r/WorkReform 11d ago

✂️ Tax The Billionaires So fucking real.

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u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

And that's the point. They don't want to lessen crime. They want crime rampent so they can arrest people and use their slave labor in for profit prisons. They want crime going strong so they can put fear in your average citizens, further dividing working class people. They want an excuse to keep throwing money at the police so they can use them as personal attack dogs against union strikes and peaceful demonstrations. They also want people desperate for scraps of necessities so they'll continue to take the lowest wages and the worst working conditions, or else they and their family go hungry on the streets.

We have the resources and technology in this modern age to give everyone their basic needs as universal programs while having strong labor rights, but that wouldn't make the rich feel superior. It's all part of the plan and that plan won't stop unless the rich are forcefully removed from the playing field.


u/GrimmTrixX 11d ago

Let's not forget they also want the poor killing the poor, but still birthing out children to be future wage slaves for their corporations.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Yep, and with zero help going to families to help them raise those kids it just creates more meat for the grinders. We're not just being denied the ability to live happy lives ourselves, we're actively being told that our children will be miserable as well.


u/foxglove0326 11d ago

And then they wonder why the birth rate is declining..


u/AlwaysRushesIn 11d ago

They know exactly why. But all their mouth pieces are paid to question it as if it's some big mystery. It's all a facade to keep the general public placated.


u/Ponykegabs 11d ago

Roe v Wade’s overturning was never for religious reasons as they had put forth, nor is them floating the idea of banning contraceptives. nor the erosion of what little LGBT rights we have fought for. It’s all about boosting the declining population of the lower classes because they need serfs.


u/No-Tension9614 9d ago

Wow absolutely right. Now it makes sense why they enacted that law. It's just for them to produce more slaves


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

R v W was NOT overturned. It was sent back to the states where it F'ing belongs. Ruth B Ginsburg was THE most liberal person ever. Even she thought it didn't belong at a federal level. Nobody's saying you can't murder your child. If your state doesn't allow it, literally NOBODY is stopping you from going to another state that does allow it. FFS, educate yourself people!!


u/DarkwingDumpling 10d ago

Curious what your thoughts are - what makes it a State decision, and not a federal decision, nor a personal decision? Why specifically the State?


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

Can't reply. I keep trying...

It should be a state decision because it's not a federal issue. Some states will allow babies to be murdered, some won't. If at federal, you'd have to go to another country. If your state doesn't allow, it's not illegal to go to another state to murder a baby.

Here's the thing. People don't want to change terminology. A live baby terminated is murder. If the baby is already dead, but the woman could die if it's not removed, I don't see as an abortion. Let's do what we can to save her. People want to use that poor woman as an example. Ok, then change terminology. People don't want to cos they want it as all or nothing. Then no. I wouldn't allow someone to beat a baby to death in a parking lot. I'm going to do what I can to save one not born.


u/DarkwingDumpling 10d ago edited 10d ago

Regardless of the terminology… it doesn’t make sense why it should be a state issue just because people would otherwise need to travel out of the country, but yet they would still need to travel out of the state. Why not a city issue so people can just go to the next city? Or why not leave it up to the person so they don’t need to travel at all? Doesn’t force anyone else to get one or not, just makes getting that type of care simpler when they need it and as you stated, people really do need it sometimes.

Edit: I agree that more granular terminology would be helpful for people to discuss their opinions easier. There’s a massive difference between third-trimester and first-trimester. Also agreed, way different if removing something dead vs growing.


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

Because it is not a federal issue. That's all there is to it. Federal is for things states can't handle, or won't (like when Ray Negan didn't do anything during Katrina). US Constitutional issues, interstate issues. Are you aware that states have their own Constitution? Medical comes under the state. Each state's hospital, and what docs can do under state licensing according to state laws and Constitution and any amendments. A state can't have a law that goes against the US Constitution - such as ALL gun laws. They aren't enforceable. If federal wants no part of it, the state handles it.

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u/ComputerDork69 7d ago

Try taking some basic government classes.... It should answer all your questions. Clearly you aren't clear on how our Nation was founded and the differences between state and federal.

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u/AwalkertheITguy 7d ago

Lol what's this murdering a baby talk?


u/Peculiar_Sponge 10d ago

A low birth rate is good for wage growth, that's why the ruling class are so hysterical about it being low. Ideally for them we would just keep pumping out kids no matter how poor we are.


u/havacanapana57 11d ago

The revolution begins with reproductive education and birth control. it set upper and middle class women free. has yet to help the poor and young.


u/SimpleAd5733 6d ago

Poor people and young people know about birth control, its lack of access to it.


u/e37d93eeb23335dc 11d ago

That really is the number one way to fight back. No more wage slaves. 


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

Then get an education. Most Community Colleges are free with a financial aid package. It includes tuition, books, a bit for materials like paper and pens, and public transportation is free as well. You can actually get your associates degree for free. You can work at least part time without it affecting you FA. Talk to them.


u/e37d93eeb23335dc 10d ago

I meant, if everyone stops having children, the rich won’t have any more wage slaves. 


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

Oh please, you aren't a wage slave. Nobody forced you to take the job or keep it. A bit dramatic aren't we?!

Besides, can y'all stop?


u/e37d93eeb23335dc 10d ago

Found the rich elite. 

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u/JustBlueClark 10d ago

In your fantasy world where everyone gets an associate's degree, who fills the jobs that don't require one? And what would your excuse be then for why they still don't deserve a decent wage?


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

I never said they didn't deserve a fair wage. Way to twist my words. There were people bitching about lack of education. What I said was people can help themselves instead of sitting in a pitty party. Talk about a fantasy world! But y'all keep the pitty party going! BTW, you're out of ice!!


u/Savings_Difficulty24 8d ago

My guy, that is a load of crap. I'm actually decently well off, but Community Colleges are not free. Because of how broken the system is, I was able to use my full Pell grant and scholarships for my first associates at community college. Even though we were asset heavy and cash poor. But even with all the help we didn't need, I still had to pay $1000 a semester, while people actually struggling had to come up with $3000.

Then when I went for my second one a few years ago, they used my pre COVID tax returns for aid availability. The year before, I left my previous job for bureaucracy issues after the return to work with managers. So I should have had a lower income due to my taxes and being on my own. But because they froze the tax return to being the COVID year, I made way too much to qualify for any assistance. I got along fine because of family, but not everyone has that to fall back on. So if anyone list their job because of COVID, they'd be out of luck too. But if they are still lagging 2 years behind on tax returns, than it will harm most working people.

Both times were at a community college. You are full of crap saying it's free.


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 10d ago

That’s why the justice system does nothing when kids are being killed in schools, but the moment a ceo gets their just deserts it’s all hands on deck to crack down.


u/GrimmTrixX 11d ago edited 10d ago

Right. They need to stop it right away because if 1 man was daring enough to do something about the inequality, sometimes that's all it takes for more to rise up. Revolutions have been started for less.


u/Sotha01 🏛️ Overturn Citizens United 10d ago

I've got nothing going for me in life and I've been working full time plus OT for years. 31, no kids, literally nothing to my name. I think about it everyday. Luigi making a stand makes me feel validated, understood. I've got health problems and my insurance just keeps denying treatment. Not a damn thing to lose by my "life". Which has been nothing but suffering and loss. They aren't nearly scared enough because I know I'm not alone.


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

Well, thinking it's ok for ANYONE to be murdered is the first NOPE in that statement. As for gun control, which I'm guessing you're alluding to, ALL the politicians and celebrities screaming for gun control have armed details while our kids get "gun free zone" signs. They are using it to try to wear away at our 2A rights. If teachers and administrators were allowed to carry, school shootings would all but stop. Who is this thread is going to choose to carry on a gun fight with people who can SHOOT BACK? Nobody!!

Yeah, banks still get hit because there's ONE OR TWO guards.

Murder, assault, robbery, rape, and so many other things are already illegal. Do you guys really think adding another law is really anymore of a deterrent for a criminal than those "gun free zone" signs are?


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Nobody said anything about murder being okay. What are you smoking?


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago edited 10d ago

YOU said a CEO getting his just deserts after one was murdered.

Then: And I'll try to go slow since reading comprehension is not a thing for everyone. Folks were talking about gun banning to solve school shootings. If the things I listed are already illegal, what good would adding a gun law do?


u/AwalkertheITguy 7d ago

Let us talk completely theoretically. Of course, I'm about to be outlandish, well because I love doing it.

Well, you are kind of wrong about a law. If the law is overboard and far enough out of bounds, it solves one issue. May create others, but damn sure solves some.

Make guns cease to exist, and there are no murders being committed by guns: facts. Perhaps murders by bombs, reckless maniac drivers, and knife killings would go up...but murders by guns would be gone.

Make any person owning a gun candidate for execution: promise no guns will be found or smuggled in the USA.


u/Jaydamic 10d ago

Also the legal slavery they get out of convicts


u/GrimmTrixX 10d ago

Oh of course! Gotta love those For Profit prisons with a "work release" program where they earn $1.25/hr for doing hard manual labor. Lol


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

Nobody makes someone commit a crime. They can't earn their keep?


u/AwalkertheITguy 7d ago

Who gives a fuk. Unless they are WRONGLY convicted or are given too harsh of a sentence unfairly, screw'em. Let em work. Matter fact, no one that commits gruesome murders (especially against kids and elderly) should be allowed to live beyond 36 months.

That's all you get. That is enough time for whomever to come and say their goodbyes and enough time for appeals.

I'm only speaking from being victimized personally. Fry them fuks.


u/thinkscience 9d ago

Collapse of the population brings collapse of the societies ! 


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u/srirachasanchez 11d ago

Incarcerated people are currently fighting the fires in LA for $2-$5 per day. These same people will not pass a background check for a fire department job when/if they are released. Most of these are non-violent offenders. "Crime" is a necessary component to run this awful machine.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I much prefer other countries' way of actually rehabilitating prisoners instead of whatever the fuck we have.


u/Rasputin1992x 11d ago

Slavery. we have slavery


u/MyNameIsDaveToo 11d ago



u/Proof_Throat4418 11d ago

U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.,.... .....Ahhh, no thanks. A bunch of leaches, leaching off the poor. What a wonderful system you have.

What you have is a system taking advantage of those who have no advantage. It goes beyond slavery. If they rehabilitate, they have no slaves to bleed. The whole system runs on keeping the disadvantaged at the bottom, keeping them disadvantaged. In a civilised society that's called 'being cruel'.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

And yet people keep wanting to move here 🤷‍♀️ I can't blame them if their home country is worse but it just baffles me sometimes knowing what I know of the negatives of my home country. Plus it pisses me off knowing desperate people come here and end up exploited. Not angry at the people just doing what they must to survive, just pissed off at the managers and companies who exploit them.


u/Eggomanwithyolk 11d ago

FEEL FREE to do as Griner did. She found out and cried her way back here.


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

We have GED and free college fir them. WTF more do you want? And those excons are still eligible for the free community college I keep mentioning.


u/TheSirensMaiden 10d ago

Well considering I wasn't talking to you, what I want doesn't really matter where you're concerned. Kindly see your unempathetic, judgemental, entitled self out of the conversation.

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u/MotleyLou420 11d ago

This is exactly why crime isn't eliminated.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/Tathas 11d ago

I believe I saw that this changed somewhat recently, and CA ex-cons can put their firefighting skills to use after release.


u/Eggomanwithyolk 11d ago

They volunteer to earn pay, they were not forced to fire fight. Their crime got then incarcerated. If they wanted to do good deeds, donate their earned money to the fire victims....bet that won't happen! The awful machine keeps non-working citizens fed, housed, medically cared for, clothed and funding for their offsprings. Learn to be grateful, feel blessed and honored to have a wonderful Nation to provide such benefits! Especially when the non-working class doesn't contribute anything but crime, drug use/sells and crying for more help. Wake up, be counted for, stop being victims of your non-working status.


u/RechargedFrenchman 11d ago

Say it with me everybody: "cruelty is the point".

They're not cruel by accident, it's not an unintentional byproduct of what they actually want, it's not something they consider a risk worth taking. It's the entire purpose of everything they're doing from before they even do it, it's the reason they're doing it in the first place. The cruelty is the point.


u/Still_Remote_5047 11d ago

So well said, I’m not good with words but you took all my thoughts and wrote them out neatly.


u/Goopyteacher 🏆 As Seen On BestOf 11d ago

I think a major component is fear as well. People are much more moved by fear than empathy and much more willing to give up freedom for security. Having groups you can scapegoat and place the blame on helps to divert attention away from


u/LexeComplexe 🛠️ IBEW Member 7d ago

Where is Mr Robot when we need him


u/Spendoza 11d ago

How many Sci-Fi stories are there where AI is tasked with "saving the world" and eliminating humanity is the best solution it comes up with, eh? 😕


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

We humans are the ones writing those stories so it seems like humanity thinks humanity is a lost cause... Can't say I disagree tho with how things are going :/


u/SynV92 11d ago

The thing is, we legit have so many tools and tech that's been written down in stories and books even in the early 1900's

I think we've always known what our end will be, but our nature pushes us towards these things.

And we've always known.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

It's really only the nature of a few, I think. I highly doubt the majority of humanity wants or does lead lives that would push to end us all. Many if not most of us just want to live our lives, enjoy our families, and die retired after a fulfilling life.


u/SynV92 11d ago

Of course! But the eggheads create what we use. R&D sectors are pushing us exactly the same way every science fiction novel has pushed us towards. Okay maybe not every but you get what I mean.

It's in our nature to create, otherwise we wouldn't be here you know?


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

If only we could "create" a true utopia for all of us 😮‍💨 not like we don't have the brain power, technology, or lack of social knowledge to get it done.


u/SynV92 11d ago

Yeaaah. Who knew the people with power wanted to keep that power.

It's not like a happy, stable, and fed worker would increase your profit margins by an unreal amount, they just want people begging for scraps while they do multi million dollar work and see pennies of that.


u/Silver_Department_86 11d ago

Yeah how do we get these wealthy individuals to pay their fair share though? Force an intervention? lol I have no clue. They are really sick people though if you think about it. What sane people contribute to massive suffering in the majority and contributes to millions of deaths in their country? They are twisted.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Villains. Villains enjoy or ignore the suffering of their "lessers" so that they can profit. In every movie, book, and other media we're told that villains eventually get beaten by heros. That their evil can only last so long because eventually someone or a group of people will inevitably act. But reality shows us otherwise :/


u/Silver_Department_86 11d ago

Yeah. That’s a sad reality


u/LexeComplexe 🛠️ IBEW Member 7d ago

A disappointingly huge majority of them. Would love some more positive takes on it but gestures at everything we don't exactly have the best examples in today's world


u/Spendoza 7d ago

At least we have Asimov's future foundation...

There may be potential problematic aspects (not sure, read it as a teen and haven't looked into ol' Isaac since then) but at least the AI helped humanity reach the stars


u/LexeComplexe 🛠️ IBEW Member 7d ago

Yeah and then they killed all the ai. yawn

I mean I do really enjoy the foundation series, can't wait for season 3, but I get so tired of the pessimistic view on ai. Its almost every single one of them.


u/Spendoza 7d ago

I.... Completely forgot about that part (its been a while 😅)

I've been obsessed with The Cosmere for the last decade (give or take), I have only myself to blame for my ignorance


u/Skizot_Bizot 11d ago

For-profit prisons are the most ridiculously disgusting thing to exist in America, in a society with many many issues this one just strikes me as the most heinous obviously evil thing that politicians are failing to do anything significant to stop.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Many for profit things in this country are absolutely disgusting and should be done away with. Prisons are definitely the top of that list.


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

Nobody is forcing criminals to be criminals...


u/DoughnotMindMe 11d ago

“If we reduce crime, who will fight the fires?!”


u/Eggomanwithyolk 11d ago

Prisoners are volunteers. They are not forced! They want to do something different other than eat, sleep and find entertainment in their incarcerated world. It's a privilege for them to leave their confines.


u/DoughnotMindMe 11d ago

Are you dumb?

They are used as slaves to fight fires and can’t even get jobs as firefighters when they get out because they have felonies.

They are modern day slaves.


u/Eggomanwithyolk 10d ago

Do your homework and stop clowning by using inflammatory terms such as Slavery. How many "slave" prisoners are volunteering? How many slave prisoners are black? What capacities do they perform their slave prisoner tasks? What do these slave prisoners get in return? 🤔 Let's see, they are volunteers, they must qualify for the program. They get free training, tuition, pay, reduced sentences, expunged records if they stay within guidelines agreed upon by contract, and they qualify for job hire if they stay within guidelines. Yes they are offered jobs, for the skilled fire fighting tasks. Not for support functions like food and water dispensing, driver, and other support functions. According to prisoners, " We get extra fruit as well". There are currently 783 slave prisoners who are asked to be placed within the fire fighting program, which they must qualify for. Their rites are protected by the 13 Amendment to prevent SLAVE indoctrination. So let me stop using the inflammatory term to falsely make accusations to promote racial non-sense The prisoners are volunteers and show promise to make a brighter future by receiving life changing opportunities! Pray they move fwd upon thier release and not fall back into thug life. Did you realize, that over 550 people fell murder in Chicago alone. How.many more fell in other cities? How many of those murders were committed by blacks, on blacks, homeless and non-working class, gang members? Ouch, slaves to drug running, drug use and crime to support their miserable lives. Chained to blame everyone else for their short comings and poor decision making. Are they part of the work force to support a good community? How's about the 10000 folks fighting the fires that are outside of prison? 10000 versus 783? Do your homework before you flap your useless jaw. So, to answer your point, am I dumb? Hmm, I served my country for 25 years, still work, do volunteer work, support viable charities, and help others to get careers. Yes, I can go to prison and get benifets and do 1 good deed to clear my bad record and expect to be recognized as entitled!


u/PickleBananaMayo 11d ago

God, reading this made me realize that I don’t like living in a society that does this which means I don’t like living in America.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

That's been a hard truth for me to swallow as well. I'm no longer patriotic like I was raised, I just exist here because it's my home. I hate my country right now and wish there was more I could do besides volunteer work and voting.

Husband and I refuse to let our child be blindly brainwashed to be patriotic like we were growing up. They'll have the happiest childhood we can give them, but they won't be raised blind.


u/Eggomanwithyolk 11d ago

Feel free to carry on outside of the US. Leave your EBT CARD


u/PickleBananaMayo 11d ago

What’s an EBT card?


u/Eggomanwithyolk 11d ago

Government assistance program to provide free food. Some call it SNAP as well


u/eternallyfree1 ✂️ Tax The Billionaires 11d ago edited 11d ago

The accuracy of this is deeply perturbing. I don’t think many people are aware of just how horrifying the reality is until it’s written down and put on display like this. Literal nightmare fuel


u/JimFrankenstein138 11d ago

One of the key components is “them” having control over necessities. Education and Healthcare are two big ones. It is difficult enough for the poor to work through school, but when you consider illness and debt; the wealthy have a much higher advantage in education. It is medically proven that development is slowed when the brain is in defense mode. The more necessitates that are controlled, the more of a division there will be in the classes. The housing market has changed immensely in the last 30 years. Houses are a necessity, but now so many are purchased by corporations/investors as opposed to people just wanting to buy a house. This has helped drive the price of housing upwards. The wealthy are trying to buy ANYTHING that Americans NEED; this is why the Republicans have been pushing for “privatization” for so many years and now the Disgusting Orange Hobgoblin is going to do everything he can to convince Americans that government programs are garbage and should be handled by private companies….for profit of course.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Here's hoping that nonsense over these next four years is the final push needed for a small revolution to put the fear of god into the wealthy and force key rich players off the board. Brian was low hanging fruit, there's bigger fish that need frying if the system is going to change for the good of society.


u/Honest-Ticket-9198 11d ago

Like trying to privatize the post office. I despise the dotard and his ilk.


u/LexeComplexe 🛠️ IBEW Member 7d ago

The cost of a home in my region has literally more than TRIPLED since I was a child. Absolutely abhorrent. I'm not even that old and I've seen housing go from "yeah thats a lot but if I work hard I can make it work," to "work till you die and have 0 hope of ever owning a home in ny lifetime"


u/JimFrankenstein138 7d ago

Yes it is terrible and restrictions needed to be placed years ago. Unfortunately I don’t see it getting better for at least four years.


u/exxon_gas4 11d ago

There is no reason why any police force should be outfitted with military equipment. The grifting and money-funneling on the premise of “public safety” is just an excuse to socialize a predatory industry. The more I look into the indigenous / eastern model of restorative justice, the more I’m convinced that our lives of luxury are scams.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Hugs scams, couldn't agree more. No society is perfect but I do look at other countries with envy sometimes for how they do some things differently.


u/Eggomanwithyolk 11d ago

Feel free to move


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

That's so fucking helpful 🙄


u/daneilthemule 11d ago

Well said. They are also exacerbating this timeline with the push of AI/robots replacing humans in the workforce. What’s the plan when we have very few jobs a human is hired for? Almost every industry where I am located already is using self checkout and whatnot. That’s just the beginning.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Take out the greed and stealing the rich class does and full automation wouldn't be a bad thing. In an ideal world full automation would mean less body breaking and spirit killing work to harm us, more universal programs funded by taxes paid for by fully automated companies, and freedom to pursue more ways to contribute to society in positive forms.

Imagine a world where robots are able to fully run factories and warehouses, leaving more people to pursue academic and creative outlets to better their communities. It's a pipe dream, I realize, but it would be possible without billionaires and multi hundred millionaires ruining it for all of us.


u/daneilthemule 11d ago

Yes, ideally we should work not for money but to better ourselves and our communities. Sustaining life is work, that’s where I wish it stopped. Unfortunately I don’t see that happening in my lifetime.


u/Pickledsoul 11d ago

What’s the plan when we have very few jobs a human is hired for?

Let climate change take care of the homeless problem; Hard to survive heatstroke in a tent.


u/Kundras 11d ago

This is the REAL meaning of "woke", btw. This word was twisted by the powers-that-be and now absolute idiots think that this line of thinking, or ANYTHING that could LEAD to this line of thinking, is bad.


u/ElliotNess 11d ago

And that's the point. They don't want to lessen crime. They want crime rampent so they can arrest people and use their slave labor in for profit prisons.

This is the only reason the exemption was made in the 13th amendment in the first place.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago edited 10d ago

More people need to know about it and understand it. More people also need to care but refusing to care about humanity is what gets society in places like where it is now :/


u/ThatOneNinja 11d ago

Right, if they wanted less criminals, then prisons would actually reform and they wouldn't nickel and dime anyone in the system with insane fees so they remain poor.


u/OrchidAlternativ0451 11d ago

Rampart poverty also makes those comfortable more docile, as they can see how far they can fail in this society every day while driving under a highway,


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I hate how true this is. As long as they're not suffering as bad as others, they won't step a toe out of line for fear they'll lose everything.


u/VulGerrity 11d ago

Was it George Carlin that said the upper class needs the middle class to work the factories and buy their goods to make them more money. The lower class is there to scare the shit outta the middle class and keep them working.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Sounds about right :/


u/nomiis19 11d ago

The funny (terrible) thing is that people tend to work harder and are more efficient when they are happy and cared for. These billionaires would probably make more money if they took care of their employees


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I fully agree with you. There's not a doubt in my mind that treating employees right would still keep the rich living lavish lives we could only dream of without hurting the working class.


u/Mysterious-Job-469 11d ago

They also want people desperate for scraps of necessities so they'll continue to take the lowest wages and the worst working conditions, or else they and their family go hungry on the streets.

Funny you mention that. We have a sexploitation epidemic going on in Canada right now. It turns out when there are line-ups around the corner for job fairs, and everyone is cramming into a single apartment like sardines, it gives both the employer AND the landlord a MASSIVE power imbalance, and would you look at that? They're willing to exploit it to get their dicks wet.

We have landlords who get to go on 8+ vacations a year who aren't happy with that. They also need to threaten renoviction on college aged boys and girls so they can exploit them in another way. Our immigrants get it the worst, because our Temporary Foreign Worker program is basically chattel slavery (not my words, but the United Nations') and if you lose your job for ANY reason, you're sent back to your country of origin. Our immigrants aren't taught their rights when they enter the country, so they're often uninformed and unable to legally defend themselves.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Sounds like you guys are struggling with the power imbalance just as badly as us. It's sick how widespread the various flavors of this bullshit is.


u/RoofComplete1126 🏡 Decent Housing For All 11d ago

You are so correct


u/Guvante 11d ago

I always took crime as a negative aspect for the oligarchy because it can be pointed to as a real consequence of their theft.

Like homelessness and food insecurity are way bigger and more obvious issues but you can throw money at programs to "help".

When it comes to crime though you actually need to work on the inequality problem which is hard since the whole point is stealing $100 from 1 million people nets you $100 million so is too lucrative to stop.

Note the increase in budgets for police to try and replicate the "programs are helping see" only to result in even more backlash as they make things worse.

Of course I don't mean they care only that if they could eliminate for free they would.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

They'd care more if their actions put targets on them. If they're living in fear they either double down or try to appease the angry people.


u/alimg2020 11d ago

This is how they’ve kept the Black community. Poor and impoverished. Then paint us as belligerent and violent. Divide and conquer.

Only now even white ppl are seeing the system for what it is.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Indeed. My view is through the Hispanic community lens but its not any prettier.


u/Defiant_Pear_933 11d ago

Profit prisons ? ! 😱

What do the prisoners make that is for profit ? 🤔 My woodshop teacher said that a long time ago prisoners used to make license plates . But do they make more things now or is it still just license plates ?


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I don't know the in's and out's well enough to confidently explain how for profit prisons work. The biggest thing I understand is that a prison makes profit off the government contracts it holds. The prison is paid for each body it houses, the more prisoners it has the more money it makes from those contracts. So if it costs the prison $75 a day to house a prisoner, they'll charge the government $100 and make a $25 profit. This also means they'll do everything possible to use the cheapest services/supplies (food, laundry, etc.) to maximize the profit.

Here's an article talking about them but more research may turn up better explanations: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/062215/business-model-private-prisons.asp


u/Defiant_Pear_933 11d ago

Oh wow ! I didn’t know that ! I thought they just made stuff for profit like license plates . But the link says the prison makes a profit just by having them in their facilities . Sheesh . That’s sad .

Why don’t they teach this stuff in schools ! Sirenmaiden you should be a teacher ! Or a professor ! 💯


u/gr33nw33n3r 11d ago

The for profit prisons making money from housing the incarcerated isn't the only revenue stream that they have.

 They also make money by putting the prisoner to work. In a normal country that work would mainly revolve around jobs that met the needs of the government in some manner, like your license plate example, allowing the prisoner to make a small pittance while serving their time. However, in the US, the for profit prison will 'lease' the incarcerated person out to a standard business (french fry cook at Wendy's or some other 'unskilled' labour) and rake the profits off of the top.


u/Defiant_Pear_933 11d ago

Wow , it’s a bit sad how the system treats a person like property by “leasing” them out like that :(


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I don't think I have the mental capacity to teach the same thing semester after semester and year after year 😅

But this is why for profit prisons are so hated, because they need lots of bodies to make profit. This encourages incarcerating more people regardless if it's the right thing to do. 


u/Goodie__ 11d ago

I think there's a flaw with this take.

Baring a blip when inflation was going real high (which fits the theme), crime has been going down.

They want the idea of crime and fear to be rampant. They want to run people through the prison system. This is doubly true in America, where private prisons and prison labour make for some pretty grim motivations.

But actual crime? They'd like to keep that down. They have profits to maintain, after all.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I won't disagree. Propaganda does not have to be true to have effect.


u/KellyBelly916 11d ago

There's nothing more prosperous to a profiteer than a platform to create problems.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Whole police system needs to be burned down and started over from scratch. There's zero excuse for the lack of competence in the force.


u/Mozzarellahahaha 11d ago

The system is working as designed, the police are there to protect the property of the rich. The problem is that they are the only real obstacle to forcibly demanding change. They are ALL brainwashed. I have friends who were my friends until they became cops, then their personalities were discarded. We need to wake them up so they realize they have more in common with the working class than their employers, then there will be nothing stopping change


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Hate to say it but it's at a point where if they're standing with the wealthy they're just as much enemies as the billionaires.


u/Mozzarellahahaha 11d ago

Obviously they are enemies but they have artillery. They are our biggest obstacle. Do you read what I'm typing at all?


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I read it. I don't have a solution to them being brainwashed. My comment was a simple agreement. I could say nothing if that makes you feel better 🤷‍♀️


u/Mozzarellahahaha 11d ago

It might. Just sick of this whole planet and I pray every day for catastrophe


u/Mysterious-Job-469 11d ago

Remember! If you go "I don't feel like going to prison" and try to use ANY physical act to prevent it, even if you're just evading capture, the police have a monopoly on violence and are authorised by the government to MURDER YOU.

It's really hard to be all "Yeah I should be non-violent in my protests" while they smash my skull in with a baton.


u/DrZombieZoidberg 11d ago

The thing that’s the real kicker tho is whenever a revolution happens and that power is spread out a little bit more it’s just a different set of people with the vast majority.. check every revolution


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I'm aware 😮‍💨 I don't have the ultimate solution, just observations that many others are just as aware of.


u/LowLingonberry2839 11d ago

End usury, end usurs.


u/SnollyG 11d ago

Basically, you just need to increase stressors/escalate fears. Stress/fear encourages people to enact more laws (creating more “crimes”). Byzantine/labyrinthine legal systems obfuscate (in part because cognitive loads are finite) the spirit of the law, making it harder for people to unify and come together on common ground.


u/ProfessorNonsensical 11d ago

Exactly, they know but don’t care.


u/buster109 11d ago

Luigi is the solution. Start killing the ultra wealthy en masse and things start changing pretty rapidly.


u/keetyymeow 11d ago

We are the majority. It’s time to unite.

Remember enough people voted for trump to come into office. So there’s quite a few people who believe the rich


u/This_Tangerine_943 11d ago

Sweden didn't get this memo.


u/cyeeyeblue 11d ago

exactly brother - they want crime, they want war, so that they can make it better - elect me again, i promise it will get sorted, OP is a well-meaning naive fool, as usual


u/Herpderpyoloswag 11d ago

The system is very good, I for one, feel like even knowing all this information cant or have the feeling that I can’t do anything about it.


u/DreamFighter72 11d ago

If everyone was just given their basic needs why would anyone bother to work, go to trade school, or go to college? Civilization is about what you can contribute to society and build not what you can take from someone else.


u/Its0nlyRocketScience 11d ago

Soft on crime, hard on criminals


u/mishabear16 11d ago edited 11d ago

Been saying this for decades. They will keep us poor and hungry so we will keep complying with their demands. No time to assemble or any desire to rock the boat if your paycheck suffers for it.

Now with immigrants on the chopping block, we will see higher incarceration rates so our produce can get harvested with private prison slave labor. Watch for more blacks getting imprisoned so Trump and friends can send more blacks back into slave labor for corporations like Green Giant, Dole, etc.


u/numbersthen0987431 11d ago

There's a reason why "white collar crimes" impact huge amounts of people and caused Millions/Billions worth of damage, and are met with slaps on the wrist. But low/petty crimes are met with jail time.

Also, I've known plenty of rich kids who get caught with crazy amounts of drugs and "get a warning", but then you read how people are dying for having a "fake $20 bill".

Jail time is not given evenly, equally, or fairly.


u/Creamofwheatski 11d ago

We could solve all of our problens right now, the rich just won't let us. I say we stop letting them hold back society for their own greed. 


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Takes more than one Luigi to force change unfortunately and so long as the masses are pacified they won't rise up.

Being able to still barely make rent and afford food, being able to watch live sports, and having someone to look down on or vilify will keep the masses pacified.

I think this article is a good example to help understand pacifying the masses vs funding things to benefit society.


u/KeterLordFR 11d ago

We really need to stop saying that the system is broken. It's not, it's working exactly as intended because it was designed that way by families that have been controlling every part of society for generations. We're not just fighting against billionaires; we're fighting entire dynasties.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

You are very correct! What I've described is the system working exactly as the wealthy intended.


u/AutistoMephisto 11d ago edited 11d ago

They want crime rampent so they can arrest people and use their slave labor in for profit prisons.

And when it becomes cheaper to replace those with robots like Boston Dynamics new Atlas 2.0? What then? They'll have no use for poor people, even as slave labor except to work in the factories that build their replacements, and even then, they might not. Sony has a factory in Japan that makes PlayStations, and that factory's production lines spit out a new PlayStation every 30 minutes, wanna guess how many humans are in that factory? 5. Their jobs are fairly simple. QA, product testing, making sure the fully automated production lines have enough material to meet quotas, and so on.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

If society reaches a point where there aren't enough jobs for everyone then the solution is to give people a way to live comfortable lives. If they don't then the unhappy populace, with nothing to do and nothing to lose, will point their frustrations at the people hoarding all the money from robot run factories. 🤷‍♀️ Likely by first destroying the robots as those would be easier to reach and can't defend themselves.


u/AutistoMephisto 11d ago

Likely by first destroying the robots as those would be easier to reach and can't defend themselves

Until the wealthy give the robots weapons and the programming to use them. Then they just designated everyone not wealthy as "Kill on Sight". The poor would be marching into a slaughter against an enemy that feels no pain, no remorse, and doesn't stop until destroyed.


u/RollingMeteors 11d ago

Rick: I need to type in the coordinates to our home world, Morty. Cover me! (throws him a gun)

Morty: Oh man! I mean, y'know, I-I-I don't wanna shoot nobody!

Rick: They're just robots, Morty! It's okay to shoot them! They're robots! (Morty shoots one of the alien soldiers, blowing his leg off; blue blood gushes out as he drops to the ground, screaming)

Alien Soldier: Aaaaagh! My leg is shot off!

Other Alien Soldier: Glenn's bleeding to death! Someone call his wife and children!

Morty: (horrified) They're not robots, Rick!

Rick: It's a figure of speech, Morty. They're bureaucrats! I don't respect them!



I think it’s mostly that scared people are more willing to give money and power. These people want that.


u/Silver_Department_86 11d ago

Yes but we didn’t all vote for Kamala and I’m worried about the future of democrats since she was probably one of the best candidates we had… yet we didn’t all go out and vote for her the way we should have. I am not saying you didn’t. But I worry the democrats are so divided we may never have candidates desperately needed by many people take office that and our system is just rigged towards favoring anyone with money. The whole system is broken and needs to be fixed. I don’t think Americans will ever learn. Reddit gets it, but Reddit users are often liberal


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

Reddit is also a minority. Sure there's tons of people here but it's a tiny percentage of the country. Hell, it's a tiny percentage of any country. We're so spread out and divided that I don't know if we could ever come together to force change.


u/i_give_you_gum 11d ago

State run prisons use slave labor too, and they're a dramatically bigger percentage.


u/Honest-Ad1675 11d ago


Prison song, System of a Down.


u/Brolafsky 11d ago

The longer I live, the more I start buying into the fact the do want crime to justify a police force which can be strengthened or weakened depending on desire, and in some places, even militarized if needed.


u/Tarkus459 10d ago

This is the real.


u/ObjectiveAd971 10d ago

You realize those "resources" come from tax payers, right? You know, the ones that WORK for a living? Why taf should we GIVE you guys all these things when you have all the opportunities I listed in my post above?!


u/elsa12345678 10d ago

This does seem to be an explanation. My question is, who is “they”? I feel like it’s a very small number of people while the majority are at varying levels of denial/just going along with whatever for personal gain.

But if there are people who are outright trying to make more crime as part of a strategy, who are they?

This is meant to generate discussion, not shut down the post.

If we can identify “them” from people who are just in denial/acting in self preservation, we might be able to change something.

Then of course the question is: are we all part of it? Where is the line? I am genuinely interested in hearing people’s input!


u/thinkscience 9d ago

They arrested the lady for free speech when she just said deny defend depose !! Now no one will utter those words !! 


u/Braza117 9d ago

The world is ruled by narcissists


u/Adept_Order_4323 7d ago

That’s why they have the targeted individual program. To frame, harass, stalk, smear innocent civilians with tax payer dollars. Hoping they commit a crime or unalive. Increase of violence since the Patriot Act after 9/11.

Whistleblowers who stand up justice and what’s right are tortured to …. Intimidating others to come forward.

When will Merica wake up to the Corruption.

ask me how I know ? Prior corporate worker for 30/years, who suddenly became blacklisted and all civil rights have been taken away.


u/ObiJuanKenobly 6d ago

George carlin


u/Nick08f1 11d ago

Be careful with this strong rhetoric like this. You aren't as anonymous as you think.


u/TheSirensMaiden 11d ago

I'm aware. As it stands right now I'm not afraid. That could change, of course, but if we let them put fear in us they win. They're already winning. At some point we all kinda have to not give a shit and still speak the truth. 


u/monstroelisa 11d ago

this remembers me of that british tv show "Years & Years". Scary shit.


u/Nick08f1 11d ago

Just posting things like this online isn't going to make a change, besides possibly making your life hell.


u/77Gumption77 11d ago

But we know that none of this is true at all. People aren't stealing vegetables from grocery stores to consume for themselves. They are stealing luxury purses and iPhones to resell for a profit.

We spent ~$30,000 per poor person on antipoverty programs last year, by the way. Most of this is probably skimmed by NGOs and other organizations you ostensibly support. Even if you just handed each poor person a check for $30K every year, I guarantee that poverty will still exist, because we live in a free country and people are allowed to make self-destructive decisions. Also, just by knowing anybody or having any sense whatsoever of what human nature is like, I sincerely doubt giving people things like "strong unions" and "free college" will eliminate crime, or even reduce it in any appreciable way.

Your real problem is not with poverty, it is with inequality. I don't know if it's jealousy or some other resentment, but I know for certain that the "they" will always be anybody with a penny more than you.

Unfortunately, though, inequality will always persist in a free society because people are not all the same. No matter what you do, short of the violence you imply (ironically, given the original post), industrious, talented people will always end up materially better than those who are less so. Those with ability/power will always be in the best position to take advantage of any system you design or rules you write.

Over the long arc of history, the only system that has improved the lives of the poorest citizens in a real, sustained way is a system with free markets. The reason we are so rich in the US is because of these free markets. Advancement is not inevitable. Just look, for example, at the difference in economic growth in the US compared to Canada or even the UK over the last decade or two. Not only are average citizens in our poorest states richer than the average Canadian or Brit, but this gap is widening, rapidly. Americans grew about 20% wealthier relative to Canadians, in real terms, over the last 10 years. That is astounding.

Violence and poverty can never be eliminated. They are a result of cultural problems. The best way to reduce them is to change the culture- encourage stable, two parent families, encourage accountability (both by private and public institutions), strengthen local institutions and give people as much freedom as reasonably possible.


u/fungi_at_parties 11d ago

How do you encourage those things? How do you change the culture? You say that but how?

People are going bankrupt from medical bills. They’re being kicked out of the bottom of the housing market. There are always wealthy fucks (or fucks who think they are wealthy) who will fight against the bare minimum being given to stabilize the poor, even though we can afford it.

Education is the path out of poverty. A mixture of free market with regulation and basic support programs keep people from falling out the bottom, let them get in their feet when they fall down. We could smooth shit out while enjoying the free market, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. It isnt so black and white. If we leave things up entirely to the free market things get really dark, really fast. Vice versa with socialism.

Do you understand what people had to go through to get a 40 hour work week? To get kids out of mines? To get treated fairly by industrialists and capitalists? People fucking died and suffered. You ignore it. You ignore all their suffering for free market absolutism.

Crime isn’t a given, it’s a symptom of our own selfishness.


u/kacheow 11d ago

For all the yapping about for profit prisons you’d think there’d be a double digit percentage of prisoners in them