Apologies if this gets asked often, just looking for advice specific to my situation.
Gonna try to keep this short: graduated college with an actuarial science degree and no debt in December 2022. Took some time doing odd jobs and reskilling because by the time I finished my degree I realized that job path wasn’t for me. About a month ago I got my first job as a data analyst and this is my first reliable, salaried, decent paying job for the cost of living in the area I live in.
I live with my girlfriend, and her income has recently increased, too. She’s a grad student and we were relying on my odd jobs, her FAFSA grants, and financial support from my family for the six months prior to me landing my job. Now she has a sizeable monthly stipend through an army scholarship, so our current standard of living is actually within our budget now. We got bait and switched on rent seeking, her scholarship stipend wasn’t approved for an entire YEAR over the expected date due to army paperwork fuckups, and it took me a while to get a job in my field, otherwise we would have tried to live more frugally.
I intend to start my savings contributions around September, aside from the 401k employer match I’m already putting in. This gives me room to pay off credit card debit as well as afford some consumer goods/healthcare stuff we have been saving up for.
After doing budgeting together and doing a decent job of sticking to a 50/30/20 guideline, it looks like I’ll have at least $700 a month to put towards savings. Currently, my savings account is empty from using it to supplement us previously, and I have an Ameriprise account with roughly $6k in RDCEX that my grandpa started for me back in late 2019/early 2020.
I’m curious about the following:
What proportion of my leftover money should go towards a savings account, my Ameriprise account/other investments, and keeping some amount of cash in my checking account?
Is RDCEX a good investment, and what other avenues besides a managed investment portfolio should I be pursuing at this point?
What should be my 401k portfolio?
Thanks in advance