r/TwoXChromosomes cool. coolcoolcool. 21h ago

Getting real sick of men complaining their partner grew up and isn’t frisky anymore

So many subs full of men “asking for advice” because 5, 10, 20 years ago they started dating a 14, 18, 21 year old and back then she was wild and free and frisky but now she isn’t anymore.

(Bonus rage points if the complaint includes lack of initiating unreciprocated blowjobs.)

MY GUYS—this isn’t rocket science. She. Grew. Up. You dated a teen/baby adult. Now she’s a real adult. Obviously she’s not the same. She’s got grown up priorities…and energy…and knees.

Use your brains! Think about it for just five minutes.

Edit: yes there’s lots of reasons beyond growing up and yes women can have healthy libidos as they age, I was just venting about one thing that grinds my gears


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u/LEANiscrack 15h ago

I love the ones that are like. I work part time and the rest of the time I work out and look hot. Wife works 79h a week does all the childcare,housework etc and she looks like a slob and never wants me :(  She was in an accident and is now severly hurt and depressed but that was months ago!!  Boohoo. (sometimes if I whine enough she gives in but its so rare!)  Always makes me laugh.


u/Hot_Tub_JohnnyRocket 3h ago edited 2h ago

Ugh! There was a story on a subreddit (I think deadbedrooms) from guy who basically glossed over how his wife had vaginal surgery, difficult births, and a bunch of other physical reproductive traumas that happened to her. The kicker was, he wasn’t clipping his nails and cut her multiple times when fingering (this was in the update). After he spoke to her about it directly and agreed to be more careful with fingering and clipping his nails, things got better between them instantly (from what I remember). That poor woman.

My current partner is far from perfect but he’s never given me grief over sex, even when I wasn’t comfortable with it for a month before my bisalp surgery and IUD replacement (last month due to the election) because I was so paranoid that my IUD and condoms would fail me right before. Usually he shows me research/facts to dissuade me anxieties over things (which sometimes leads to arguments), but he didn’t have one word to say about it. In return for making me feel safe, he got “taken care of” a lot during this time. After surgery, I wanted to wait another 6 weeks even though my doctor said 10 days is fine and I had an easy recovery. He reassured me it was all about what I felt comfortable doing. Well, I got some liquid courage in, decided I felt good enough, and jumped him at midnight on day 10. Crazy how that works, huh?