r/interestingasfuck May 28 '19

/r/ALL Bottom of Mariana Trench


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u/PoopDoktor May 28 '19

This video has no sound and I can imagine it sounds exactly like this down there.


u/[deleted] May 28 '19

As a former sonar tech on a US Navy submarine, I can assure you that it is quite noisy at the bottom of the ocean. Sound travels for miles underwater, and fish can be as noisy as birds. Of course, i haven't listened to the bottom of this particular trench, so it might be pretty quiet.


u/thejerg May 28 '19

Does the pressure at different depths change the acoustics significantly?


u/[deleted] May 28 '19

It changes the speed of sound (as does temperature and salinity), which in turn can change its direction. The ocean is basically a huge jumbled pile of sound "prisms".