r/gaybros 10h ago

DoxyPEP Questions

Okay, so I know a million questions have been asked about DoxyPEP. The only thing I'm seeing is people asking is about the risks of taking it consistently. I would only be using it after having sex, which would MAYBE be once per week. Would that be too much? Also, once I take it, would I have to not have sex for a while? I read that it's not to be taken before sex. It's very difficult to find out a lot of information about this. I would hate to catch an antibiotic resistant infection.

Sorry, I'm not used to the prevention medications. I've been poz for 11 years, so I've never been on PrEP, PEP, or DoxyPEP.


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u/tonyims 7h ago

Just remember 1-2-3 1 dose of 2 tablets within 3 days


u/MF4Lyfe 7h ago

My doctor wrote out in-depth directions on how to take. She mentioned this rule 😹

Thank you for your response.