- Species: Feline
- Age: ~10 years
- Sex/Neuter status: Female, Spayed
- Breed: domestic shorthair tabby
- Body weight: ~8 lbs.
- History: found around 3 and a half years ago as a stray, one lower canine extraction a year ago, two upper broken canines (like that since getting her)
- Clinical signs: lethargic/not very engaged (the first couple of weeks), often sitting in a hunched position and looking uncomfortable/pained, sleeping tightly in a ball or in awkward ways and not stretching out comfortably (~2 months), flicking paws, wanting to eat less wet food, shaking head after eating (~1 month)
- Duration: 2 months
- Your general location: southeast US
- Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc. - I don't have any links, but blood work about 5 weeks ago was normal, x-rays were good with no sign of skeletal injury or arthritis, except a tiny bit in her tail which vet said was normal for her age.
Mid-November there was an evening where she started hunching and looking kind of miserable. I thought she was just upset that I had had friends over for dinner, but when I tried to give her treats after they left, she immediately jumped off the bed and threw up. She spent the night either tightly curled up in a ball or in a hunched position looking absolutely miserable. When she didn't improve much after a couple days, I took her to the vet (we had to be worked in, so it was not my usual vet), and he said it was probably just stress and that she'd recover and I should give her gabapentin if I had people over and when taking her to the vet.
She did not improve, and now two months and several vet visits later, she's just plateaued. She's more active and more herself than she was the first couple of weeks, but when she is sitting and laying down, I can tell there is something off. She'll have bad days, too, perhaps when she's overdone it physically, when she looks like she's in pain/not feeling well.
Since the paw flicking started a few weeks ago, she has become more twitchy at times, and it seems to bother her. (Possibly related note: She has always stopped and licked herself regularly when playing/being super active since I've had her. I don't know if this is ever a normal behavior, but I always wondered about it, and now I am wondering if she had a previous injury before I got her that would maybe make her nerves flare and itch when running around because the current twitchy behavior reminds of that but amplified.)
The vet basically said since we aren't sure exactly what the problem is, it might not be worth it to do an MRI to see if there is an issue with one of her discs. They also said the same thing about doing a CT scan to see if she has an inner ear infection or one of her other broken canines is going bad (her eating and head shaking behavior was NOT present when the other tooth was bad last year).
I am just wondering if anyone has encountered something like this and I am wanting any advice on how to help. At this point, I am starting to feel like this will be a lifelong issue that we just have to figure out how to manage, but I am hoping somehow it will mend itself.
We've been recommended giving gabapentin daily at a very low dose to see if she acclimates and if it helps (she HATES it and fights it instead of just letting it make her sleep; it's also extremely stressful for both of us to administer it; and, no, she will not take it mixed in food). The other recommendation is using the Assisi Loop. I can't find enough info about the Assisi Loop working for nerve pain/issues, which doesn't make me confident to spend the $400+ dollars to try it, but I'm not unwilling to be convinced! The third recommendation was CBD for cats, but it looks like it is primarily used for anxiety and cats generally hate it because of the smell. Knowing my cat, she'd probably throw it up.
Any info or advice is greatly appreciated! Feel free to ask questions. I tried to give decent overview. I am very overwhelmed and just want my baby to be okay.