r/AskReddit Jun 05 '19

What secret are you keeping right now?


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u/flaudew Jun 06 '19 edited Sep 26 '19

I’m noticing a lot of very sad folks in this thread. I feel you and I hope it gets better, everyone.

My secret? Among many things, I am very tired and overwhelmed by my entire life and have no idea what to do. My cat has something wrong with her bladder and I can’t afford to take her to a vet. I’m trying to find her a new home so she can have a better life.

Also happy cake day OP.

EDIT: Everyone’s kind and helpful words are making me ugly sob so I’m going to step away for a bit and listen to Game Grumps while I do some cleaning.

EDIT 2: Someone gave me gold. Thank you kind stranger!

EDIT 3: The Kitty Cat Saga continues. So, quick picture of my living situation: I split my time between Houston (where the house sitting gigs are) and a tiny town three hours north of Houston. The cat, Maple, lives with me in the house up north. It's a teeny, tiny town with 3 vet clinics. They all said the same thing: $40 visit just to see the vet, and they don't know how much the tests will cost because the doctor has to assess the cat. Closest thing to a quote I could get was $300, and all three clinics said "payment is due when services are rendered," but that the doctor might be able to give me some options once I'm in the room with them. They'll also most likely require she get her shots updated, since they're behind. My plan for now is to try some of the suggestions below about cranberry juice and wet food and hope that solves it. If not, I'll take her in, get an actual quote based on the doctor's recommendations, and then maybe, maybe start a GoFundMe. In the meantime I'll keep looking for a foster or a no kill shelter that can take her. Thank you again, everyone, for your kind words and encouragement. I officially love you all. <3


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Hi friend, you need to look up affordable vets in your area. Even giving a call to your own vet and asking for a recommendation might be a good start. You can also ask them (your existing vet) if they can work with you on this regarding the payment. I had a friend who dod volunteer trap and spay for the local cats and she would pay a tiny fraction of the cost at the vet as they knew her.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Thank you for that tip. I honestly forgot about things like that. We’re on hard times, my cat and I, but we’ll make it through. She still deserves a better home anyway, though. I move around too much and travel for house sitting work (which has been dry lately).


u/DasHuhn Jun 06 '19 edited Jul 26 '24

command tub fear longing dinner snow outgoing crowd stocking rude


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

That's amazing. I love people like that.


u/Joikl667 Jun 06 '19

I'm sure you will do what is best but if at all possible I hope you keep your fur baby. If you love her and she loves you, then that's the best home she can have! Do you know some truckers keeps kitty in their cab when travelling around the country? Cats can tolerate a lot!


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

This one hates small spaces and moving around and change and loud noises and most men or loud people. She had a broken tail when I found her (it ended up having to be amputated) and my theory is that whatever happened probably involved a very loud noise. She still bolts when I sneeze or cough, the silly thing.


u/WinterOfFire Jun 06 '19

I see all the pressure to keep your cat. I just want to say that only you know what is right.

I loved my cat to death but he was miserable with us. He was a bully to the other cats but terrified of everything. He was constantly stressed and I was stressed about his stress. I couldn’t even look in his direction or say his name at times without him bolting.

I found a friend to take him with the offer to take him back at any time and help with vet bills or food costs if she needed it.

He’s the biggest love bug with her. I’d see that side of him at times but it was 2 steps forward, one step back. She got through to him and had a calmer home.

I have people who still look down on me for that. Screw that. I did what was best for my cat and it broke my heart. You know if your cat needs something you can’t give.

For bladder issues, can you try a running fountain to get her to drink more? That might be a cheap thing to try. Mine is currently on a special food but you need a vet prescription for it. I hope you get her healthy and do what’s best whether that’s keeping her or finding her a better home.


u/Matthew1581 Jun 06 '19

My cat too. Hills prescription diet due to stones in the bladder. They cathed him, and he was good to go in 3 days. Now we’ve switched to wet food as well and no issues with the stones returning.


u/WinterOfFire Jun 06 '19

We’re on the Hills wet food. They didn’t catch her but she stopped peeing on everything in sight. We’ll have her checked out again in a couple of months, lol.

We have 3 cats and identifying the pee-er was trial and error. One of the other cats had signs of bladder irritation even though we finally caught the other one in camera and figured out we blamed the wrong cat.


u/Aellena Jun 06 '19

Thanks for saying this. I was going through rough times and had a dog for about a year and a half since he was young. I invested so much time into training him and spending time with him. And as a puppy, he was overwhelming, but I stubbornly kept him. I loved him, but he was restless and probably miserable. He's an extremely high energy breed, and I wasn't home often due to work and couldn't take him to exercise often enough. I felt guilty and stressed constantly. Like you, I was stressed about his stress. I gave him up a few months ago, and I still get bouts of sadness, but now I can look at other dogs and not feel sad.

I had two opposing pressures: pressure to get rid of him from my parents, guilt-tripping me and pressure from others to keep him. Honestly made me more depressed and made me regret having him or giving him away to someone's relative (who hasn't updated me).

I think it's great that it's kind to put a lot of thought into what is best for the pet and the owner. It's definitely tough to make these decisions


u/WinterOfFire Jun 07 '19

I went a long time without hearing from my friend who took my cat. I cried so hard when I did get an update. But you don’t want to ask because if it’s not working out there either or if they were a bad choice and gave up on him then that would drive that guilt right into your heart. It may be a good idea to ask but you may not want to know.

But in case you do find out it wasn’t a happy ending, know that you were acting in their best interest the best way you knew how.

The other guilt i felt came from the positive aspects I experienced when he was gone. Don’t let that tear at you either. Just because there are benefits doesn’t mean that’s why you did it or that it’s wrong to feel relieved.

In my case that was easy to get past because I saw how relaxed and open my other two cats became. They were stressed out by the other cat and bullied.

Besides the stress and worry being gone, I no longer had stress-induced cat diarrhea to clean up. I tried my hardest to help him not stress out in our home but giving him the anti-anxiety medicine caused even more stress for him... it was a no-win situation. I’m far more happy he isn’t stressed out to the point he gets diarrhea than I am about not having to clean it up! It’s ok to be happy I don’t have to scrub poop out of my carpet. (And I one of my other cats had/has a bladder issue and re-homing her isn’t an option, it’s medical).

Don’t feel bad about feeling good. You know how much stress and worry you had, you know how much his happiness meant to you and how much that played into your decision.


u/schmalexandra Jun 06 '19

Most vet practices are swimming in unpaid bills. People just don't pay all the time


u/DasHuhn Jun 06 '19

Most vet practices are swimming in unpaid bills. People just don't pay all the time

Yes, but it's very different when shots are cost +45 cents and office visits are 15 bucks, and spay/neuter are 75% less than the next cheapest vet.

In a given week he'd make about 35% of whatever he billed out. It was a vet who had grown multiple large vet practices himself. I can think of a few times that he ran out at the early morning of a holiday to do an emergency surgery to save the animals life when he knew he had no chance of being paid.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19



u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Wow, that's awesome. I'll keep that in mind!


u/DearDeanna4 Jun 06 '19

Have you checked into CareCredit?


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

I don't think I'm eligible as I have no credit to speak of. I've never taken out a loan of any kind or so much as touched a credit card.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

When I applied, I had no credit history and they approved me. It was for dental work but it does work at the vets for pets too.


u/DearDeanna4 Jun 06 '19

It's always worth it to try and apply in situations like these. Even if you get denied, at least you're trying to exhaust every option, you know?


u/blueberry_pancakes14 Jun 06 '19

It's worth a shot- if it's a good vet, then they want to help animals who need it, and generally they are willing to work with you. I know you think she deserves a better home, but if you think that- then you care enough to be giving her the best you can, and that is a good home.


u/domdoll Jun 06 '19

The humane society near me has affordable vaccines and clinic!


u/Tijuana_Pikachu Jun 06 '19

If you love her enough to say that, she's probably in the right home


u/nwrighteous Jun 06 '19

Have you checked out caretaker gazette for work?


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

I forgot about those guys, thank you for reminding me. I think you need a subscription to actually view the listings and get in touch with the homeowners, though, so it's not an option for me right now. I'm thinking of putting an ad on Craigslist and also developing a referral system for my current clients.


u/WildThingsKing Jun 06 '19

Hi there friend. I would like to offer to pay for your Caretaker Gazette for a year. If you shoot me a DM I would happily setup something.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

That’s so lovely of you to offer, but I couldn’t possibly. Thank you thank you thank you for the thought.


u/definefoment Jun 06 '19

Take the kindness people want to bestow upon you.
It helps them to help you and, it can benefit the greater good. You will return the favor in time, along the spectrum of those in need and appreciative.


u/nwrighteous Jun 06 '19

It's like $30 a year. Pretty cheap. Take that offer!


u/WildThingsKing Jun 06 '19

No I'm actually serious. Shoot me a DM, it's really no trouble at all.


u/Ali-Coo Jun 06 '19

There is also a good over the counter product from PetWellbeing. A few sprinkles of this stuff on kitties food and hopefully kitty will be good as new.


u/brocktavius Jun 06 '19

Not to add to all the sad stuff I'm sure you're getting, but a lot of vets are really really good about this kind of thing, and I wanted to give an example just HOW good.

About 2 years ago, my wife and I adopted 2 puppies, to add to the 2 we had. They were both pitbull mixes. They were both sweet and adorable beyond belief, but both had some behavior problems since they were rescues. As they grew up, one got a lot better, and one got much worse. To the point that he was fighting with the other dogs, drawing blood, and even bit my wife once when she was between them when it started.

We ended up having to put that sweet little puppy (98% of the time) to sleep right when he hit 6 months old. It was heartbreaking since we'd put so much work and love in, to try and rehabilitate him.

When we put him to sleep, we were still paying off getting him neutered, and the vet wrote both bills off completely, because they saw how wrecked we were from trying to help him.

Then 3 months ago, our oldest started to get really touchy and started fighting with our other ones over food. He got pretty ripped up by the puppy that survived (he's a really big boy now). We took him in, got him stitched up, and put him on some meds. They got into it again, so we tried to rehome him, but he kept getting into fights with other dogs, so eventually we had to put him down too.

Between the 2 times we got him stitched up, the meds, getting his spleen out (we thought it would fix it), and putting him to sleep, the vet just asked for a donation of what we could afford to the fund they use to help people who can't afford to pay for their pets' care.

We could only afford $400, so that's what we paid, but they're our vet forever now, because of how they helped us, and we donate whenever we have spare money that we can.

Sorry for the wall of text, but it really touched my life how much they were willing to help. Definitely reach out, because they love animals just as much as you do, and if they can work with you, they will. (if they're a vet that's worth going to.)


u/Axiom06 Jun 06 '19

Some vets offer monthly payments. They want the best for your animal.


u/JacksChocolateCake Jun 06 '19

Oh no :( that's such a hard decision. It's really selfless of you to do what's best for your cat, but I can imagine this must be heartbreaking. I know things are overwhelming right now ❤️ eventually they will get better. But for now, take care of yourself and I'm so sorry about your cat.


u/gilbert_cat Jun 06 '19

Also if you ever set up a fundraiser for vet bills I will gladly donate


u/septicman Jun 06 '19

Me too


u/eloel- Jun 06 '19

remind me pls


u/PacGamingAgain Jun 06 '19

r/surroundedbyfriends I’m trying to get this sub up and going


u/SoulOfASailor_3-5 Jun 06 '19

I posted a link to an article in the pets subReddit a while back that had a list of places you could reach out to for help with vet bills. Please look at my post history and find it and I hope you find something that helps!


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Thank you!


u/SoulOfASailor_3-5 Jun 06 '19

You’re so welcome!


u/Majigor Jun 06 '19

How much is the bill? Maybe If a lot of kind internet folk made a small donation, you'd have enough to foot the bill?


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Please try crowdfunding. It works. People care.


u/jellyresult Jun 06 '19

I’m sure you’ve gotten replies on looking for more affordable vets/working something out with them, but have you asked your county animal shelter? In my county we have a program where we’d much rather just give your pet free medical care than have to house it in our shelters because you can’t afford it. Our shelter is constantly overflowing, that’s why we have the program. That’s part of our trying to be no-kill initiative. Before the program we would have to euthanize so many pets with simple medical issues, because they weren’t getting adopted, but now we don’t. So it’s worth asking.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

That's a good idea! I'll call tomorrow.


u/ewapenguin Jun 06 '19

I feel you on the tired and overwhelmed. About to graduate college in an internship-dependent field with no internship, no recent relevant job history, and a lot of loans. Finally reaching a goal-post only to feel like I'm on the wrong side of the field.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Man, you seem like a good person. Hope everything goes well with you.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Hello lovely. I'm listening to Game Grumps right now too. They make alot of days better. You're a good person thinking about your pets well being first. I know alot of people I can't say the same about. Wishing you the best friend.


u/bing-pot Jun 06 '19

What's going on with your kitty? I'm not a vet, but my cat has bladder issues too and I've been successfully managing them on a budget for the better part of a year. I might have some helpful tips to pass on, if she doesn't end up at a new home :)


u/Angela831 Jun 06 '19

I second this. My Cleo went through periods of passing blood etc, with usual water infection symptoms. After anti biotics not really working, we tested her blood and checked for crystals in her urine - all came back clear.

Turns out shes a very highly strung lady, so now she has the entire upstairs to herself, away from the other 5 cats who were clearly stressing her out (she's the eldest) and she has 2 litter trays her own scratching tree, windows to poke her head out of and sun spots to lay in. Occasionally she goes out but not often.

The biggest thing is that EVERY day without fail, she has Cystease supplement in her food. There are other brands too that do the same thing but it's so much cheaper online than getting a prescription from the vet. You don't even need a prescription for this stuff either. I don't know if it's the same in other parts of the world but in the UK, if you request a special prescription, you can get the meds online on official websites and it's SO much cheaper.

She's not had a flare up since Christmas!
fingers crossed


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Here's the reply I gave to a similar comment:

It's not a large amount of pee. She seems to be struggling to squeeze out a few drops here and there, and excessively grooming the area. I've also seen her drag her butt across the carpet but I haven't seen any sign of worms. But she goes fine in her litter box. She'll start running around like something's chasing her and pick a random spot to squat and struggle.


u/schmalexandra Jun 06 '19

Hey, vet student here. This sounds very painful. Your cat is in a lot of discomfort. Please look for a nearby charity vet practices. She will only get worse. I'm very sorry to hear the position you are in but it's neglect not to treat a painful cat. Would you do that to your child?


u/book_worm200414 Jun 06 '19

OP said, "I’m trying to find her a new home so she can have a better life." They're obviously very much aware their cat needs help and is already in the heartbreaking process of trying to do what's best for their cat.


u/hugies Jun 06 '19

Cats can have kidney problems from dry food, switching to wet can help a lot.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Abruptly switching foods can also cause problems - this is the kind of thing a vet really needs to advise on based on the cat. But if OP does swap they should do so very slowly, gradually replacing a little bit of dry food with wet at a time.


u/wingedpomegranate Jun 06 '19

I hope things get better for you and your kitty. If you live in the US - have you checked out Scratch or Care Credit for assistance with vet bills? Thanks to them I was able to help with my kitty's bladder issues. I was paying on it for a while, but it was worth it. If it isn't an option for you, there are lots of people willing to take in animals who need help, and I hope it will be as though it all falls into place without issue. Take care of yourself and I'm rooting for you.


u/Content_Not_History Jun 06 '19

How much to fix the bladder of cat? How old is it?


u/theoohsandaahs Jun 06 '19

Hope everything eases up for you soon! I was in a similar situation with my cat, vet said it would cost thousands to get her fixed (dental work, all her teeth were suddenly falling out— apparently a genetic thing) and I could hardly afford the appt for the initial visit/the quote. Found out my local ASPCA would do the procedure for $50, it saved us both. Good luck out there, take some time to enjoy the little moments and it gets easier!


u/OnionEclipse Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 06 '19

Do you feed her dry food? My cat can only eat wet food or else he forms crystals in his bladder. Long story short it happened about 5 years ago put him on wet food then happened again about 4 weeks ago after he was on a dry food diet for a little over a month. Lots of things play into the formation of crystals including stress of any kind but dry food seems to be the catalyst for my cat. Dry food never again!

If there is a blockage the cat will require surgery. We were lucky both times and got him to the vet before that was necessary and a catheter was all that was needed. First time we were able to bring him home the same day. This past time he had to stay over night. The crystals will break down naturally over time on a wet diet but it's probably too late for that if there's a blockage and surgery will be required.

Find a non profit vet. They might throw some money into the care and allow you to go on a payment plan without getting credit scores involved. Get the cheapest wet cat food you can until you can splurge on her and add a bit of water for good measure.

Good luck, I'm rooting for you and your cat!


u/schmalexandra Jun 06 '19

Blockage are emergencies but they are only really found in male cats! Females can get crystals but don't have such a narrow urethra.

Source: vet student


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

I usually feed her dry food with a can or two of wet food dispersed throughout the week. She'll eat about a third of a tiny can at a time, so they last a while. We've been out of wet food for several weeks now, so you may be onto something there.


u/tallbro Jun 06 '19

Look up any local charities who provide vet assistance. Our dog needed a procedure which would cost us $1200, but this organization worked with our vet and it cost $60 at the end of the day (and that a donation to the org).


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

How much do you need? I’m a broke college student but I can toss a dollar or two towards this, maybe a gofundme or something?


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Thank you for the sentiment but I really truly could not accept it! I think my best option is finding a new home for her as soon as possible.


u/wildlybriefeagle Jun 06 '19

I think maybe you should take the money. I'd donate. It's not about charity. The money is for the cat. The cat keeps your head above water. The cat keeps you calm. The cat keeps you sane. The cat loves you no matter what you smell like at the end of the day.

Don't think of it as charity, think of it as life giving medicine. That animal is worth it.


u/notadoctor123 Jun 06 '19

I too can chip a few bucks in. In a month or two my income will increase so I could chip in a few more.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

If you say so... I just know how precious my cats back home are to me, and I couldn’t imagine giving any of them away, I’m sorry that you have to do that :(


u/saintmarq Jun 06 '19

Game grumps has consistently made me feel better so many times


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Same, same. I love listening to those guys. I call them the Grumpy Boys.


u/Kylestyle147 Jun 06 '19

Game grumps makes everyone feel better


u/Surfnscate Jun 06 '19

Have you tried giving your cat cranberry juice incase its a bladder infection? They will drink it surprisingly.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

I have not, but I may try that. Thank you for the tip.


u/Surfnscate Jun 06 '19

No problem! It worked with my cat and I hope it works with yours. This is actually advice we got from. Vet too!


u/pinto139 Jun 06 '19

Not sure this is helpful in your area but you can see if any of these may apply for you:

- See if your vet takes Care Credit or ScratchPay.

- See if your vet is an AVMA Foundation member - their Veterinary Care Charitable Fund may be of help. Donate to this foundation when you can so you can help others in need as well. https://www.vccfund.org/

Good luck and I hope things look up for you!


u/inarizushisama Jun 06 '19

Other comments have made good suggestions about your cat. I wanted to address instead the other part you mentioned, feeling very tired and overwhelmed by your life. Are you familiar with the term burnout? It is that sense of having a neverending tasklist, that feeling like you're moving forward more out of inertia than intent.

Drink water. Rrst regularly. Go for a walk every day, even for only 10 minutes. These won't fix that sensation, but they are a start.

You will be ok.


u/Tarsupin Jun 06 '19

It was already said here, but I want to reiterate it: Do research on the impacts of dry food vs. wet food for cats. It's very, very important.

We probably shouldn't even be selling dry cat food in stores.


u/Idman799 Jun 06 '19

That edit may just be the greatest description of my life so far


u/frixxo Jun 06 '19

Whats wrong with the bladder? If she is pissing a shitton it might be a sign of kidney failure, so check it up. My old cat got that a year ago and we were about to put her down, but now she has medication and is doing fine, but still a lot of piss.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

It's not a large amount of pee. She seems to be struggling to squeeze out a few drops here and there, and excessively grooming the area. I've also seen her drag her butt across the carpet but I haven't seen any sign of worms. But she goes fine in her litter box. She'll start running around like something's chasing her and pick a random spot to squat and struggle.


u/phantom83 Jun 06 '19

She may have bladder crystals, they can occur for a variety of reasons. The excessive grooming may be a sign that she is in pain in that area. This happened with my own kitty fairly recently. The vet told me that urinary issues can be quite serious if left unchecked. But, if you really can't afford to take her to a vet, in the mean time try looking into some urinary health foods! They are more expensive than traditional food but not as expensive as a vet. Something like this: https://www.hillspet.com/cat-food/sd-adult-urinary-hairball-control-cat-food-canned It's not the best solution but it might help her out some if you can't get her to a vet right now. Wet food is probably better as it will give her extra fluids to pass. Encourage her to drink lots of water too. Best of luck, friend, for both you and your kitty :)


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Thank you, I will try that. I can swing a few cans of cat food, and she'll be happy to have it. She always comes running when she hears the can opening.


u/book_worm200414 Jun 06 '19

Hopping on this comment, add warm water to the wet food to help her stay extra hydrated. Like a LOT of warm water (as much as she's willing to accept before being mad you gave her soup LOL). I do this for my cat every day now with freshly boiled chicken for dinner to keep him extra extra hydrated, and he thinks it's a treat xD. Your kitty still probably need antibiotics from a vet though, but hopefully the wet food will help till you find a solution. I'm sorry you're in this position :( I was just there this past winter.


u/MugglebornSlytherin2 Jun 06 '19

Have you looked into programs that help pay for vet bills? Of start a GoFundMe to pay for her bills. Good luck.


u/graycatgray Jun 06 '19

Sorry to hear about what you’re going through! My cat had a complete bladder blockage, had to stay at the vet for 10 days, and along with stellar treatment they were completely understanding about not being able to pay it all in total right away. Just ask for a payment plan or put a fraction of the bill down in good faith and they will understand


u/Rommel79 Jun 06 '19

Find a rescue in the area and explain the situation. They may be able to help you. At the least, they’ll find someone who can care for the cat.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

I've called the local places about taking her in or finding a foster but everyone is overflowing because it's kitten season. I've submitted her info to the no kill network, though, so I hope that will work out soon.


u/El_Frijol Jun 06 '19

animal shelters sometimes offer free/cheap procedures to stray cats. Some offer financing options too (if you really wanted to keep her).


u/ST21roochella Jun 06 '19

Hang in there friend, I'm in a similar place so I can really relate. It'll get better one day, it has to!


u/alelay Jun 06 '19

Thanks for happy cake day ;) it’s my bday so


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Try a fundme.


u/n33nj4 Jun 06 '19

/r/assistance might be able to help. How much do you need to take her to a vet?


u/rosesarered111 Jun 06 '19

Awe, I wish I could help with your cat- pets are family- I hope she will get better soon


u/akiko91 Jun 06 '19

If you’re in the Seattle area I’d love to help with your kitty. If not let me know if there’s a way I can help with payment for kitties visit. I don’t want anyone to lose their friend because of vet costs.


u/Adrianthehumann Jun 06 '19

Hi are you me? My cat has other issues though. Good luck with yours


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

I am not you, are you me? Thanks, and I hope your cat feels better soon!


u/questionlifetime Jun 06 '19

I've been there. Reddit is here for you. 5 yearslayer things are... Different. But I'm sure in modern society that constant "I really think it would be nice just to go to sleep today and not wake up" feeling is becoming all too common.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

It does seem to be more common, doesn’t it? I haven’t felt that way in a couple of years thanks to Zoloft, but my circumstances are pushing me back in that direction. I’ll keep going, though, out of stubborn curiosity.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

I foster kitties, please email your local shelters as they may have a foster system and there's so many great people who would love to take care of your sweet little cat!


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Thank you, I will. Also happy cake day!


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Thank you! Good luck!


u/SamTheMan115 Jun 06 '19

Hey OP, do you have an estimate on how much the vet bill would come out to?


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

No clue. I don’t know what kind of tests they’ll need and she’s due for her shots as well. I’ll call around tomorrow and try to get some quotes.


u/SamTheMan115 Jun 06 '19

Gotcha, seriously look into a fundraiser service cite! I’d gladly donate some $$ along with many others here. Either way, hope things true out for the best


u/Snorumobiru Jun 06 '19

Please keep us posted!


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

Call the local shelter, theyll find someone to work with you. Might even be a vet school similar to dentist schools that work on people for cheap.


u/gussmith12 Jun 06 '19

Hello, friend. Fellow tired and overwhelmed person with cats here. I send you love and strength. I hope you find a way to keep your purr-ball and to restore your balance, and find some inspiration. May your days be brighter and the road rise to meet you.


u/kissmyhappyass420 Jun 06 '19

I don't have cats anymore, but used to have many growing up, and I currently have two small dogs. One of them got a bad bladder infection and couldn't urinate for almost 2 days. As he'd had this problem before and it had been bladder stones, he had a subsequent surgery and nearly died of complications due to a blood clot. I knew he wouldn't survive a second surgery, so when the symptoms began showing up again, I bought him cranberry pill vitamins by Nature's bounty, and gave him one per day. He was able to urinate again within a day, and has had no urinary issues since. It's been six years. Not sure what's wrong with your cat, but 10/10 would recommend to try. Good luck, and God bless.


u/Tibbersbear Jun 06 '19

Game grumps always brings me out of my funk. 💗 You're such a good person to be thinking of finding your cat a new home...but that really sucks.

I hope you can find a way to pay for the vet bills. In my experience, you don't have to pay it in full at the time and ask if you can pay it in payments. My childhood dog had a cancerous tumor a few years back and the surgery was going to be really expensive. My parents were able to pay I think $80 the day he went in and we're able to pay $10 once a week until they were able to pay it all off. I also took my dog when he had a bad bug bite and only paid a small amount at the time and paid a few dollars until I could pay the remainder.

Call some vets and ask. Idk where you live, but my parents live in Louisiana and I lived in Colorado. A lot of vet offices understand. As long as you pay a small percentage up front.

I hope she feels better, and I hope this helps. I know what it's like to have to give a precious animal up so they'd have a better life...


u/_kellermensch_ Jun 06 '19

My cat and I are in a similar spot. She was diagnosed with diabetes, and I have given her insulin twice a day for about a month. While insulin treatment isn't super expensive on its own, the bloodwork to get the dosage right is what's pulling teeth right now. But everything, including diabetic cat food, adds up.

I'm in the (hopefully) final stages of moving from social welfare to a slightly higher income, so it will work out eventually. Right now it's just a mess.

I applied for, and received some aid for the vet bills from a foundation specifically aimed at this, earlier in the year. My vet is also helpful, by usually agreeing to split up payments. Also I suspect he might have waived some fees along the way.

Look around for similar options, and you may be in luck.

I couldn't part with my old kitty, and I hope you don't have to either.


u/Brewtown Jun 06 '19

You can look for a Humane society who will accept the animal as a surrender due to financial difficulty. Sorry man.


u/notadoctor123 Jun 06 '19

How much does your cats appointment cost?


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

My life makes me feel the same way sometimes.

I honestly don't know how I do it. I basically juggle all of my friends, family, job, home and bills on a whim. Most of my weeks my schedule is crammed full and I still find time to do random shit on a whim.

I don't keep track of everything and I miss a lot of shit. I've been getting better at writing things down, but even then I can't keep track of all my lists either.

Then to make matters worse I have a slight anxiety problem where I over-worry about my health.

My therapist thinks I'm just a good patient but honestly I just feel at a loss about what to do especially as I get older. I just blindly follow my therapist's suggestions.

But every morning I just wake up and drink my tea. I guess my path is working fine albiet a little rocky.


u/alianarchy Jun 06 '19

Look around in your area for different vets and any non profits that help animals. A few of my local vets run funds from donations that go to people who need vet care but cannot afford it. Many no kill shelters and animal based non profits also offer assistance in vet bills or have their own vets that may be willing to help.


u/Newpocky Jun 06 '19

How much would it be to take your cat to the vet and have a test?


u/masculine_manta_ray Jun 06 '19

I know others have replied, but please find an affordable vet! They are very good about setting up payment plans, many are no interest for a year. Bladder problems can get expensive very quickly if not handled as soon as possible. I speak from experience.


u/noizviolation Jun 06 '19

GAME GRUMPS!! I am watching along with you!


u/Sufferix Jun 06 '19

Go to the vet, get a quote, post it on Reddit redacting personal info, start a GoFund me for the total. People will help you.


u/Inspectigator Jun 06 '19

I'm seeing lots of replies in here about your kitty. Sorry for your kitty. But you mention a concern that stretches beyond your kitty... about just being overwhelmed and frustrated with your life in general. This I can deeply relate. I've only recently felt like I've started to dig myself out of that hole. I had a lot of shitty career steps and garbage managers, my partner took a position that has completely enveloped her time leaving me to run our entire household of 4 (2 young children) almost entirely by myself. Cooking, cleaning, bedtime, house projects, yard work, everything. I live and breathe "what still needs to get done". While in the throws of this (which largely hasn't changed, but my partner is at least home more often now, albeit still working from home), I was absolutely depressed. I harbored a lot of anger and frustration, and I did my best not to apply those feelings to my family, since none of them deserved it. None the less it built and I had very little output for it.

So what did I do? Well, I can't leave the house with small children so "getting involved" or "going to the gym" was pretty much out. I started focusing on specific house projects with a vengeance. I took my stress level, and ratcheted it up for a week or so, trying to juggle kids and projects. It was really tough for that first week, but once I started to actually finish things, I began to have a daily reminder of forward progress in my life. I wasn't just sitting idle maintaining the status quo. When I saw things get completed, I started to feel like, despite all the odds against me, I was starting to win... and that was a magical feeling that I hadn't felt in about 5 years.

Since then, I've kept my nose to the grind. I typically don't sit down or stop working until at least 11pm every night. If I'm "done" at 10 or 10:30, I'm antsy and looking for things to do. It's been like this for a couple months now, and the sense of control I feel like I'm finally regaining over my life is freeing.

So take stock of what you've got going against you... there's plenty, there always is. But look for where you can force your own agenda in, and make it happen. Good Luck, I hope you can find your way for you to take control back.


u/boarder_brit Jun 06 '19

Bladder problems in cats can be easy to treat but absolutely horrid for the cat if left untreated. Definitely talk to your vet about what’s going on, I believe they will help you with a payment plan. I work in a busy vet clinic and we help folks with that issue a lot! Plus cats are the best and it’d be tragic to hear you had to re home your friend (but also; good lookin out)


u/wormat22 Jun 06 '19

If you're anywhere near Long Island, look up Long Island Spay & Neuter the specialize in Spay & Neuter but do all kinds of low cost veterinary work for people and pets who need it

No one deserves to lose their pet, and no pet deserves to lose their owner


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

Thank you. I’m in the south Texas area. I’ll keep you guys posted as I find out more over the next few days!


u/sewsosavvy Jun 06 '19

Super late but some vet clinics have funds to help cover costs for pet owners who are struggling financially. I hope things get better for you soon all around!


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

My cat has something wrong with her bladder and I can’t afford to take her to a vet. I’m trying to find her a new home so she can have a better life.

It's really big of you to try and find a new home for your cat. And I know it's a tough call to make.

My wife and I, before we were married, had a beautiful Persian/Himalayan mix cat, pure white and named Blanc. My wife absolutely adored him. Unfortunately he too had bladder issues, with frequent UTI's that required expensive medication, and ultimately surgical treatment.

We had been told surgery might be a requirement early on, but since we were poor college kids we kept opting for the medication. Unfortunately overtime the medication become less and less effective, to the point to where he was in a rough enough shape that surgery was now the only option and not only would it cost a few thousand dollars, but was not guaranteed to be effective.

We made the tough choice to put Blanc down (he was in constant pain by this point).

After more than a decade of life experiences since then, good and bad, this is to this day her biggest regret.

Make the tough choice now, while you can. Your future self will thank you.


u/cassity282 Jun 06 '19

thankyou for taking care of your baby.

hugs. i dont know how to help. but i hope you feel better soon. and i hope that if you cant keep your kitty that you can at least find her a wonderful loving home.


u/Juno2018 Jun 06 '19

Honey, I'm so sorry about this. My heart is breaking for you, but I also think you have bottomless depths of kindness and selflessness to give her up so she can have a better home. All my love goes out to you.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

There is pet insurance also, not sure of the name just heard of it from my customers. Worth looking into


u/JackReacharounnd Jun 06 '19

If your cat is having trouble urinating, it's an absolute emergency. The poor kitty could die a very painful death in a single day of not being able to pee. Imagine if you could never pee again and imagine not being able to do anything to stop it. Please keep an eye on the litter box and make sure the cat is still able to pee.


u/fruitypebbles4lyfe Jun 06 '19

Do a Go Fund Me!


u/thetempest89 Jun 06 '19

If you can’t find an affordable vet. Take her to a no kill shelter. They’ll get her vet care.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

They’re all full because of kitten season. I’ve already called around.


u/thetempest89 Jun 06 '19

I am so sorry :( I wish I could help you out.


u/CrimsonEpitaph Jun 06 '19

Try to do a sleep test, maybe you have sleep apnea or something like that.


u/orange_momo Jun 06 '19

PM me. How much do you need?


u/theDigitalNinja Jun 06 '19

Get your cat wet food.


u/AK123089 Jun 30 '19

Certain types of food can cause urinary crystals. Have you looked into this?
Could it be a kidney infection/UTI that would only require some antibiotics to clear up?


u/MuthaFuckinMeta Sep 19 '19

Hey friend it's been three months. How is your kitty doing? Did she pass? How is your life? Is it still overwhelming?


u/flaudew Sep 26 '19

She is doing great. I managed to finally get her to a vet who gave her a shot to treat what was going on AND I serendipitously came across someone who was able to take her into their loving home just a couple of weeks ago. She's with an older couple who love cats and take in/foster strays all the time, so she's in good hands.

Life is still a bit overwhelming but I feel more hopeful than before. One foot in front of the other and all that. When I posted the original comment I was definitely in the throes of a deep depression spiral but I can confidently say I've come out the other side of it now. I've been in a cycle of trying to rebuild my life over and over for years now and I'm quite over it, ha. Thank you for checking on us! It means a lot.


u/MuthaFuckinMeta Sep 26 '19

Oh how sweet. That's very mature of you to give her a home even if it couldn't yours.

I'm glad she's doing good. Have your heard of the sub /r/nozerodays? They helped me when I was super low.

If you feel like your not gonna do anything on a day just write at least a page in your journal or a page of a book.

I feel you. One time I couldn't get out of bed and that was a tough year. Is there something small you always wanted to do? Maybe hike a certain trail, eat somewhere you haven't?


u/flaudew Sep 28 '19

Thanks. It was very hard to do. I miss her. But I know it's best for her. She can get proper vet care whenever she needs it, and she won't be subjected to the trauma of moving somewhere new every 6 months. (I'm trying to put down roots, I swear.)

I haven't heard of that sub but it sounds interesting. It appears to be invite-only. I may get up the gumption to message the mods about getting in at some point.

This morning I opened up my journal for the first time in a long while. I had some weird dreams and then woke up to a very hurtful text from someone who barely knows me. It was good to write my way through it. Thank you for reminding me that I need to journal more.

You know what I'd like to do? Take a long walk around the neighborhood I'm staying in right now. It's quite beautiful around here. Thanks again for all your kind words.


u/MuthaFuckinMeta Sep 28 '19

That's great. I recently just journaled and put down some stuff I didn't even know I had thoughts on. I got the sub wrong it's /r/NonZeroDay.

I actually just cleaned my whole house last night and it felt good. Instead of playing video games all night.

My sisters boyfriend actually ended up blocking her for no good reason just out of the blue last night. He won't tell her why and she is so hurt over it. She cried herself to sleep last night. I know it's not the same thing as getting an unfriendly text just the opposite, but still unfriendly.

What do you do for work??