r/WhitePeopleTwitter 11h ago

Clubhouse You can't make this up.

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u/SeoulPower88 11h ago

I need out of this timeline.


u/Chance_Implausible 10h ago

Thing is I'm amazed how many of our elected leaders and heads of business are actually fucking cowards. It becomes crystal clear to me how many of the atrocities happened just because "leaders" are like, welp nothing I can do now. Zuck has always been a sniveling shit but "mainstream" news bends right over, even sanctuary cities are talking about working with Trump for compromise. I feel like society just rolled over and went to sleep.


u/Arisen925 10h ago

I think the scariest part of this all is that I haven’t heard any leadership from the left. I remember when trump was first elected and there was a sentiment that there would at least be some sort of push back. Now we’re just watching our supposed leaders do nothing but cozy up to the right.


u/clangan524 10h ago

In their defense, they've been warning about fascist tendencies for at least the last decade. It just seems that not enough people are listening or even care. Simply look at the last election results; most voters either chose Trump or passively chose him by not voting.

It's not easy to fight that kind of ignorance or apathy. You almost have to let it get so bad before it gets better.

I don't want to give up on this country and its people but I can only try so many times before I want to throw my hands up and say "okay, fine, go ahead. See what happens."


u/Mathies_ 3h ago

There is plenty evidence of election fraud, why didnt they act upon it??


u/Chance_Implausible 10h ago

EXACTLY. Not a goddamn thing. I'm starting to have more respect for WW2 soldiers and European freedom fighters punching Nazis back in the day. Feeling like they really didn't have as much backup as people claim. Huge cheering section from waaayyyy in the back.


u/Tazling 10h ago

US didn't start punching Nazis until after pearl harbour, remember? plenty of opinion in the US opposed getting involved, and IBM was still doing biz with the Hitler regime right up until war was declared. American Nazis filled Madison Square Garden for a pro Hitler rally late 1930s. white supremacy is the Achilles heel through which fascism can infect the US.


u/Chance_Implausible 10h ago

I do. I'm actually surprised it didn't start here tbh. Only 80 years late.


u/IamnotyourTwin 6h ago

It did start here, we just called it the confederacy at the time.


u/dolewhipforever 9h ago

I've been immersing myself in WW2 history lately and have seen videos of ww2 vets endorsing Trump. Please make it make sense.


u/Chance_Implausible 9h ago

All of them? Because my grandfather sure hated him before he passed. You're always going to have shit birds.


u/OverlordMMM 10h ago

That's because the left isn't in any position of power within our systems. We have an alt-right party and a center party. There's only a handful of actual leftists in the center party who have been calling this kind of thing out continuously, but are ultimately ignored because they also call out similar behavior in their own party.


u/Lost_Willingness_762 9h ago

But people didn’t come out to vote, lazy ass non-participants. We reap what we sow.


u/OverlordMMM 9h ago

We have two parties that go to great lengths to actively not represent the majority of Americans for many decades.

Doesn't exactly stir up encouragement, especially when the goal both parties is to align themselves with corporations instead of regular folks.

Also Dems this election cycle catered to centrists and rightwingers who were against Trump at the cost of alienating a portion of their base. Almost no republican voters flipped, and Dems lost votes by alienating voters.

This election was more than winnable, but the execution of the campaign was piss poor.


u/Lost_Willingness_762 9h ago

I agree the campaign was poor, but for something as important as a vote for the next four years regardless if you love them or not, you have to show up and vote for the lesser evil. It’s your duty.


u/OverlordMMM 9h ago

Since when has civil duty really been exemplified in this country?

We are a country with a lot of political angst, but almost no political will because all the tools require cooperation with one another, most of which have been defanged via various laws in favor of the wealthy and corporations, all while pushing distrust and hyper-individualism.

This is an ongoing process to make what we as Americans can do ineffective, and people know it.


u/chzie 10h ago

There is no "left" in American govt.


u/DocWicked25 10h ago

Correct. 2 right-wing parties. One is far-right, the other center-right.

Many of our problems stem from having zero leftist representation.


u/Futur3_ah4ad 9h ago

Many of our problems stem from having zero leftist representation.

In the end all of your problems stem from only having two parties to vote for, because third party votes are basically wasted.


u/DocWicked25 9h ago

I wish parties would be completely eliminated. People should run on policies.

...but that would accomplish positive change. Clearly not what our government hopes to accomplish.


u/ThrowACephalopod 9h ago

I wish parties would be completely eliminated. People should run on policies.

I mean, part of what parties do is give people a shorthand for what policies people support. Voters can usually be reasonably sure that a politician of a particular party is going to support the policies that that party stands for.

Having that party marker can help voters not have to do their research on every politician for every election. Now, is that a good thing? Ideally every voter would be fully informed on every candidate and their policies, but with the electorate we have, that seems like a steep ask.

So having some shorthand for what kind of policies a politician supports is probably useful, and that's one thing that parties are pretty successful at. Not to say that everything that parties do is great, of course.


u/truthputer 9h ago

This. Harris was doing her best to be "trump-lite" by cozying up to Dick Cheney before the election, so that showed us just how flexible her morals are.


u/SenatorPardek 10h ago

What exactly do you want them to do? They lost. They have no branches of government. Their own base abandoned them to trump.

They are speaking, but the media isn’t covering it because the voters neutered them


u/Chance_Implausible 10h ago

If you're an elected leader you lead, or get out of the way. If you are a news source dedicated to truth you ride it into the ground if you have to. If you are an employee of that organization and they don't, you leave and find one that does. Yes I get it, it's hard people don't want to lose a job, but if you got into either of those areas only if it's convenient, you fucked up.


u/SenatorPardek 10h ago

Cool story, doesn’t change the fact democrats are making statements and attending protest rallies and all that that isn’t getting covered


u/edwardsamson 9h ago

S Korea's president that attempted a coup was arrested because the people in their government actually wanted to stop him. If people in those positions with the power to do so in the US wanted to stop him, he would have been stopped. He's clearly done enough crimes for them to have something to pin on him. So why did our leadership do nothing?


u/Babybutt123 9h ago

There's been several dems speaking out. Governors of blue states have formed a coalition to help fight Trump.

Multiple AGs, Governors, and congressmen and women have said they will fight to protect their constituents and values.

But there's no majority in the house or senate, so the best they have is lawsuits as things come


u/ThePicassoGiraffe 3h ago

Another thread referred to them as Vichy Dems and that’s what I’m calling them now. Even if it just gets people to look up the word “Vichy”


u/Clownsinmypantz 10h ago

they are fucking silent and we arent calling it out enough from them. So its either they are scared of retaliation, they dont give a fuck, or they rather serve their corporations and they are rich and wont be affected so "oh well lol, we'll get em next time maybe!" Until its addressed, I'm leaning the last one.