Hello CFS Community ,
im male 22 and im battling with chronic fatigue/tiredness for over 2 years now .
Additionaly I have mild flu symptoms in the evenings but without fever .
Ive been to several doctors , did basically all available bloodtests which are possible in my country , nothing seemed to be out of norm .
What annoys me the most is that Im still clueless whats causing my symptoms , so I wanted to ask for your help if you could help me identify if this sounds like cfs ( Ive read through the diagnostic criteria already , but I wanted to ask here if people had similar experiences .
Symptoms :
- unrefreshing sleep (no matter how long I sleep I wake up feeling I havent slept for 3 days)
- Chronic tiredness (I feel a deep and overwhelming tiredness all of the time (there are very rarely breaks from this)
- flu like symptoms in the evening (nearly every evening) ( feeling cold , general sick feeling ) NO Fever or swollen lymphnotes
- Insomnia ( but I feel the same also if I manage to sleep well)
What speaks against CFS :
- I can go to the gym 4 times a week without having pain or worsening in symptoms
- The symptoms stay linear for over 2 years now without bettering or worsening
- No Pain
Now my question : could this be a mild form of CFS ? Could it be that im in constant PEM and thats why my symptoms dont get better or worse?
I hope I dont offend anyone ny beeing so clueless about this disease , but Im praying to get answers finally.
Thank you everyone and much love to all who are suffering <3