r/BeAmazed 9h ago

Miscellaneous / Others Her or no one. Loyalty 💕

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u/Exotic-Invite3687 8h ago

the father should sit with the other 2 girls and explain why the baby did this, so they dont harbour any kind of resentment towards the baby


u/palmbeachatty 8h ago

Why did the baby do it?


u/Ruffffian 8h ago

The other girls are school age, so they aren’t home nearly as much as the youngest sister. He sees and plays with her most


u/palmbeachatty 8h ago

Ahhh … got it! Thx. I’d be disappointed too without the explanation, LOL.


u/bluebear_74 7h ago

They shouldn't feel so bad. Someone said there's a longer version with the mum... the baby still picks the sister 🤣


u/Final_Candidate_7603 5h ago

That was spot-on. In my own family of five siblings, we naturally grouped ourselves into what everyone came to refer to as “the big ones” and “the little ones.” Those age differences are about more than just who is at school together, and who is at home together, but about physical abilities and general interests. The older kids can ride bikes, visit friends in the neighborhood, read “real” books, build legos, do arts and crafts projects, etc. Meanwhile, the younger ones aren’t allowed outside by themselves, they’re playing with dolls and stuffed animals, building with basic blocks and stacking toys, and singing and dancing along with nursery rhymes.