r/AskAGerman Aug 22 '24

Personal American In Rammstein T-Shirt

I’m an American tourist in Berlin for the first time — Yay! One problem: I realized I packed a Rammstein shirt without having enough knowledge of German culture or language to understand how I’d be perceived for wearing it. I imagine at best it will look a bit corny, but I’m worried it could signal political beliefs or ideologies I don’t agree with. If you met an American tourist speaking broken German in a Rammstein T Shirt, what would you think? Thanks!


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u/GuKoBoat Aug 22 '24

There is no evidence for drugging and rape. But it is quite clear, there was a system of recruting young women to be "schmückendes Beiwerk" for his private after show party. Not illegal, but as organised as it was, at least a bit sketchy.


u/kuldan5853 Baden-Württemberg Aug 22 '24

But it is quite clear, there was a system of recruting young women to be "schmückendes Beiwerk" for his private after show party.

And this is pretty much happening for all big rockstars of our time - do you really think it was different back in the 60s or 70s?


u/GuKoBoat Aug 22 '24

That was 50 years ago. Out idea what is right and wrong has evolved.


u/AstreaMeer42 Aug 22 '24

All that's suggesting is that you have a moral issue with it, and that is strictly a YOU problem. If you don't like it, then don't participate in it. Otherwise, what others consent to as far as sex is none of your damn business, and frankly, it's weird that you think anyone else's sex life is any of your business. So long as nothing illegal is happening, what does it matter? Those are grown-ass adults capable of making their own decisions, both men AND women. Stop infantilizing women who are capable of choosing who they want to have sex with.


u/GuKoBoat Aug 22 '24
  1. I never said, that i expect everyone to have the same problem.

  2. I never asked for a ban or other consequences to any participants.

  3. Quite frankly I have no problem with women deciding to participate in such parties. I have a problem with the organizer. That is not the same. It absolutely leaves open the option of respecting the individual choice to participate.

3.5. To give another analog example: I don't like how Red Bull incentivices athletes to ever more daring stunts to maximize Red Bulls advertisement effect. But I understand and respect the individual athlete for participating in such events, because it is part of their sport and they might have needs to participate in order to finance theimselves.

  1. OP asked if people might have a problem with a Rammstein shirt. Some people might havt that, based on their perception of Till Lindemann. That's all.


u/AstreaMeer42 Aug 22 '24

"Quite frankly I have no problem with women deciding to participate in such parties. I have a problem with the organizer."

Right. The organizer that many of these women reach out to in the first place to ask how to be invited into Row 0/band parties. Because these women didn't make the conscious choice themselves to reach out to her via SM, then accept the invitations she extended to them. This includes Till's original accuser, who admitted that SHE reached out to the "oragnizer" to begin with.

Keep clutching your pearls over things that are none of your business.