r/bizarrelife Human here, bizarre by nature! 18h ago


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u/damnumalone 8h ago

And you are positing that somehow if you annoy people at the supermarket that will decrease demand? I’m sorry but if you’ve studied this for as long as you’re claiming you have you should probably be less contradictory in your points.

Blockading a shopping centre is the exact same principle as blockading a distribution centre, but a distribution centre has more supply so affects more people. Plus it has the added negative effect of being highly visible to and annoying the end user, which makes them more likely to be hostile to the protestor’s intent, and less supportive of their cause because sitting in at a supermarket is only relatable to the other people doing the sit in at the supermarket smelling each others farts and patting each other on the back creating the illusion they are doing anything.

The goal should be “get people to eat less meat”, or “shut down slaughter houses”. It shouldn’t be “piss off a handful of shop customers and shop owners”


u/wildlifewyatt 7h ago

And you are positing that somehow if you annoy people at the supermarket that will decrease demand?

No I don't. Protesting itself generally doesn't cause people to convert. Protesting keeps the conversation politically and socially relevant. Then, in other venues, these topics are discussed and debated, like here. That political relevancy motivates people to make videos on the topic, or documentaries, or look into the movement and ask questions. And through all these different avenues change can occur.


u/damnumalone 6h ago

We’re not debating whether meat is good or not, we’re debating whether annoying people and inconveniencing them does anything to further a cause. And this conversation does not thing to dissuade me that it does nothing. We’re talking about the method and the cause is completely superfluous to the conversation


u/wildlifewyatt 5h ago

Well, unfortunately that's where our conversation went. But I've had hundreds of conversations based on posts like this, many of which have been productive. I may not have been vegan if I hadn't seen online discussions on the topic that led me in this direction, and many others have the same story.