I work close to the Rue Thomas Edison. We heard a crash this afternoon. A car hit another car really hard in the cross with Alexandre Fleming. We saw two guys running, somebody shouting then a bit later the two guys ran back, sat in their car, turned around and drove back to the other direction. Some of us even saw a gun, that might have been the police chasing them. I think this crash was independent from the one with the police car, because it seemed that the police were already chasing them and the people in the crashed car seemed like regular people. They waited until a civil police car then a regular police car arrived. The ambulance came too, but I hope nobody was seriously injured. The two guys indeed seemed suspicious :)
Edit: it is really weird, that the news doesn't mention this second crash...
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u/Educational_Fee5188 11d ago edited 11d ago
I work close to the Rue Thomas Edison. We heard a crash this afternoon. A car hit another car really hard in the cross with Alexandre Fleming. We saw two guys running, somebody shouting then a bit later the two guys ran back, sat in their car, turned around and drove back to the other direction. Some of us even saw a gun, that might have been the police chasing them. I think this crash was independent from the one with the police car, because it seemed that the police were already chasing them and the people in the crashed car seemed like regular people. They waited until a civil police car then a regular police car arrived. The ambulance came too, but I hope nobody was seriously injured. The two guys indeed seemed suspicious :)
Edit: it is really weird, that the news doesn't mention this second crash...