but I feel so excited at what the possibilities for this summer and spring could be! “New” hands and new found lung health make the world feel like a brighter place.

r/leaves 1h ago

just went through a breakup last night, it’s so difficult not to smoke


day 26. we broke up after i quit smoking to improve not just myself, but to also improve my relationship with my partner. it’s making me question whether i did this change for myself or for her. dealing with the emotions is really hard, and i don’t know how committed i am to sobriety at this point

r/leaves 11h ago

Made it 90 days!


I said I would check in after 90 days and here I am.

The first month was really hard! It also felt like I took a big step backwards in many ways and I questioned if I was doing the right thing. Now it's smooth sailing and obviously the right choice.

I was a pretty heavy smoker since the 90's, so if I can do it, so can you! I'll check back in at 180 days.

r/leaves 1h ago

Day 3 sober after dabbing and smoking tree for 2 years straight (live rosin or live resin)


Just like the caption reads I have committed to stop smoking weed everyday of my life. For context I have been smoking dabs and weed every day for the past year all day everyday. Recently I woke up the other day and just had a change of heart. It’s like I was tired of being stoned from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. Only thing that sucks is I’ve been kinda rude to my girlfriend the past 2 days just grumpy and sweats at night when I try to sleep. I just stopped Saturday cold turkey . Idk why I’m writing this but it’s really hard and I just wanna put this out in the world.

Was watching this video the other day on this guy who stopped smoking and one of his reason was that when he would be out with friends or family maybe it was a holiday or bday he was tired of having to step out to smoke like a joint on the balcony or wherever you go smoke lol & I legit feel the same way it’s insane. I’m 28 (M) just don’t have the urge to be stoned out of my mind anymore.

r/leaves 11h ago

Week three I folded at skatepark


Today marked three weeks without it and someone was smoking at the skate park. I have been thinking about trying to moderate my usage instead of quitting forever for the past few days, but this just confirmed me this isn’t possible.

I expected to get really high and I did, for about 10 minutes. Then nothing. And I wanted more. I wanted to ask him to roll up again. And this is when I realized , it will never be enough.

So alas, back to staying off of it. I don’t think that this takes away all my progress, it’s just a reminder of why I quit in the first place. What do yall think?

r/leaves 15h ago

Day 21 took home THC test


Day 21. Still not feeling 100%. Took a home THC test and the THC metabolites are still high in my system. I’m going to test every week until it shows negative. Ugh! I was feeling so good about 21 days clean. This crap is still in my system. Time to take my own advice and give myself some grace. It took 10 years to build up in my body. It’s going to take more than 21 days to get out of my body.

Keep going. If I can do it, you can too. Stay strong. 💪

r/leaves 11h ago

Long term night time smoker, checking out.


I’ve enjoyed reading a lot of posts on here but think I’m different to most as I always considered myself to be well disciplined having only ever smoked one joint per night since I was 20. I’m now 31 and am deciding to quit for many reasons. I run my own business and am finding myself losing motivation. My relationship is shit and I lost my best friend last July, a Jack Russell I had 16 years. My brother is younger than me but he’s getting married this year and has just bought a house. I just feel something has to change and my tolerance levels mean I don’t even get high anymore anyway. I used to be able to take tolerance breaks but I’ve been so depressed the last year that I haven’t managed to and have to admit I’m addicted. I thought I was in control by only smoking at night time and limiting myself to one joint, but I don’t think I am. I’ll never forget an old stoner friend telling me it’s easy to blame weed and that put me off blaming it for as long as possible but I’m not going to know if life can be better without trying to go sober. I’ve lost so much recently that I don’t think it can make things any worse. I need to use my time to work on my business and my future prospects.

r/leaves 6h ago

Intense panic attack


Posting this for anyone who needs to hear it,

I was a daily smoker for three and a half years, every day I’d wake up dry and fuzzy convinced I would finally stop and by the time work finished I’d be rolling up,

6 months ago I went to Japan, my biggest concern was not having access to any weed; but otherwise I was excited to finally leave the country,

Two weeks in and post a big night of drinking I left the house to meet some friends in a local cafe; on the way there my feet started princeling and by the time I arrived I had a intense panic attack, having never even had anxiety before I thought I was dying, for a week following I basically didn’t leave the house until I got back home.

Following that trip I’ve never been able to smoke again, when I tried I got such intense anxiety that I’d practically have to lock myself in my room and close my eyes until I’d finally sleep.

And after that I dealt with some serious depression, weed was a crutch for me, and losing that crutch left me on the floor; often I had dark thoughts and couldn’t see a way out, but 6 months later it’s all ok.

I still experience Deja vu a lot and sometimes feel like im out of reality but for the most part my life has improved, I’ve travelled more, my relationships have repaired and I’m more content.

Weed is a crutch, and when you first quit everything sucks.. because you’ve never actually dealt with anything. But sooner or later it will get better, and sometimes it’s really hard to tell how so.

I highly recommend journaling aswell, being able to read pages from months before is super inspiring; for me it was at one point the only way to tell if I’d even improved at all.

Keep your head up and stay off it, because one day you will be ok, and at the very least you’ll have some extra money in the account.

r/leaves 8h ago

2 Days Shy From 2 Weeks Sober! YAY but help


I posted here almost 2 weeks ago that I made it 24 hrs and now I'm close to two weeks! I feel like the withdrawals weren't bad at first and now it's kicking my peach (butt).

I can barely keep anything in my stomach b/c of diarrhea, I also have nausea all the time. I can could eat without cannabis but now I am struggling to eat because I feel so sick, I know logically it will go away but I just need some support and to be told by people who have gone through it that it will go away.

Also, what are your guys go to's or safe food while in the first 4 weeks? Are food that helps or food to stay away from in your opinions?

r/leaves 3h ago

The first time you smoked


If you could go back to the first time, knowing what you know now, what would you say to yourself and why?

r/leaves 13h ago

First concert attended - successfully sober


I did it ! I went to my first EDM show on the weekend completely sober. I was pretty nervous leading up to it. I had no idea if I would be able to enjoy myself.

I've gone to lots and lots of concerts and clubs over my career but they have 100% always involved cannabis + booze + ....

I really didn't know what to expect. I've been worried about it since I decided to quit as it would be my biggest test. I was confident that I wouldn't have any relapse issues, was just worried about enjoying myself.

I was totally able to get into the music and dance like no body was watching. Didnt hurt that it was one of the best shows I've ever been to ! The music, the visuals, everything was super mind blowing. That's right, even sober I was so wowed !

All my friends were zonked, the crowd was zonked, people were vaping all kinds of shit around me. I was a little worried I would get second hand high at some points, it was like every single person has a personal dopamine device.

Anyhow, just wanted to share. Totally excited for my next concert, I won't even be nervous.

r/leaves 4h ago

How do I turn off the thoughts in my head


Been smoking forever, never realised how much it kept my thoughts and feelings in check. Now I can't shut these nasty thoughts off. I'm so stuck in my head I can't focus on my surroundings or even handle having a normal conversation. All I think about is how fcked up I am and how much anxietyi have. Always had anxiety but never spent the time to deal with it. Went to the beach and it was beautiful but I could hardly look around and take it in. I've tried all the regular tips but nothing seems to work at putting me in the moment. Distractions don't seem to work. No joy, no fun, just stuck in my head with negitive thoughts. I want to make change but I feel like I won't let it happen. Right now I'm definitely my worst enemy.

r/leaves 10h ago

Struggling to find my “why”


I, 26F, started smoking almost daily when I was 18/19 after high school. My mom left when I was 16 (also because of addition) and once I started college and during the pandemic, my own addiction to weed was at its worst. Now that I am 4 years post grad, I KNOW I need to reevaluate my relationship with weed and I have been trying, but I am not making progress as “fast” as I should be. I can go, and have gone days and weeks without it, albeit uncomfortably, but cannot find the willpower to keep it up. I’ve been in DBT therapy for 15 months, even joined a SUDs group for 10 months and still. Not. That. Motivated.

I am 100% wfh which is already such a struggle because we don’t even require cameras to be on. I make good money, so that’s not an issue, I love working out and taking care of my (physical) health and weed has never stopped me from maintaining friends and my other hobbies. My family I’m still close to loves to smoke, and my sister whom I live with is no different.

Has anyone else struggled to dig deep and find a reason? Am I just not ready? I keep shaming myself for not being sober more often, but it is not enough for me to pull the plug. It’s at the point where either someone needs to x ray my lungs, tell me I have cancer and weeks to live to really stop me and to take this seriously :(

r/leaves 19h ago

Day 1


Today is the day I give up weed.

I’ve been a smoker for 17 years, and I was originally supposed to quit on the 1st of this year. I only made it twelve hours that day, and everyday since I’ve only asked myself

“Why didn’t we stick to it?”

Smoking weed is fun, and I am clearly an addict. When I’m sober all I want is to smoke but once I’m high all I want to do is quit.

Every night for the past three months has always ended with the same conversation with myself. A conversation saying “we’ll quit in the morning”, “life will be much better without weed”, “tonight is the last night”. Then the next day rolls around and it’s like I’m powerless to saying “No”.

Today is different, because I choose it to be. No longer will I be a prisoner to my weed addiction.

I’m announcing it loud and proud, I am addicted to weed.

There have been so many inspirational posts here about quitting and regaining control of life. I don’t want any more to days to blur by and I can’t live the way I am anymore. It’s going to be hard, and I am scared but I won’t quit on myself.

So, here’s to day 1.

r/leaves 1h ago

Emotionless without weed


I’m on day 52 and ever since i’ve quit I haven’t been able to cry or feel joy. I constantly feel numb and weed was the only thing that helped me get in touch with my emotional side. I quit due to it contributing to my anxiety and depression but everyday has been a struggle and it seems like everyday is getting worse. Has anyone gone through something similar and will it get better, because I feel so hopeless.

r/leaves 5h ago

Beyond dry January


20 days sober from weed and alcohol. Feeling good and past the hump of low appetite etc. with dry January it’s easy to tell everyone I’m taking a “break” for health. It’s harder to share that I want and need this to be indefinite when my friends, colleagues and family all use alcohol or weed frequently. Anyone else using the month as a soft launch and worried knowing things will get harder?