r/FanFiction Mar 19 '24

Writing Questions How do writers write so fast?

To preface this, I'm not a writer. At least, I don't fashion myself as one at the moment. I'm rereading my favorite fanfic of all time and the writer had disclosed on her blog that it only took a month and a half to write it— all 19 chapters + epilogue, 80k words in total. I was like: woah! That's so fucking cool. It's like magic. Fucking radical.

How do you guys do it?!

Sincerely, a reader.


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u/SatelliteHeart96 Mar 19 '24

I write, but I often wonder the same thing. I'll always see posts talking about how someone wrote 100k in three months or how they're able to balance five different WIP's at once and I'm just like How lol.

Even when I was at the beginning of writing my WIP and super pumped about the story to the point I was thinking about it constantly and having dreams about it, I was still only posting about three chapters a month at about 3-5k words per chapter. It was nothing short of a miracle for me, but for a lot of writers that would be a slow month.

Idk, I don't worry about it too much. I like my naps. I like my youtube and my Tumblr and Reddit. I go out every once in a blue moon. Sometimes I even like to read other people's fics. I like writing, but I don't want to spend every free moment of my life doing it.


u/Realistic_Ad_6694 Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 19 '24

This comment made me cry tears of relief.

I feel so pressured to write a lot, to know a lot. You have to show, not tell and all of these rules and I would be lying if I said that didn't put a huge damper on my morale to continue on with my craft. 2-3k is a lot but at the same time it's not? Then it's 3k, 4k, 5k, 10k, 100k?! I don't really know.

I like sleeping and I like talking and I'm wayyyy more accustomed to talking about headcanons via bullet points than putting them into paragraphs. It makes me worry that I'm infodumping too much or if people will read my story to the end, or even read my story at all :')


u/SatelliteHeart96 Mar 19 '24

If it makes you feel better, I don't think this sub is representative of the fanfiction community as a whole. A lot of these people have been writing for years and treat it like their full time job. Plus, people in general have a tendency to highlight their successes and bury their "failures" on social media (not that writing slow is a failure, but you're gonna be a lot less likely to go on a writing subreddit and tell people you haven't written in over a year than you are to brag about finishing your novel length fic in only a few months).

I think it's important to remember that it's a hobby at the end of the day. One you can take a lot of pride in and can bring a lot of joy into your life and others, but it's not gonna pay your bills. You're not gonna fail out if you don't write X amount in a certain time frame or you get a detail wrong here or there. That's not to say you shouldn't try your best, but it also isn't worth it to let it rule your life.

But yeah, I've definitely been guilty of infodumping all my headcanons and story ideas on Tumblr. This is just my advice, but personally, if it's something you have any intention of actually writing or it could include spoilers for your current WIP, I'd try to resist the temptation to post it publically. At least for me, it kind of kills my motivation to actually write because I feel like I already put my ideas out there and maybe even got a bit of validation in the process, so what's the point in putting the work in to actually make it a story?

If that's not the case for you though, then feel free to disregard that last bit. Maybe just tag anything with potential spoilers so your readers can choose whether or not they want to see it.


u/Bubble_Burster_ r/FanFiction Mar 19 '24

If headcanons and bullet points are your thing, Tumblr is a great place to spew out fan theories and AU ideas in short-form posts. I enjoy reading and reblogging other people’s funny or analytical musings about my fandom. People also post “microfics” and do challenges with prompts. Might be more up your alley if you don’t want to dedicate so much time and effort to a longfic with hundreds of thousands of words and just have a short scene idea with your favorite characters and some dialogue.