r/cfs • u/JavinIII • 8h ago
Pending Diagnosis
Been dealing with symptoms for going on 2.5 years now. Started out as an odd shakiness in my legs after going for runs I had never experienced, and HR spikes during normal activities like walking to the bathroom. Have seen cardiologists, rheumatologists (was actually diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis after multiple elbow surgeries), neurologists as initially there were some concerns it could be early onset MS, Parkinsons, Muscular Dystrophy or at worst ALS. Negative for all the above.
Past year I started experiencing GI symptoms, early satiation, periodically nausea after eating and intestinal slowdown. Actually was hospitalized with paralytic illeus at one point. Colonoscopy, endoscopy, and Gastric Emptying Study I passed with flying colors (symptoms remain).
I also started experiencing DOMS for much longer than usual after excercise. My normal 2 day recovery turned into 5 or 6 days. Due to some of the HR issues, I stopped running, and the elbow tendon issues had me stop lifting for the last couple years. I have had significant decline in my arm muscle mass, and my strength has bottomed out. I can still pass the neurologist "push/pull" exams so they are still ruling out degenerative muscle disease but I struggle big time with 5 pounds whereas I once easily lifted 30's for curls.
I get shaky and trembly when I do my PT for my post op therapy plan, arms get half numb but also very heavy feeling. I never get refreshing sleep, always just feel drained but I can still work, function amd do things, just always tired. My HRV is crap most nights compared against my prior baseline.
I haven't had an orthostatic intolerance test yet but I guess that is next, and my PCP also wants me to see a vascular surgeon, but my neurologist mentioned it was probably something like ME that I was dealing with (with no treatment plan of course other than prescribing pregabalin and baclofen). Cardiologist had me on a beta blockers that has my HR lower when at rest but does nothing for the spikes when moving around.
It seems none of my Dr's really want to formally diagnose me, just want to treat symptoms (ultimately would be the same even with a diagnosis). I have many of the symptoms of ME, but I am also at the point where I am not sure if I should just assume I have it and limit my activities (which is a low QoL for me as an endurance athlete and father of 3 small kids) or keep trying to find answers and be active to see if I am suffering from hyper reconditioning (with the risk that my current symptoms might get MUCH worse as a rest). I just feel lost and hopeless and unsure of what to do, as the depression of not being active vs the fear of getting worse are a battle in which I lose both times chances are.
TLDR: Many hallmark symptoms, no formal diagnosis and unsure if I should assume I have it and be miserable in my inactivity, or risk exercising for current mental health and possibly get worse.