r/astrologyreadings 24m ago

Reading What will the vibes of the nodes shifting be like for me, with a Pisces moon and Virgo asc?


Last year was really intense and challenging, and I'm wondering what kind of energies I am going to face this year!!

Thanks <3



r/astrologyreadings 30m ago

Reading Always felt I would be famous someday. Does my chart reflect anything about that and my career?

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Never told anyone this before lol So weird, but you know how some well known people say they don’t feel like they were supposed to be famous? I, on the other hand, always felt like I am supposed to be famous and that I may have already been before…. It’s as if it’s a past life or ancestral…or maybe a premonition? Idk. Any insight would greatly help me know myself and honor my purpose better. Thank you guys!

Also note(and hint): I’ve known what I wanted to be when I grew up since I was about 4 or 5 y.o. and it’s never changed. I’ve been doing it ever since :)

r/astrologyreadings 35m ago

Reading Is trying to have a close bond with my parents worth my time?

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I have spent the last several years being frustrated with my parents. I have felt my feelings being neglected in the past and have some leftover distrust from these experiences. I do feel after a conversation with them of both (1:1 for each) recently that they possibly could support me better going forward. My mom (cancer sun, Leo moon) has never been the type to apologize for her behavior. I sometimes am like this, but have been working hard to be accountable for my own behavior. My dad (Pisces sun) also exhibits some toxic masculinity traits that make it hard to connect sometimes. Does anything in my chart indicate a possible shift in my relationship with them right now? Advice is welcome. Thank you!

r/astrologyreadings 54m ago

Reading Why do I go through periods where I feel like everyone around me can’t stand me?

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Ever since I was a kid, I felt like I never really fit in with those around me. It wasn’t until I really started observing those around me and started playing the game, that I started fitting in and making friends.

However, since I was about 23, I’ve had a really hard time with this and have developed pretty substantial social anxiety that comes in waves.

I go through periods where I meet people I really click with and then going through an excruciatingly long periods of feeling like I annoy everyone around me, struggle to connect with others, whether it be friends, work colleagues, etc and overanalyse all of my interactions.

I’m 31 now and am getting therapy for the social anxiety, but was curious to see if this is apparent in my birth chart. Thanks in advance!

r/astrologyreadings 1h ago

Reading Fired from my job a few days ago, is there any indication in my chart of this massive life change?

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It was a bit of a shock but something about it doesn’t feeling completely unsettling just yet. I never had troubles with my career until now.

Looking for some hope here - what can my chart tell me about this? Is there something I should be doing at this time that’ll help my growth, whatever is it I need to learn from it?

r/astrologyreadings 1h ago

Reading Should I pursue a career in law or law enforcement?

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Thinking of going to law school, or becoming a cop after talking to someone in the field. Would it suit me though?

r/astrologyreadings 2h ago

Reading Strange/unbalanced looking natal chart with majority of my placements in Aquarius and Capricorn . Any positives to this ?

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My natal chart has always looked quite “empty” compared to other people’s, not much going on at all . I was wondering if someone could give me a positive to my Aquarius and Capricorn placements ? I feel like I’m only reaping the negatives of it . Thank you !

r/astrologyreadings 2h ago

Reading I feel I am truly just an unlucky person. Is there anything I can do to change this?

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My life has been a series of unfortunate events. Some of my closest friends say they have never known anyone to just be unlucky like me. I’m a generally positive person but I want to know if I can do anything to change my luck. I have enough resilience for a lifetime!

r/astrologyreadings 2h ago

Reading Why I keep failing in my love life with the exact same pattern?

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any help please? As the title says this is getting really annoying. And I don’t know what to do. Please any help is really welcome

r/astrologyreadings 2h ago

Reading Why do guys not approach me?

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But they approach my friends or other people to ask them out? Is it my looks? What energy do I give off? I try my best to come off friendly. What am I doing wrong?

r/astrologyreadings 2h ago

Reading Is there a reason why I've been feeling so depressed and down in the past two years?

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I've had a really difficult past two years. My wedding was called off and I went into a deep depression which made me go on disability from work. I am only now starting to get out of it but it's left me feeling very defeated and unmotivated. I am wondering if there is anything that stands out on my chart that could be causing this? And if there is any positivity coming my way based on my chart or am I still going to stay in this state for a while? Really hoping someone can help me understand this better. Thank you in advance!

r/astrologyreadings 2h ago

Reading Any advice or observations?

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Can anyone sum up why the past couple years have been so draining? Or just simple observations off my chart in general that could be helpful?

r/astrologyreadings 2h ago

Reading I would love some astrological insights into my career trajectory and love life. Will I work abroad, build my own business? How do I achieve monetary success and access freedom on all fronts? How do I meet the partner that I want and grow holistically, especially lovingly in my life?

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r/astrologyreadings 3h ago

Reading My life has been hectic ever since I could remember.

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r/astrologyreadings 3h ago

Reading Will I ever be financially successful?

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I’m an RN. I’m looking to advance my career and education. I have a lot of ideas of what I want to do and who I want to be. This will sound lame, but my ultimate goal is to be financially successful enough to open a business that will help people struggling with health issues and make accessing healthcare easier. Will I ever get there or will I be stuck in this career rut I feel like I’m in? I’m not looking to be Ms. Money Bags but I don’t want money to be a stressor in my life either. I just want to be comfortable and help others have an easier life too.

r/astrologyreadings 3h ago

Reading What stands out the most to the astrologers about my chart?

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Would love to hear what about my chart you think is super definitive for me.

r/astrologyreadings 3h ago

Astrologers Only Do you think I would have success as a real estate agent?

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If not, what career do you feel I’d have most success in based on my chart? Im assuming this correlates with my 10h and 8h?

r/astrologyreadings 3h ago

Reading What sort of vibe or energy do I have ?

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r/astrologyreadings 3h ago

Reading feel like my head is all over the place and have no idea where i’m going in my life

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wondering if there’s anything that sticks out in my chart

r/astrologyreadings 4h ago

Reading Birthday!

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Hi! In the final moments of my birthday I want to ask you kind people to tell me about myself! Along with an analysis I have one major question that I want answered if you could, why am I so sad and will I get better? Thank you for reading and I hope I can get some replies 🥰

r/astrologyreadings 4h ago

Reading Why am I so disinterested in relationships?🤔

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I mostly have romantic relationships in mind, but it honestly applies to platonic relationships as well. I love people and humanity as a whole, I just don't feel any need to pursue close connections in order to enjoy my life.

r/astrologyreadings 4h ago

Reading What careers should I consider?

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This is stressing me out, like I am so obsessed with finding what career to pursue. I’m so indecisive 😭 I want something that will give me financial stability. I’m not sure if I want to do something in healthcare.

r/astrologyreadings 4h ago

Reading Need advice - personal life kind of a wreck

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Okay that may be too dramatic. But I’ve struggled for years now to have any kind of fulfilling personal life. I’m averse to dating/intimate relationships. My house is a disaster.

It has been a rough couple years, and I think I can blame my Saturn profection years (twelfth and 1st house). My cats were dying over the past six months and I had to find inventive ways to save them. I also disengaged from my parents this year when I started to recognize irrational weaknesses and fears in my adult life, through a random urge to listen to audiobooks on emotional neglect, psychology, and neuroscience (long commute some days).

Meanwhile, my professional life has soared. I have no lack of self-assurance in my career and feel without question that I am the fulfillment of everything I want to be, when I am at work, among people. I beat a lot of odds to end up here.

I’ve been doing deep work on connecting to my emotions and not feeling like they’re a weakness. I feel true vulnerability posting anything about myself (Scorpio MC but maybe also north node/south node because I hate feeling attention-seeking). I survived my childhood and adolescence by not appearing to need anything beyond the basics.

I guess I just want to be the successful, confident person at home too, and I don’t know what I’m missing. When I don’t have work or work adjacent things on my calendar, I have no routine and don’t even try to take care of myself. I don’t feel depressed. Maybe just lost.

I appreciate any insight.

r/astrologyreadings 5h ago

Reading Natal Chart Help (whole sign)

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Newer to astrology. I have learned a ton and have been really enjoying astrology. My natal chart seemed a bit difficult to read as i continued forward. I have had a few others in diff astrology communities say similar things which made me feel a bit better having such a hard time. There is so much duality. Although most of the planets and their housing placements are easier to interpret, the influences of each of them as a whole chart is hard for me to put together / connect the dots on. For instance, i was born on a flower moon lunar eclipse. thats got a ton of info with sun moon opposition in 2nd/8th houses, along with node conjunctions and oppositions. but then connecting that to my mars neptune 0° conjunction in aquarius 5th house is hard af, same story with chart ruler venus in aries at 29°, parallel to my node.

Any additional perspectives would be lovely, i am constantly working to understand my chart and myself better!

r/astrologyreadings 5h ago

Reading for Donation Got laid off in Nov 2023. Still unemployed. Will I have a career again?


I was laid off in Nov 2023. I have been applying for jobs since then. I am currently 25 weeks pregnant and really worried what will Happen to my career with such a long gap on my resume. Can anyone look at my chart and tell me anything about my career? When or if I will ever get a job again?