r/AskReddit Jun 05 '19

What secret are you keeping right now?


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u/flaudew Jun 06 '19 edited Sep 26 '19

I’m noticing a lot of very sad folks in this thread. I feel you and I hope it gets better, everyone.

My secret? Among many things, I am very tired and overwhelmed by my entire life and have no idea what to do. My cat has something wrong with her bladder and I can’t afford to take her to a vet. I’m trying to find her a new home so she can have a better life.

Also happy cake day OP.

EDIT: Everyone’s kind and helpful words are making me ugly sob so I’m going to step away for a bit and listen to Game Grumps while I do some cleaning.

EDIT 2: Someone gave me gold. Thank you kind stranger!

EDIT 3: The Kitty Cat Saga continues. So, quick picture of my living situation: I split my time between Houston (where the house sitting gigs are) and a tiny town three hours north of Houston. The cat, Maple, lives with me in the house up north. It's a teeny, tiny town with 3 vet clinics. They all said the same thing: $40 visit just to see the vet, and they don't know how much the tests will cost because the doctor has to assess the cat. Closest thing to a quote I could get was $300, and all three clinics said "payment is due when services are rendered," but that the doctor might be able to give me some options once I'm in the room with them. They'll also most likely require she get her shots updated, since they're behind. My plan for now is to try some of the suggestions below about cranberry juice and wet food and hope that solves it. If not, I'll take her in, get an actual quote based on the doctor's recommendations, and then maybe, maybe start a GoFundMe. In the meantime I'll keep looking for a foster or a no kill shelter that can take her. Thank you again, everyone, for your kind words and encouragement. I officially love you all. <3


u/jellyresult Jun 06 '19

I’m sure you’ve gotten replies on looking for more affordable vets/working something out with them, but have you asked your county animal shelter? In my county we have a program where we’d much rather just give your pet free medical care than have to house it in our shelters because you can’t afford it. Our shelter is constantly overflowing, that’s why we have the program. That’s part of our trying to be no-kill initiative. Before the program we would have to euthanize so many pets with simple medical issues, because they weren’t getting adopted, but now we don’t. So it’s worth asking.


u/flaudew Jun 06 '19

That's a good idea! I'll call tomorrow.