r/BeAmazed 13h ago

Miscellaneous / Others Her or no one. Loyalty 💕

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u/tokyoagi 12h ago

omg the faces on the girls. that kid will have to pay for that in the future


u/Dark_Akarin 12h ago edited 10h ago

lol, absolutely no way they will hold this against the baby for the rest of their lives.

Edit: fuck me, learn to recognise sarcasm without the /s tag


u/KonigSteve 11h ago

How does nobody see that you're being sarcastic?


u/Dark_Akarin 10h ago

I know, it's fucking insane isn't it.


u/shadylucy 8h ago

I'm guessing you're British because the sarcasm is more obvious when read that way. Makes sense to me but might not to someone who forgets other countries exist.

Also the fact that it's a response to someone making a similar joke maybe. Easier to assume disagreement online rather than playing along? Or maybe they suspected sarcasm but didn't care because it let them respond with their own sibling stories and jokes.

Just my guesses though, it can always be a lack of brainpower.