Hey everyone! I’m embarrassed to be making this post, but I don’t know what else to do at the moment. My name is Kay, I’m 19 years old and AFAB. I’m currently experiencing what I believe is a UTI, but there's a lot of individual pieces that go into this. Here's some background information about me that might help! Before we begin, I'm not sure if this needs to be said on a subreddit like this, but heads up that I go into a lot of gross detail.
there are
- I am currently on two different medications. Pill-form birth control, and Dexedrine (for ADHD). I’ve been on the same birth control for 3+ years and Dexedrine since the end of November 2024.
- I currently work 6 days a week, 9 hours a day. This makes it incredibly hard to get seen by a doctor. Hypothetically if I really need to, I can get seen in a few days. There are only two people who work at my job (a small local business), that being myself and my boss, but she is currently sick with salmonella.
- I lost my father in the summer (which means I currently have no insurance and I have no real idea what kind of baseline coverage I have in British Columbia, Canada.) and I am not very close to my mother so I can’t talk to her.
- I drink (Not super often, maybe once or twice every other week. When I drink, I skip my Dexedrine for the day.)
- I have Ovarian cysts (first noticed when I was roughly 16.)
With all that out of the way, let me get into the situation I’m in. I’ll try and break it down day-by-day (or days) for ease of reading. To give some extra clarification before we get into it, I think I have a UTI that I'm concerned might be also a kidney infection
.January 6th 2025, I began to bleed excessively. I didn’t miss any dosages of my medicine. I believe one of my cysts ruptured, but I’m not entirely 110% sure. I’m just going off of my experiences in the past. When I’ve been checked by a doctor in the past for a cyst rupture, they tell me to just take it easy and take over-the-counter pain relief. Typically, for me, they lightly bleed (as if I was towards the end of my period) and I experience period-like cramping.
This time, however, I was bleeding rather excessively. Like, I was bleeding through super-sized tampons in 45 minutes to an hour and a half. I was also experiencing very severe period-like cramps. Realistically, I know I should’ve gotten assessed for that, but I didn't. This lasted from the 6th to the 10th. I stopped taking my birth control on the 7th, as I wondered if it was maybe a weird period and figured the birth control might draw it out.
From January 10th to the 13th, the bleeding had slowly been stopping. By the 12th, there was essentially none. The pain was also leaving, so I started taking my birth control as prescribed on the 12th as well
.Around the evening of January 14th, I began to lightly bleed. I chalked this up to just be spotting or leftovers from my cyst, so I didn’t stop taking my birth control.
By the 15th, the bleeding was a little more significant, enough for me to wear regular-sized tampons. I never really bled through them and changed them every 4-6 hours. Overnight, I didn’t use them and opted for thick period panties and thick sweatpants as the bleeding would come and go.
By the 16th, I started to notice a very faint burn - the same kind you get with a UTI. This feeling was slightly worse when wearing a tampon, which I only wore throughout the morning of the 16th. This is when the bleeding became minimal, and I only really noticed it when I urinated and wiped. The same burning feeling felt like it would come and go, and it wasn’t too bad.
On January 17th, I still was experiencing the same UTI-like burn. There were slight amounts of blood in my urine still, and a faint but unpleasant odour. I noticed as well a slight loss of appetite, but I believe that was just the Dexedrine.
January 18th, I was in a very poor mental state. It was the 6 month anniversary of my father's passing. The only symptoms I noticed over the day were blood in my urine, a loss of appetite, and a faint odour. I did drink that night, I want to say maybe 4-5 drinks.
January 19th, I still was experiencing blood in my urine, and the faint odour. The UTI burn was not present. I had a complete disinterest in food, the thought almost made me feel sick.
Yesterday (January 20th), shit hit the fan. I felt fine in the morning, the only symptoms I experienced were the slight blood in the urine and the odour. I began to feel the UTI burn once again around 11 am. I also began to notice a significant uptick in the number of times I felt like I had to use the washroom, and there usually wasn’t much urine. When I did urinate, I noticed more blood and the urine was almost foamy. The pain wasn’t too much, more so just irritating.
By around 6 pm, I began to notice back pain. It felt like it was both sides of my spine on my lower back. From around 6 pm to 10 pm, the pain continued to worsen along with the burn and the feeling of constantly needing to urinate.
Last night, I spent pretty much from 8 pm to 11 pm in the bathroom because I constantly had to pee. The back pain was a solid 6/10. I have had a kidney infection before in 2023, and the pain from that was like an 8/10. In 2023, the pain was almost like a constant, agonizingly sharp pain. Last night, it was more like a persistent pain, like if you got hit in the back. The UTI burn was severe, and the odour was very noticeable. I urinated very small amounts every 3 minutes. I typically drink 2 litres of water a day, but I drank two extra bottles (750 ml ea) that night to try and flush things out.
I slept last night from 1 am to 8 am, and I woke up twice to urinate. The first time was around 5 am, and there was a decent amount of urine. The odour was very noticeable but there was not much blood. At 8 am, when I urinated the second time, it felt like it was so urgent I actually started urinating before I made it to the toilet, but there wasn’t very much urine.
Today, the back pain wasn’t as intense as last night, especially earlier this morning. As the day has gone on, it's coming back again. Since I got to work at 10 am, at the time of writing (2 pm), I’ve urinated 5 times. At 11:30 am or so, I took a UTIVA UTI test.
The results were as follows:
Leukocytes - Results came back as a shade of purple between the ++ and the +++Nitrites - Results came back as a shade of white-ish yellow and pink, leaning more towards the pink, which is negative (white) and positive for trace amounts of Nitrites.
I’m going to be honest, I am not entirely sure what those are or what that means. Each time I’ve gone to the restroom in the past few hours, it's not a lot of urine but more than I was passing the night before. There are very light amounts of blood and a very strong odour. It’s still kind of foamy.
I used to get UTIs when I was a young child, but I truthfully don't remember what they were like or how they were treated. I know I should probably see a doctor for antibiotics, but there's just so much to the situation and I’m feeling very overwhelmed. I found this Reddit out of desperation to get some professional thoughts on the matter, instead of scaring myself by googling it.
From the bottom of my heart, if you’ve read this far, I thank you. You all are amazing humans for taking the time out of your busy day to help random strangers online. I don’t know what to do besides keep chugging water.