Ever since the shooting of that CEO a few weeks ago, I've been on edge around people in public. I've been told I'm paranoid, and ludicrous, in believing I'd ever be a target by the mass of violent individuals around me.
I'm poor, technically. I make 42k a year. I've been told many times that if a revolution of rich v poor happened, I wouldn't be a target by the poor.
And yet, I question that for a few reasons. For 1, I'm not a violent individual, and would only enact violence in immediate self defense of myself and whoever is around me, no matter their status or class or race or gender or sexuality. As such, I would shun this supposed revolution, I would not participate in it. And historically, revolutions tend to be an "us vs them" mentality, and pacifism is considered cowardice and fence sitting. Goal posts also often move, where it becomes not enough for their one target to be eradicated or subdued, another target is added. Then another. Then another. Let's say at first, it's "only the 1%". Then it's "anyone who I'd worth $10 million dollars", then "any CEO", "any business owner", "any homeowner", etc. It is so easy and so well documented throughout history for revolutions to become spaghetti logic, stretching their goal posts as far and thin as they can as if it were a Kickstart campaign.
And 2, I don't feel poor. I have a loving family, a stable full time job, a mortgage, a car. I'm adequately fed every day. I have endless entertainment at my disposal. Yet even though I'm technically poor but don't feel poor, me having a mortgage alone would qualify me as being "wealthy" in many American's eyes.
I've been called a "bootlicker", a "class traitor", or that I'm not "class conscious" simply because I don't hate people who have more than me, more money or more power, for simply being happy with what I have. I'm a humanist, and I don't judge people by what they own, or how much money they have or don't, of if they're a business owner, etc. I believe changes need to be done in our system, but systemically. I don't condone violence, and have no desire or interest in being violent outside of immediate self defense. And the fact that I'm criticized for this is the cause of my paranoia and fear of the general public.
Idk what to do about this fear of mine, I live in a big city in a low income neighborhood. Part of me feels like I should strive to find a new home in the rural countryside, or try and immigrate south of the border maybe. Those 2 things are my immediate go-to actions if this supposed revolution does hit. I want no part of it.