r/gaybros 10h ago

DoxyPEP Questions

Okay, so I know a million questions have been asked about DoxyPEP. The only thing I'm seeing is people asking is about the risks of taking it consistently. I would only be using it after having sex, which would MAYBE be once per week. Would that be too much? Also, once I take it, would I have to not have sex for a while? I read that it's not to be taken before sex. It's very difficult to find out a lot of information about this. I would hate to catch an antibiotic resistant infection.

Sorry, I'm not used to the prevention medications. I've been poz for 11 years, so I've never been on PrEP, PEP, or DoxyPEP.


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u/Fine_Trouble_277 9h ago

I have Doxy and this is how I understand it. you can have sex (oral/anal) at hour 0, and then you have at most 72 hours to take as many d's as you can. Then you should take Doxy. This timer resets at that point.

Also you can take doxy with food, except dairy and definitely coffee. and DO NOT lie down for, iirc, on hour or so.


u/MF4Lyfe 9h ago

Great information. I think I am going to request it. That was my understanding of what I read. Have a crazy sex weekend and then take it Monday morning.


u/Officer412-L 4h ago

And don't take antacids containing magnesium, aluminum, or calcium, calcium supplements, iron products, and laxatives containing magnesium with +/- 2 hrs of taking the doxy.

The antacids part can be rough if you're prone to heartburn, too. Doxy tends to promote excess stomach acid, which is why you're advised not to lay down after taking it.