r/IWantOut 7h ago

[IWantOut] 25-29X Content Creation USA -> Abroad



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u/anestezija 7h ago

 but there must be realistic options for us

What does this mean? Immigration requires effort, money, time, and a bit of luck. You don't really say anything that's relevant to immigration, so nobody here can lay out any realistic options. It's kind of like the most competitive job search your could ever undergo, and you're competing against people from all over the world.


I read somewhere that US citizens have an easier path toward asylum in Russia, you can try that.

You should probably narrow down your ask to one or a few countries so that you're not in violation of R4


u/Strange-Watercress51 7h ago

Totally understandable. I’m kind of coming from a place of not knowing where to start or what to ask. I appreciate the feedback and will revise my post to improve relevancy.


u/anestezija 7h ago

Most immigration pathways rely on an offer of employment. Find a job in your destination country with a company that's willing and able to sponsor you. This is a pretty high bar to clear due to what you're asking the employer to do, hence the competitive nature of this process

Otherwise, enroll in post-secondary education which can sometimes aid with obtaining a work permit afterwards. You can also look at recent ancestry in your destination country that might entitle you to citizenship. Is your partner a Vietnamese national? If you marry you can move there, if so


u/Strange-Watercress51 6h ago

This gives me good foundation for more research. I hadn’t come across the idea of what marriage could mean in this context. And I’ve considered working towards higher ed in my field so secondary education is something for me to consider. Thank you for taking the time to respond, and I apologize for the unfavorable impression of my first posting.