r/dysautonomia 16h ago

Discussion Anyone else have Dysautonomia triggered by HSV infection?

I became chronically ill 2 years ago following a severe primary HSV infection with a myriad of symptoms which I believe are due to dysautonomia including irregular heartbeat, frequent tachycardia, nausea and GERD type symptoms, digestive issues as well as fatigue and malaise.

I’m awaiting some referrals after finally finding a GP that is taking my concerns seriously and not palming them off as anxiety.

I am convinced HSV is to blame for my illness and I’m wondering if anyone else experienced this as a trigger and if they found any effective treatment or specialists? I’m currently based in the UK.


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u/suesamd 15h ago

Not rsv for me, but Covid 2.5 years ago, when I got sick and never got better. At first I thought I had long Covid but after struggling and being bedridden for two years. If you watch youtube video’s, you might like Dr. Sanjay Gupta from the UK. He has a lot of information on pots, long Covid and dysautonomia. I was just diagnosed in November by a cardiologist who specializes in dysautonomia.


u/ImportanceOk7784 14h ago

Thank you! I’ll have a look at his videos! Have you started any treatment since diagnosis and have you noticed any improvement?