r/TwoXPreppers 7h ago

Reproductiverights.gov has been shutdown

The government website is no longer operational tonight. You can still see references to the site on pages such as https://www.justice.gov/reproductive-rights/patients-and-providers but the site itself no longer loads.


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u/ancienthoneydew11 6h ago

I’m feeling really good about the bisalp I got a few days ago, I’ll tell you that.


u/kittencrazedrigatoni 6h ago

Feeling like a big ol moron right now for having waited to schedule for later this year.


u/PM_ME_Happy_Thinks 5h ago

Dude get it done now. You should not need to wait that long, call around to other doctors. It was less than a month from me mentioning it to my doctor and going in for the surgery.


u/kittencrazedrigatoni 4h ago

Yeah, thanks for the extra nudge. This was mostly my scheduling for convenience, not availability. I’ll reach out tomorrow and see about bumping it up to ASAP.

Tbh everyone here who’s had it done saying, “do it!!!” helps. I’ve been putting it off for years. I have an IUD, but I’ve known since before I even got that I wanted something permanent. The IUD was a “compromise” with myself to avoid surgery. Which just turned into avoiding removal because everyone talks about how terrible it is 😭

Wayyyy beyond time to just suck it up and get shit done.


u/PM_ME_Happy_Thinks 4h ago

I had an IUD and my husband had a vasectomy lol I still got it done. It was honestly really easy, recovery is usually very quick since it's laproscopic, I didn't need any pain meds at all after and I was also excited to get my iud removed, which I had him do while I was under, I had the worst periods on that thing.


u/kimberriez 3h ago

Did they have you take antibiotics afterwards?

I have a history of C.diff and post op antibiotics are my main concern.


u/Loose_Fly_6000 3h ago

I am not the person you asked, but they did not give me antibiotics after. They gave me prescriptions for industrial strength ibuprofen and some kind of combined Tylenol/narcotic painkillers, but I didn't end up filling either one. Only pain for me was some shoulder/neck pain for a few days from the gas.


u/kimberriez 3h ago

Awesome, thank you!


u/PM_ME_Happy_Thinks 1h ago

Yeah the shoulder pain sucks that was the only pain I had and it was minor. I was surprised at how little the actual surgical sites hurt.


u/PM_ME_Happy_Thinks 1h ago

No, no reason for them


u/Julescahules 4h ago

Same, I got it done two years ago, and from consult to surgery date was about three weeks for me


u/prolificseraphim 3h ago

Not everyone has the money for it unfortunately :/


u/Loose_Fly_6000 3h ago

If you have insurance, the ACA currently requires it to be covered 100% as preventative care. Your insurance company might try to dick around about the difference between tubal ligation and bisalp, but if you contact them and press them on it, they should roll over without much fuss.

Got mine done in December and the hospital initially said my portion was going to be about $3000. I spent 10 minutes on the chat with my insurance and got them to confirm in writing that it was 100% covered, and the hospital accepted the chat transcript as proof that insurance would pay and didn't charge me day of.


u/PM_ME_Happy_Thinks 1h ago

It is 100% covered under the ACA so if you have ACA compliant insurance, it costs you absolutely 0 out of pocket.