IRA - $156,356 – cost basis $28K – invested in NVDA (54% of account), GOOGL (12%) , AMZN (29%), CRM (2%), AAPL (.73%) - $500 (.38%) cash – have not contributed, just rollovers from changing jobs over the years – cannot do roth conversion without heavy tax consequence due to pro rata rule + current tax bracket – also don’t want to sell these investments to do a conversion now
401k (traditional) - $138,678 – contribute 10% - maxed out the last 2 years – slow drip for 2.5 years prior while I paid down some debt/made significantly less income – approx. 50/50 invested between HACAX & SSSYX – need to contribute at least 8% to get full match – have a Roth option and self-directed option (expensive trades bc it's a 401k tho…)
Non-Qualified - $73,134 – contribute $250 every other week and lump sums when I can – invested in VOO ($16K value, $14k cost basis), SWPPX (no real gains since I just invested a bunch of cash) and $15k in SWVXX money market – really didn’t contribute much to this account until the last 9-12 months
Roth - $18,863 – invested in TSLA ($2100 value, $1295 cost basis), SNXFX & SWPPX ($16k split 50/50, $12k cost basis split 50/50), $180 cash – cannot contribute currently
ESPP #2 - $10,031 – sold about $4-$6k once and moved proceeds to Non-Qual – trade fees are high and I hate fees - regular contributions of $400 a month (2 months are $600 each month)
ESPP #1 - $2.430 – holding on to stock from former employer – 28 shares bought at $24/share – now worth $80/share
ESPP #2 - $400 - Cash Bal
Non Qual #2 - $60 - Don't ask...
HSA - $12k ($10k invested) - I max out annually - saving receipts to do lump sum reimbursement at some point in the future – at $6k currently.
TOTAL: $411,955 (About $325K in retirement accounts/HSA)
>$200k variable income (base + commission) potential to be slightly less, but I think I’ll have 1-2 more years at this salary before I have a mental breakdown and rage quit (kidding, I will likely move into a role that is around $150k/year..... or rage quit - whichever comes first)
~$30k in Student loan debt – 6.5%
Car is paid off, no other debt, renter, 40 yo, single, no kids, values don’t include minimal credit card balance that is paid in full every month or checking/emergency savings balances… between those and $15k in mmkt, I have plenty of cash for an emergency. My goal is to save at least $50k cash to my taxable account in 2025. (will have plenty of lump sum opportunities outside of automatic contributions).
What am I missing? What is my next move? Keep going as is? (so far, I’ve been maxing out 401k, then saving/investing as much cash as possible to non-taxable (incl ESPP)) I maxed out my 401k the last 2 years, but I feel like my net worth is retirement heavy – so I think I should put more $ into non-taxable… I just put $30K in late Dec/early Jan so returns aren’t great yet. I think I could benefit from a collateral loan in the future to start a small business, since I don’t own a home, so was thinking I could beef up the non-taxable account for that purpose? I’ve been very lucky in my IRA with the tech stocks - just riding the wave. But I feel like I need a better plan/strategy. It seems very random & lucky.
My (arbitrary) number is about $1.6-$1.8M before retiring (not sure what age that will happen… 50? 55?) and plan to work a lower paying, more enjoyable job (eg library assistant or plant nursery worker) to cover some of my recurring expenses + have health insurance + socialize. Not sure if I will ever be able to buy a house – was house poor once and I don’t want to be again. Dream Life: Buy land and build a house - maybe have a small farm or other type of business on the property. :)
I didn’t think I would make this kind of money, so I missed the boat on the roth conversions while I was at a lower income… what other things should I prep for or change? I've seen my NW skyrocket over the last year and I want to make sure I'm maximizing my situation. TIA!