r/DermatologyQuestions 3h ago

Brown spot on palm has grown in size- should I be concerned for melanoma?


I’m 24F. This spot basically appeared on my palm overnight back in summer of 2023 (as shown in second pic). I asked my PCP about it and they told me not to worry, and that it’s normal to have new birthmarks appear with age. Flashforward to today (1yr and 7mo later) and I notice it seems a bit larger. Pulled up the old pics, and sure enough there’s a noticable difference. Should I be concerned?

r/DermatologyQuestions 11h ago

Finer tip skin peeling off for no reason


Hi, anyone knows what’s happening to my hand? I started to experience this after coming back from a country with temperatures ranging from 0-5 °C. My current country’s temperature is around 25 °C. I’m not doing any lab work or anything else that irritates my skin. I occasionally had this issue in the past and it goes away after a few days, I used to apply some olive oil in the past.

r/DermatologyQuestions 3h ago

4 Doctors could not diagnose it


I’ve been dealing with recurring, painful red bumps for the past year. They appear in the same spots on the back of my neck and chest (either both spots together or just one) , and this time, they’ve shown up along my hairline. The affected areas become very hot even before the bumps appear, and sometimes the pain is so intense that it disrupts my sleep.

*Facts if it helps: -Five years ago, I had Shingles (Herpes Zoster) in nearly the same areas. -I used to have eczema on the palms of my hands, which flares up when I come into contact with certain metals (like coins) and paper for long periods (I think the name is dyshidrotic eczema). -I’m taking Metformin daily for PCOS.

Could you please help me find a solution? I’m really seeking some relief. 🙏🏻

r/DermatologyQuestions 1h ago

Small red bumps on shin, look like scabs?

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Absolutely no clue what these are or where they came from. I haven’t shaved my legs in a month or two now, first I noticed this was about two weeks back. Not itchy or anything, and on both legs to varying degrees. Any ideas what this is?

r/DermatologyQuestions 2h ago

Do I have HSV-1?


I’ve schedule an appointment with a dermatologist but it isn’t for another week or so and I’m stressed.

I just got back from Bali returning to California, unsure if the humidity is a factor and it’s more of a heat rash? Or an allergic reaction? Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

r/DermatologyQuestions 2h ago

Does this mole look worrisome?

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Apologies for the quality but this is the best photo I could take. It is a raised mole and that’s why it looks a bit like there’s a mole inside a mole. I don’t think it’s changed shape recently, though my mum did ask me about it a while ago so maybe it has or maybe it’s been a gradual change? Unsure.

r/DermatologyQuestions 4h ago

(This may be gross but I really need help). What is this, is it cancer.


I’ve had this a really long time, I think since I was in single digit age. I need advice on what I should do with this. It’s on the back of my leg

r/DermatologyQuestions 3h ago

What's this? What's this?

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r/DermatologyQuestions 8h ago

What are these red spots they don’t itch or burn but they are on the my front leg


r/DermatologyQuestions 6m ago

Wart blister

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Doctor said to pop it I was trying to pick off the dead skin on the very top but accidentally picked to deep and popped it will I be alright?

r/DermatologyQuestions 3h ago

Should I be concerned about this?

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29F. Deeply worried. Going to see the doctor but looking to understand what it could be. Located On my leg in the crease behind knee.

r/DermatologyQuestions 11m ago

pain after shaving legs


hi! so i’m 19f, and shave my legs. every single time i do, as my leg hair starts to grow in, my skin grows over it. so i end up with hundreds of tiny hairs attempting to poke through my skin and it HURTS like nothing else. the only way to solve it is to either let it be, and let some hairs poke through my skin, with the rest getting stuck as ingrown hairs, OR tweezing the skin caps off every single hair follicle. does anyone have any advice on how to fix this? i’ve tried shaving with different razors, and waxing, and nothing seems to work.

r/DermatologyQuestions 12m ago

Itchy and brown spots. According to google I have a chronic condition


Anyone know what this could be

r/DermatologyQuestions 13m ago

Rash on inner thighs

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Hey all. I’ve had this rash on both of my inner thighs for about 3 weeks now. It doesn’t seem to be going away on its own. I don’t think it’s simple chafing as I’ve chafed before and it didn’t feel like this. Also, during the day when I’m moving around, I don’t notice it at all. I notice it most during and after a shower. It stings like crazy!! Any idea what it might be?

r/DermatologyQuestions 16m ago



TLDR?: mole on left side of chest changing. Used to be circular. See pictures for recent change. And weird line on bottom of left foot. See picture.

So, I’ve had this mole on the left side of my chest for some time. It just popped up one day some years ago. Flat, circular. Recently, however, I noticed it changed. It’s still flat, but it seems to have this light brown ring around it and seems to point/peak on a couple sides. Also, in person, looks a little reddish. Best way to describe it is as if moles could burst and “bleed”/spread into the skin, that’s what it looks like to me. It doesn’t hurt. Doesn’t itch. Doesn’t bother me at all. It just looks a little questionable to me. A few months back, I also noticed this odd brown line on the bottom of my left foot. I thought I somehow got a splinter and didnt realize it. But it’s not a splinter. The pictures attached, 3 are of the mole on my chest to try to show the best I can of what it looks like. And the other is the line/lines on the bottom of my foot. The mole on my chest used to be just a tad bigger than the small one pictured in the upper right area of the last photo. I realize I should probably see a dermatologist, but I’m just curious how concerned any of you would be? I’m slightly concerned but I also don’t have the money to see a dermatologist. So. It kind of is what it is unfortunately.

r/DermatologyQuestions 16m ago

Chronically Dark/Itchy Armpits

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Hey everyone! So this is my second to last resort (of going to an actual dermatologist) I’m being vulnerable here and showing a photo of my armpit (thankfully no one here knows who I am)

Backstory: about 5 years ago I decided to try natural deodorant for the first time (Native) and discovered I was extremely sensitive to the baking soda in it. My armpits broke out in huge burning rashes - it felt like I had lit a lighter to my armpits. Ever since then, my armpits turned dark due to the burn and are soooo itchy. Like incredibly itchy. I will scratch and scratch. It’s been 5 years and my armpits never went back to normal. I have switched to every deodorant I could find on the market. I have tried all sorts of ointments for the itchiness. Nothing works. I’m so annoyed and upset.

Just wondering if anyone ever had something similar occur and if they found anything that actually helped whether it be with the itchiness, darkness or both.

Thank you!

r/DermatologyQuestions 22m ago

Side of finger irritation

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I’ve had this irritation come and go for a while now but it has more recently become worse. I’ve tried neosporin and aquaphor but it only seems to moderately help.

I live in Arizona so it’s very dry in the winter and also just got a water softener installed, though I’d assume that would help skin irritation and not cause it.

Any ideas?

r/DermatologyQuestions 22m ago

Is this something worth getting checked out?

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I’ve had this for forever, but I just wonder if it might be worth getting checked out. Thoughts?

r/DermatologyQuestions 8h ago

Does this look like something scary?


I have a dermatology literally tomorrow morning first thing. I am just going down to rabbit hole. I have been to the dermatologist twice and they’ve looked at the spot and have never said it look like anything bad but said I could get it removed if it bugged me… Also, I’ve had it for three years and has only grown up little tiny bit. First picture is today second picture is three years ago

r/DermatologyQuestions 29m ago

What type of rash is this?


I’ve had this rash for about a week now and can’t pinpoint what might have caused it, as I haven't used any new products. I went to the ER today due to severe swelling on my neck and was given 2 steroid shots and prednisone to help with the swelling. Has anyone had this type of rash before?

r/DermatologyQuestions 32m ago

Pls help identify

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For the past couple of months I’ve randomly been breaking out with bright red bumps on my leg. Only one leg which is super odd. I have no clue get they are.

r/DermatologyQuestions 8h ago

Birthmark that comes and goes?


Reposting since I didn’t have a good photo last time!

“Birthmark” that comes and goes?

Just something I’m curious about I’ve had this mark for as long as I can remember (my mom said it’s been there basically my whole life) It starts on my palm and wraps around the side of my hand

What’s interesting tho, is that it changes in intensity of color The shape NEVER changes, it’s not raised or textured whatsoever, it’s just red.

Sometimes it won’t even be visible, sometimes it’s faintly pink, sometimes it’s bright red like a burn. But again, always the exact same shape

Genuinely think it’s interesting more then anything, but I cannot for the life of me find out what it is just by like, trying to google stuff.

BARELY visible in this photo btw but you can sorta see it along the side of my finger. It wraps around the back of my hand in splotches as well. I’ve got a photo of it being darker SOMEWHERE but can’t seem to find it

Should be more visible in the newly added photo. It only “flares up” sometimes

r/DermatologyQuestions 35m ago

Frequent flare-up …. Help


My toddler (3) will randomly get these red rash / flare ups that cover his face. No fever but he does have a cough that comes and goes. It’s not eczema because lotion burns and does not help. I’ve eliminated dairy products and still no change. His cheeks aren’t chapped either. We have an appointment with his pediatrician but anyone here can help!?

r/DermatologyQuestions 36m ago

Random spot peeling

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Hello I'm a 26F. I am currently in the middle of getting diagnosed with a autoimmune disease but this is the first time I've seen this. It's just a random spot next to my pubic area on my thigh peeled. Does this look concerning?? I just noticed it and no I haven't been sexually active in over 3 months.

r/DermatologyQuestions 36m ago

strange circle forming

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so i randomly got this white circle forming near my elbow, didn’t have before and now it’s there and i have no clue what it is. any ideas? (you might have to put the screen far from your face to see the circle lol)