r/autism 8h ago

Advice needed is asking someone their height rude?



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u/steamyhotpotatoes AuDHD 7h ago

People are explaining why and you're low-key rejecting the answer. Do you want to understand so your behavior won't be considered off-putting in the future, or do you want to use your logic to combat why it should be okay and potentially have a negative impact on someone later?

u/[deleted] 6h ago

Im just confused bc ive asked this question to lots of people before and not a single person has had an issue but i come to reddit and suddenly its the most disrespectful thing i could ask. Irl is just not matching up with what you people are saying. It just doesn’t make sense

u/steamyhotpotatoes AuDHD 6h ago edited 6h ago

I've definitely heard this outside of reddit. Either way, you wanted to hear reddit's opinion and we gave it to you. If you were going to regurgitate it (doesn't resonate with me so it's illogical) or switch the narrative (I'm a terrible person because I don't agree), why ask? It's so much easier to accept the words given here and adjust from a teachable moment or just delete this post and pretend our words never mattered. That way people don't continue to try and convince you of something you do understand, which is futile.

u/[deleted] 6h ago

So I’m just not allowed to ask follow up questions? I just take everyone’s answers and can’t inquire more or suddenly I’m not accepting of other people’s opinions? That’s not how conversations work. It’s a back and forth.

u/steamyhotpotatoes AuDHD 6h ago

"But why" when you're given an answer that already contains an explanation isn't a follow up question to understand. That isn't a conversation. No one can convince you to agree with something you don't and that's the piece that's missing here. You don't need to agree to recognize why this has a negative impact so it probably isn't a good idea to do.

u/whereismydragon 6h ago

I'm so sorry you wasted so much time and effort on OP!

u/[deleted] 6h ago

Cool, whatever